Galactic Empire in New World

By Robotechmania

186K 6.4K 3.2K

What will happen if the Galactic Empire suddenly appears in the New World? There is a technological gap that... More

Part 1 : The Engineer
Part 2 : The Governor
Part 2 Chapter 2 Merging
Part 2 Chapter 3 Waking Up
Part 2 Chapter 4
Part 2 Chapter 5 Aftermath Battle of Yavin
Part 2 Chapter 6
Part 2 Chapter 7
Part 2 Chapter 8 : The End of The Galactic Empire
Part 2 Chapter 9 : Galactic War
Part 2 Chapter 10 : The Accident
Part 3 Chapter 1 The Arrival
Part 3 Chapter 2
Part 3 Chapter 3 : Contact
Part 3 Chapter 4
Part 3 Chapter 5
Part 3 Chapter 6
Part 3 Chapter 7
Part 3 Chapter 8
Part 3 Chapter 9
Part 3 Chapter 10
Part 4 Chapter 1 : Wind of War in Rodenius
Part 4 Chapter 2 The Defence of Gim
Part 4 Chapter 3 Sea Battle of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 4 Sea Battle of Principality of Qua Toyne
Part 4 Chapter 5 Attack from the Kingdom of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 6 Mystery of The Galaxy
Part 4 Chapter 7 Short Road To Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 8 : Battle of Jin-Hark Port
Part 4 Chapter 9 The Siege of Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 10 - The Fall of Lauria Kingdom
Part 4 Chapter 11 Aftermath
Part 4 Chapter 12
Part 5 Chapter 1 Turbulent Water
Part 5 Chapter 2
Part 5 Chapter 3
Part 5 Chapter 4
Part 5 Chapter 5
Part 5 Chapter 6
Part 5 Chapter 8 Incident at Kingdom of Fenn
Part 5 Chapter 9 Gray Jedi
Part 5 Chapter 10 Storm is Brewing
Part 5 Chapter 11
Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair
Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair II
Part 5 Chapter 13 Mu Empire Visit I
Part 5 Chapter 14 Mu Empire Visit - 2
Part 5 Chapter 15
Part 5 Chapter 16 First Casualty
Part 5 Chapter 17 Storm is Gathering
Part 5 Chapter 18 Refugee
Part 5 Chapter 19 A Keg of Gunpowder That Ready to Blown
Part 5 Chapter 20 Naval Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 21 The Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 22
Part 5 Chapter 23
Part 5 Chapter 24
Part 5 Chapter 25
Part 5 Chapter 26 : 2nd Sea Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 27
Part 5 Chapter 28
Part 5 Chapter 29
Part 5 Chapter 30
Part 5 Chapter 31
Part 5 Chapter 32 Attack on Duros
Part 5 Chapter 33 Attack on Duros 2
Part 5 Chapter 34 Attack of Karis Village
Part 5 Chapter 35 First Sea Battle of Esthirant
Part 5 Chapter 36
Part 5 Chapter 37
Part 5 Chapter 38
Part 5 Chapter 39
Part 5 Chapter 40
Part 5 Chapter 41 Aftermath
Part 6 Chapter 1
Part 6 Chapter 2
Part 6 Chapter 3
Part 6 Chapter 4
Part 6 Chapter 5
Part 6 Chapter 6
Part 6 Chapter 7
Part 6 Chapter 8
Part 6 Chapter 9
Part 6 Chapter 10
Part 6 Chapter 11
Part 6 Chapter 12
Part 6 Chapter 13
Part 6 Chapter 14
Part 6 Chapter 15
Part 6 Chapter 16
Part 6 Chapter 17
Part 6 Chapter 18
Part 6 Chapter 19
Part 6 Chapter 20
Part 6 Chapter 21
Part 7 Chapter 1 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 2 Arrival
Part 7 Chapter 3 1st Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 4 Battle of Western Islands
Part 7 Chapter 5
Part 7 Chapter 6
Part 7 Chapter 7
Part 7 Chapter 8
Part 7 Chapter 9
Part 7 Chapter 10. 2nd Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 11
Part 7 Chapter 12
Part 7 Chapter 13 : 4th Day 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 14
Part 7 Chapter 15
Part 7 Chapter 16 5th days of 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 17
Part 7 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 1 Elysia World War
Part 8 Chapter 2
Part 8 Chapter 3
Part 8 Chapter 4
Part 8 Chapter 5
Part 8 Chapter 6
Part 8 Chapter 7
Part 8 Chapter 8
Part 8 Chapter 9
Part 8 Chapter 10
Part 8 Chapter 11
Part 8 Chapter 12
Part 8 Chapter 13
Part 8 Chapter 14
Part 8 Chapter 15
Part 8 Chapter 16
Part 8 Chapter 17
Part 8 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 19
Part 8 Chapter 20
Part 8 Chapter 21
Part 8 Chapter 22
Part 8 Chapter 23
Part 8 Chapter 24
Part 8 Chapter 25
Part 8 Chapter 26
Part 8 Chapter 27
Part 8 Chapter 28
Part 8 Chapter 29 Grenda Union Ships
Part 8 Chapter 30 Battle of Star System K17T
Part 8 Chapter 31 Battle of Star System Y6T7
Part 8 Chapter 32 Battle of Palpadia's Research Facility
Part 8 Chapter 33 Battle of Esthirant Bay

Part 5 Chapter 7

1K 37 8
By Robotechmania

System A35E1, 231 light years from Elysia

The A35E1 system is a fairly remote star system, far from the hyperspace lanes. The system is also quite hidden at the edge of a small nebula. However, the A35E1 system has a primary star that is a G-type main-sequence star that should be suitable for having an M-class planet. There is only 1 star in the A35E1 system. The A35E1 system has actually been surveyed through a long-range scan of a corvette, where no oddities were found and no M-class planets were found. However, based on Moff Trevat's orders, all star systems must be surveyed at close range to look for M-class planets or remnants from non-artificial M class, therefore a re-survey was conducted of the A35E1 system and many other star systems.

Droid 3KT267Y probe enters the system A35E1. According to the long range scan, the system has 2 planets in the goldilocks zone; one planet is on the edge of the goldilocks zone and the other is near the middle of the goldilocks zone. In addition, there are 3 other terrestrial planets in orbit near the main star, and 5 gas giants on the outer side of the solar system. There are also three other small planets on the outer side of the A35E1 system. The mission of the probe droid 3KT267Y is to map the planets in the goldilocks zone of the A35E1 system, looking for the real M-class planets, not the artificial ones.

The Droid 3KT267Y probe entered the system while doing a short-range scan on the gas giant that happened to be passed. There were two gas giants that were passed a short distance away. No outer planets are close enough for a detailed short-range scan to be carried out. The scan results showed the presence of metallic debris both in the orbits of the two gas giants and on several of their satellites. However, no power source or artificial power emission can be detected. However, this made the Probe Droid raise its guard and send news through the Holonet about it. The Droid probe also activates its shield system as a precaution.

Medium-range scans of other gas giants showed similar conditions. Even in one gas giant, a weak artificial power emission was found, which indicates that there is still an active electronic system in System A35E1. Medium range scans throughout System A35E1, including the 3 planets on the outer side of the A35E1 system, also showed a lot of metallic debris in System A35E1 on various planets, planetoids, and satellites. There is also a lot of metallic debris and artificial power emissions that appear randomly in deep space. Also detected a lot of artificial power emissions from various places in the A35E1 system. Because artificial power emission is so weak, it was not found in the long-range scan from the last survey.

A few hours later, the probe droid 3KT267Y approached the planet at the edge of the goldilocks zone. The planet is not an M-class planet; its gravity is too small, only 0.3 times the standard of gravity, so it can't hold the existing atmosphere, so the planet's atmosphere is very thin. But the probe droid again found metallic debris in the planet's orbit, and on the planet itself, clearly visible traces of orbital bombardment. There are a number of low-intensity energy sources active both in orbit and on the planet. The energy source is in the form of a fusion reactor. There are also visible traces of buildings on the surface of the planet that were destroyed by orbital bombardment. However, if you look at the pattern of orbital bombardment and the ash content and radiation in the atmosphere, the incident occurred a very long time ago, more than thousands of years ago. Therefore, the equipment from the energy source is very durable, so it is certain that the level of technology is quite high. However, there is no signal emitted from the planet and its surroundings. This increases the vigilance of the probe droid, so that the probe currently carry out real-time transmission with its controller in Terminus.




After several hours of scanning the planet, the droid 3KT267Y moves towards the second planet, which is in the middle of the goldilocks zone. The planet has 2 large satellites measuring 1,800 km and 1,200 km. In addition, there are five small satellites measuring between 150 km and 325 km. After getting close enough, it was seen that in fact the planet was an M class planet with a gravity of 0.92 standard gravity, which was hit by an orbital bombardment that was quite violent, so that the current environment of the planet was very chaotic, thus giving false readings on long range scans that the planet was not M class. Close-up scans show that a large number of artificial structures are still intact on the surface of the planet. There are also many buildings and other structures that have been destroyed by orbital bombardment.

Again, metallic debris was found even more abundantly in orbit, on the planet, and in all the satellites of the planet. There are even more active sources of energy on this planet than on the other planets. From the short range scan, it can be seen that there are several large pieces of debris in the planet's orbit in the form of wreckage from the star ship that was hit by the shot. The gunshot marks were very strange. Unlike turbolaser or laser fire, which left traces of thermal damage to the target, in the wreckage there was no trace of thermal damage, but the target seemed to be torn apart quite neatly as the molecules from the target lost their cohesion and were torn apart. Some places did find traces of thermal damage, but that was due to an internal explosion caused by the failure of the reactor or energy system on the starship. It can be seen from the pattern that there were intense battles between at least two factions.

Suddenly, from the planet's smallest satellite, a subspace signal with superluminal speed appeared, which was aimed at the probe droid 3KT267Y. The 3KT267Y droid probe was unable to decrypt the signal and forward it to Terminus to be deciphered via the holonet. But after 1 minute, the transmitted signal changes its format and content. This raises an alarm on the probe droid, and the probe droid raises its shield to its maximum and activates its blaster. However, as soon as the blaster from the 3KT267Y droid probe was activated, suddenly an energy spike occurred on the satellite, and a few seconds later, a bluish coherent beam appeared towards the 3KT267Y droid probe. When the beam reached the shield of the 3KT267Y droid probe, it turned out to have energy-disrupting properties, so the shield from 3KT267Y quickly lost its effectiveness. Moreover, the coherent beam has the same power as a light turbolaser. The shield system of the probe droid 3KT267Y quickly disintegrated, and the rays hit the probe droid's body itself, quickly causing the molecules of the droid body to lose their cohesion and seem to be phasing out of this reality. As a result, the 3KT267Y droid probe exploded, destroyed due to the failure of containment of its power source. But before it was destroyed, the real-time transmission through the holonet managed to warn Terminus of the destruction of the 3KT267Y probe droid and its causes.


Three days later.

Suddenly, above the planet, in the middle of the goldilocks zone in system A35E1, where the droid 3KT267Y was destroyed, at a distance of 400,000 km from the planet, a number of star ships appeared. A battlestar moves out of hyperspace, escorted by two Concordat Destroyers, two CR-90 Corvettes, and eight K'tinga attack cruisers. The small fleet moved closer to the planet. But the fleet did not deploy the fighter it was carrying.

The small fleet was supported by a larger fleet consisting of 1 victory class stardestroyer, 2 battlestars, 6 Concordat destroyers, and 20 K'tinga class attack cruisers. The large fleet awaits more than 1 million km off the planet. In addition, there are 20 more K'tinga attack cruisers that patrol throughout the system and perform detailed scans of existing planets and asteroids. Unlike a small fleet that is approaching the planet, the large fleet immediately deploys its fighters, and the fighters immediately scatter in all directions to perform CAP and perform close-range scanning of all objects in the system in the Goldilocks zone. But no fighters have come close to the planet and its satellites, where droid 3KT267Y was destroyed.

The small fleet immediately approached the small satellite which 3 days ago shot the 3KT267Y droid. They activate their shield at its maximum point. The position of the starships was with the battlestar and Concordat destroyers at the front of the fleet, with the K'tinga attack cruisers spreading out for long-range support and scanning their surroundings for other hostile targets. The two Corvettes were behind the battlestar, protected from the dangers of satellite fire but ready to strike as well.

After the fleet approached the satellite, a subspace signal appeared, which 3KT267Y detected 3 days ago. Quickly, the entire fleet increased its shield to the maximum, and both the Battlestar and Concordat destroyers immediately activated their armaments, especially their ion cannons. When the weapons systems of the fleet are activated, so are the weapons on the satellites.

When an energy spike is detected on the satellite that stores the coherent ray weapon, the three starships fire ion cannons nonstop to the energy spike point. But despite being bombarded with fire, the satellite also managed to shoot at the battlestar, and the coherent beam seemed to be sweeping along the battlestar facing the satellite. When the coherent beam no longer hits the battlestar, the coherent beam is turned off and on again a moment later and sweeps from a different direction. However, the shield from the battlestar was able to withstand the disruptive power of the coherent rays. Even so, the shield system of Battlestar loses 7% of its power every time it is hit by a sweep of that coherent beam!! What a tremendous power! The total shield system from Battlestar lost 35% of its power from five consecutive attacks.

However, this is not the case with the shield that protects the coherent light source. It only takes a few seconds for the shield to fail completely because interference from particle ions and cannon ions begins to hit the installation where the coherent rays originate. Shortly thereafter, a disturbance in the power supply of the installation was detected, and the coherent light suddenly went out. However, the power sources at the installation are still active, so it is believed that most of the systems in the installation remain active, including the subspace transmitter system, which is currently turning into an omnidirectional beam, transmitting a repeating signal that is almost certainly a request signal. help This causes all starships to increase their vigilance if there are other parties who will assist the installation. Fleet command on the Victory Star Destroyer contacted high command at Terminus right away to give them an update on the situation and ask for more starships to protect System A35E1.

As soon as the coherent beam stopped firing, that's when the two corvettes jumped into action. Under the cover of the Concordat destroyer, the two corvettes quickly approached the satellite. There were no more coherent beams coming out of the installation, and the two corvettes were able to get close to the satellite without any more problems.




The two corvettes quickly approached the installation where the continuous guns were and made a landing beside it. Quickly, over 200 dark troopers descended from the two corvettes and approached the installation. The dark troopers immediately surrounded the installation and secured the perimeter, and searched for airlocks to enter the installation. It appears that the installation is very worn out, and there are many battle marks around the installation. Although the satellite does not have an atmosphere, erosion marks are visible on the installation building, possibly from micrometeorites. This indicates the age of the building is very old.

They quickly found the airlock of the installation and immediately brought a portable airlock and installed it on the outside of the airlock of the installation. Twenty dark troopers then entered the portable airlock and started scanning the surroundings of the airlock. On the right side is a plaque. The dark trooper scanned the plaque and forwarded it to the protocol droid, which knows almost all languages in the Star Wars galaxy and has the ability to translate unknown languages. But because the placard only had a few words on it, the protocol droid couldn't figure out what it said.

Finally, the dark troopers bypassed the airlock with a torch, and after the airlock opened, they went inside and found very poor conditions in the installation. Life support is almost non-existent, gravity fluctuates between 0.5 and 1.1 standard gravity, and lighting is also off. Slowly, the dark troopers began to explore the contents of the installation. After the first group of dark troopers, there were two more groups, for a total of 60 dark troopers entering the installation.

However, if someone from Earth could see the plaque, it would read:


Type 2

Please turn the handle below to open airlock in case of power failure.

Words in English!!!!

The image of the plaque and all the exploratory documentation of the installation originating from the sensors in each dark trooper were transmitted in real time via the holonet and disseminated to many parties, especially the leadership of the Myto Empire. But for now, no one can read the plaque.
Star Destroyer Myto
Elysia High Orbit

Moff Trevat was very surprised to see the image of the airlock plaque. Where does English come from in this dimension? Not only placards were found, but also modern installations, much more modern than the Earth where Trevat came from, but there was also a Mitsubishi Zero from World War II. What exactly is going on in this dimension? Why does the timeline seem so messed up? These questions popped up in Trevat's mind. But what is certain is that the possibility of returning to the dimension where there is earth is getting bigger.

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