TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

22. Wild Vehement!!!

409 21 8
By AprilsSmile

Hey Readers,
You've read chapter 18, right!? So you know about Tankhun and Amy's interaction in the classroom. how Tankhun seems physically incapable of taking his eyes off Amy.
So this chapter would feel like a parallel universe or something.

[Chapter 18. Amy X Tankhun]

Maybe I should zip my mouth up and continue writing! You'll find out yourself. :) Enjoy

-A.S. Styles ^^



Life turned back to 360... or should I say became normal again.

He came to class but didn't bother me, not even trying to look at me at all. Which is a good thing, right? I took notes, and he kept listening to lectures. I saw him talking to Nanon, the guy who sat on his right side. He's a good guy to have as a friend. As for the guy sitting in the middle, I don't think I've ever seen him with anyone else in particular. Doesn't he have any friends!?

Usually, guys hang out together after class, I saw many groups of boys in the canteen area, doing silly things while wasting their time. Bunch of losers! Only he was the loner in the whole college.

Even though he's reluctant to literally everyone still he is famous in college. Girls like to talk about Tankhun's looks and expensive clothes.

How do I know this? Well, Nanon and Joy like to gossip around. Both of them are my friends. We have two classes together. They are nice people, they treat me friendly, and join me to study in the library or garden area - even though they like to waste their time mostly talking about useless pieces of stuff, like shopping, eating, or gossiping a little bit about fellow beings. But still, they're nice haha...

Sigh, I stole some glances at him but he didn't even bother to look at me.

Something changed! Well, we were not friends or anything in the first place so...

"You wrote the date wrong!"

"Oh!" I corrected my mistake.

Wait a minute! I turned my head to look at him. He talked to me!? A smile appeared on my face.

"Thanks," I said, he just nodded a little then turned his head to talk to the guy next to him. Nanon seems happy to talk to him. That idiot! It was just yesterday when Nanon was complaining about His Highness, sitting in the middle, being arrogant, and whatnot. And today he was busy chattering with the same guy. Double-faced guy! I just rolled my eyes while looking at them. I can't hear a single sentence of their interesting conversation. Well, Nanon told us later what they were talking about, me and Joy.

I was busy staring at them when someone poked me from behind. I turned around in my chair.

"Do you want to go to get something to eat!" Joy asked while leaning towards me. I don't want to but I don't mind a little walk. 

"Sure!" I stood up grabbing my bag from the ground. Tankhun looked up at me almost immediately but I didn't look back.

"Hey, Nanon we're going to the canteen. Do you want something?" Joy asked while throwing a paper ball at him to get his attention.

"Juice maybe..." Nanon threw back the ball at her but accidentally hit me. "Haha, my bad." He laughed at me. Idiot!

His Highness gave him an accusing glare. In my heart, I didn't want him to fight his newly found friend, so I started instead...

"You dare to laugh? Just you wait... I'll throw a freaking stone covered in paper at you, knocking all of your teeth out." I asserted making Nanon's eyes widen in shock. He put his hand up to cover his stupid mouth, Joy clapped her hands while laughing hard even Tankhun laughed a little enjoying the scene.


We bought some snacks and drinks. We were going back to the class when I saw him walking in the corridor. I held out a juice bottle to him, which I bought for him. He just looked at me with a blank face.

"I don't take things from strangers." He said while avoiding looking at me directly. Joy scoffed beside me while rolling her eyes. I just look at him, waiting for him to accept what I bought for him. He didn't move at all. Is he for real? Oh kay... Fine with me... hell with him...

"Oh... I didn't know that. Maybe because we were strangers." I pressed on the last word a little too much. His eyes widened. Well, he didn't expect that from me, right?

Hah! Idiot trying to give me attitude for no specific reason. But he should know better than I believe in give and take. If you want to give attitude then learn to take it back too.

"Let's go, Joy, Nanon is waiting for us," I said over my shoulder to her, still looking at his face. He didn't look that pleased. Well, hell with him. Who cares!!

When I was getting passed by him, I did something I always wanted to do...

I freaking flipped my hair.

Joy chuckled a little, enjoying everything.


I saw someone outside my classroom leaning against the wall. He was clapping his hands lightly without making any sound. Joy went inside while I stopped to say hi.

"Hey, senior Vincent!" I smiled. He shook his head lightly but returned my smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and looked around. A group of guys who were coming this way stopped and turned back while half walking half running away. Weirdos!

"I was just walking around then I saw a familiar figure, doing some glaring and flipping... you know?" I placed my free hand to cover my eyes in embarrassment. He seems happy to tease me.

"If you are here to tease me, then go back. I don't wanna talk to you." I felt my cheeks getting warm. He just throws his head back and laughs.

"Okay then let's talk about..." He looked around a little "...the bottle you were holding."

"Oh, this..." I don't want this anymore in my hand, it was not for me anyway. "..it's for you." I smiled widely.

"For me.?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at me suspiciously. I blinked in yes."Is it kind of returning?" He asked in a low but clear voice.


"Are you giving this to me because last time I've got you juice?" He didn't look pleased.

"Oh no no, it's not like that... Actually, I want to throw this away but the trash bin is too far from here. So I thought why don't I dump it on you? Hehehe..." I tell him the truth while grinning. Haha, he was making a face worth watching. He looked at me like he wanted to... punch me...?

"Did you just - indirectly - call me a trash bin?" He said in a chilled voice giving me goosebumps. I just nodded like an idiot. He glared at me fiercely.

Sheesh Amy, it's not a time for being honest. Where is the exit!?

'Should I apologize!?' I thought.

"For what?" He heard it, damnit!

"...for not flattering you by lying and just being hopelessly honest." I was biting my lips waiting for him to say something. He remained silent, just kept looking at me.

I didn't dare to look up at his face at all. He took a deep breath, relaxing himself.

"You don't need to apologize." He ruffled my hair like he wasn't mad at me a second ago. And this ruffling thing is becoming our usual thing.

"I will be more formal and more careful next time, and never speak useless stuff around you," I stated half-heartedly... he's a senior after all.

"Don't do that... please." He said softly making me look up at his face. "I like you better this way." He smiled a little making my eyes widen, my mouth almost fell open.

Uh ohh.

"Please don't..."


"Please don't like me!" I pressed on the word like. He fell quiet at once. Did I say something wrong? He raised an amusing brow. Don't tell me he didn't mean what I thought...

Oh gawd!

Bloody secondhand embarrassment!

And this is one of the rarest moments when I don't mind if someone grabs my hand tightly and runs away... or simply kidnaps me.

The heaviest minute of my life later, he finally throws his head back and laughs out hard. Great!

He rubbed his face while looking at me in disbelief. He looked so done with me. Even I can't complain about that. Next time when I see him either I will hide or just say HI and run the other way.

"Why are you so..." He tried to find a correct word in his vocabulary. "...crazily adorable."

Oh damn! Just shoot me instead. No one in my whole damn life called me adorable, not even my parents. Being called crazy is not new to me but adorable!? Seriously?

I wanted to ask him if he was trying to mess with me or what. Now I know what he felt like when I tried to treat him like a trash bin. I tried to tighten my fist on the damn bottle to crush it a little bit but hell... nothing happened.

Hell with the good quality of plastic bottles. I almost called the company to complain. I was lost in thoughts when he reached down and took the bottle from my hand.

"Thanks!" He smirked at me looking amused. He was definitely messing up with my head. He ruffled my front hair with his free hand once again and left, leaving me alone to stand in the hallway.

Alone!? Where did everyone go?


Tankhun's POV:

How dare she treat me like that!!!

I was just acting because my bodyguards were watching from a few meters away.


I wanted to shout out as loud as possible for a human being. But for now, I just pretended to be fine, hiding my irritation completely. Arm and Pol were exchanging looks, thinking why I was so calm, and didn't ask them to kidnap the rude girl and make her feel sorry.

Well, I won't do that. She'll hate me for real if I ever did something like that to her. And it'll break my heart too so...

"Hello, first brother!" I heard the voice that I hated to the hell and back. I looked up at him he was smiling for some reason. Did something good happen? Why is he happy while I'm suffering mentally!?

"Yes, dear cousin!" I faked a smile too.

"Why are you guys here outside?" He glanced at Arm and Pol.

"Complimenting the sky, why do you ask!?" I glanced up at the sky.

Damn, sunlight! I almost get blind by just a little glance. He wanted to laugh at me, but I dared him to do that.

"Don't you feel hot here! Well, I have a drink if you're interested!" He was holding a stupid bottle. My eyes widened for a fraction second. I looked at both Arm and Pol to see if they noticed too. Arm shows no reaction but Pol gave away. His eyes widen and he keeps elbowing Arm as a single. Vegas smirked looking at us.

"I don't want your cheap drink," I said in a loud voice. "Where did you get this anyway?" I tried to ask casually showing zero curiosity.

"I just got this from my junior..." Vegas replied ignoring my rude remarks completely.

What is he trying to do!? I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Junior? Huh? Is he good-looking?" I asked. He furrowed his brows. He didn't get what I just said, dimwit.

"Well, we Theerapanyakuls never take things from others. Not the cheap one at least... unless..." I tried to intimidate him while smiling evilly "...the giver was pretty good-looking." He narrowed his eyes a little but then smiled putting on a mask, which I could see through easily. "Should I call Pete?" I asked sweetly while tilting my face a little staring at his face.

"I see what you're trying to do, crazy cousin! But don't worry it's not like that.." He said casually.

"Well, that's not an answer I was expecting..." I tried to dismiss him.

"So what my crazy cousin wants to hear as an answer." He came near me lowering his voice. Both Arm and Pol alerted, ready to take action if he tried to do anything funny.

"Well, my junior is beautiful if you look closer enough." He whispered while pressing on the words 'my junior'. I clenched my fists. "And she's a little silly but smart and bold..." He was now standing right next to me.

I'd be an idiot-of-the-century if I didn't know what he was talking about. "What did you do to her!!?" I heard my voice coming as a growl. And I wanted to grab his collar. He leaned back while raising a brow showing a surprised expression.

"Nothing... Absolutely nothing." He raised his hand to set his hair and stepped back. I was feeling something inside of me... like a burning fireball.

"So do you want it now!?" He smirked evilly while raising the damn bottle in the air.

"..." Yeah, I freaking want it, only to pour it on your head.

"Well, now I'm not in the mood to drink it. You can have it if you want... I'm leaving." He put it down on the table and left. I watched his back for a while.

"Are you okay, Khun?" A deep voice came over my shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go!" I took a step ahead. From the corner of my eye, I saw Arm lifting the bottle and putting it in my bag that he was carrying around for me. Smart boy!


'Vegas knows. Vegas knows. Vegas knows...'

All the way to my classroom I kept repeating these two words in my mind over and over again. I'm short-tempered but I never really got angry. I don't even know what it felt like to be angry, real anger.

I stopped in front of my class, and both Arm and Pol disappeared, taking their positions somewhere. I opened the door only to find her alone in the damn class. I tightened my fists and jaw while stepping in.

Then something unpleasant happened...


Amy's POV:

We came way too early...

And now I was sitting alone in my last class of the day. Both Nanon and Joy went outside to make their IG story or something. I'm not interested in social media stuff. I usually click selfies or random pictures only for myself or to send them to my parents to show them that I'm very much alive.

I was still thinking about what happened earlier with Senior V. I'm sure he was still laughing at my folly. Damnit! I don't want to think about it anymore.

Suddenly the door opened and as soon as I saw his face I moved my eyes, trying to look somewhere else.

Tankhun walked in, taking long steps towards...me? He doesn't look like his normal self at all. He grabbed me by my arm tightly and pulled me up from my chair. At first, I was surprised to see him like that, then I tried to pull my arm away. But his grip tightened some more.

"Let go," I said finally. He glared at me and then pulled me closer to him.

"Who do you think you are? Huh?" He growled deeply. I never heard this voice before. His eyes looked fierce for some reason. What happened? He can't be this angry at the bottle incident, is he?

"Let me go..." I remained calm as a cool breeze.

"WHY!?" Woah, my calmness makes him angrier.

"You are touching me. And I don't like it." I looked him in the eye just to show him that I was not afraid of his anger and I didn't want to fight him. Well, I don't even have any idea what makes him flip like this.

"Do you have any idea what you get yourself into!?" Of all the tones of speech in the world, he chose a darker one.

Now I'm not that calm anymore. "I. Said. Let. Me. Go." I tried to match his level of anger by pressing at each and every word.

He tilted his head and tightened up his grip some more. I felt a little stringy sensation on my skin beneath my sleeve. At this rate, he'll break my arm. I took a step away from him. But he pulled me back, this time closer.

Okay, that's enough I placed my free hand over his to make him let go of my arm. His hand felt warm against my colder one. His eyes went down to look at my hand over his. Then he stares back at me. His eyes become darker.

Now I'm afraid of...him.

I tried to pull my arm while removing his hand. But he's too strong for me to handle. I started to feel my arm going numb.

"LET GO!" I shouted at him. I looked at the door, waiting for someone to come and help me. I don't really want to shout help, help!! That would be pathetic.

"How dare you raise your voice at me.!" He leaned over me. "You have no idea what you've done, are you?" He said in a low but deep voice. "I was saving you from... and you freaking talk to him!!!!" He raised his voice.

"What are you talking about?"

"Playing dumb, huh?" He sneered a little "Why? Don't you find him handsome and charming! Or does he lure you with his sweet talk?" I removed my hand from his.

"What are you implying?" I don't like the way he talks! Who is he even talking about?

"Don't play dumb with me... I know girls of your kind." He stared down at me, showing a face full of disgust.


My hand landed on his face hard. For a second, he looked like he was struck by a thunder.

The timing of my slap and door opening was the same. Whoever came stopped in their track, looking at us.

"What is going on?" Joy asked.

"Hey man, what are you doing!?" Nanon came towards us running.

I kept looking at Tankhun, his face started to turn red, showing my finger marks. Maybe I've hit him too hard. But he deserves to be slapped so no regrets.

Even after the slap he didn't let my arm go. He looked like a predator trying to intimidate his prey. But I'm sorry darling you've got the wrong person.

"Are you mad! Let her go!" Joy shouted at him while trying to move his hand away. Good luck with that!

"You can't do this... it's harassment dude." Nanon tried to reason with him.

My heart was beating like crazy because of anger...offensiveness...disgust... hurt. I lowered my eyes and stopped fighting back, fighting doesn't bring anything good.

"Amy, what are you doing!? Pull your arm back. Nanon get this crazy guy away from her." Joy was shouting at all of us. "What are you doing are you planning to break her arm?" She slapped Tankuhn 's hand to make me free, and only caused his grip even tighter. Nanon was pulling him away, but he was too weak to do that.

"Amy, say something to him, damnit!" Nanon gave up pulling him and came to me instead.

I was looking down thinking over what he said earlier. No matter how I comprehend his words they directly hit my heart. I smiled a little at the pain he caused not by grabbing my arm but with his words.

Everything seemed to stop as I smiled to myself.

"Amy...?" Joy's little voice came.

"He questioned my character," I said while looking at the faces of my friends who seemed puzzled. "He knows the kind of girls like me..." My voice breaks a little.

"What are you talking..." Nanon kept looking at me and him, back and forth. I continued.

"He thinks I'm a call girl...or something." I chuckled a little to hide my broken... whatever.

"What!!" Both of them looked at me in awe.

"What! you guys don't know what kind of girls he was referring to? He was talking about the girls who can be lured by looks or money... They have many names too..." I speak in a little voice but louder enough to be heard clearly. "...call girl, rent girl, prostitute, courtesan... whore!" I start counting on my fingers.

Strangely now I don't feel anything on my arm at all.

"I didn't say that!!" He yelled too loud and stunned both Joy and Nanon. Joy placed her hands on her heart. But I just raised my head.

"True. But I am not dumb. I know exactly what you meant. And deep down you know it too. Just so you know... whatever you were implying about me... I get it." I said too calmly and smiled at the end to assure him.

He was burning red with anger. I don't think he knows how to handle this kind of feeling. Should I help him? Or just tell him to sit down... taking deep breaths helps too but I'm not in the mood to talk to him. I'm gonna leave this place as soon as he lets my arm go.

"Look guys, I don't have any idea what is going on here. But let's just sit and talk. Okay! And you let go of her damn arm." Joy tried to talk some sense here. Nanon kept nodding at us.

"Let him be, Joy. He too doesn't have any idea what he wants to do." I said,

"But he's hurting you..." Joy's eyes widened.

"Does he?" I smiled at her, her jaw dropped down. Even the guy in front of him moved a little.

"Don't be so dramatic. You know me, I am not feeling anything. If treating me like this makes him feel good then... let him be." I look into his dark brown eyes. "Or should I help him a little..."

His brows furrowed a little. I raised my free right hand in the air. He raised an eyebrow anticipating a slap or maybe a punch. But I don't want to hurt his charming face, again.

Instead, I did something else making his eyes widen with shock, and my friends shouted in horror.


I hit my wrist on the back of the chair hard enough to break a... bone!

All eyes were on my wrist, an ugly blue mark appeared at once. I felt a little throbbing in my muscles.

"Are you okay?" Joy half speaks half shrieks.

"Yup! Ask him if is he feeling okay! Is he happy now! he was trying his best to hurt me for quite some time..." I smiled and looked at him challenging if he could still dare to hold onto me. His eyes change a bit, does it work? "...maybe one more time..." I raised my hand again but this time it landed on something soft.

His hand!

I saw him wince a little in pain. I didn't realize it at first but when did he let my arm go.?

"Are you crazy?" Tankhun shouted in his usual exaggerated high-pitched voice while holding my hand.

Haha, he's back.

"Not as much as you!" I said and took a step back. Shows over!

Joy was trying to make herself relax while Nanon sank into a chair near him. I don't want to talk to any of them. I grabbed my bag to leave.

"Where do you think you are going?" Joy makes me sit on my chair. "Show me your arm." Without hearing my answer, she starts folding my sleeves up.

A dark red bruise appears on my skin. I can see five thick finger marks there. He bloody marked me! I turn to give him an accusing glare but his gaze is fixed on my arm his legs given away he too sinks back into a chair.

He looked... afraid?

"We need to see the doctor!" Joy said

"Nahh, it's just a bruise, it'll disappear on its own." I tried to unfold my sleeve.

"What about your other hand?" Joy asked again.

I looked at my wrist "Umm, this one looks ugly. I need to hide it for a few days, otherwise, people would think it was a result of domestic violence..." I tried to joke but no one laughed.

"I didn't..." I heard his voice "It just..." He was looking down while trying to say something.
"I never..." He was tapping his foot restlessly "I hurt you..." He finally looked at me.

"..." I was speechless to see his tear-stained face. He was... crying.

"Joy Nanon give us a second... Alone." I said without taking my eyes off him.

"Are you crazy? How can we leave you with..." she was saying but I interrupted her.


She waited a second to think but Nanon took her.

"Okay, we're just outside if anything happens just shout," Joy said making me smile.

They left but didn't close the door completely. We both remain silent. I tried to think everything over in my head.

After a minute or two I made up my mind. He looked calm but panicked at the same time. He didn't raise his head but he was sobbing. I pulled my chair a little closer to him and sat down.

"So, are you gonna talk about... about why were you so angry at me?"


"Tankhun?" I called him by his name. He looked up at that. "Whatever happened earlier... Explain yourself!"

"...you talked to Him."


"One of the guys I want to hide you from."

"..." I was speechless for a minute. All the texts that I got in the last two days came to my mind.

"I don't want to you get.... hurt!" He whispered

"Clearly..." I didn't know if to laugh or cry at that.

"I... I want to say sorry but sorry doesn't heal the wounds." His voice breaks. "You can hit me back if that helps." He added making me half smile.

"You were talking about something about girls and their kinds..."

"NO! I didn't mean that not even a percent. I didn't question your character. I didn't know any kind of... I... I didn't even know any girls."


We both went silent again.

"You are different!" He said out of the blue looking sad "...and interesting." He kept looking at me as if trying to find something.

"Thank you?" I felt awkward by his gaze.

"Different makes you Special. Interesting makes you Target." He murmured mostly to himself. I felt a chill run through my veins giving me goosebumps.

Soon the door opened and students started to come in. They looked at us sitting close and smiling thinking something inappropriate, I'm sure.

I stood up put my chair back in its place and sat down. My cellphone shows a new text message. I glance at him, he wiped away his tears with his sleeves. After reading the text message, I kept staring at the screen for a while.

What exactly did I bring myself into!?

"I had Warned you!"


Tankhun's POV:

I did something I can't undo. I won't be surprised if she doesn't talk to me ever again. I kept arranging sentences in my mind to explain myself to her. I think I should tell her about everything not just about Vegas, but my family, and business and everything black. She's smart so can decide for herself on her own.

I didn't like the feeling I felt today. It was like something in my head kept pushing my limits. I had a bad temper, I know. It runs in our family. But I never lose my cool in anger. I never got angry like my brothers Kinn and Kim.

Now I know why they use their fists and guns in anger. I too wanted to break something to calm myself down. And the only thing I took hold of was her arm.

I saw the marks of my hand left on her. My face still stung a bit because of her slap. Vegas was right about her... She's bold. She didn't cry like girls but she fought back. She looked me in the eye and kept challenging me without giving up.

She didn't shout for help. I kinda wish she had. So, that my bodyguards could hear the noise and came in to help her... and me. At least, she would not be hurt then. I looked at my hand which hurt her arm, and then I looked at the other hand which stopped her from getting herself hurt.

Why does she do that? She could have broken her freaking hand!!

My heart almost jumps out when she hit her wrist on the damn chair.

What I feared the most was her... smile.

I shouted at her, and she shouted back. I talked to her rudely and she slapped me fair and square. I was hella angry and managed to make her angry too. But she was the first one to calm herself down like nothing happened. She even managed to smile between everything. When she chuckled, I swear I felt a chill run down my spine.

That was the moment I realized... She didn't need me to protect her.

Psycho Vegas came first in line... now I can't hide her anymore.


Vegas's POV:



"I think I have made crazy cousin angry!"

"What do you mean?" As soon as I mentioned crazy cousin he turned all of his attention to me.

"He looked at me like he wanted to punch me."

"Sounds normal to me..." He smiled.

"Pete, I'm serious!"

"Okay! Tell me what did you do?" He sat in front of me. I think over everything and... Oh, shoot!

"Pete, I think I've messed it up!" I said finally.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

Then I told him the whole thing that happened in college. He heard everything silently and then gave me an accusing glare.

"I didn't mean everything to turn out like this." I tried to explain myself.

"I need to go to the Main house!" Pete left the room before I could even react. Crazy cousin was damn right when he said that if anything happens to him Pete would run to him at the speed of lightning.


Author's note:

It took a lot than just imagination to write this chapter. This was the longest chapter so far. (4967words) At one point I felt like crying myself too..

I hope this chapter will hit you hard.
Enjoy! And good luck!

If you feel like crying after reading it then just go back and read chapter 18: Amy X Tankhun.

Have a day full of smiles!

-A.S. Styles ^^


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The title says it all, what do i gotta say?