Married to Styles (Sequel to...

By byebyemsamericanpie

174K 9.1K 3.2K

"Harry?" I asked. His eyes barely opened before he closed them again. "Niall," his voice was so soft and dr... More

Character Ask
{23} Rome
{24} Girona
{25} Paris France
{26} Oahu Hawaii


8.5K 431 209
By byebyemsamericanpie


I was awoken by something landing in my lap. When I opened my eyes I saw a newspaper and at the foot of my bed I saw my nurse.

"I thought you'd like to know how you ended up here, Mr. Styles," she said.

"Where's Niall? Where's my fiancé?" I asked, almost panicking that maybe I had dreamed last night and that he said yes to marrying me.

I watched as she lifted her arm and pointed in a direction next to my bed. I looked beside me and saw Niall sleeping on the chair. He looked so uncomfortable. Why didn't he crawl into the bed with me? I would have much rather have that.

"Are you hungry, Mr. Styles?" my nurse asked.

I nodded and told her that I just wanted some toast and grapes. As soon as she left I pulled the newspaper towards me and right on the front page in big bold letters was the headline: FAMOUS BOXER GETS BEATEN BY HIS LOVER'S EX.

I gasped loudly and it woke up Niall. He sat up and I tried to hide the newspaper from him. I looked over at him to see Niall smile at me.

"Good morning, Harry," he said as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Actually it's afternoon..." Nialls eyes widened. "Don't feel bad, I just woke up as well..."

Nialls eyes diverted from mine and went to my hand that was hiding the newspaper.

"What's that?"

He reached over and tried to grab it, so I slapped his hand away.

"Ow!" He pouted. "Why'd ya do that for?"

"You don't need to see it."

"Yes I do."

He tried to reach for it again and I slapped his hand a second time.



He scrunched up his face and I chuckled.

"Harry, quit being childish and let me see what you're hiding."

He reached for a third time and I slapped away his hand again. What happened next surprised me; Niall slapped my hand back. My eyes widened so I slapped his hand again. Then we got into a slap fight. I know it was childish, but he started it. We kept telling each other to stop but neither of us did.

" I interrupting something?"

Niall quickly sat back in his chair and I looked at the door to see my nurse holding a tray with the toast and grapes I wanted.

"Uh, no. No you're not, Sam. Uh, thanks for"

She walked over to me with the tray at the same time Niall got his hands on the newspaper. I mentally cursed at myself for not hiding the newspaper under my leg or something. Sam left shortly after and closed the door behind her. I took a bite of my toast then slowly turned my head to see Niall reading the headline.

"Famous boxer gets beaten by lover's ex..." Then he gasped. "Are you fucking kidding me?! This must be some bloody joke!"

Well, he was pissed.


"How could he?!" He gripped the newspaper tighter, "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Kill who, Mr. Horan?"

We both looked towards the door to see Sam standing there again.

"Uh...n-no one," he stammered.

"Oh, alright," she smiled then looked at me, "I forgot to tell you, Mr. Styles, that I've come to release you. You're free to leave."

"Really?" I asked with a big smile.

She nodded and I thought she would leave but she started going on and on about how her 15 year old son looked up to me like an idol and he wanted to be a boxer just like me. She even said that he took up a boxing class. But to be honest? I wasn't really listening to her. Yes, I heard what she was saying but I wasn't actually listening. I was more focused on Niall. I brought my attention back to Niall. He was still looking at the newspaper...actually reading the article now. He clearly was still really mad.

My heart monitor began to beep slightly faster. I was scared as to how Niall was going to react now. The paper began to shake in his hands. He was getting even more mad. The monitor beeped even faster. I was scared and stressed.

Why would I shouldn't be questioning as to why Daniel did it. I knew why he did it. I took Niall from him. So he took his chance. I was drunk and vulnerable. Of course he knocked me flat on my ass.

I could feel myself breathe a little faster and the beeping of my monitor was getting really annoying. When Niall threw the newspaper at the ground, I swear the beeping was at its fastest speed.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Styles?" Sam asked.

"I uh...I'm just...really excited to go home."

She smiled at me. The beeping of my monitor slowly went back to normal. Before leaving, she told me that she'd come back later to unhook me from the machines. As soon as the door closed, Niall let out a loud grunt.


"I cannot believe that...that Daniel would do that to you..."

" know he didn't like me."

Niall looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"That doesn't give him the right to do what he did. He took advantage of the situation, Harry. He shouldn't have laid a fucking hand on you!"

"N-Niall...I wouldn't even be here if I--"

" not blame yourself. This is my fault." He sighed. "And you know what really tops the cake in all of this?"


"He's the one that brought you here..."

What? Did he have the sudden realization that he had beaten me? Did he realize how mad Niall would be if he found out that he hurt me?

"A-and I don't know how to..." Niall looked at his hands, "I'm mad at him. Over and beyond mad. I am so fucking pissed off I could rip a telephone book in half."

Wow. That was pretty pissed.

"But you know what'll make me feel better?"

"Uh...what, Niall?"

He got up from his chair then climbed onto the bed and under the blanket that was covering me.

"Uh, Niall?"


I mentally cursed to myself yet again only this time for still being only in a hospital gown...and still completely naked under it.


"Good thing you took a shower last night, yeah?"

I nodded and I felt his hand grab onto my length then slowly wank. I tried to stay calm, but I hadn't had his touch in this way in such a long time.


That heart monitor's sound was really getting annoying.


I bit my lip to hold back a moan as he began to wank me faster.


"F-fuck, Niall..."

I heard Niall chuckle.

"You've missed this, haven't you?"

I nodded quickly; knowing that if I opened my mouth, a moan would flow out. Then he just took me into his mouth completely and sucked hard.


I just couldn't think straight. My mind was all over the place...just like my heart monitor. Niall was just going crazy down there. Using his tongue to reach places be couldn't and fondling my balls with his hand. This was just pure bliss and I never wanted him to stop. He was giving me the attention I've been needing for so damn long; no doubt I would soon repay him for it.

My heart monitor was still beeping like crazy when Niall had gone to licking the underside of my shaft.

"You are such a f-fucking tease, Horan," I growled.

Niall chuckled again.

"Oh, don't be sad, baby boy. You love it."

He had gone back to sucking me off. I swear if anyone was hearing my heart monitor beeping at the speed it was, they'd think I was having a heart attack...which then made me wonder why no one had came to check on me...or maybe someone was going to, and they saw and or heard me moaning so they decided to stay away.

I could feel myself inching closer and closer to my orgasm. Niall knew this; he always knew. He just knew the right things to do to get me to release. And he did just that. He deepthroated me and gagged; sending vibrations through me. I couldn't contain the volume of my moan. It slipped out quite loudly and I didn't care.

"D-dammit, Niall, I--"

I didn't even finish my sentence. I just came undone. I was a complete mess. My heart monitor was slowing and Niall got out from underneath the blanket and stood beside the bed.

"Y-you feel better now?" I panted.

Niall smiled and nodded.

"Good cause so do I."

When Niall's phone began to ring, he pulled it out and by the look on his face I knew he didn't want to answer it. So that meant two things. It was either Daniel or it was Chris.

"What do you want, Chris?" he growled.

What does that fame whore want now?

"You're kidding me right?"

Oh god.

"You must be out of your bloody mind! No! I won't allow--are you trying to blackmail me?"

What was he saying? Why wasn't Niall telling me anything?

"Fine. We'll both be there. Goodbye, asshole."

He hung up then looked at me.

"So...?" I said slowly.

"Chris has set up an interview for you to talk about what know how you ended in the hospital?"

I rolled my eyes.

"For when?"

Niall sighed.

"In a few hours."

Of course it was.


I swear the lady that was prepping me for the interview wouldn't stop touching my hair. It was driving my mad. So I just snapped.

"Touch my hair one more time, I swear I'll do something drastic."

Her eyes widened and she quickly left the room; Niall was in there with me.

"Something drastic? What're you gonna do, Harry? Talk her ears off about Molly?" Niall chuckled.

"Don't be mean, Niall," I smiled then stood up from the chair, "I want you out there with me."

"Harry...I don't know if that's--"


I pouted and gave him the puppy eyes.

"Oh, alright fine."

Works every time. I am a genius.

"But I'm not letting that woman touch my hair."

We both laughed then we were told that it was time for the interview. So we both left the room and headed to were the interview was being held. I knew that this was goin to be televised. Maybe that's why Niall didn't want to be with me during the interview.

I saw the interviewer, a woman, already sitting down. When she saw us, she motioned us to sit down on the couch. Niall and I made our way to it and sat down. The woman was smiling ear to ear and to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I liked that. We got our mics put on us and then the interview began.

She had started off by introducing herself and then Niall and I.

"So let's start this whole thing off on how in the world did you end up in the hospital, Mr. Styles?" she asked.

I looked down at my hands and let out a sigh before looking up at her.

"Well, I had uh...gotten a little..." I cleared my throat, "drunk that night..."

"Any reason as to why you wanted to get drunk?"

"It was uh...a um...a personal issue that I...really don't want to talk about..."

Niall grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I understand, Mr. Styles. Do continue."

"I guess I had left the bar...not knowing where I was going and I bumped into someone and I uh...I guess I tried to fight them? All I know is that I didn't win...since I ended up in the hospital..."

"Right and you just recently found out that it was Niall's ex," she motioned to Niall, "that was not only the one to beat you but also the one who brought you to the hospital. Care to elaborate on that?"

I was about to open my mouth but Niall spoke for me.

"It's another personal issue that we'd not like to bring up. It's not worth your time."

The interviewer nodded then went on to ask what all had happened to me and I gave them the truth. Said my stomach was pumped and that I had a minor concussion but all in all, I was okay.

Then the interview went from having the focus on me to both Niall and I.

"So, Niall and Harry. My daughter calls you two Narry," Niall and I chuckled. "I think it's quite cute. She like goes on and on about you two. Let's say she's a little obsessed with your relationship."

"And how old is she?" Niall asked.

"She's nine."

I was a bit surprised and so was Niall.

"Wow...that's young..." I pointed out.

"I know, right. But she adores you two and she'll probably be so mad that I didn't tell her that I'm interviewing you both."

Niall chuckled.

"But back to the questions. So, Harry...what do you and Niall do on your guy's free time?"

I slowly wet my lips with my tongue and put my hands together and leaned a little forward on my forearms. The obvious answer would be "having sex" but, since this was going be on tv, I decided to take the professional route.

"Training at the gym..."

"Oh cmon," she lightly pushed my shoulder, "Is that all you do? Train 24/7?"

I shook my head no.

"We like to golf, go for walks and play with our cat Molly," Niall said.

"I see. And it's not weird having your trainer as your boyfriend?" She asked.


"Um... No actually. I think it all works out for the best. It didn't change anything, he's still real hard on me at the gym." I patted his knee and watched him blush. We both knew that meant more than just one thing.

The interviewer smiled and continued to ask questions about us. All in all, it wasn't that bad. When it was over she thanked us and we could leave. And I had one thing on my mind; finding Chris and beating his ass for making me exploit my hospital visit on TV.






You cannot believe how happy Layla (cute_and_nerdy) and I are about bringing the smut back. We were smut deprived as I'm sure you all were as well.


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