Love and Basketball: Freshmen...

By nenewritesometimes

236K 16.5K 5.2K

Celebrity life wasn't always peaches and cream with chocolate syrup on top. It was a nightmare, especially if... More

Freshmen 1
Freshmen 2
Freshmen 3
Freshmen 4
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Freshmen 5

5.2K 316 67
By nenewritesometimes

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Hampton University
Tue. Sept. 6th, 11:15 am
"Stomp n' Shake"

"Please be mindful of our schedule. We only meet on Tuesday's and Thursday's. That give you all plenty of time for my assignments to be done. This math test will be your first grade in the system, so do your best." Mrs. Greene, Hampton University honor math teacher.

Dess tapped her pencil eraser against the paper, checking all her answers. Math was one of her favorite classes and a subject she was amazing at. She was on the top students in her match class and even won first place in her school mathlete. She had medals on top of medals in her room. Some from math competitions, others in the spelling bee, and even cheerleading competitions. She was a multi-talented gal who participated in pretty much everything.

Dess checked her last answer while he teacher wrapped up the class. She wrote her name at the top of the page, put away her math essentials, and gathered the rest of her belongings. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she approached her teachers desk and handed in her paper.

"I finished, Mrs. Greene," she told the older black woman. Mrs. Greene nodded her head, picking up the paper. She looked over both sides, nodding her head still.

"Great. I'll try to have to graded later today."

"Thank you. Have a nice day." Dess waved then walked out the classroom.

She took out her phone and went to her messages. She sent Freya a message that she was out of class and her friend texted back quickly. It was the second day of classes and the two girls developed a new schedule. Every day after class, if they could make it, they'll meet up in the quad. They chose a big tree with its crown lowered to create some good shade. The two girls would sit there, chat a bit, eat food, and gossip until their lips fell off.

Making her way to the quad area, Dess looked around and about. Her friendly side popped out and she ended up waving at a couple of folks. Surprisingly, they waved back which made her happy. When she finally arrived at their tree, she saw Freya and their new friend Ashley. She hurried to them, practically skipping over.

"Hello ladies!" she greeted them, sitting beside Freya under the tree. She took her bag off her shoulders, and leaned back on the bark of the tree.

"About time you came ova lovely. I have some tea for you bitches." Freya exclaimed, clasping her hands together. Dess shook her head, getting herself ready for her friend crazy story. She knew it was going to be wild whenever Freya clasped her hands together loudly.

"Spill the tea." Dess told her.

Freya nodded her head and began. "Okay, so you know the headphone part we attended right?" She asked both girls. Dess and Ashley nodded their heads, knowing what she was talking about.

"Okay, so I ended up meeting a dude while y'all were doing y'all thing. He's fine or whatever, nothing too special. Anyway, we chilled for the night, drinking and smoking. He was talking about his life and I barely was listening-"

"Get to the climax please." Ashley cut Freya off. Dess tucked in her lips, stopping herself from chuckling. She will admit Freya was taking too long to explain the story. But, that was how she told her stories, so Dess was used to to.

Ashley was new, so she didn't know any better. She was a freshmen just like them and a Virginia native. Her father was a professor here at Hampton University which was how she got into the school. Unlike Dess and Freya who knew what they wanted while here, Ashley didn't. In her own words, she was here so her father could stop nagging her about the school. College wasn't in her plan, but she was here now.

Freya rolled her eyes. "Anywayyyy, like I was saying I met this dude and we were chilling. To speed things up, him and I ended up fucking that same night and we've been messing around since." she continued her story, side-eyeing Ashley.

"That party was two days ago." Ashely said and Freya nodded her head.


"So, you've been fucking some random dude for two days? You don't think that's disgusting? I mean you don't know him."

Freya blew out an annoyed breath, looking at Dess. Dess put her hands up, not wanting to be apart of this. This wasn't her business when Freya did with her body. On the first day, they established how this was going to work with the both of them. Though Dess was about her education first then partying, she didn't have an issue with Freya being the opposite. They were good.

"I'm sorry but is there a low that stats I have to know a person before messing with? No? I didn't think so." Freya remarked, rolling her neck.

Ashley rolled her eyes, "All I'm saying is that's unsafe-"

"And all I'm saying is I'm all good mama. Plus, I wanted to out this because my girl may know him." Freya nudged Dess arm, making her raise her brow.

"Who do I know?" she questioned, entering the conversation now. "And don't say that Greek dude either."

Freya chuckled. "I wasn't going to say him. But, his name is Axel. Actually, you may know his friend mister Shai Carter. The basketball player son, the boy you've been following for five years." She dragged, nudging Dess arm several times.

Dess couldn't help but smile to herself while her friend continued nudging her. She had totally forgot about him for a minute. It wasn't on purpose either, the young man was quite hard to remember at times. She did, however, remember him following her on Instagram. The notification caught her off guard when it came up. She smiled at her phone for a good hour or so because of it.

"Let's not." Dess waved Freya off. She didn't want to talk much about the five years situation. She found it extremely weird now that she made it known to people. She actually regretted telling Freya and even Shai.

"Anyway, you slept with his friend?" Dess turned the subject back to Freya. "Did you have fun?"

Freya nodded her head eagerly, thinking about her experience with Axel. It was something she had before, but he was different in some way. She enjoyed herself more than she thought she would. She knew he was going to be one of her sneaky links while in college.

"Absolutely!" She exclaimed, Dess laughing.

"I figured that."

"Mhm, and since I'm going to be messing with him, I figured I help you get with Shai. He can be your young basketball daddy. All the fame and cash will do you good." Freya dragged, sticking her tongue out.

"That's not gonna happen," Desdemona thought to herself. A small frown showed on her face as she thought about the fame and riches. She wanted to be something, yes. But, famous? No.

It wasn't something she was into. Desdemona got lost in her thoughts while Freya and Ashley started up another conversation. It was regarding their classes that Dess wasn't apart of. She leaned back on the tree bark and pulled out her phone. The rest of her day was free until the afternoon when she attended the first tryouts for cheerleading.

She was excited and more importantly ready.


Desdemona watched the six girls and boys perform the dance routine to the marching band demo. She moved her hands, head, and shoulders along with them. She was doing the dance in her head since her group was up next. It was two in the afternoon and close to fifty students had gathered in the auxiliary gym for cheerleading tryouts. Dess was surprised at the outcome and grew nervous. Almost everyone who came out was amazing.

She watched each and every one, noticing their technique. Their back bends, round offs, back handsprings, and jumps were on point. They had school spirit, Desdemona thought when the five other groups went. She had school spirit too. She always had it since freshmen year of high school. However, a part of her thought she wasn't going to make it. She was good, but everyone else was better.

The group ended their routine and everyone clapped their hands. Dess finished the routine in her head before clapping her hands with everyone else.

"Okay, next group!" MiMi, the cheerleading couch, shouted. Desdemona stood up, pulling her shorts down a little.

She walked out to the middle of the gym floor with the rest of the five people in her group. She stood in the front row, dead in the middle. She placed her fists on her hips, ready for the music to be played. She could hear her old dance coach in her head telling her to smile. A smile showed on her face as she stared ahead. Her heart was beating fast out of nervousness. She wasn't ready, but she was ready.

Her coach counted down then the music started playing. Desdemona counted to five in her head then started rocking her hips side to side to the beat. She continued rocking while MiMi counted again for them to start the routine. Ready; Dess shook her hips, got low and bucked, and waved her arms in a rhythmic motion. She twirled, rolled her hips and popped them. The way she danced was smooth, her moves clear and precise in every hit.

She kept a smile on her face the entire time. It was like her nerves slipped away as she shook to the beat. This was her happy place if anyone couldn't tell. Dancing was like a coping mechanism for her. She danced whenever she was sad. She danced when she was angry. She even danced whenever she was happy. Moving her hips, waving her arms, and slowly moving her body to the instruments in a song would always do it for her. The routine and the song ended.

Happy with herself, Dess ended with the final HU cheerleading signature move. She moved her hair from her sweaty face then placed her fists on her hips. Everyone clapped their hands for the group, Desdemona happier than ever.

"Okay, good job. You all can rest and catch your breath while Louis and I talk." MiMi told them, pointing at the young white lady standing beside her.

Dess got out of her position and walked back to the bleachers. She took a deep breath, searching her duffel bag for her water. She sat down and took the deserved movement to herself.

"Hey!" Beth, a sophomore, exclaimed. Dess looked up from her phone seeing the light skin girl approaching her with a boy behind her.

"Hey." Beth said again, waving her hand.

"Hello." Dess responded.

"You was really good out there." Beth complimented, sitting beside Dess. "I missed up on the last eight count, but you got it the first time."

Dess smiled at the praise from the random girl. She will admit she almost messed up the last eight count. She had practiced that part multiple times and messed it up every time. When it came to the performance though, she did things slow so she could hit every move.

"Thank you. Y'all were good too." Dess replied, looking at the both of them. The boy was the only dude she paid attention to.

The other guys kept the routine manly, but the brown skin kid with bright orange hair did it the girl way. His bucking, hip rocking, and sass in his moves was perfect. Dess had to stopped herself from hyping him up as she watched. She did, however, nod her head and made stank faces while watching him. He was that damn good.

"Thanks. I'm Beth by the way." Beth introduced herself. She pointed at the boy then spoke, "And this is Michael."

"Mikey, actually." Michael corrected his friend, rolling his neck. Beth rolled her eyes, waving him off.

Dess chuckled, "Nice to meet you two. So, what are your thoughts on this?" she changed the subject. Her mind was still stuck on making the team. She wanted to so badly and was praying she got the chance she knew she needed.

"Ion know bout y'all, but I'm making the team for sure." Mikey replied, flipping his fake hair off his shoulder.

Beth smacked her lips, "Let's hope you are. I heard MiMi and Louis are strict as hell. Not to mention the captain and co-captain are some bitches." Beth remarked.

Desdemona slowly nodded her head, making no comment. She didn't know what to say in regards to that, so she stay quiet. Putting her attention on coach MiMi and Louis, the two ladies were having a long conversation. Dess couldn't help but shake her leg, nervously. The pressure was terrible. MiMi and Louis ended their talk and walked back to everyone.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Louis shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. Dess looked over the pretty women in front of her.

Both women were alumni of Hampton University. MiMi was dark skin with curly hair that went to her ears. She currently was teaching her own dance team in Virginia called Lady Lightenings. Louis was white and blonde. She was attending HU graduate class in business administration. Both were good at dancing and were captains of the cheerleading team. They knew everything, so their judgment was fair. Dess trusted they would make the right decision.

"Okay, so MiMi and I need to hold two more tryouts just to be sure. So, on Thursday and Friday we'll be meeting here again at one for tryouts again. Please be mindful and come to the gym earlier, so we can get some stretches in beforehand." Louis continued.

"Also, we're handing out our cheers and are expecting you all to learn them. During the next two tryouts, we'll be looking for cleanliness and preciseness. Please practice your jumps and flips because we'll be doing them often. Is that understood?" MiMi asked, looking around at everyone.

No one spoke letting her know she was understood. "Good. Everyone can head out and we'll see you all Thursday."

Desdemona let out a sigh, relaxing a bit. Though she was expecting an actual answer, she was fine with this as well. Standing up, she put her stuff away and put on her hoodie. A girl approached her, holding stacks of papers.

The girl held a piece of paper in front of her, "These are our cheers. You need to study them word for word. Coach MiMi provided videos too, so you know how the moves go. Everything is on the paper." She told her in a slightly annoyed tone.

Dess nodded her head, taking the paper. She was going to thank her, but the girl walked away before she could. Dess read over the paper, seeing the four different cheers. She started memorizing them as she made her way out the gym behind a few folks. She could hear the stomps and see the shakes in her head. Another plus when it came to dancing. She could visually see every move in her head whenever she heard music. She could remember leaning her head on the car window, music blasting in her ear, and her own made up music video in her head.

She loved dancing. She finished reading the paper then pulled out her phone. Unlocking it, she went to her messages and texted her father. She scheduled to call him today so they could catch up on everything. She knew he was dying to hear what she was up to down here. Going through her socials, she navigated through her usual path back to her dorm. On her way, she glanced up from her phone at times just so she doesn't bump into another.

Looking up once more, her attention landed on Shai. His head was down and his hood on. She smiled, preparing to say hi once he was close.

She waved, "Hey..." she trailed off, watching Shai walk right by her. She looked back at him, thinking he'll look back but nothing.

She stopped in her tracks, turning in his direction. She was going to call out to him but decided against it. Tucking in her lips, Desdemona turned on her heels and continued walking.

"Fame and riches..." she muttered.



Discussion Board
1. No discussion questions...thank you for your patience as I try to get back to my regular updating schedule

2. Thank you for 1.13k on this story. I'm glad you all enjoy it so far.

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