TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

40.3K 1.9K 1.3K

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

26. Perfect complement :)

373 17 4
By AprilsSmile

Tankhun's POV:

"Hey Kinn, what do you mean I can take Big with me!!!?" I shouted at my brother.

"Calm down, Khun!" Kinn rubbed his temple with his first two fingers. "I have an important meeting and I need Arm for that." He explained about why he shamelessly taking my boy and giving his angry young man to me.

"And you Pol? Why are you not coming with me?" I shot a glare to my other side where Pol was standing.

"Khun, sorry I have to go..." He said in his deep voice "...today's my mom's birthday."


"Mom's birthday?" I bit my lips thinking.

"Y-yes Khun!" He looked down.

"Hey Kinn, give me your card." I held out to my brother who looked puzzled but still gives me his credit card. "Take this and bought your mom a diamond necklace from me." I held out the card to Pol who just look at me, shocked. "What! I can't give your mom present?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"N..no Khun, it's not like that..." He stutter a little "...y..you already gave that two years ago."

I furrowed my eyebrows to think.

"Then what about a designer dress?"

"You gave that last year."

"Limited edition bag?"

"You gave that too..."

"...expensive shoes?"

He shook his head again.

"How long have you been working for me exactly!?" I yelled at him in irritation.

"M..more than five years." He answered stupidly in his heavy voice and I just rolled my eyes.

"Then go and buy your mom a sports car." His eyes widened "...or does she like bikes?" I asked, he just looked at me in awe.

Hahahaha I was just teasing him but the others give me The Look. Bunch of idiots!

I ignored them all and walked towards the door, then I turned my head slightly to look back.

Pol held out the card to Kinn who just pat his shoulder "Buy your mother a new phone." My brother said with a half smile and left without taking his card back.

A wide smile appeared on my face too.


As I go out of my house I saw Big, standing in his bodyguard uniform, near my car, waiting for me to come. But as soon as he looked at me from head to toe, his facial expression change drastically. What! I raised my head high.

I was wearing my pink leather jacket with matching shoes over white shirt and grey jeans. I know I look awesome but why is he giving me this ugly look? Ha! like I didn't know the answer already...

He looked behind me, as if requesting someone. I turned around too, only to found Arm and Pol standing behind me. Both have a playful smile on their faces.

I know they're happy as hell.
For one, they don't have to come with me today.
For two, Big has to go with me.

I want to wiped the smile off their stupid faces but...on the second thought, let them enjoy. Just for today. I smirked and stared at Big until he looked distressed. Haha, he's angry now.

As soon as I sit in the car, I told him to play music. He did as I said with an eye roll. Then I start singing a bit too loud just to irritate him... but he didn't give any reaction. Is he ill or something?

Then I slapped his shoulder from behind and told him to sing with me. He clenched wheel hard until his knuckles turned white. Haha, Now I see a spark. With a little bit of more annoyance and he'll be burning like hell fire.

As we stopped in parking area, I asked him to took off his coat, he made a face at me. Then I rolled my eyes and told him to blend in this stupid place. He looked at other students wearing white shirts. Then finally did as I asked earlier.

Ha idiot! Just you wait till I make you go to my class too, in my place. An evil smile appears on face.


I was walking and Big was following me...way too obvious! As I keep going, I saw a lean familiar figure coming towards me... actually two familiar figures as I saw a girl behind him.

They saw me and stopped, looking at me a little hesitantly. They keep looking at me like they were thinking if to say hi to me or just pass by me.

Well, I dare them to ignore me!

"Hey man!" The boy smiled at me.

"Hey Nanon!" I said back while waiting for another hi.

"Hi." Joy gave in and said in low voice.

"Where are you both going?" I asked casually.

"Umm... our class got cancelled all of the sudden so we're just walking around." Nanon answered.

"So, next class is when?" I had to ask because Arm is not around to tell me. Tsk!

"An hour later." Joy said making a face at me. Well, I know the reason and I'm not complaining. I just nodded thinking about something... Or someone.

'Where is she!?' I was thinking and as if they know what exactly was going into my mind. Joy came forward placed her hand on my pink jacket. How dare she touched me! I was about to slap her hand away when she whispered.

"She's not here" I lifted my eyebrows at that. "...not yet."

 I wanted to ask why... Is she still hurt! I clenched my fists at my sides not showing my true feelings. 

"Well, I don't know why but your outfit reminds me of a song... right Joy?" Nanon said while giving a secret signal to his friend.

Damn with the secret, I know he was trying to change the topic.

"I don't know..." Joy said finally "See you later, golden boy." She pat my shoulder and took a step to walk away.

Golden boy?

Nanon smiled at me and followed his friend.

"I'm a Barbie boy, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic..."

I heard Joy was singing loudly for me to hear. Nanon was laughing, I turned around to glare at their stupid backs... and guess what! Bloody Big was laughing too.

I can't believe it! He knows that Barbie song too! Now I was annoyed at the world itself.

Arm and Pol didn't come with me, I got stuck with this idiot who was glaring at all the students whoever comes near me, like they were carrying a gun instead of books in their hands. Amy is not here for some reason and I had to wait for a whole freaking hour for the next class.

Sigh! I shouldn't have come today.

"Hey Big! Let's go back home!" I said loudly without turning back.

"Why Khun?" He asked.

"Well, my class got cancelled and I'm feeling hot."

"Only one class got cancelled, Khun and take off you jacket of you're feeling hot." Big said flatly as if he didn't want to go back too.

"I'm tired of walking let's just go back and came later."

He just looked at me like I just landed in a spaceship or something.

"It takes an hour to come and go back to the mansion. Let's just wait here." Big stated.

Well, our annoy-ness is mutual. I don't like him and he hates me equally, period.


I sat on a table bench outside of my department. I took off my pink jacket and make him wore that for me. He looked at me like he prefers to get shot to death instead of wearing that. Haha, I'll do everything to made him realize that he should've listened to me when I asked to go back. 

I was sitting on the bench and he put... actually throw my poor bag on the table. I shot him a glance and he took out a black mask and wore it.

Don't tell me, he's embarrassed to wore that jacket. I laughed at him and took out my cell phone and start clicking his pictures from every angle.

He was glaring at me madly. The veins in his stupid eyes turned red. Well, I won't be surprised if he try to murder me any minute. I ignored his anger and took a few selfies with him, while making a little heart with my fingers. He looked so done with me!

I select all of the pictures to sent in my family group - that I make of course - to share this kind of rare moment with my brothers, and their partners and my Pete and body guards. I noticed that everyone left the group and only my Pete and faithful guards remain.

I rolled my eyes at the screen. Why do they always do that!? Now I have to make a new group - adding all of them again, this time I add my not-so-favorite cousins too. Then I glanced at Big the mad Barbie and added him too.

He also had a right to enjoy life. Hahaha



What a beautiful day!

My first class got cancelled so I went to the canteen and buy some snacks to eat and pass my time. I was eating the cookies while walking around and admiring the nature.

As I was strolling...

I saw a group of friends laughing and taking pictures.

A fighting CC... pathetic.

A tree that look taller than the last month I saw it.

A bee flying towards me but I dodged it in time... hehe

A guy standing wearing a shocking pink leather jacket... eww.

A blonde beauty sitting and admiring his own looks... double ewww.

I kept walking...

1 step.

2 steps.

3 steps.

I was about to put a cookie in my mouth but stopped...

Hold on!!

I took few steps backwards to look.


Holy morning breeze!

I looked at him.

He looked back at me.

I blinked once.

He blinked twice.

I put that damn cookie in my mouth and crushed it between my premolars and molars.

And that's it! I dashed forward and freaking run away.


Tankhun's POV:

I was dumbfounded. For the love of my own life - I didn't know how to react. I remains silent for a good minute.

What was that??? I turned my head a little.

"Did a girl just came back to look at me, then ate a choco-cookie and ran away?" I asked just to be sure.

"I didn't get to see what kind of cookie was that... But yes, that's what happened!" Big answered, way too honestly. I can tell he was holding back his laugh without even looking at him.

"Just laughed out already, don't hold back..." I murmur feeling irritated to hell and back. Is this what they call Karma?

Urgh! At least someone is happy at the moment.

"Yes, Khun!" Big said and laughed obediently. Idiot!



Sweet heavens!

What was that, Amy!! I hit my head with my book for the hundredth time. Both Nanon and Joy looking at me amused.

We came early to this class. A few more students were sitting here and there, minding their own business. I looked at my right side at his empty chair. Where is the owner?

Sigh, I can't face him today.

I stood up at once - startling Joy who was sitting behind me - and went all the way back of the class, to the guy who was sitting while playing some game in his cellphone. He looked up and raised and brow in question.

"Can you switch your seat sit with mine?" I asked.

"For today or for forever?" He laughed a little still playing the game.

"Whatever suits you..." I mumbled.

"Where is your seat?"

"Like you didn't know..." I just roll my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Haha yeah, I know." He gave me a toothy smile.




"Well, it's kinda like a rule in my life, not to sit with a guy who is more good looking than me."

What he said makes my half of the face twitch.


"What would I get in return?" He asked making his voice a little raspy.

Is he trying to woo me!? If yes then... hell with him.

"How about you sit there and do nothing? I'll note down the lecture for you." I proposed he just looked at me blankly then I added a little more "You don't even have to listen."

He tilted his head as if thinking.

"Well, sweet Amy! How about... you gave me the assignment that you will make of today's topic!" He bloody bargained.

"Deal!" I grinned.

He chuckled and then go to my seat. Silly!


Tankhun's POV:

I entered in my classroom. Stupid Big was also coming in then I had to explain that he doesn't need to guard me inside.

He gave me a look like I was lying. Then I told him that he can come if he wants to note down the lecture to me.

That was it. He bowed down and took two steps back.

As soon as I sat in my seat, I turned to look at... Woah...!

What is this so-so looking dude doing here and where's my beautiful Amy!?

He gave me a 'What's up, buddy?' look that I ignored, of course. And looked around in class.

Don't tell me that she didn't come to class because of... ahaaa!!

I found her, sitting at the very end of the class, trying to hide behind her book.

Silly girl! I smiled while looking at her.

Does she really think that she can run away from me...?
Well yes.
But does she really think that I can't catch her...?

As I was gazing at her a cringed face came in my sight.

Hah stupid JamJellyJoy...!

She was giving me The Look as if I were the reason Amy changed her seat.

I just blinked and sigh... Alright, I was the reason she changed her seat.

I set my front hair with a finger gently and turned to look at front because our teacher came.

"Students get you pens ready for a surprise test." As soon as he entered, he throws a bomb at everyone's head.

But someone chuckled lightly. Everyone turned to look at that who in the hell was happy after hearing about the test. Even Sir looked up to see that happy-person.

Maybe, Amy chuckled after hearing the word surprise not the test!



I was waiting for the teacher to come while hiding behind the book. Maybe he didn't notice me... or maybe he didn't even care about that I...

Don't go there.

I shudder at the unfinished thought, unconsciously.


As soon as I heard the word surprise test, I can't help but laugh at the face of guy who exchange his seat with me. Haha, he was looking at me like I conned him or something. I shrugged a little, and he glared at me like I knew that we were having a surprise test!

Well, tests on Monday are kinda universal thing. If you know you know.

I felt like all of the eyes were starting at me, I looked down pretending that I wasn't the one who laughed earlier.

Suddenly someone hit me with a paper ball, I looked up to find Joy looking back at me. I read what was written on the paper.

"Come back to your damn seat!" Down that line was a cartoon - kneeling and begging. I was grinning at that when...

"Excuse me, sir!" I heard a familiar voice.


"Aren't we need to sit according to the roll numbers during the test?" He asked seriously.

"Yes." Sir replied.

"In that case, this so-so looking guy doesn't belong to this chair." Tankhun said innocently while freaking pointed with his thumb at the guy he was talking about.

After hearing that... the whole class burst into laughter.

And that so-so looking guy glared at him hard. If he were a cartoon character now his eyes would be burning with fire and smoke would be coming out of his ears.

"Everyone quiet!" Sir said with hiding his own smile.

I sigh in defeat while grabbing my stuff and go to my own seat. That so-so...ahm, the guy stood up too. When I was near him, he towers on me and gave a not so polite look.

"I owe you an assignment... thanks anyway." I whispered and noticed his facial features relaxed a bit. I smiled at him and step aside so that he can go to his original place. He just shook his head but I think I saw a little smile.

As I sat down, I felt my neighbour was glaring at me. Why is he angry now?

After trying my best to ignore him, I turned to look at him so that I can glare back at him equally. But as soon as I saw his face and that light blonde hair - a smile appeared on my face.

Don't tell me he's into K-pop now!

Oh gawd, he looks so foolhardy!

Honestly, I like the previous hair color on him. The brown hair complements his dark brown eyes.

He changed his hairstyle too. His hair used to be a little wavy but now that he straightened them out, I noticed his hair are quite long.

My smile grew wider when a strand of hair falls on his eye and almost poked him. But he didn't push it back as he was too busy glaring at me for some reason.

Is he angry that I ran away earlier?.. or did he mind that I exchange my seat with someone else? .. maybe he didn't like the fact that I made a so-so looking guy sit beside him...

Maybe, next time I should make a pretty girl sit beside him. Actually no, I don't like the idea itself.

Something in his eyes changed as he noticed my smiling mouth.

He blinked as the strand finally poked his eye... As if my hand has the mind of its own, it goes to his face, slowly.

I brushed his hair away from his forehead. He closed his eyes and my fingers unconsciously brushed against his eyes and forehead.

Ahmm ahmm!

Some girl cleared her throat near me, I pulled my hand back at once.

I turned and found Joy giving a strange smile to me and him. I felt my neck getting warm, and my heart start beating like crazy.

I looked at the same hand that touched him. Freaking heavens!

Did he just lean his face on my hand?

No way. Maybe it was just my imagination.


After that I didn't dare to glance at him... Not even a little bit.

As soon as the class ended, I submit only my test paper abruptly and left the class without even looking at him or my friends.

What the hell is wrong with you Amy!!???


Outside the faculty:

Vegas's POV:

I was walking towards my neighbour faculty when I saw someone walking towards the same direction.

"Hey Kim!" I said stopping the other.

"Hey Vegas!" He looked back a little surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I asked casually. He lifted his brows at me as if wanted to ask the same.

I don't want him to know about... anyways. He's a clever guy, I won't be surprised if he's already know about Amy or make someone following her around.

Well, he's a guy who did his homework first - then following. So, he might have already been checked her background too.

"I could have asked the same..." He smiled a little slyly.

Yeah, we're thinking the same thing. I smiled back, not so innocently.

"Kinn asked me to check on our eldest brother. He didn't bring his bodyguards today." He answered, half laughing. "Don't worry, Kinn sent Big with him today." He added while looking at my face.

"Who's worried!?" I scoffed a little. He lifted a brow at me but didn't comment. Smart!

"Maybe you didn't check your cell phone yet... anyways, why did you come?" Kim smiled as he thinks of something then asked.

"Same reason." I murmur, he gave me a look while tilting his head a little. "Fine. Pete asked me to come here whenever I had free time to check on crazy cousin." I admit finally making him laugh.

Well, that half-truth was enough to make him believe me and less suspicious. I smirked inside.

"In that case, shall we?" Kim starts walking already making me follow behind. Bloody sly!


We kept walking while looking around. I kept walking a little behind just to see if he knows the area. Well, he does. Now the question is if he knows where to find our crazy guy. Well, he does.

 We both stopped in front of a class.

"Are you sure, he's in there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know his schedule." He replied while opening the door a little bit, just enough to peek inside.

"Everyone does." I chuckled a little like I never realized that my crazy cousin would be this popular among us.

As the door opened, we heard the familiar voice and smirked almost together, Khun. 

We peeked and saw our crazy guy sitting in the middle of two boys. Well, that makes me a little... relax! He was talking something about roll numbers and test. Me and Kim glanced at each other half surprised, half puzzled.

So, he does pay attention in class! Then he opened his narcissistic mouth making whole class laugh for some reason. I noticed Kim's eyes were moving, as if scanning the whole class - finding someone.

Now the question is if he knew...!..?

Suddenly I saw a familiar figure walking and sitting beside him.

Well, now I know the answer, because he didn't react... in any way after looking at her which only means one thing.

He's too familiar with her.

We continue peeking - even after checking that he's fine as hell - just out of curiosity.

"Hah! Khun is jealous!" Kim commented out of the blue.

"Why?" I look inside.

"You didn't know because you were busy staring at me." Kim muttered in a low voice, damn him.

Now, there's no need to pretend, we both knew and we both caught each other at the same time. I smirked at him and he grinned back, reading my mind.

"Why is our crazy brother staring at her?"

"Because his young lady likes to gave away smiles as a charity." He mumbled while staring as if he didn't even want to miss a single second. I'm surprised that he keeps blinking in between.

"Looks like she's well aware of his angry glares." I smirked. Well, she complements his craziness equally.

"You think she fights back, if Khun throws a tantrum at her?" Kim asked whispering.

"Depends on her mood." Kim turned his head to look at my face, I added"...she's both an onlooker and a combatant." I said in low but clear voice.

"How do you know?"

"Well, you should've seen the mark she left on our brother's face." I smirked at the memory.

Kim furrowed his brows in confusion. So, there's something he didn't know after all. I half smirked.

We both looked inside, she was smiling at him. Is it her way to get away from certain situations!? Pete does that too now that I think about it.

"Her smile..." Kim started and stopped. But his face gave away.

"I know..." I said softly "...that smile is worth falling."

"Khun's choice." Kim smiled a little.

Then something happened making our eyes widened.

Did she just...!..?

"...", "..."
For a minute, we forgot how to blink.

Even crazy brother was stunned, we saw his hands shaking a little.

"Oh, I'll be damned!" Kim thought out loud and I just nodded, agreeing with him.


More than a week ago...

Kim's POV:

Yesterday, I was surprised as hell when I saw my eldest brother Khun following a girl.

He pulled her freaking scarf and make her walk with him. Every time I thought of that image, I want to laugh out.


I came to this club with my friends from college. And I was surprised as I recognized Khun's young lady. At first, I thought she was someone else but then I looked closely, she was wearing the same scarf as yesterday and she was in college uniform too so, there's no way I'm mistaken.

She doesn't look like she come here to party as she kept walking here and there as if trying to find someone. Out of curiosity, I began to follow her a little behind.

For like five minutes she just keeps walking. Now my curiosity felt like dying as nothing interesting happening. She was walking on the dance floor ignoring every one who gave her attention.

Suddenly, she halted and turned around and I started to sway my body with the music as if I was enjoying myself.

I don't know why but she started to walk hastily trying her best to get out of this dancing crowd. I followed her again obviously.

I stopped as she goes inside the girl's restroom. I stood there for a while but she didn't come out.

Then two drunk girls appear, I just spare them a glance as they walked away leaning against one another, one was wasted while other was carrying her and some kind of shopping bag.

Then I saw another girl coming out, wearing the exact same scarf as the girl I've been following or no specific reason. She came out and I furrowed my eyebrows as she wasn't the same girl I waited for. She caught me looking at her and came towards me while smiling sheepishly.

"Where did you get this scarf?" Unlike my character, I asked as soon as she stopped in front of me.

"The girl with looooong hair gave me..." She mumbled happily.

"Where's the girl?"

"She just left..." She said making me a little confused.

"When!?" I asked but the girl - as if in some other world - start talking nonsense.

"That Rapunzel took off her dress shirt, untucked her T-shirt she was wearing underneath, folded her jeans upwards..." I know the girl was quite drunk as she tried to motion everything she was saying. "...she was stupid. She wetted her nice bangs and tucked them behind her ear... her hair was long... way too long." She makes a pouty face and almost falls to the side, then I had to make her sit. She smiled and continued her nonsense talk.

"Rapunzel asked me for my shopping bag. Haha I tease her a little... that I'll give her if she give me her scarf in return. And she was stupid enough to exchange her scarf for a cheap plastic bag... hehe..." The girl laughed idiotically. "I looked pretty in the scarf, ain't I?"

"Why did she asked for the plastic bag?"

"She put her back pack and shirt in that... and left."

Now I remember two girls that left earlier.

"With whom?"

"With the drunk girl... She changed herself like superman... Then helped the poor wasted girl...to stand properly and even let her accompany her outside... she was stupid but nice... She gave me the scarf..." She laughed a little more and then stopped blabbering.

Well, she's completely out now. I wanted to go out to look for her but I can do it my way.


"Khun, your young lady is hella interesting." I murmured to myself.

Now where's the control room?


"Once a nosy person, always a nosy person."  -Tankhun

Amy X Tankhun

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