Ever since NY (Zarry AU)

By butdaddyIlovezee

10.1K 618 75

Zayn Malik's life changed when he was a 13-year-old kid. His world crumbled down when a tragic event happened... More

XXXI. Epilogue


248 16 4
By butdaddyIlovezee

After hanging out with Niall, Harry got to the bakery and found Cecile talking with Anne about her plans for the store.

"Harry, dear. How are you?" Cecile said.

"Good, thanks," Harry said.

"Did you hear baby? Cecile is hiring someone full-time for the store. Isn't that great?" Anne said.

"Yeah... yeah, it is, Cecile. I'm... going to the back mom. Excuse me," Harry said.

"Oh... alright, baby," Anne said confused.

"It's alright. You know the kids nowadays Anne, one day they say one thing and they change their minds the next," Cecile said shrugging and smiling warmly at her.

"I know... sorry I mentioned it. I thought..." Anne said feeling a little ashamed.

"Don't be, dear," Cecile said.

"Thank you, Cecile. Anyways, here I have your cookies," Anne responded smiling.

"Thanks, Anne, see you around," she said and left the bakery.

"Harry, can you come here for a second?" Anne called.

"Yes, mom?" Harry said approaching her.

"What happened to the idea to help Cecile? I told her that you might be interested in attending the store. Did you change your mind?" Anne asked.

"Erm... no, mmh yes. I don't think Mr. Jenkins's store is a good idea right now," Harry said.

"Why? Do you want to talk about it love?" Anne asked feeling that something happened with Zayn last night when he went to visit him. She heard them argue but she didn't want to pry.

"I... I'm not... Zayn's friend anymore mom. He... well, he needs space after all that happened," Harry said looking down. Anne knows his son and knows what that means.

"I'm sorry baby, you were... getting along so well. But I understand, next time she comes I'll explain it to her," Anne said.

"I'd tell her, I should do it," Harry said smiling at her.

"Whatever you decide I'll be supporting you," Anne said.

"Thanks, mom, I know. I just popped to pick up a book that I left here, but do you need some help?" Harry asked.

"No, it's alright," she said.

"I'll go then, thanks, mom. I love you," he said kissing her cheek.

"Love you too dear," she said and Harry left.

When Harry was on his way home. He saw Cecile inside Mr. Jenkins's store and he decided to talk with her.

"Hello?" Harry said knocking and opening the door.

"Harry, dear. Come in, come in." Cecile said wiping her eyes.

"Thanks, are you alright?" Harry said.

"I... was walking by and I thought it'd be a good idea to come. But... it's too soon," Cecile said with a broken voice.

"I understand... I'm so sorry Cecile, my mom told me that you're going to be looking for some help," Harry said.

"Oh dear, yes, I was thinking to keep the store that my John loved so much but... I don't think I can. Everything is coming back and I can't." Cecile said sobbing.

"I know that my mother shared with you my interest to help you. I'm sorry...it was just that I don't think I can ask for a job here," Harry said.

"What happened here is too much, I understand," She said sadly.

"No, it's not that. It's... Zayn. We... erm we're not friends anymore and..." Harry said.

"Oh dear, come here. Let's have a seat yeah?" She said putting out a couple of chairs from the back and Harry helped her.

"Thanks, dear. I wanted to talk to you about this for a while now. I've never had the opportunity and I think this is it," Cecile said sitting down and motioning Harry to do the same.

"I appreciate everything you have done for Zayn. He needs friends like you. You're a good boy. And... I know you were a good friend of my son too," Cecile began.

"I...I..." Harry said stuttering because the moment Jason was mentioned, his stomach sank.

"Jason was troubled about something dear and I think after all this time, that I know why. Your friendship gave him a motive I guess, he was smiling more and he even gave me a goodbye kiss every morning y'know? A gesture he forgot to do for a long time since he got into high school. He accepted Niall's help and his grades improved. It was my little boy again. And... I never said this to anyone, not even John. Because I didn't know what that meant at that time," She said.

"After you stopped going to our house, he changed. I didn't realize that after a long time. He was moody and sometimes aggressive, he fought with John a lot when he started going out almost every night. He... crashed our car, and a couple of weeks after that accident, he... he overdosed in that party," Cecile said between sobs. Harry was silent.

"Cecile, I... don't know what to say..." Harry said and Cecile shook her head.

"Nothing, dear. What I meant with all of this is that I understand what happened between you two," Cecile
said. "I found a journal in his room and then I knew. He wrote about a relationship that he had with someone whom he met in a bakery. It was you. How he was talking about you in that journal, how you too met, I was there and then everything clicked, y'know?" Cecile said smiling warmly at him.

"I... I... never thought... that you knew, " Harry said with a breaking voice too, and looked down.

"I'm sorry, I am, I always felt so ashamed of what he did and said to you. I... read about it too. He wrote everything that happened the last time he saw you, was his way of venting in some way. You must know that he had to tell you all those awful things because of his friends. My poor boy, if only he had trusted me and told me what he was going through," She sobbed.

"Cecile... I..." Harry said and again she shook his head and stopped him from saying something.

"He... he loved you, Harry. I think he did, on his way of course. He was so sorry for what he did to you and the way he hurt you. He was hurting too, he... wrote it down in this journal too. He kind of coded a lot of things y'know?, but I read it over and over because I wanted answers, he finally gave them to me through it," Cecile said sighing.

"I don't know what to say... after we had that fight he... never spoke to me and for a long time I... thought he hated me. And I... was so hurt," Harry said looking down and wiping a tear from his face.

"I can imagine, dear. I'm sorry, I... wanted to apologize for what Jason did to you but...I never knew how," Cecile said.

"Erm... it's alright," Harry said.

"No, is not. He did wrong and... he knew it. It's a shame he couldn't be here to tell you. If only, I'd known Harry, I'd tell him that I love him, that his preferences don't matter to a mother, y'know? But... thank you for caring about my boy, Harry, he loved you too," Cecile said.

"Yes, he... Jason was very special to me. I loved him so much, I still think about him y'know? I cared about him when... we were...friends. Sometimes I'd wish to have done something different and maybe... he would be here, " Harry said. "But...thanks for telling me this. It's... making me feel better especially now," Harry said looking down.

They heard the door shut and they were startled.

"Oh... It's closed!" Harry said standing up. He saw no one. "It was the wind I reckon," Harry said.

"Well, now that I got that off my chest. We can talk about the store and Zayn," Cecile said and Harry nodded.

"Zayn... that. You must be thinking now how weird this is or something," He said blushing and putting his head in his hands.

"Oh dear, don't say that. I'm not," she said smiling.

"It was a weird twist of fate, I never thought..." Harry began.

"Maybe it is, but it's not terrible dear. Zayn's a good boy too. He has suffered a lot, he deserves happiness and good moments. And I can tell you care about him," Cecile said.

"I do, but... he... needs space now. And well, he decided to be with someone else and be surrounded by other people," Harry said.

"I... please don't, Harry. He needs you and I need you too," Cecile said. "He cares about you, I can see it. Please don't give up on him," Cecile said and he nodded.

"Alright, I'll try," Harry said and she smiled.

"I guess... this is it. I have to close this for good and sell it," Cecile said looking around.

"Erm... what about if I help you. Maybe we can renovate the place with some paint, change some things around, and just if you want, a new name," Harry offered.

"Would you do that for me?" She asked.

"Of course," Harry said.

"Oh dear, you're heaven-sent. You are. I like the idea, tell me what you need and we can make it happen. I have some money from the insurance and I can use some of that," Cecile said.

"Sounds good and don't worry about me. I'd help you without charging," He smiled.

"Oh no, that's not gonna happen,"

"Yes, please. I wouldn't feel good if I receive something from you," Harry said.

"You were gonna ask me for a job dear," she said smirking.

"Yes, but...," Harry said.

"Nonsense, you'll accept the money I'll give you. You need it for college or something. I won't take no for an answer." She said.

"Alright,"  Harry sighed nodding.

Zayn decided after a couple of hours sketching, to go for a walk, he liked the snow and the lonely streets when it was snowing. Besides, he wanted to see Harry, maybe just from afar.

When he walked in front of Mr. Jenkins's store he saw some people inside. He crossed the street and realized it was Harry with Cecile. He hesitated at the door for several minutes but then he decided to say hello.

When he opened the door, he heard Cecile sobbing and talking to Harry. He couldn't understand what they were talking about, they were at the back of the store. He approached slowly and heard Cecile say:

"...I'd tell him that I love him, that his preferences don't matter to a mother, y'know? But... thank you for caring about my boy, Harry, he loved you too," Cecile said.

"Yes, he... Jason was very special to me. I loved him so much, I still think about him y'know? I cared about him when... we were...friends. Sometimes I'd wish to have done something different and maybe... he would be here, " Harry said. "But...thanks for telling me this. It's... making me feel better especially now," Harry said looking down.

He closed the store door and left as fast as he could.

"What?... Harry and Jason? They were together?..." Zayn thought. He couldn't believe what he heard. Harry and Cecile's late son, had a relationship and Harry didn't say anything to him.

He lied about it.

He went back home, went to his room, and watch everything with different eyes. The bed, the window, Harry was there before, before him, with Jason. He thought about it and felt... jealous.

He knows that lately he's been always in his head, but it hurts him when he thinks about it, someone else being in Harry's bed.

He's so aware and knows that he's not so innocent, especially after what happened with Gio, but the love he has for Harry is real.

And all the pieces began to fall into place. He remembered when he was with him in this very bedroom, Harry was feeling uneasy when he kissed him, most likely he was here with Jason as well.

"How about we go to my place instead? I think I'd feel more comfortable there, love," Harry said and they left the apartment after that.

"How could I be so stupid! I was honest with him about Gio! And he just... lied about Jason, he didn't say anything!" Zayn said out loud.

He couldn't be there anymore, so he took his backpack and he shoved some clothes inside and he left the place.

He walked until he was near Liam's place and he decided to head over there.

"Hey man, what... I wasn't expecting you," Liam said nervously when he opened the back door.

"I- I know. I'm sorry it's just that I... didn't know where to go," Zayn said visibly upset.

"Oh... sure. Erm, what happened?" Liam asked.

"Long story. Do you think I can crash here for a couple of days?" Zayn asked.

"Erm... okay, I'll talk to the guys," Liam said. "Can you wait here? We're in the middle of something. Be right back," He said.

"O-kay," Zayn said confused. Liam's attitude wasn't like his. Of course, he doesn't know this Liam that well, they're not kids anymore.

He sat on the steps waiting for Liam to come back. He kept thinking about Harry and Jason and, why Harry lied to him.

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