TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future FiancΓ©
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

44. Party Animals!

303 14 15
By AprilsSmile

Dear readers,

It took me nine hours in two days to finish this chapter.

Longest chapter so far.
Freaking 9497 words!!

And You're gonna love it!

-A.S. Styles^^


Tankhun's POV:

When I came out of my room with a loud 'Ta Da~~~' Arm stare at me from head to toe. 

"Yeah, I know, I'm looking dashing!" I smirked at him, waiting for a few praising words.

"What took you so long?" He asked in his robotic voice. Damn him.

"It's Pol's fault, he couldn't find my matching glasses to my costume." I tried to kick Pol but couldn't as I was wearing tight leather pants.

"He put them in his pocket and make me going through every nook and corner of his wardrobe." Pol complained in his heavy voice and made a self-pity face.

"Let's go, Khun, before others came and see you like this." Arm said gazing at my beautiful costume. What does that supposed  to mean?

"Okay... But I still have one thing to do," I looked at both my boys slyly.

"...", "..."
They took a small conscious step back. Haha


We finally left the house without anyone seeing us except guards at the gate, of course.

I made Pol wear a leopard print shirt and for my Arm I choose a zebra print. They both look good but not happy. I tried not to laugh at their faces, as they might think that I'm making fun of them. Which I didn't... not at the moment. I just don't want them to wear their uniforms, I want them to enjoy the party that I don't even attend myself ever before. But there's always a room for first, right?

Pol was driving and Arm was looking at the map in his phone. I looked out the window, it was dark outside and I only saw a few rows of cars and bikes.

"Khun, are you sure this is the place?" Arm asked as he didn't see anything that look like a party place.

"Nanon sent me the address, are you sure you took us to a right place, Pol?" I asked.

"Yes, Khun." He answered and kept driving. I saw a wall of containers. And faint pink and purple lights above them.

"What's behind those?" I asked curiously.

Pol stopped the car, becoming a part of huge line of others cars. We stepped outside. They looked around making me stand in between.

Before we chose a direction to go a minivan came and stopped beside my car. Door opened and a group of noisy girls stepped outside. I started to count the number and they were freaking eight girls. How did they even fit in that thing!?

I tried to see and they were wearing different kind of dresses with high heels. Yeah, they are here for party. I let out a breath of relief as we were at the right place.

When the girls start walking, we followed them like creep khekhe.

They started to disappear one after one behind a container. When we took a turn to see what's there my eyes widened at the scene.

Woah~~ I lowered my glasses to see clearly and yes... this was it!

We saw huge crowd of young people. There were party lights, loud music and small stalls of something I couldn't see, with people gathered around them.

We start walking joining the crowd. I saw different kinds of people; some wearing costumes like me, some with paints on their faces, I saw a ugly guy with green hair, a girl smiled at me for some reason and I just looked at her two pink pony tails. There were two shirtless guys who were showing off their not-so-impressive bodies and I stopped to look - anticipating a fight or something - only to find them arm wrestle in the end. Pair of Ninnies! I gave them a disappointed glare.

I saw a line of food trucks and thought how did they enter through the narrow passage that we come earlier. There's a aroma of food in the air and Pol looked interested to eat something. I just motioned him to go and enjoy.

Arm was following me closer as I looked around. I need to find Nanon but for now I just walked around exploring like I was in an adult version of Disneyland or something.

Why didn't I know this place before? Tsk!


Amy's POV:

Mexico parked the car and I took out my wallet from the college bag. He peeked at my wallet.

"That's a men's wallet." He pointed out.

"Yup! My dad's," I smiled a little. He blinked a few times looking at the thing in my hand weirdly.

We stepped outside and he showed me the way as I came here first time. This was a dark area and I couldn't find anything that looked like a party. Are we first to come? I don't think so.

He took a turn behind the container and I followed him closely. And...

Sweet heavens! What is this place!

I saw different species walking around. Some girls dressed like cute anime characters, and some girls dressed too short. How did their parents even allow that?

There was some arm wrestling going on and I saw a small stall of fake tattoos. And a guy showed off his dragon tattoo drawn the chest to me. Eww! Instantly, I turned to look the other way and found a frowning face. Mexico was glaring at the fake-tattooed guy.

"You can go to your friends." I said getting his attention.

"How can I leave you alone?" He asked making me smile.

"Why not! Just go and have fun. I'll explore the area a little." I said and he thought for a long minute and in the end agreed.

We decided to meet here at eleven as we need to go home before midnight. Or in other words, before senior reached home before us. I'm getting kind of Cinderella vibes...hehe. But we still love our life and wants to live longer so...

We walked together for a while when he finally raised his hand to a group of boys, his friends. He gave me his spare phone to call him if needed. He said to have fun and not to spend my money on food as he'll treat me later. I smiled and make him go away.

I continued my walking and peeking at the stalls to find something interesting. I saw a stall selling chain bracelets, there were some alphabets, and I looked closely as the guy attached the alphabet to a chain that the girl wanted to buy.


As I kept walking lights change on the way. First, there were pink light bulbs then blue now I'm standing under the red lights looking at a guy who chose orange color for his hair. Tough choice! I saw as the girl with mask, spray painting on his head. I saw another guy who was done with his hair and when he left, I looked at his head curiously and laughed out cause he chose to have a pineapple painted on his head.

I stopped there for like five minutes and continue my exploration.

A minute later, I get a nostalgic feeling like someone was following me. I just glanced around casually and found a man with short beard looking dangerous in red light. Seriously!

I didn't waste a second and start walking a little faster just to become a part of crowd.

Please let me enjoy till eleven!

I half run and bumped into a few people who didn't even complain. I took out Mexico's cell phone but didn't know who to call. I couldn't call 911 as I can't file a complaint without giving them my location. I didn't know the address I'm standing right now. And... I forgot to ask for my junior's number.

Bloody hell!


Tankhun's POV:

I saw a stall full of wigs of different colors and hair styles. Some girls were trying it on, took pictures and laughed at their friends. I glanced at Arm and go to the stall. I chose a wig with two pony tails, one blue one pink and made Arm wear it. He was not willing at all but I can be quite persistent. 

Haha. He looks funny. I clicked his pictures on my cell phone. He gave me a four-eyes death glare when the little girls beside me giggled at him and took pictures of him as well.

"What does he look like?" I asked for their opinions.

"Harley Quinn!" They shouted together to answer me like good girls. I hold up my finger to correct them.

"Harley King!" I stated, to make them laugh out.

Then he took off the wig and paid the owner of stall who was grinning at my poor Arm. He didn't react much but I saw his tight fists.

I started to walk in the center of the street so I can look both left and right sides equally. I was glancing at the right side when someone bumped into me hard making me almost fall and I grabbed the first thing that came into my hand to balance myself.

A girl shrieked beside me and it turns out that I grabbed her high ponytail. Oh hell!

I let go at once then ignored her and heard Arm apologize in my place. I took long strides to catch whoever bumped into me this hard and ran without apologizing.

It was a yellow lighted area so I could see clearly. I finally found the one I was chasing in the damn crowd. She's a girl with a messy nest on her head. She ran her hand on the back of her long neck and my eyes widened a little as I've seen her before.

She looks familiar...


Pete's POV:

Vegas was mad because he could not sign the contract papers without his partner. And his partner in business didn't show up as he was going to another meeting with his partner in life.

Sigh, Porsche still didn't know the etiquettes of business.

I came with Vegas because I wanted to meet my best friend. Vegas was supposed to drop me off at the house after the deal and go to the Casino for weekly inspection. But now that he's mad, I decided to join him to the casino too.

Well, I can meet my stupid best friend there. And I had a feeling that I had to stop an argument or fight between them.



At Casino.

Vegas was walking around the area and I was just looking at the entrance waiting for Porsche.

After twenty minutes...

I saw Khun Kinn entered with Big and some other guards. I glanced at Vegas who saw them too and clenched his jaw. Oh no! I forgot to mention what Porsche told me earlier about Khun Kinn coming here today.

Well, both cousins never come to this place - or any place - together as their working styles are different. Also, they can't stand each other.

Maybe it's something important as Khun Kinn never come on weekends, I need to ask Porsche but where is he? 

I went to greet Khun Kinn who pat my arm as he was happy to see me. I peeked behind them but my best friend was nowhere to be found. I glanced at Big who just slightly shook his head to signal me something.

Porsche didn't comeHe freaking lied to me!

I forced a smile to Khun Kinn who looked behind me.

"What are you doing here?" Vegas asked in a chilled voice.

"I came here for a meeting." Khun Kinn replies in a flared voice. "You can do whatever you were doing. I'm not staying for long." Khun Kinn said normally but it felt like an order.

He left for the private room for a meeting and the bodyguards took their places at Big's command. Vegas was already angry, but after seeing Khun Kinn he became furious. I let him be and glanced at the private room. Big stood in front of the door and I walked to him.

"Hey Big!" I said with a smile.

"Hey Pete!" He replied normally.

"And where is the liar?" 

Before I can say the name, Big replied. "At the Third place!" He murmured but I didn't understand the meaning.

"He told me he was going with Khun Kinn for a meeting."

"He told Khun Kinn that he was going with Khun Vegas for a meeting." He sounds amused?

"So, he double crossed them." I said thoughtfully. "What is the third place?" I asked and he shrugged. "Did you tell this Khun Kinn?" I asked again as I was a little worried about my liar for a best friend.

We were talking and didn't realize when Vegas came behind me. I had a feeling that he heard everything. Damnit! He glanced at Big and entered the room. I followed him in, of course.

Khun Kinn was looking at some files that he closed when we entered without knocking.

"Didn't someone teach you to knock before entering?" Khun Kinn taunts him in his deep annoyed voice.

"No! My father got shot in head before he taught me to knock." Vegas matched the taunting with his dark voice. Khun Kinn clenched his wide jaw at that. He took a deep breath and began to ask.

"What do you want, Vegas?"

"Where is Porsche?"

"?" Khun Kinn glanced at me.

"He didn't show up to the meeting. Wasted my time." Vegas was mad as he worked a lot on the documents for the deal.

Khun Kinn furrowed his thick brows. "What do you mean he didn't show up? He left the house after six." 

Vegas didn't said anything and I just looked back and forth between them. Khun Kinn took out his cell phone to call someone.

"Damnit! he's not answering." Khun Kinn half throw the phone on glass table. "Pete, do you know something?" He stared at me and I just shook my head in honesty.

He rubbed his temple and stood up. I glanced at Vegas who was staring at the file on the table. Freaking curious all the time! Khun Kinn called Big who entered and first glanced at me, I just blinked to let him know there's nothing to worry about... not yet at least.

"Big, call Arm and ask him to trace the location of Porsche and let me know directly." Khun Kinn ordered in his leader voice. But for some reason Big didn't move.

All three of us looked at him.

"Is there a problem?" Khun Kinn stand in front of him.

"Arm is not at the main house." Big informed.

"Where did he go?"

"To a..." He paused and glanced at Vegas but decided to continue "He and Pol left with Khun to a party."

"What party?" Khun Kinn asked.

"At Yok's Bar?" I asked because it's about Khun and that's the only place where he goes. 

Big shook his head to me and looked at Khun Kinn. "A street party." He answered flatly.

"...", "...", "..."
We stared at his face.



After bumping into almost everyone, I finally entered restroom area to hide. I learned from Tankhun to hide when someone is following me.

I felt goosebumps as someone tried their best to catch up with me. Damn him!

I washed my face to relax myself. I was staring at the mirror when a group of girls entered in the restroom.

"Senior Amy!" A cute girl exclaimed excitedly and I just tried to remember where I saw her before...

"Oh yeah, it's you!" Another one exclaimed.
"How are you?"
"I didn't expect that I would ever meet you in a place like this."

They were speaking one after one and I remembered that I met these freshmen at college when I was with Joy...under her stupid umbrella.*

"Why? I don't have the right to enjoy!?" I pretended to be offended while placing my hands on my waist and they just giggled together.

"I thought you wouldn't remember us." One of them said with a pout.

"How can I possibly forget you little bunch of butterflies?" I muttered with a smile making them blush and giggle.


One of them placed a pink box on the counter and I was curious to see what's inside. She started to take out different cosmetic products and made a line.

"Girls, let's get started!" She exclaimed excitedly.

One of them played some music as they started to do the makeover. I just stood there dumbfounded. Should I stay or leave!? I was contemplating a little but decided to stay. For one, I can't go out this early and for two, I am curious to see what these girls were up to.

One girl pumped foundation on everyone's hand and they started to put that on their faces. I smiled at that. Then the last girl came to me.

"Senior Amy, can you take the half of it? It's too much for my face." I didn't know why but I took half of the foundation. What should I do with it? Rub it on my hands? Wash it off? "Now put it like this!" She shows me how to put the damn foundation on face! Great! I just rolled my eyes at that.

She glanced at me through the mirror and I just followed her and put the thing on my face and rubbed it with my fingers. Well, I know how to do makeup! I just don't do it as I don't like to waste my time.

I just leaned forward to watch when they started with the eyeshadows. My gazed went to the big eyeshadow palate. Wow~ so many colors. I didn't want to look like a stupid senior so I took a step back to give them some personal space.

I saw black bottle. "Can I see it?" I asked before touching it and the girl besides me nodded happily. I took the bottle, and shook it a little to see, it was filled with liquid like a black ink or something. I put it back.

"Do you want me to do your eye makeup?" A girl offers me and I just shook my head.

"No one can really see it because of my long fringes."

"How about some eyeliner then?" Another one came with a black eyeliner in her hand. I shook my head again.

"Come on, senior Amy. It will look good with your hairstyle!" She said and I looked at the mirror to see my messy bun and lose hair strands. If she thinks this is a hairstyle then it is... Hehe.

I tried to decline the offer but girls can be too persistent, so I gave up. I closed my eyes and felt a light wet stroke near my eyelashes. She promised me a thin line but when I looked in the mirror, I found a freaking thick wing lined on my eyes, quite dramatic!

"Your eyes shape is perfect for this." The girl who did this explains.

"Woah, you look beautiful."
"It matches your lettering t-shirt!"
Two girls complimented me and I half smiled as I felt uneasy when someone looked at me too closely to see any beauty I possess.

"Put this blush on her cheeks!" Another girl gave another idea. Sweet!

Is it safe outside now? For me to run from these butterflies?

Well, guess what! They put powder and some blush on my face. I stood patiently, just waiting for them to leave so I can wash my face. I don't want to be impolite, but it felt awkward to go around like this - looking pretty getting unwanted attention.

My eyes widened when another girl came with the craziest idea.

"I'm not gonna paint my hair!" I tried hard not to shout at her.

"It's not permanent and easy to wash out. See..." She sprayed on her hand and washed it out to show me. Well, she was telling the truth but...

"Hell no!" I shouted.

"Come on senior Amy, just a little bit! Only on your bangs. Trust me, it will look great on you..." She was saying and I shook my head as I don't want to look great or anything.

After two minutes...

Here I am, putting a mask over my face to cover it from hair spray. My heart was beating crazily when I heard the spray sound. It smells bad. Hopefully, it won't ruin my bangs. I stood with the mask for like a few minutes to let it set and dry.

I peeked a little as she sprayed the color on a brush and go behind me. I felt stroked behind my head, and I can imagine what's going on up there. I removed mask and look at the mirror.

Woah! Emo look!

It was a dark royal blue and looked good on me. I was planning to washed it off once they were gone but now changed my mind. I will find Joy and Nanon and show it to them, take some pictures.

I looked at the faces of the girls.
One had drawn webs on one side of her face, and put blue lipstick on.
One had drawn butterfly wings on her both eyes.
One can't seem to decide so I asked what about a dry tree branch. And she told her friend to draw what I was saying. 

I peeked as the make-up artist was doing a good job. I made mental note to ask her to join the Art club in college. The girl got the potential.

"You are too good at it. You are better than the girl I saw at the stall doing this." I praised her talent and she smiled widely.

"Actually, my mom is a beautician so I just learned a little..." She said shyly.

"Well, that explains this huge box." I half laughed at the makeup collection.

I was just standing and looking at them. To be honest, I half forget about the prowler and the party outside.

"One thing is missing," A girl came with a bloody red lipstick. This time, I didn't even try to stop her. I took the damn lipstick and put it on myself.

"How does it look?" I asked and she smiled widely with two thumbs up.

"Umm senior Amy, do you want me to draw something on your face too!" The makeup artist asked and I just shook my head for a thousandth time.

No more makeup please!

"Draw a spider!"
"No, a flower!"
"What about a butterfly?"

They were giving the stupid ideas one after one.

"Fine, I'll do it myself!" I said making them look at me.

I grabbed the black ink, which turned out to be liquid eyeliner in a bottle. I opened it and there was a dropper attached to its lead. I looked at the mirror and leaned forward.

"What are you planning to draw?"

"Black tears." I replied in a low voice.


Tankhun's POV:

I didn't realize that I was walking to fast after the girl. The girl disappears and when I look behind... Arm disappear too. How delightful!

I looked left and right. Where should I go now?

I got a text form Nanon who was asking if I came or not. I wanted to call him but the music was playing too loud. I walked here and there near food trucks in hope to find Pol. I changed my strategy and started to walk in center so that my boys will find me on their own.

I halted as I saw a familiar lean figure in front of me.

He stopped as he saw me too.

He blinked showing his surprised face.

I blinked hiding my surprise face.

We took a silent step back as if coming to a mutual agreement.

We both turned, took steps away from each other like freaking cow boys.

The we left on our way. Just like that.


Vegas's POV:

I was familiar with the street party as I went there personally to catch my little brother a few times. The first two times, I was mad at him but as it became a usual thing, I started to enjoy it too. Every time I caught him, he frowned at me and when his friends saw me, their souls seemed to leave their bodies.

But my gentle man for a cousin, Kinn didn't know a low-level party like this. He was about to leave when someone, I am not familiar with, entered. Maybe Kinn's new partner!

"Mr. Kinn, good to see you!" He said in a foreign accent. Maybe Russian.

"Yes, Mr. Screaigh!" Kinn gave a professional smile.

I closely looked at the face of the man he was talking to...

"!" I can't believe I just found the guy I was trying to catch since the attack on Amy. As soon as her face came to my head, I became furious. Damn! I wanted to shoot this guy as a greeting.

I felt a hand on my back and glanced at Pete who seems to know what going on in my head. He shook his head too little to be noticed. And I stop from reaching back to my gun. I was this close to bring it out and pointed at the bloody Russian.

I glanced at Kinn who didn't look too pleased to see the guy. Then I glanced at Big who clenched his fists behind his back too tightly that his knuckles cracked. He was glaring at... Screaigh!

What am I missing!? 

Pete noticed that too as he glanced at Big.

"Mr. Vegas! I didn't know that I will get to see you too." He said and reached out his hand for me to shake. I glanced at Kinn who blinked once. Maybe this guy is important to Kinn. So, I did a firm handshake while stopping myself to break the damn hand.

"How do you know me?" I asked even though I know the answer.

"Who doesn't! You're famous for your... dangerous personality, I'm afraid." He said with a smile, I loathe.

"Thrilled to know that!" I said in a darker voice, looking into his gray eyes challenging him. He blinked and took a step back unconsciously. I half smirked at that.

Even Kinn looked uneasy when I was intimidating his business partner. Well, now that the air changes after Screaigh enter, I took the seat beside Kinn to sat in front of him. Kinn glanced at me but didn't ask me to leave, maybe this time he was not hiding anything from me.

Now that I think of it, he chooses this place for a meeting on a purpose. I'm sure of it cause he knew I came here every Sunday for inspection. Maybe he wants me to meet this Russian guy.

Big left the room and Pete followed him behind. I narrowed my eyes at Screaigh who glanced at me from time to time. It turns out they were a third party to each other. The Italian man Kinn was dealing with had an old partnership with this Russian guy, Screaigh.

They kept talking about the details of their deal which I knew already, of course. Yet, I play oblivious.


After fifteen minutes, a guy entered who looked no better than a street thug. He leaned forward to whisper to his boss and left within a minute.

Screaigh look at me and an unsettling smile appears on his face.

My left eye twitched.

Something is not right!



I left the restroom with the girls and looked around to see anything suspicious or if anyone is looking at me. Well, it turns out everyone looked at me when I pass by. Wonderful! I rolled my eyes at myself cause now I'm the center of the attention. Damn those butterflies!

I took a turn to go the other way and a girl came to give me something.

"It's a gift." She said and left after giving me the red lipstick. I laughed at that and put it in my jeans pocket.

Now I wanted to show my look to my friends but where in the hell they are? I followed the sound of the music in hope to find them dancing around.

There were different colors of lights on the ground making a huge circle. I entered the circle of the crowd and found a... fight!

Two boys were arguing about something while pushing each other. And a bunch of other boys were trying to separate them. Maybe they were friends.

I was about to turn and leave when I saw a familiar commando so I walked towards them. I was just planning to pull Mexico out of this mess. He was trying to get one of the boy back, his friend I think. Well, I kinda let him do the job first so that we can go. He took the guy back from the mess and jumped to fight himself.

Just great! I threw my hands in the air. I don't want him to go back to the house with bruise on his face.

"STOP!" I shouted on top of my lungs as the music was playing too loud. Mexico and the guy, he was about to lend a punch stopped to look at me. "What is going on here?" I looked at everyone waiting for an explanation. They just stare it my face. Sigh! "You!" I pointed at a weak guy who was just using his mouth when his friends were fighting physically. "Tell me who started it!"

"My friend and that guy had a dance battle. My friend lost and-" He was saying loudly.

"I didn't lose! He cheated!" A guy who was fighting earlier interrupted him.

"I didn't cheat, you idiot!" The second guy who almost took a punch from my junior, shouted.

"You choose the foreign songs!!"

"Yeah, because I won the toss and I got the privilege to choose any song!" He stated proudly, admitting shamelessly. Now I don't need to hear anymore.

"Well fighting won't solve anything. You won congratulations. And you lose... doesn't matter just go and have fun with your friends." I dismiss the matter like an adult between them. They seem to understand a bit.

"And who the hell are you to tell us what to do!?" Someone barked stupidly. I turned to look at the source of voice and found my junior commando.

Wait a minute! Don't tell me he didn't recognize me because of...

Sweet hell! I smiled widely at him making his eyes glare wider. I took a step towards him and... 

Strike! I hit the back of his head hard! His friends gasp for some reason.

"Wh..what have you done!?"
"Do you know who is he!?"
"His brother can kill you for that!"
His three friends said in horror one after one.

"Yeah, my brother will kill you!" I looked at Mexico who was glaring at me deadly. He doesn't even deny any of the things his friends told me. Well, now I wanted to know who his brother is and what can happen to me!

"Mexico!" I called out in a low voice but he seems to read my lips as his expression changed and his eyes widened. He took a step back to look at me from head to toe. And he recognized me by my outfit.

"Yeah, tell us who in the hell you are to meddle in our business!" The stupid winner shouted loudly and Mexico finally landed the punched on his face.

The poor winner fell back on the dance floor. I walked towards him and stand between him and Mexico. I leaned forward slowly in style.

"I'm someone who saved your pretty face from getting a punch. But now that you're down there, I'm not feeling bad for you at all. You deserved it." I said with an unkind smile. He was frowning now and stood up.

"Why are you on their side? I was the one who won the battle, damnit!" He argued stupidly.

"I wasn't on anyone's side but I did try to stop the stupid fight and even congratulate you. Didn't I?" I looked around to others who nodded yes.

"They called me a cheater! I didn't cheat, it was a fair battle." He insisted.

"Well, I know you didn't cheat but the way you won the battle wasn't that honorable!" I sighed a little.

He looked at us then to his friends. Everyone seems to agree with me even the guy who lose.

"Fine! I challenge you. Come and battle with me!" He gave an open challenge to...me?

Where did in the party I end up like this!


Vegas's POV:

I can't just sit here hearing their stupid talk. I need to get out of here.

"Gentlemen! I have to leave now." I said getting their attention.

"Where are you going?" Kinn asked unexpectedly.

"Well, I was doing something before I came to see you!" I said normally.


"See you later, Kinn!" I patted his arm and he looked up at me, surprised.

Well, I hate to admit but he's smart. He wanted to know what I think about this Russian guy and I gave my honest opinion that he's a icky guy, not at the level to sit with me. I fake a smile to give it to my cousin who nodded a little.

I left the room only to find Pete standing on... guard? Where in the hell Big go!? I grabbed his arm and walked towards the entrance. As we need to go home immediately.

I pull out my cell phone to call Macau but before I can do that I saw Big coming towards us. He seems a little impatient as he look at Pete.

"What happened, Big?" Pete asked and Big glanced at me as if he want to say something but not in front of him. I crossed my arms on chest, challenging him.

"It's okay Big, you can tell us?" Pete said.

"I went out after the guy who entered the room earlier and found him whispering something to a girl working in casino. I followed him to outside and asked what did he whispered. And he told me that..." He glanced at me.


"He said that he reported his boss that the little brother of psychopath mafia was seen around the neighborhood of the girl." He said and my eyes widened. I didn't know what got into me, I grabbed his neck and slammed him against the wall.

"What did they do to Macau?" I growled.

"Nothing. They let them go and followed behind." He said looking into my eyes. Too bad, he isn't scared of me.

"Them?" Pete asked making me let his neck go.

"Khun Macau and the... girl." He looked angry for some reason.

Pete and I looked at each other.

"You just ask and he told you everything?" Pete asked further.

"Well, Screaigh's men are crappy people, all of them. So, when I saw him near the girl who looked a little disturb after he left, I followed him and asked politely about what he whispered. But he got me wrong and shared another story." Big explained and both Pete and I glanced at his damaged fists.

"Politely?" I smirked at him.

"Did you kill him?" Pete asked in a low voice.

"No. But he's gonna miss his teeth." Big smirked a little at Pete.

"You did a great job!" I placed my hand on his shoulder making him flinched a tiny bit. "Let's go, Pete!"

I dialed Macau's number but he didn't answer. Damn it!

"Khun Vegas?" Big called "You might like to attend that party with Khun Kinn!" He made a pointed suggestion and left as the meeting was about to end.



I know better than everyone I met, when to run away. That boy's dance challenge was like a cue to me to disappear.

"Are you chickening out?" He asked loudly so that everyone could hear. I halted on my step.

I turned around to give him a look. He was laughing with his mouth open.

I don't like him.

I clenched my fists as I was about to make the worst decision of my whole life.

"Fine. You want a battle, let's have it!" Damn, I announced that out loud without giving much thought. He stopped laughing and looked at me, not just him everyone was looking at me.

"Sammy!" Mexico's mouth falls open. But now it was too late to turn back as DJ announces a dance battle in the damn mic letting the whole street know.


I took off the check shirt and tied it around my waist, I checked the bandana that I tied around my arm to hide the bandage. Now I am ready to show everyone what a bad dancer actually looked like...

A guy came and took the thick golden chain from the winner as this battle will decide a new winner. I wanted to tell them not to take the chain away as I know the results already. That's why, I'm not that interested in winning prize.

"You can choose the songs this time." The challenger said in a tone like he was doing me a favor. Damn you, kid!

DJ asked for the toss and I shook my head.

"Let's just play any song you want to listen or watch a performance at." I said loudly to the DJ who just laughed out in the mic. "If you win, I would congratulate you again and treat you to a meal or something but if I win you have to apologize for you bad behavior and respect me." I told my demand to the boy.

"How do you plan to decide the winner or loser?" He asked.

"Let's have an honorable battle, if any point I felt like you are better than me. I back away and the same rule applies on you. Deal?" I asked and he nodded.

DJ asked for our name and college.

"Okay so now we have a boy and a girl from different colleges... On one side, we have our current dance battle winner Mike and on the other side, is the girl he challenged for another battle Sammy!" DJ shouted in the damn mic letting the whole street know.

Thank heavens, I didn't give my real name!

We took our position in the center of the circle. My heart was already dancing crazily.

Don't worry, Amy. Lights are too colorful to see clearly, you had make-up on your face so nobody can recognize you and you were smart enough to give out the wrong name. There's only one thing left which is to lose and disappear.

DJ played the first song and the winner volunteer to go first. He was dancing on Billy Jeans and I came to know that earlier he won fair and square. I almost clapped my hands for him.

Second track was for me. I looked at the DJ who freaking played Get Low for me. I watched the complete series of Fast and Furious so I know this track. I took a deep breath and started moving around. Well, this track was a jam between me and my little devil. I wonder how will he react once he found out, what I get myself into. Anyway, I like to dance a little privately in my room. But now doing it in front of the whole crowd I felt quite exposed.

Then it was Mike's turn. He danced around and his friends hooted for him. And I glanced at Mexico and his friends who just looked at me with open mouths. Bunch of monkeys! Can't they cheer for me?

Now it's my turn and I heard Waka waka. Damnit. I had to do the victory dance as if we were playing soccer here. Everyone was laughing at me.

Well, that's a kind of laugh which shows they were enjoying.


We did this for more than fifteen minutes now I'm tired. I was waiting for the song to end so that I can clap for the opponent and let him win.

Well, he's just a kid who was trying to prove himself and he was with his friends which increases the pressure to winning. As for me, I don't want anything out of this. I enjoyed myself enough now it time to go and eat something.

Next song was for me but I didn't move, the boy was confused at first but when he saw me clapping and smiling at him, he made a face as if I was letting him win on purpose. Well, he's not that dense as I thought him to be.

"You are an amazing dancer. Congratulations!" I said out loudly for everyone to hear. I saw many disappointed faces as if they wanted me to dance some more. Even DJ stopped the music to give me a look. Now, I felt like snapping.

"What! I lose. He's a winner!" I said in my normal voice as the music stop.

"We are not accepting it as you're doing it on purpose!" DJ said in the damn mic and everyone shouted in yes.

"Does it matter? I mean, I'm tired so that means I lose, right?" I looked around only Mexico nodded in yes. Stupid Pigeon, but thanks for the support.

"Sammy, I'm playing the music and it's your turn!" DJ announces while pointing his finger on a button. I just blinked in bafflement. Are they going to force me like this!?

He played the Milli's song which I like by the way... so here I go.

"Mirror mirror mirror on the wall 

who the freaking savage? 

Listen, baby, yes, we are."

Even Mike was smiling at me now, yeah, he enjoying it too. I motioned him to join me and he did as if he forgot that we're still having a battle.

A battle turned into a duet performance even the crowd was enjoying themselves. As for me, I found out that I'm not a bad dancer after all. Hahaha


On the other side of the city...

Vegas was driving the car and Pete tried his best to relax him. He kept reminding him that both Macau and Amy were too young to understand. It's normal for them to sneak out for the party.

Another car was following them closely. Big knew about the street party but not the exact location so Pete told him to follow behind.

Kinn was rubbing his forehead because he thinks that Vegas was going after Porsche. As his psycho cousin was mad at Porsche because of the deal that get rescheduled for later. And Pete was going there because of Khun.

Little did Kinn know that the three of them didn't give a damn about Porsche or Khun at the moment. Even Macau has nothing to do with Vegas' rage. At the moment, their priority is Amy because Screaigh was after her not Macau.


Tankhun's POV:

I found Pol and heard an announcement about dance battle. We both walked towards the circle.

It took me freaking five minutes to push and pull young idiots out of my way. Pol was apologizing in his heavy voice while following me behind. Finally, I reached the front row and saw a boy's back dancing on some song I didn't hear before.

Then I saw a girl with blue hair. Her face looks like she cried and all of her makeup ruined with tears. Even her dressing was not that appealing. I narrowed my eyes to read what's written on her shirt.

"So apparently I'm dramatic!" I scoffed at that. The only dramatic thing she did was announcing it publicly that she's dramatic. Haha

She danced around and everyone was shouting for her, and I made a face because she didn't even follow the dance choreography. But after seeing her dancing for like three more songs I'm kinda getting the vibe too.

I don't think she's trying to win at all. She's not just enjoying herself but enjoying the opponent dance too. If she keeps it up, I won't be surprised if she starts to clap for her opponent.


Then a song played but she didn't start to dance, turns out she was giving up to the guy whose body remembered the whole choreography of songs he performed at.

Everyone including me booed at her as she was doing it on purpose.

Come on, girl! I want to see some more.

When the DJ said she can't back away, I nodded too much as I agreed with him. He played my favorite dance song and she started to move again. Yes!

I tried to follow her personal dance moves and the people around me did the same while mimicking me. The couple beside me told me to battle the next winner and I just hit his arm getting shy.

Then I remembered something.

"Hey Pol, where's Arm?"

"I was asking the same when you run to come in the front row." He leaned forward to whisper in my ear from behind.

"Call him immediately and tell him that I'm going for a dance battle come and cheer for me." I announced and his eyes widened but he did as I said.

What Pol actually does- he told Arm about the battle and asked him to hurry up and help him to stop me. Hahaha

When the song ended the girl was bowing forward to catch up her breath and the boy raised his hands in the air declaring his defeat. I was the one who shouted loudest for the winner. That's my girl! And someone hit my shoulder I looked beside me to give a death glare but it was just Joy.

"Where's Nanon?" I asked almost immediately.

"Yeah, good to see you too!" She made a face. I was about to retort when someone hit my other arm lightly. I turned to look and found the guy I was asking for.

"Finally, I found you your highness! Woah! you look amazing." Nanon said while giving me a buddy hug like we're friends or something. Ewww but yeah, we are. Friends that is.

I glanced at the dance floor and the boy reached out his hand for a handshake but the girl just gave him a light fist bump.

DJ announces the winner which is Sammy, of course. Thenthey gave her a thick golden chain.

"I want that." I said out loud.

"For that you need to win the battle!" Joy told me "Do you even know how to dance?" She scoffed at me. How dare she!  Hump, only if she knew!

"Fine. I'll win that chain and show you what I'm capable of." I accepted the non-existent challenge while looking down at her. She didn't seem to feel it as I was wearing the glasses. 

I took a step forward as Sammy was leaving, Pol tried to hold me back but I was so determined to win against her. I go to the DJ and snatched the mic out of his hand.

"I'm challenging you, Sammy! Come back and battle with me!" I announced and the crowd go wild. She turned back to look whoever challenge her.

I clearly saw as her mouth falls open. Hah! She didn't think of losing the winner title so soon, did she?

"Thank you but I'm not interested!" She said loudly after staring at me from head to toes. How dare she! Not for staring but for refusing me.

She turned to leave and I shouted in the mic.

"Are you freaking chickening out?" She almost tripped over nothing. I grinned at that. "Don't tell me you're afraid to lose the title of winner to me..." I used one of my personal tricks on her.

Hah! It works as she walked towards me. I grin, expecting her accepting the challenge but...

"How do you know that?" She gasped and placed her hands over her mouth a little dramatically.

"..." Damn her for making me speechless.

She smirked back and turned to leave. I took two strides and grabbed her hand which she flicked away and glared at me. I would've gave it some thought if I wasn't eager to have a dance battle.

"Battle with me!" I ordered.


"Because... I like this golden chain." I pointed at her neck.

"..." She looked at me stupefied. Then she lifted her arms to took off the chain around her neck and reached out to me.

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"You said you liked it so just take it."

"Just like that?" I was confused.

"Just like that." She nodded with a smile.

Now that I am looking at her closely, I saw her cool makeover. She didn't cry. Tears doesn't ruin her makeup. The black tears came from her lower lash and stop between her cheeks. Her lipstick was the brightest red I've ever seen but it looks good in a weird way.

I stared at her for a long time then I realized that she wasn't saying anything, and immediately I shifted my eyes away. I can't look at her in a certain way she's not my beautiful Amy with no makeup.

"Battle with me." I said again this time a little politely as I missed my Amy.

"Alright." She agreed in a low voice but louder enough for me to hear between all the noises.

"..." I was puzzled like seriously what changes her mind!?


Outside the street...

They stopped their cars. It didn't take long for Pete to found Khun's car and Big pointed out the red bike of Porsche. Kinn clenched his fists and walk ahead. But it was Vegas who leads them as only he knew where the entrance is.

Surprisingly, it only took three minutes to catch Porsche. He was arm wrestling with someone double his size. They stopped in their tracks as if waiting for him to win first.

Porsche won both arm wrestling and some betting money people put on him. He was grinning hard when he looked up.

Kinn rubbed his temple looking so done with Porsche. Both his friends, Jom and Tem tried to run but Big grabbed them from behind. Porsche looked at his friends then at Kinn then behind Kinn to find Vegas and Pete.

Pete felt sorry for his best friend but didn't dare to take his side. Porsche said hi to Kinn and the company, and ran away leaving all of them dumbfounded.

Kinn roared his name before chasing after him like a raging lion but Porsche was as fast as panther. Soon, he was out of sight and joined a crowded circle.

Big followed his boss while Vegas and Pete ran behind them too because they need to find both Macau and Amy and they had to start from somewhere.



I can't believe, I agreed for the battle for freaking second time. What took into me to said okay to a silly request?

Now he was happy to take his position. And I stood motionless after giving the freaking chain to the DJ who was laughing at me. Damn him!

First song was for the winner and I dance halfheartedly, audience was encouraging me for some reason. But their heartening will go in vain as I planned to lose. Again.

Second song was for him and my eyes widened as his body moved around. Wow~ Can I just sit back and enjoy?

I don't think so cause the third song played for me. As soon as I recognized the opening music, I glanced at DJ who looked amused.

He played the River by Bishop Briggs. Tankhun looked at me in anticipation. I sighed and push back the urge to rub my face, I don't want to ruin my makeup.

River would be the first song of which I knew the choreography off, after waka waka, of course.

Let's go with the flow Amy. I look around, Mexico was shaking his head in disbelief. Arm was standing beside him. I saw another familiar freshman, Porchay. He was giggling at us like a happy kid. Beside him a handsome guy was standing and our eyes met just for a second.

Then I looked back at my nutty opponent and behind him my friends, Joy and Nanon were cheering for him with brother Pol standing beside them. Sweet heavens! All the people I know ws present there to witness my ousting.

"Hey DJ play that again!" I shouted loudly while motioning my hands for him to understand and play the song from the start. He did as I asked and here, I go.

I untied the shirt from my back and wore one sleeve completely and let the other sleeve hanged on my elbow. I danced exactly the same way I saw on a YouTube video.

I saw Choco brown eyes widened when Tankhun took off his glasses, probably to see me more clearly. The doltish thought made me smile, quite brightly. I notice as his lips parted. He gazed at me intently. His eyes were moving wherever I go as if he didn't want to miss any second of it.

I rubbed my lips and accidentally smudged my lipstick on one side. The twitch of his lips told me that he found it funny so I did the same thing again and smudged it on the other side too. I can imagine the face of Joker.

I was using the whole dance floor but he stood on one point. When the song was about to end, I put my hand in my pocket and ambled towards him. I come to stop right in front of him and put the red lipstick back on my lips.

He gazed at my mouth. His lips parted.

I heard many woaahhhh and whistles sounds. I smiled shyly only when I realize that I go a little too far. I retreated, watching him stock-still. I confess, he looked gorgeous.

When the song ends, I stopped to catch my breath everyone was hooting for me.

This was his turned and he kinda forgot to start. I waved my hand in front of him like hello, it's your turn, and chuckled as he waved his hand to say hi. Silly boy!

DJ played Pink Venom for him. And I was dying laughing when he started to dance at that. Oh gawd! He's a freaking dark horse! He's a born performer. 

He did his best to show everyone his dance. Turns out, I was not wrong to send him to the Drama Club. Haha. I laughed too hard while sitting on the ground that I forgot to catch my breath.

I stood up as the song changed. Once again, I glared at the freaking DJ because this time he played the Doja Cat's Woman  for me. He bloody doing it on purpose! He was raising his hands up as if I'm holding a gun at him. I wish I would.

I danced at that stupid song, and I don't even know why do I know the lyrics!

Let me be your woman~

Tankhun was swaying left and right as if I was telling him the lyrics in reality. Freaking idiot!

When the song ends, everyone laughed hard at me. Hell, I just want to disappear. I would've been gone if there was a little less crowd. Sigh!

I heard the music of my favorite song.


I smiled at that and began to dance again like a freak while taking off my shirt again and tied it on my waist.

Tankhun was dancing with me too with a smile on his face.

Oh, it's only me and you~

Make it go BTBT~

We danced around and he glanced at my arm with bandana. I unconsciously placed my other hand over it. He glanced at something and looked up at once.

Music stops and I get back to my place. Mr. DJ told me that I did great and the next song is for me. It took me a moment to realize my folly. Then I grunted in exasperation. Turns out, I danced on his song. Now, I need a pillow to shout in.

DJ said even though they all enjoyed our merry dance, still this round doesn't count. So, Tankhun got another chance.

DJ played Jay Park's song and grinned at me for some reason. Tankhun didn't hesitate and started dancing at freaking Mommae. I looked around and everyone was going wild, my friends' mouth fell open when he started twerking in front of me.

Damn my eyes! I shut and open them again as if it would help me unseen his dance. What a shameless guy! He kept dancing and I glanced at Mexico who shows his wrist watch to me and disappear in the crowd. I took out the cell phone from my pocket to see the time it shows...

Ten thirty!! Where did the time go?

"Ladies and gentlemen! He's the winner... yayy to him! I'm out." I shouted loudly and ran to the way Mexico disappeared leaving everyone stupefied and wonderstruck.

I ran out of the crowd to look for him and felt as someone started to follow me. I took a turn and hide behind a pile of boxes near the food truck. My heart was beating too loudly. I tried to normalize it by breathing evenly.

It's okay Amy, you just need to leave this place.

I felt as the cell phone began to vibrate in my pocket. But I can't answer it. I heard footsteps going back and forth as if trying to find me. I rubbed the sides of my lips to remove the lipstick mark.

Suddenly, I almost had a heart attack when someone jumped from above and landed beside me. I gape the monkey guy who crouch beside me.

We look at each other and blinked.

He was a tan but handsome guy, same age as senior V. He blinked at me and I blinked back.

We both were hiding from someone. We stay quiet for a minute and the cell phone vibrate again. I peeked outside a little and found no one suspicious. I took out the device to answer the call but I was a little late as call ended.

Ten fifty!

Damnit! I stood up and come outside to run towards the entrance. I was doing just that when I bumped into someone. I looked up at once and let out a sigh in relief as it was the handsome teacher from the college. I was a little surprised to see a teacher here but I was in a hurry to think about useless stuff.

"Sorry Sir!" I said and his eyes did a quick scan of my appearance.

Leaving him there, I ran all the way to the entrance while looking for Mexico. I don't want to go outside without taking my junior. I waited for like two minutes when...

"Looking for someone!" I heard a cold voice behind me giving me goosebumps.

"Oh, I'll be damned!" I blurted out.


River - dance cover (my fav)

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