Ever since NY (Zarry AU)

By butdaddyIlovezee

10.1K 618 75

Zayn Malik's life changed when he was a 13-year-old kid. His world crumbled down when a tragic event happened... More

XXXI. Epilogue


353 28 0
By butdaddyIlovezee

After a while they were just cuddling, Harry couldn't believe this beautiful guy was between his arms.

"Are you feeling better, love?" He asked.

"Ye-yes, erm... it's late. I think I must be going," Zayn said smiling at him and standing up.

"O-okay," Harry said confused.

"I- I liked spending time with you," Zayn said.

"Yes, I liked it too," Harry said.

"Erm... I..." Zayn said. He didn't want to leave but he didn't how to act after what happened earlier with Harry.

He was his friend and he didn't know why he kissed him and why Harry kissed him back. But he felt at home after that.

"Hey, it's okay. What ha-happened was surprising... but good. I liked it. Don't be... ashamed," Harry said trying to make this moment less awkward for both of them. Zayn nodded and smiled.

"Have... have you done this be-before with... a guy?" Zayn asked quietly.

"Erm... ye-yes. But never with someone special like you," Harry said sincerely.

"S-special?" Zayn repeated.

"Yes, so sweet and special like you, Zee," Harry said motioning to sit on the edge of the twin bed.

"Oh... I- I have never done this before. But... but I liked it, too. I like you, Harry," Zayn confessed. "Lou always told me to express what we like or what we don't like," He continued.

"And he was right. I like being your first kiss and making you feel better," Harry said smiling.

"I think I like that too. You'd been so nice to me since we met, since... we saw each other again," Zayn said looking down.

"Oh, love. You deserved to be treated like that, " Harry said looking at him in his sad but beautiful eyes. "Y'know? I love your eyes... I could get lost inside them," Harry whispered making Zayn blush.

"I -I like yours too," Zayn said quietly.

"I don't think I would be able to sleep tonight, y'know?" Harry said blushing.

"Why not?" Zayn asked.

"Because I'll be thinking about you silly," Harry said and peck him again.

"Oh..." Zayn giggled. He was so excited and content that he couldn't help it and approached Harry and kissed him again. He made him forget about his loss for a moment.

This time Harry gave him a long kiss and licked his lips again. At that Zayn gave him entrance to insert his tongue inside, and he could feel both of their tongues sliding against each other. So wet, so smooth.

"I like this..." Zayn whispered.

"Me too, love," Harry said sliding his hand under Zayn's T-shirt and feeling his warm skin.

At that Zayn gasped but something happened inside of him and he wanted more of Harry. He was feeling so hot inside, he wanted more of his kisses, more of his vanilla smell, more of his wet perfect mouth.

"Oh... Zee. I want this but..." Harry said after a while, panting feeling his semi-hard on his jeans.

"Ye-yes. It's late, I'm sorry," Zayn said.

"It's alright. So..." Harry said nervously.  "Erm... so... when I can see you again?" Harry asked.

"Erm... tomorrow? I can stop by the bakery at the end of my shift and we'll hang out," Zayn proposed smiling at the older boy.

"Yes, I'd like that," He said smiling back. "Can I kiss you good night before you leave?" Harry said and Zayn nodded.

They kissed again, this time the kiss was sweeter and tender, making Zayn's heart flutter.

"Bye, Harry," he said putting on his coat and adjusting the hoodie on his head.

I'm that moment Anne and Robert, Harry's parents entered the apartment, just before Harry opened the front door.

"Hey mom, hey Rob," Harry asked kissing her mom and his stepdad on the cheek.

"Hi, baby," Anna said to Harry and then looked at Zayn.

"He's Zayn, my friend. Erm... he's staying with Mr. And Mrs. Jenkins. Remember that I told you about it?" Harry said.

"Oh yes, nice to meet you Zayn. I've heard from Harry that you two have become such good friends. Come here," Anne said pulling Zayn in a hug that caught him by surprise.

"He-hey, nice to meet you too ma'am and sir. Ye-yes, we're good friends now," Zayn said blushing a little remembering the kisses between them minutes ago.

"Oh, don't call me ma'am. I'm Anne and he is Rob. Are you leaving now sweetheart?" She asked Zayn.

"Ye-yes, it's late and the Jenkins must be waiting for me," Zayn said.

"Nice to meet you kid," Robert said.

"I'm going to walk him downstairs mom," Harry said grabbing his sweater that was near the door.

They walked down the stairs and when they got to the door they stood next to each other smiling nervously.

"Thanks for everything Harry. See you tomorrow then?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, see you tomorrow Zee," Harry said and Zayn looked around and pecked him quickly on the lips. He couldn't get enough of him now.

"Bye!" Zayn said and got out of the building crossing the street towards his. Harry was watching him until he disappeared inside.

Harry was feeling so happy and excited. He liked Zayn since the first time he saw him, but he didn't know if he felt the same towards him. He knows now that he does, Zayn kissed him first.

They kissed, a lot.

Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were very worried and of a sudden Zayn appeared through the door.

"Zayn, there you are. Where were you?" Cecile said hugging him tight as he stepped into the living room.

"Sorry, I went out. I-I went to the pu-public library and then I was at Harry's. I'm sorry I didn't call," He said.

"I'm going to bed, now. Tomorrow you're going directly to the store. Is that clear? No stops in between," Mr. Jenkins said seriously.

"Ye-yes. No stops." Zayn said.

"Alright, cut the boy some slack John, he's... been through a lot," Cecile said defending him. "Come, dear, let's give you something to eat. You must be starving," She said.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks, Cecile," Zayn said, he wasn't hungry at all, butterflies were occupying his whole stomach.

"Hope you're feeling better," she said.

"Yes... I am. I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow," Zayn said hugging her and going to his room.

Indeed he was feeling better, sad about Louis of course, but happy about Harry and the kisses.

He laid down on his bed and remembered a talk he had with Louis at the foster house.

"I don't get why Chad calls us like that Lou," Zayn said.

"... me neither. He's an asshole," Louis said. "Zee... do you like anyone, y'know? Like a girl or a boy from school maybe?" He asked.

"Mmh no, not really. Why?" Zayn asked.

"No reason, just... remember that when you do, you can like whoever you want and never be afraid to say it to that person, alright?" Louis said hugging him.

"Okay... Lou, I will," Zayn said and smiled at him.

He liked Harry, his curly hair, his gorgeous green eyes, and his ruby-red lips.

The next day Zayn was getting ready to go to the store when he saw Louis's backpack in a corner of his room. He took out Louis's old leather jacket and put it on over his sweatshirt. He always liked the way it looked on Louis and wearing it now makes him feel closer to him. He grabbed a beanie and his wool scarf and left the Jenkins's apartment.

The day passed and he completed all his chores at the store, he was reading a book sitting behind the counter while Mr. Jenkins was listing the next pediment.

"Zayn, how are you holding on?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... better, I'm still sad about Louis and I'm going to miss him but...," Zayn said sighing.

"I know... It's a tough time but... it's temporary," he said. "And how's school going?" He continued, changing the subject.

"It's alright. It's fun," Zayn said.

"Fun? You're the first teenager I hear saying something like that," Mr. Jenkins chuckled.

"I know... it's just that I like school," Zayn said.

"Are you thinking of taking some extracurricular activities?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... maybe... I was thinking to enroll in a painting workshop that opened. There's a final project that it's offering a scholarship. Y'know?." Zayn said excitedly.

"Sounds great. I think it'd be a good opportunity," Mr. Jenkins said encouraging him.

"Yes, you're right. It's a good opportunity. But... would you mind? Because that'd mean I'll get here later," Zayn asked.

"Of course not. Take the workshop. Just don't neglect your grades. Is that okay?" Mr. Jenkins said.

"Thanks, sir. I won't," Zayn said excitedly.

"Do you have plans for later?" Mr. Jenkins asked him.

"Mmh Maybe. Why?" He asked.

"Are you going out with Harry again? He's a good boy," Mr. Jenkins said.

"Yes... he is. I think that too. Erm... do you need me for anything else?" Zayn asked.

"No, I got this. See you back at home." Mr. Jenkins said smiling and Zayn closed his book and got ready to leave the store.

He was thinking about inviting Harry over to his house or maybe going to the movies when he saw Niall getting out of the bakery.

"Niall?" He said and he turned to him.

"Zayn? Hey, what are you doing here?" Niall asked surprised.

"I came to see a friend, he works here. And you?" Zayn asked.

"Me too," Niall said. "Do you know Harry?" He asked surprised.

"Hey! Zayn!" Harry said walking out of the bakery.

"Erm... Hey...," He said lowly.

"You two know each other?" Niall asked surprised.

"Yes Ni, we met like a year ago. And you?" Harry asked.

"We're going to the same high school. What a small world," Niall said smirking, knowing perfectly who Zayn is now. Harry talked about him a time or two with Niall, but he never mentioned his name. Typical Harry.

"I came to see you but I-I better go, maybe you two have plans," Zayn said turning around and starting to walk.

"No! Zayn... wait!" Harry said. "I was going to walk Niall to the tube, that's all. You can come with me..."
Harry explained.

"No, really it's fine," Zayn said.

"Hey guys, y'know what? I can walk by myself. Don't worry. See you, and have a good night!" He said walking away.

"Alright, be safe Ni," Harry shouted at him.

"Erm... bye Niall," Zayn said.

"So, you- you came to see me?" Harry asked.

"Erm, yeah, I- I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something... like we said yesterday," Zayn said.

"Of course, I was... waiting for you to pop," Harry said.

"Oh.. okay. So..." Zayn said fidgeting.

"So... erm... do you want to come home? We can watch a movie or something..." Harry asked nervously. He wanted to be alone with Zayn again.

"Alright," Zayn said smiling.

"Come on then, let's go," Harry said walking towards his house.

"So... how was your day, love?" Harry said affectionately and Zayn liked it.

"Good, thanks," Zayn said smiling at Harry, seeing the curly boy always makes him feel better.

"Glad to hear it," Harry said nervously.

"You look good today. That leather jacket looks nice on you, y'know?" Harry said.

"Th-thanks," Zayn said blushing. "And erm... how long ago did you know Niall?" Zayn asked curiously. He didn't know why but he didn't like it when he found it out, he felt something funny inside.

"Since a couple of years ago... we had a friend in common... like you, now," Harry said nonchalantly.

"Oh..." Zayn said. "Erm... you didn't help your mom close today?" Zayn asked.

"No, Rob is coming to help her after work. They are going out after," Harry said.

"Oh, okay..." Zayn said a little confused by the way Harry was referring to him.

"Rob, is my step father. He married my mom a couple of years ago and he was the reason we moved here to the states. Like you Americans say," Harry explained. "He got transferred from his job, he works at a insurance company, so," he finished.

"Oh, I see. And do you like him?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, he's great. And loves my mom so much," Harry said. "We're here," Harry said walking into his place, leaving his shoes and coat at the entrance. Zayn followed.

"Okay, make yourself at home. I'll bring some sodas and popcorn, yeah?" Harry said. Zayn couldn't help to be giddy at the thought of being at Harry's house again. Alone.

"Can I use your phone?," Zayn asked.

"Sure, it's over there," Harry said pointing to the kitchen bar.

He was setting the cokes and the snacks on a tray while Zayn was calling Mrs. Jenkins.

"Hello, Cecile? It's Zayn, good, I'm at Harry's. We're going to watch a movie, so I'm not going to be there for dinner. Yeah, Mr. Jenkins is at the store. He knew that I was going to be with him, but I just wanted to let you know. I will, thanks, bye!." Zayn said hanging up.

"Let's go to my room," Harry said and Zayn felt a pang in his stomach.

"Okay..." Zayn followed. Once there, he sat on the edge of the bed. Harry put the tray on his study desk and sat next to him and grabbed Zayn's hand.

"Zayn... can I...?" Harry said approaching him and Zayn nodded.
He kissed him sweetly on the lips, smiling.

"I- I wanted to kiss you so badly," Harry said after.

"Me... too," Zayn said. "I-I like the way you kiss me," he continued.

"Baby..." Harry said and kissed him again and Zayn moaned lightly, making Harry stir in his tight jeans.

"Harry... the..." Zayn said.

"Ye-yes. Sorry, the movie, right," Harry said standing up and putting the VHS on the VCR.

Harry lay down on his bed and opened his arms for Zayn to cuddle against him. He did and they watched the movie holding each other.

Zayn was nervous, he did want more kisses and touches with Harry but he didn't know if it was right.

Harry was caressing Zayn's back and then he slid his hand under his T-shirt. "Is this okay?" Harry asked with that deep voice of his, caressing Zayn's back and making him melt and he just nodded.

Harry's touch was electrifying, it was sending shivers all over his body. Feeling his breath that close and watching his chest moving up and down, listening to his heartbeat rise was so much for him to hold.

Zayn couldn't help it and slid his hand under Harry's T-shirt too. Harry also shivered at his touch. Zayn started to caress his chest, slowly, stopping at his nipples and he was playing with one of them between his fingers, making Harry hiss.

"Sorry... I..." Zayn said and Harry shook his head and said "It's okay,"
Zayn keep touching him, he could feel his skin getting warmer underneath his fingertips.

"Love... you're making me... hard..." he said painting and Zayn gasped.

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