TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

45. After Party!

339 16 31
By AprilsSmile

Hey Readers!

Hurraahhh!!! 5.01K views.

Thanks for reading and loving my novel!

It took me longer than a while to finish this chapter.

Hope you enjoy it!

-A.S. Styles^^


Tankhun's POV:

Our dance battle began. My chest tighten with excitement as I was going to do something like this for the very first time. I glanced around as our audience seems to be doubled. Finally, I found Arm. He was standing beside my little cousin, Macau.

Miss Dramatic danced on the first song and didn't even give her hundred percent. Is she doing it on purpose? Maybe it's her strategy to make me tired and then win the chain again. Hah! As if I let her win!

I danced on the second song.  Not only she looked impressed, she seems to enjoyed it.

I looked around and saw a familiar lean figure jumping through the crowd, coming all the way to the first line. Porsche looked over the dance floor and stopped at once as soon as he saw me. Then the clan leader appears like a furious lion and grabbed Porsche's arm. Well, it took Kinn some time to find out that Porsche was missing. Hehe

When he noticed how easily Porsche was repressed, and not even fighting back, he looked in his vision line and his wide mouth half opened to see me. Hi! I gave him a lopsided smile.

Big appeared and stand beside Kinn and looked around. His eyes paused at me. But he didn't look as surprised as the other two. Tsk.

Then my psycho cousin enters with Pete who was trying to hold him back like always. Vegas looked around and his dark eyes narrowed to where his little brother Macau standing.

I also found my little brother on the front line. Kim was standing with Macau who gave him an unpleasant glare. Chay moved to stand between them while giggling in excitement.

Now that half the Theerapanyakul clan is here... Where is Dad and Chan... or the kitchen lady???

I ignored them and turned to focus on my opponent who seems to be telling DJ to play the song again. Is she trying to cheat as I was not paying attention!?

The song started. I heard a familiar tune.

She put on her shirt and began to move her body.

"How do you fall in love?

Harder than a bullet could hit you

How do we fall apart?

Faster than a hairpin trigger"

She danced like a wind, a savage wind as she shot at me with her finger gun matching the beat. Momentarily, I forgot how to blink. She was not doing much but the way she was moving like a river, it was pleasant to watch.

She smudged her lipstick and I chuckle to see that. She even makes that silly accident a part of her dance. Smarty!

When the song was about to end, she came forward and stood in front of me. She put that scarlet lipstick on her lips, while keeping her eyes on me. Well, if I was wearing my glasses, I took her using them as a mirror or something. But right now, she looked into my charming eyes, my lips parted unconsciously, my heart went crazy then she just smiled and walked away, breaking the spell that she fleetingly put on me. Without my consent!

Hold on! Did she freaking use my eyes as a mirror!?

Thank heavens my beautiful Amy is not here to see me like this. That would be a hella misunderstanding.

I glanced behind her to find Porsche recording a video, Kinn seems to be lost in some thought while Big just made a bored face. Well, he didn't see what I saw!

Macau seems to have forgotten how to close his damn mouth. I don't blame him. Vegas looked at the dramatic girl named Sammy with a frowny face mixed with anger.

Does he know her? Well, I heard she's from the same college as me so maybe my cousin knows her or something. Anyway, it was my turn now. I danced on the Pink Venom. I know the song because my Pol boy was a huge fan of BLACKPINK and the idol Lisa. And she laughed too hard enjoying my jovial performance.

When the woman song played the audience went crazy and she glared at DJ for playing this kind of songs for her. Haha, she's cute.

And when the BTBT played she started to dance again. I wanted to say 'excuse me, it's supposed to be my turn...' but I chose not to. I think she it's her favorite song so I allow her to shine some more. Now she's giving more than a hundred percent, giving to that she half-inch my turn as well, haha.

Somehow, we ended up dancing together. Well, I like duet performances too. I glanced at her arm covered with bandana. Is that a new fashion or something? Soon, I get the answer when she tried to hide it from me! No, it has nothing to do with fashion.

I saw something shining on her first finger. The ultra-thin ring caught my eyes, and my heart stopped for a split second. I looked at her face and she backed away... from me.


Everyone laughed when DJ told her she danced for no good reason. I'm sure, she wanted to hit that damn DJ to mention it when the song ends. 

It was my turn and I just let the crazy Tankhun out for everyone's eyes to see. I danced at Mommae. Everyone was hooting hard for me. Yeah, I know, I'm the winner of this battle. But right now, winning doesn't matter as I found a thousandth times preferable prize.

"Ladies and gentlemen! He's the winner." She yelled loudly and ran away... again!

I wanted to run after her but my brothers and cousins are here. I noticed that Macau and Pete were not here anymore and Vegas was going in the same direction where she disappeared.

I looked at Arm and raised my left hand, on which I was wearing the rose gold ring. Actually, I was wearing it since the day I bought it. Now it is close to my heart. I blinked once to signal and his eyes widened a little. In a second, he turned on his heel and left to catch her.

The battle ended. I won!

Kinn was looking as both Vegas and Pete leaving our sides. Porsche took the chance to run away. When my brother noticed that he growled, beside him two girls jump on their place. Pfft.

When both Kinn and Big left, I took my reward, the golden chain and went back to Pol.


Vegas's POV:

Pete goes after Macau when he signals something to that specific impossible girl for a sister and runs away with his friends.

I saw her checking her cell phone. Wait! where did she get that?

She declares her defeat and dashed out at once. What is going on? I left the crowd but couldn't find her anywhere. 

Why is she so good at running!? I growled inside.


Arm's POV:

No way!

There's no way in the hell that Khun was right!

I left the huge circle of crowd as soon as I get the silent signal from Khun. I tried to look around and saw Khun Vegas half running while looking around too. Maybe he's trying to find his brother who ran away earlier.

I took out my cell phone and call.

"Hello Big?"


"I just saw Khun Kinn. Where are you?"

[Near the battle area. I just saw Khun dancing with a stupid blue haired girl.]

I can swear that he was smiling.

"Really! I saw Khun Kinn near the dance floor too... anyway that stupid blue haired girl was her. That was Amy!"



[Are you kidding me?!?]

He sounds displeased for some reason.

"No! Listen, I need help. She left hurriedly and now I can't seem to find her."

[We're chasing Porsche. Damn him! I looked for her. Call me if you find her first.]

He hung up on me. Why does he sound impatient!?  Never mind, I ignored him and started walking again. I saw Macau buying food. He asked for two servings as parcel. But that's not important right now.

Arm focus!


Kinn's POV:

I am angry as hell. How dare he run away from me? Why is he even doing that? Like we didn't live in the same house. I growled loudly as I lost the sight of him. He took a turn and disappeared.

I stopped and put my hands on my waist while looking around. I won't easily forgive him to make me run after him in a place like this. I was seeing red everywhere and didn't realize when a girl bumped into me.

I looked down.

She looked up.

She was the same black-tears girl who tried to woo my crazy brother with her alluring dance move. No matter how good her performance was, I don't like people like her who use this kind of move to get the attention.

"Sorry Sir."

I was staring down at her, when I heard a little voice.


I tilted my head to look closely at her face but she left immediately. Now watching her retreating back, I'm having second thoughts. Maybe I misjudged her!

For a second, I forgot what I was doing here when someone hit on my shoulder.

"Why were you staring at her?" Porsche asked.

Hah when I followed him, he ran away now that I stopped looking for him, he appeared on his own.

"She looks familiar..." I replied.

"Yeah, we saw her on the dance floor." He laughed a little, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"So now you decide to stop running away?" I asked in a deep voice.

"I was happy to see you having fun while trying to catch me." He grinned.

"I wasn't having fun. I was angry." I growled.

"Really? I didn't notice hahahaahah"

"That's not funny! You lied to everyone... to me!" I complained in my half angry voice.

"If I had told you the truth would you let me come here?" He asked soberly.

"..." No!

"See! No answer. I want to take you with me but you didn't like places like this. Because it's not classy." He made a face on the last word.

"But you choose to lie to me. I wanted you to attend the meeting with me and-"

"Thanks, but I prefer this street party over your meeting. Also, I don't want to see that Russian dude's unsettling face." He made a face. "Anyway, now that you are here on your own... Let's enjoy together." He smiled a little and winked at the last word.

"No! We're leaving together." I mimicked him and he raised a brow in challenge. So, I grabbed his arm and started walking towards the entrance. He whines a little like I would take pity on him if he tries to act cute.



I got caught by my favorite senior. I was not surprised even though he looked mad as hell. It's only sensible that we got busted. I would be lying if I said I didn't expect it, or see it coming in the back of my mind. Something has to be go south when you try to sneak away to attend a party. 

What a good brother! He went through trouble and come all the way here to catch us. I forced a smile because I didn't know what else to do.

"Why are you here? How did you find out...and us?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" He retorted in a not-so-happy voice. I thought for a second and shook my head in no. He took a deep breath trying not to shout at me. "Party's over. We're leaving!" He informed in a deep voice.

Wait! what about Mexico? I looked back to see if he's here or not.


"Now that you're here. I'm safe right!"


"Can I go to a stall? Actually, I ordered for something..."

He made a face like I'm lying. I just rolled my eyes and turned to walk on my own.  Who needs his permission anyways!

I stopped in front of the bracelet stall.

"Excuse me! Umm I ordered three bracelets with letters and tiny charms." 

The guy looked up at me and I half smiled. "What were the letters!"

"V, P, and M." I said and he nodded as he gave me a little box.

I have paid the half payment in advance when I ordered it, now I took out my wallet to give him the other half. I just take a look again and my eyes stopped at something and a smile appears on my face.

"I want to take that bracelet too, with the little crown charm." I pointed with my finger.

"You can't!"


"That's a couple bracelet. You have to take the other one too."

Again, with this couple thing! Ugh! I glance at the queen's crown. I'm not interested in that one but...

"Alright. I'll take it!"

He packed both bracelets in a heart shaped box. Eww. I hurriedly put it in the plastic bag with the other box. I put my wallet in back pocket and felt the vibration of the cell phone.

I took it out to look at the screen.

Handsome M.T. calling...!

M for Mexico, I don't know what T stands for... maybe his surname.

"Put it on the speaker!" I heard a cold voice near me. I jumped a little.

"You startled me!" I said to my senior and did as he ordered.


[Hello! Sammy? Are you okay? Why didn't you answer my calls? I thought something happened to you... Gawd!!! I imagine my brother's toolbox...]

He was panicking too much. And what's with the toolbox?

"I'm okay! I didn't answer because there was too much crowd and I was trying to look for you. Where are you?"

[I was buying the food, I promised. I wanted to eat here with you but now that it's already passed eleven, we can't stay here. We need to go before my brother came home.]

I looked up at the brother in question. To suppress my grin, I scratched my chin a little, looking at his clenched jaw.

"I'm near the entrance. See you there!"

[I'll be there in five.]

He hung up. I watched when senior V pulled out his cell phone and call someone.

"Hey Pete! Yeah, I found her. You can go with Mac. I'll take her in my car. Bye!"

"He's here too?" I asked for no good reason as he didn't bother to answer.

We turned to walk when I saw a familiar figure with the handsome teacher. He was the same guy with whom I share the space to hide. My eyes zeroed to his arm that the teacher was holding, making him walk with him.

Wait a minute! Don't tell me he was hiding from the teacher!?

"Hey bro! Wait here, I'll be back!" I said casually to my senior as the curiosity got the best of me.


"Hello sir! I have a question. What did this guy do to be taken away like this?" I asked formally. Well, it naturally came out like this because he's a teacher.

He furrowed his thick brows at me, and the other guy grinned at me for some reason. I blinked at him. I have no problem with him being jolly, but this seems to be not the right time to be laughed out.

I looked back at Sir for letting him know that I am still waiting for an answer. He put both his hands on his waist and looked at me intently.

"He left the work unfinished and lied to come to this party." Sir replied in his deep voice.

The way I see it, the jolly guy did the wrong thing.

"You should have done the work before coming here. That way you can enjoy the party some more." I said to the other guy who leaned a little back as if I said something weird.

So now that I know I spin on my feet to go away.

I was going towards my senior who looked me in the eye and moved his head slightly as if to telling me not to go to him.

My heart thundered in my chest. I stopped on my track and pretended to look at the nearest stall. 


Vegas's POV:

That silly girl run towards Kinn and Porsche. Well, Kinn knows about her but what about Porsche! Did she meet him before? She was asking about something and Kinn replied to her politely.


She was coming back to me but I stopped her, and she's smart to catch the signal and pretended to look the other side, way too smoothly.

I don't want to acknowledge her in front of Kinn.

Ring! I answered the call at once.


[Where are you?]

"Away from the entrance. Why?"

[Don't come out!]

He was whispering in his cell phone.

"What's wrong, Pete? Where's Macau?"

[He's with me. We're outside hiding in the dark. Now listen carefully... There are three black cars. I think it's him. The Russian guy.]

"Are you sure?"

[Hm. These cars are the same models that I saw at the Casino. I can see his men. They are going inside. Just be careful.]

"Let them come. Don't worry I had guns and Kinn and Porsche are here too. You take Macau and leave in his car."

I clenched my fists tightly.

[I'm not leaving anywhere when my whole family is inside. I already called Nop, he is coming with backup. I'm just waiting for a gun because you stole mine.]

"You called Nop before me?"

[I called him as soon as we came here. But now that situation is change I guess I made the right choice.]

I laughed at that.

"Just be careful!" I said in a soft but serious voice "I'm worried because my half family is outside."


"Well, my silly sister and her crazy guy is inside so..." I was saying and Pete burst out laughing to hear that.

I hung up.

So finally, it's my turn to take action. I looked around and there were only a few people around as all of them went towards food trucks and dance area.

Now that I had a serious situation, I don't give a damn if my cousin saw me with Amy or not. I half run to where she was looking around casually but I know her better now. She was detecting anything suspicious or dangerous.

"Hide!" I said in low voice. She looked at me in surprise. "Just go and hide. Don't come out until I call you."

"What's going on?"

"No matter what happens, don't come out." I sound too serious even for my own ears. Thankfully, I was carrying two guns around.

"?" She didn't move just keep looking at my face as if finding the answer on her own. I grabbed her arm and hugged her lightly.

"It's okay, I'm here. Now go." I whispered to her. 

I felt her hand moving behind my back, she gasped as she felt the guns. No explanation needed, she took a step back and she ran away.

"Be careful brother! Or else I'll came out!" She warned me bravely.

"Please don't!" I smiled at her warning.


I go towards the two idiots who saw me hugging a girl.

"Hey Kinn! We had a situation!" I said at once. He furrowed his brow at me. I glanced where Amy left and surprisingly she was nowhere to be seen. Impressive!

"Porsche call Big and Kinn call Kim right now. I'll call Arm." I half ordered them.

"What's wrong?" Porsche asked while dialing the number.

"Hey Arm! Hide Khun somewhere and bring Pol with you." I said as soon as he answered and told him the place we were standing.

"Big is not answering." Porsche said.

"Kim is not answering either." Kinn said.

"Let me try." I called and Kim answered at once, making me smirked at Kinn. "Hey Kim! Have you brought your gun? Great. Come here, we had a serious situation!"

Kinn called Big who answered immediately. Now it was Kinn's turn to smirk at Porsche who was laughing at him because Kim ignored his call.


Big was the first to come. He first looked at us and then around as if to find a target to shoot.

A minute later Arm appeared.

"Where's Pol?" I asked.

"He's finding a place to hide Khun. He'll be here soon!" Arm replied.

Now that everyone is here, I started to give the briefing.

"Pete called me. He said Screaigh and his people are here."

"Why?" Kinn asked.

"Not for the party, I'm sure." I clenched my fists as I don't want to tell him about Amy being his target. "Well, I was trying to find out about the guy named Screaigh as his people were following me and Macau. But today I met him personally thanks to you."

"What does he want from you?" Porsche asked thoughtfully.

"He's a coward as he didn't dare to mess with any of us except Khun."

"Is he after Khun?" Kinn clenched his jaw.

"Not just Khun!" I said in a certain voice, while looking into his eyes and he caught the signal as he glanced at the direction Amy ran off to.

"If he did something... I'll strangle him to death!" Kinn growled deeply like a leader. From the corner of my eyes, I saw both Big and Arm alerted at that.

We moved to go back a little to buy some time for the backup, Pete was talking about. I choose the red lighted area. They spread around to empty the area for the worst possible scenario.

Ring! I answer immediately.


[Macau has something to tell you...]


[Brother! Ummm I'm sorry and...]

"Come to the point, Mac!" I tried to be calm as I'm still angry at my stupid brother who took a big step like risking Amy's safety by taking her out of the house. I should've told him that her life was... is in danger.

[When I left her house, I noticed a car following me all the way to the party. I thought they were following me so when we entered, I parted ways with senior Amy. But no one came to bother me. I didn't have any idea that he was after her.
I saw a guy following her and she seems to know that too as she walks too fast bumping into almost everyone. I grabbed the guy's neck from behind to stop him. Maybe I strangled him to death. I was so nervous as I was in the middle of the street with a dead body on my feet. Thankfully, Arm came to my help. He said that the guy just fainted.
I didn't tell Arm about Amy, I just said the man was following me and he believes that. Then we left the guy behind a truck.]

"You did a good job. Now stay with Pete and don't came inside. Okay?"



[Please take her out safely. I don't want her to get hurt.]

He requested in a little voice and I didn't answer.


Tankhun's POV:

I don't know what happened but Arm left me with Pol and ran off to somewhere. The later was looking around like a chicken trying to find something. I stomped on my foot and stopped.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what is going on." I yelled behind Pol.

"Khun Vegas called Arm. He said we had a situation." He answers obediently. But as soon as I heard of Vegas I started walking. If my psycho cousin said we had a situation then that means people are going to die.

"I need to hide somewhere." Now I was the one who looked around everywhere like a chicken.

I saw a few big boxes piled up making a five feet wall. I stopped as I saw a glimpse of something blue. My feet worked faster than my brain and I walked towards the boxes. As soon as looked behind my eyes widened.

"What are you doing here!?" I exclaimed and she jumped a little. Damn, I started her. She looks up and sighed in relief to see me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit down.

Woah! she touched me!!!

"You didn't answer," I started.

"Shhhh I'm hiding." She whispered.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"Something is wrong. Maybe someone is after me."

"Then you should run."

"No! when someone is following... you should hide not run before them." She told me. And I smiled as she learned that from me.

She moved a little back to give me space. I peeked outside to tell Pol that he can join the others as I find a safe place.

Ring! We jumped as my cell phone rang loudly, she slapped my arm in anger.

"You wanted me dead!" She shouted in low voice.

"Hell no!" My eyes widened in horror. I answered the call as it was my youngest brother. 

"Yes?" I whispered to the speaker.

[Hey Khun, where are you hiding?]

"How did you know that?"

I was surprised as it was just roughly two minutes since I found this hiding place.

[Just tell me where you are... Hide Chay too.]

He said in his half raspy half deep voice.

"I don't know the place. But give him to Pol. He'll bring him to me. Don't worry, I'll protect him."


He hung up.


Five minutes later, Pol left little Chay in my care. He looked both me and the blue-head girl besides me.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"Something a kid shouldn't know." I said like a big brother. He placed his hands on his mouth, while blinking rapidly.

"It's not like that!" Amy exclaimed at Chay and hit my back. Oww haha. I covered my face shyly as he misunderstood me.

We moved a little to make space for little Chay. Now Amy and I sat side by side. Her arm was touching mine. She was wearing a half sleeve t-shirt. She clenched her fists lightly. Maybe she's uncomfortable around me.

"Wear your shirt. There are mosquitoes. They will suck your blood and die." I said in a low voice.

Hearing the last part, she glared at me but did as I said. Now even though our arm touched, she didn't react in any way. Tsk!

"These red lights are quite romantic." I tried to start a conversation with her.

"Shut up!"

"Okay." I smiled a little.


On the other side...

Everyone took their positions. They planned to separate and hide. So, they walked a little back to choose a right place to execute their plan. They were in the middle of the street where red-light bulbs were hanging all around. They emptied half the area by making people leave. They even managed to emptied the stalls around them in short time.

Well, money can make everything possible. Isn't it?


Kinn stand in between.

He opened the first two buttons of his dress shirt. Then he took off his cufflinks and put them in his pocket. After that, he folded his cuffs up to his elbows.

Vegas was standing behind a stall. Shadow was covering his backside, his face slightly shines with the red light, enhancing his lethal charm.

Porsche was sitting at a table, pretending to be a customer. 

Big stood two meters away from his boss. On guard as always.

Arm hides inside the stall as he was calling for backup and Pol sat on the other stall like an owner covering for Arm.

Kim walked and stood beside Kinn, he still didn't know what is going on. Kinn couldn't get to enlighten him as he saw a few thugs entering the street. He glanced at Big who nodded to confirm that they were Screaigh's men.

Kim narrowed his eyes at them. The ruffians were looking around everywhere, taking their time. Well, that's explains why it took them so long to come here.

"Stay on guard!" Kinn said to his brother Kim while seeing them reaching close. Kinn didn't take his eyes off until Kim nodded.

When they saw Kinn, standing under red light, they stopped at once. They looked at each other in confusion.

A minute or two later, two more men came, asking about why they stopped and that they need to find the girl. Hearing this Kinn clenched his jaw and Kim looked up his brother in question.

Behind the stall, Vegas tightened his fists, and managed to stop himself from attacking them first. He needs to calm down until Nop came with backup.

A little while later, their boss came forward to check why his men are not moving further. He stopped in his track when he saw Kinn. His gray eyes widened in surprise as he didn't expect him to be here. He got the report that Vegas's brother's car didn't move so that means the girl - he's obsessed with - is still here in this street. He came personally because he got tired of this hide and seek. It's about time, they should meet.

His men proved to be useless who can't even catch a little girl for him. Every single time he sent them after her, they came empty handed. Turns out, the things got out of his hands as his three men are missing. They followed her but didn't came back.

"Mr. Kinn what are you doing here?" Screaigh asked in a friendly surprised tone.

"Just came to pick up my brother. What about you?" Kinn casually glance at Kim. He noticed as Screaigh's gray eyes were looking around as if to see if he's alone or not. His gaze stops at Big. Well, it would be suspicious if he found the clan leader without his head bodyguard.

"Nothing just came to meet someone." Screaigh replies finally when he didn't see anything -or anyone - suspicious enough to stand on guard.

"Who?" Kinn question back.

"I didn't know you would be so polite enough to ask anything besides business." He smiled as he tried to change the subject.

"Well, you wouldn't expect me to talk business in a street party, do you?" Kinn retorted.

Screaigh laughed a little. "In that case, please excused me. I'm just surprised to find a Mafia leader in a place like this..." He glanced around the area.

"Young people had a tendency to like peculiar things." Kinn looked at Kim who fake smiled back like a good little brother.

"I'm afraid you had a point... now if you excuse me." He tried to walk away.

"But you didn't answer my question!" Kinn's voice deepen. Screaigh turned half. "Who do you come to meet, Mr. Screaigh?" Kinn growled a little.

"No offense but it's none of your business, Mr. Kinn." He said flatly and fanned his hand to his men follow him.

Kinn felt offended.

As a guy tried to pass by, he tripped over something and fall on his face.

"Opps my bad." Porsche said with a grin, taking his long leg back. It took Screaigh a second to recognize this tan guy.

When Vegas saw a man passing by the stall, he was hiding behind, he came out and grabbed him from behind, choked him enough to make him unconscious. Then go after the other one.

He handled three of them and finally came to stand right behind the Russian mafia. Screaigh saw another shadow besides his own. He turned around almost at once only to get chill when he saw Vegas's hostile gaze under the red lights.

"Mm.. Mr. Vegas?" It was obvious that he didn't expect to see him at all. He stuttered a little while taking a few steps back.

"Surprise!" Vegas whispered in a dark tone. "I didn't mean to scare you!" He lied with a grin.

Now everyone understands why he chose the red lighted area. Freaking devil!

"No no you didn't. It's just... I didn't expect to see you here."

"Oh, I just came here to pick up my brother. He was complaining about someone following him all day. Tsk." Vegas said casually and clicked his tongue in apathy.

Screaigh felt a chilled running through his back. Well, he knew better as to not mess with this psychopath mafia, named Vegas. He studied all Theerapanyakul brothers and found only Vegas dangerous and merciless enough to kill him without second thoughts. He started to move as far away as possible because now both the leaders of Major and Minor families are here in one red frame.

A man tried to sneak away and Big grabbed him by his arm and twisted it to throw him on the ground. The man shouted in pain when Big accidentally dislocated his arm.

"Big!" Kinn reprove loudly.

"I didn't know they were allowed to move. My bad, Khun Kinn!" He bowed and stand back on his place ignoring the loud screams of the man. Kinn rubbed his temple a little and walked to stand with Vegas. Now, Screaigh's gray eyes were more open than usual. He watched his man who was groaning in pain.

"What are you doing?" Screaigh asked finally.

"That's what I'd liked to know. I just don't like to watch the faces of businessmen, the second time in the same day. It makes me... suspicious." Vegas explain a little dramatically.

"Vegas, don't kill him!" Kinn warned in deep voice.

"What about teasing a little?" Vegas half smirked while gazing at Screaigh with his dark eyes.

"You mean torture. No! I'm working with him." Kinn looked at the guy in question.

"He's a third party!" Vegas sneered back. "No one will miss him."

"Look Mr. Vegas I had nothing to do with you-" Screaigh started.


"-Mr. Kinn is my partner in business-"

"And that's another reason for not liking you." Vegas pointed out.

"What do you guys even want from me? I didn't mess with any of your family members!" Screaigh uttered as he had enough finally.

"As if you can." All head turns to this new voice. Kim scoffed and rolled his eyes at him. They didn't notice when he came near them, Kinn saw a gun in his hand. Porsche laughed a little and come to join their line.

"Mr. Screaigh, I will ask for the last time who are you here to meet?" Kinn clenched his wide jaw in anger.

"No one!" He dared to stare back in Kinn's eyes. He raised a hand in the air and all of his men pointed their guns at Theerapanyakul brothers.

Vegas took out his gun and felt a hand behind him, Porsche took his other gun silently. Kinn didn't bother to do anything. He just stared at the guy, he was trying to let alive till the deal closes.

"Now if you excuse me!" Screaigh smiled slyly, showing a hint of his true colors. His gray eyes held a strange manipulative spark and gone the looks of surprise, hesitation, fear, intimidation... as if it was all fake. All of his reactions and expression until now were a hoax.

"I don't think so..." Vegas looked amused for some reason.



All three of us zipped our lips as we heard someone. Actually, more than one voice on the other side of the boxes. I tried to peek a little bit through a small space left between the boxes above my head. I saw a few familiar figures.

I choose this red lit area because it was dark and perfect to hide but who knew that the whole gang would come here one after another. I tried hard not to shake as the number of people increases.

Tankhun leaned forward to peek too.

'Who are they!' I thought.

"Mafias." Tankhun answered in a low husky voice.

Damn him, is he trying to scare me? I thought, he was lying but his face was telling another story.

My eyes widened when a guy with topknot on his head broke someone's arm. My baby junior Chay was shaking like a leaf when he heard the man's screaming. Tankhun reached out and hid the boy in his chest while rubbing his back to relax him. A thing I could never do.

They were talking about some killing, teasing, torturing...

I only recognized one cool but haunting voice, my senior.

I peeked again and my eyes widened when I saw many guns pointed at the people, I'm familiar with. I sat back and grabbed the first thing came into my hand. I looked down and it was Tankhun's hand. I let go at once.

I noticed as my knee was shaking too much. I'm afraid. It's normal cause I'm nervous as hell. Tankhun reached his hand out to me. I turned to look at his face but for some reason I can't seem to read his mind.

"Can you hold my hand? I'm afraid..." He requested in a tiny voice. I stare at his hand.

It's okay Amy it won't burn you.
He's a good boy.
He's kind to me.

I fed many reasons to my mind. It took me a solid minute, in the end... I held his hand. I was on his right side our arms were touching but it was okay as I didn't feel anything. Now that I'm actually holding his hand it felt... weird. I noticed he didn't even try to hold back my hand.

After a few minutes, I felt better. The trembling knee stopped too. His mere presence is quite comforting. I wanted to look out again but he told me to stay low. I closed my eyes tightly.

It's okay Amy.

Brother V said he will protect me. And I know he will at any cost. I just need to be brave and wait for him to call me when he was done with whatever dangerous stuff is going on.

By and by, Tankhun grasp my hand. It was not just holding. He freaking intertwined our fingers. Is he trying to take advantage right now?

I turned my head to glare at him only to find his eyes closed. He furrowed his brows as if he was experiencing some negative emotions. Maybe he wasn't lying about being afraid. I looked away. Still, I can hear faint voices.

After a minute, I heard gun shots. I almost screamed out but a hand covered my mouth. My eyes widened at Tankhun. He shook his head a little telling me not to make any noise. I nodded a little and glanced at Porchay who placed both his hands to cover his own mouth. Well, my junior is braver than me.

I took few breaths...


Then something hit me.

Who died? What about my brother?

I moved up to peek outside but didn't let go Tankhun's hand. I heard another shot and the world stops. It was senior V who shot someone in head. My full body shivers at the scene. I felt something in my throat. The guy I called my brother shot many men without hesitation.

Well, he was not the only one with the guns. The others were shooting too. But I didn't see them as my eyes were fixed only on one figure.


I wanted to close my eyes to stop seeing any of this but I couldn't.

Why in the hell this is happening!? Don't tell me I'm the root of this chaos!

My head felt dizzy and heavy.

I wish I hadn't seen anything. I sobbed quietly.

Promptly, a hand came to cover my eyes and pulled me back lightly. I just let myself lean back. Tankhun didn't move his hand from my eyes.

"Don't see it. Whatever you saw... Forget it. It's nothing but a nightmare. You are with me and when you opened your eyes next... Everything will be disappeared... I promise." He whispered in my ear too softly that half of me believed him.

Tankhun got my back. Literally.


Vegas's POV:

I was smirking at this Russian fool when I felt vibration of my cell phone in my pocket.

Soon, there were warning fires as my people came. They made a huge circle around us, covering his twenty something men in it. Screaigh tried to run but a red dot appeared on his heart.

I glanced up and found Arm on the truck's roof. Pete told me once that his nerd friend loves sniper. Well, Arm found his toy.

A man tried to attack but got shot on leg. They were foolish to think, we were just playing with them. When the other guy shot one of my men in his leg for revenge, I freaking blow his head. Screaigh's eyes widened in shock as I smiled in satisfaction.

Now that one of them died, they got panicked and started to shoot randomly just to break the circle. But I was calm so my aim was more accurate.

Kim shot two guys and left the circle before the thugs. I'm sure half my men didn't recognize him as major family's third son. I laughed a little at his sly exit and shot another guy.

Pol was the first to run out of ammo but that wasn't enough to stop him. He randomly grabbed the enemy's gun and shot them with their own bullets.

Even though Arm has the best weapon, he didn't kill anyone. He just keeps pointing at Screaigh wherever he moves.

Soon half the people were dead and half injured.

Pete ordered some boys to take away the injured ones out of here. For him, safety comes first, he cared for my men.

Lastly, I walked towards Screaigh and put my gun on his head.

"Vegas don't!" Kinn warned me.


"I'm not done with work!" He made a bored face.

"Fair enough!" I said and pulled the trigger. The sly but pigeon-hearted Russian flinched, making me laugh out at him. My gun only made a clicked sound as I was out of bullets for a while now, but no one seems to notice. Haha. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you." I taped his cheek, he glared at me in hatred.

We only kill five of his guys and the others were just injured. My men walked away to stand behind Nop. Kim walked towards the timid man.

"Screaigh, right? Your name sounds a little familiar to me. Well, I remember someone from college. Surprisingly, he has same eyes as yours. You're quite young so he can't be your son. Nephew maybe..." Kim was saying like he met some family member of his friend or something. "He's a nice boy, by the way. Now that I met you... I'll especially take good care of him. You have my word." He said in his raspy voice. I saw a glint in his foxy eyes.

"Come on, Kim. You're scaring him." Porsche came and grabbed him by his nape and pulls back.

"Well now that the show's over. I meant to ask you for quite some time... How's your mother doing?" I joined the conversation.

"Why are you asking? She's not even here!" It was the first time when he dared to give me death glare. Which only means that I'm pushing the right buttons.

"Oh, I know she's in Russia. Did she mention about the flowers I sent to her daily?" His eyes widened. "Don't tell me, you don't call your mother often!"

"What have you done?" He came to grab my collar but I hit his face with the gun. Even though he's a few inches taller than me, yet he falls down quite pathetically. What a mafia! Can't even take a blow!

"Go home, Mr. Screaigh." Kinn said finally. "We left five of your men unscratched, they will safely take you to wherever you live."

"He lives in a hotel." Kim notify us.

"Nah, he's loaded. He must have some hidden house or palace... wherever Russian people likes to live." Porsche said.

"Actually, he's staying at his sister's house, nowadays. I offered the job to his brother-in-law. Starting from the next month, he'll be doing work for me." I shared pointedly.

Screaigh looked at me quite horrified and I can say it was the very first genuine reaction he gave tonight. I smirked and looked back to see my cousin who looked so done with us. It was half amusing to see Kinn, the leader didn't even try to look surprise as if we met his expectations.


We waited for them to disappear. First, the thugs left then Nop followed them to the entrance with his team. Now only family members and guards remains. We took a moment to see if anyone of us get hurt.

"Let's go then!" Kinn said to get everyone moving. Yet, no one did.

Kim and Porsche waited for Porchay.
Arm and Pol stopped for Khun.
Pete and I waited for them to leave so that we could take Amy back home.

"Pol where's Khun?"
"Pol where's Chay"
Arm and Kim asked together making Pol freeze... in horror?

"What?" Kinn looked at the tall figure who was staring in front of him. We turned to look and only saw a pile of boxes.

"Pol, are you okay?" Pete looked at his friend who was rubbing the left side of his chest. Pete glanced at me and others in confusion.

"Damnit! Pol, where's Chay?" In the very end of the action show, Kim finally loses his cool.

Pol hold a finger up and pointed at the piles of boxes. We were confused for a second but Kim march towards there impatiently. 

It turns out there was space behind the boxes. He leaned forward and pull out Porchay who was crying and shaking. Porsche cursed loudly and run for his brother. Two of them hugged the shaking figure of the boy.

"Pol, where's Khun?" Pete asked in a soft voice. Again, Pol pointed at the same wall. Pete glanced at Arm who walks towards the boxes and my crazy cousin jumped out on his own.

"What took you so long? My legs slept back there. Even my costume ruined." He yelled in his high-pitched voice. "My whole jacket is wet because of Chay. I can even wring it to squeeze his tears out." He moved around his hands dramatically. 

"Khun, are you okay?" Pete asked hurriedly.

"Yes, of course. But congratulations, you ruined a perfect party. Wherever you go trouble and guns follows. Next time, when you hear me being at a party, don't you dare showed up. Understood?" He pointed at every single one of us. But when his finger stopped at me his lips twitched a little. I don't know what is going on in the crazy head of his but I'm happy that he is fine and unharmed. And of course, there's no way in hell that I admit it out loud.

"Now that everyone is here, let's leave this place." Kinn ordered, everyone moved but me.
"Vegas?" He called me "...where's Macau?" He asked in concern? I glance at Pete.

"He's in the car, Khun Kinn. Don't worry, I left him with two armed guards." Pete answered and the second sentence was for me.

"Alright then, let's go." Kinn looked relieved.

"You guys go first. I need to make a call." I said and took a step back.

When everyone was out of sight, I called Macau's second number. Earlier I saw her carrying Mac's spare cell phone. I was relieved that my brother lends her the device. It rang for a while but she didn't answer. I looked around to see if she's coming from any side...

She didn't.


I called for the seventh time and she finally answered.

Thank hells and heavens and everything between!

"Hey! Where are you? Let's go home." I said with a relieved smile.

[I'm not coming with you.] 

She whispered back.


[I'm not coming out.] 

I heard her little voice.

"What happened? Where are you? Tell me, what you see around. I'll find you." I demand impatiently.

[Go away!]

"I'm not leaving you. Now tell me, where are you?" I shouted at the cell phone.


"Amy? Amy?? Answer me, damnit!"

[You killed them...] 

She said in a voice barely audible. I swear, I saw my hand shaking slightly.

"A-are you crying?"

No answer.

"Okay, just come out. I'll explain everything. You know me... I would never lie to you." I tried to reason with her. "Please be a good girl. You are my sister, right? Come to me. You know that I won't leave without you." I tried to sweet talk to her.

I waited for a minute but she didn't utter a word or made any noise. Now she's driving me crazy.



I heard something. I looked around but there was no one and the sound was too little to detect.

"You want me to find you?" I asked softly.

[If you did...]

 I waited for her to complete.


Impatiently, I started to ran around. Call me jumpy fool but it's all worth it. I looked everywhere but she hides too well.

"Where are you, Amy?" I asked to myself.

[Just go away, senior."]

She sprouting nonsense.

"Shut up!" I growled as she making me dance on her fingers.


I looked ahead.

Pile of boxes!

Don't tell me, my crazy cousin and Porchay were hiding with her!!

She was right next to the whole bloody mess!?

She saw everything?

I run to see behind the wall and found her sitting while hugging her legs. I breathe out a sigh!

"I found you... Let's go home." I said with a sigh of relief. A tiny smile touched my lips. Only if I let myself admit how much I missed her in the last ten or so minutes.

Amy looked up but didn't return my smile. Well, that hurts a little.


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