Million Dollar Maid ✔

By MaySkyfire

8.1M 318K 42.7K

When Ava gets offered a job as a maid at the Chastain estate it almost seems to be too good to be true. The w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55

Chapter 54

96.5K 4.5K 360
By MaySkyfire

She couldn't open the car door fast enough. The ride had been completely silent with both of them not knowing what to say. The car rides used to be full of chatter and laughter and it hurt to remember how exciting going with him had been at one point.

The estate itself looked exactly the same. She hadn't seen it in weeks since she had no reason to be there or to pass by. Maybe if she'd taken that bus out of town that day she would've passed it one last time.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see him looking at her, waiting for her to move. It wasn't until she forced her feet to move forward that he did the same.

His long legs carried him to the entrance faster than hers and he opened the door for her. The first thing she noticed was how cold everything was.

There were no indications that this was someone's home. No personal items were scattered around and not a speck of dirt to be found. Even the fresh flowers that had always decorated the hallways were gone. It felt like a showroom.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked tentatively. She briefly considered asking for water, realizing she was parched. But quickly thought better of it. She only needed to be here to hear what he had to say. That's all.

"No, thank you," she replied politely, causing him to nod. "Come on," he said before moving to the living room with Ava trailing behind. Despite the house seeming cold and empty, it turned out it wasn't.

"Sébastien!" A voice came excitedly from the living room. His broad figure blocked Ava's view of the owner of the voice but one thing was clear; it was a woman.

Immediately betrayal swept over her. She'd allowed herself to get caught up in his words from earlier yet he hadn't meant any of it. There was another woman waiting for him at home, someone, more suited to him than her, she suspected.

"How did you get in?" Sébastien asked, obviously not amused at her presence.

Despite the stinging in her heart Ava wanted to see who it was. His model ex-girlfriend? Maybe someone from work? But he made no move to step aside and his frame still filled the doorway.

"I'm visiting my uncle, of course! He was quite busy so I'm waiting for him here. Maybe you want to keep me company for a bit?" the woman's sickly sweet voice replied.

"Not really," he responded while rubbing his face. "Get out, I need this room."

His cold tone even surprised Ava, who had known him as nothing but polite at all times. It was only when he stepped aside that she recognized the owner of the voice as Jane.

Ava wondered if this wasn't the first time she had shown up in his home and what her intentions were. From when Jane had briefly joined the book club she could remember her slight obsession with him, making sure he was aware of her presence even if he didn't really notice her.

Getting the hint, Jane made for the door only to finally notice Ava as well. It was obvious this wasn't something she'd been expecting as her mouth turned into a slight 'o' shape and a redness crept up her neck. "Ava," she acknowledged curtly before quickly passing her into the hall.

Ava stared after her, noting the clenched fist as she walked into the servant's area. Unless Sébastien had hired someone else in the meantime her uncle would be Mr. Olson and now that she thought of it, she could see some vague resemblance between the two.

"Ave?" Sébastien asked, still waiting for her to step through the door. She quickly made her way after him before sitting down on the edge of the sofa. On the one opposite of her, he took a seat as well. If she hadn't known him better she would've thought he was uncomfortable, something entirely different from the confident man she was used to.

His hair was still a bit wet from the rain earlier, and she doubted she looked much better. With a sigh, he rubbed his face before quietly asking, "Why'd you go?"

It was the same question as before, and it didn't confuse her any less. But here they were, trying to talk like two adults so she would act like one.

"You told me to go. A few weeks ago. Mr. Olson was angry at how long it took me to sweep the garden paths and I told him it was actually his job to do so and then he called you and you told me to get my stuff and leave," she said the last sentence all at once and needed a break to catch her breath before adding, "And he told me you'd bring my replacement with you when you'd come back."

By the time she was finished his brows had come together in a fierce frown and for a while, he didn't say anything. Ava wouldn't even know what he was mad about, she just told him what had happened. Was he mad she actually left instead of 'fighting for him'?

From working at the restaurant and overhearing conversations she had learned a thing or two about the way some relationships worked. She knew that some people would play games with their partners by dumping them when they don't actually want to break up. This would make the boyfriend/girlfriend 'fight' for the relationship.

But she couldn't imagine Sébastien would act so childish. Most of the people she'd overheard were teenagers and he was a grown man.

"I never said any of that," he replied eventually. "I never even spoke to him until he informed me you'd left."

Her stomach dropped. How could she not have seen this? If Sébastien really hadn't left her all of this heartbreak had been for nothing. But why would some guy try to ruin their relationship? Did it have anything to do with Jane?

Thoughts came at her so fast she was barely able to process them all.

Could they ever pick up their relationship where they'd left it off? Would he even want to after she left so easily?

Neither of them spoke for a while until Sébastien stood up. "Can you stay here for a bit?"

"What?" she asked as she stood up as well. He was just going to leave while he was the one who wanted her to come to talk about things?

"I have some things to discuss with Olson, stay here," he replied calmly before adding, "please."


The chapter you've been waiting for! The point of actual communication between two people!

Did you like the chapter? And how do you think they will go from here?

Let me know! I love reading theories muwahaha.

See you again soon!

xx May

p.s. please vote lol

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