Sonic Splatoon

By metalgreymon2

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Somesort of epirement goes wrong, and a new hedgehog like squid comes out of it. He meets Maya, an Inkling wi... More

Chapter 01 - Hedgehog Squid
Chapter 03 - Alterna
Chapter 04 - Chaos Control
Chapter 05 - Zip, Splat, and Jump
Chapter 06 - The Eel Deal
Chapter 07 - Alterna's Origin
Chapter 08 - Pedal to the Megalodon
Chapter 09 - Time-Space Rift
Chapter 10 - The Hyper Manta Storm
Chapter 11 - Alterna Space Center
Chapter 12 - The Ursine Anomally
Chapter 13 - Calamari Inkantation 3MIX
Sonic Splatoon: Season 1 Second Half.
Chapter 14 - New Threat
Chapter 15 - Eggman Empire
Chapter 16 - The Gaia Gates
Chapter 17 - Guardian of Death
Chapter 18 - Spikes of Metal
Chapter 19 - Shadows from the Past
Chapter 20 - The Gold Sovereign
Chapter 21 - Zeti
Chapter 22 - The strongest Zeti
Chapter 23 - Catastrophe
Chapter 24 - Strike Back
Chapter 25 - The Controller
Chapter 26 - Fight for Our World
Sonic Splatoon Season 2 Trailer
Chapter 27 - The Seekers Emerge!
Chapter 28 - The Foundation Rises!
Chapter 29 - Cursed Arrows!
Chapter 30 - The Vampire Hunter!
Chapter 31 - Danger Waters!
Chapter 32 - The Legend of the Gargoyle!
Chapter 33 - The Sunken Civilization!
Chapter 34 - The Secrets of the Argonauts!
Chapter 35 - The Legends of Camelot!
Chapter 36 - The Knight of the Wind Reborn!
Chapter 37 - Wasteland Turf!
Chapter 38 - Acht's True Mission!
Chapter 39 - The Haunted Ruin!
Chapter 40 - Destiny of Nightmares!
Chapter 41 - Lurking in the Catacombs!
Chapter 42 - Stop the Big Wave!
Chapter 43 - Full Front Attack!
Chapter 44 - Castle of Secrets!

Chapter 02 - What are they?

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By metalgreymon2

Maya Stone was abandoned by her crew and sent to land by the Salmonoids. Sonic woke up and broke free from an experiment lab. They crossed paths and went to Splatsville. The Great Zapfish was stolen, and now, as two Agents of the Squidbeak Splatoon, Sonic and Maya join Cutterfish to get it back.

Episode 02 - What are they?

Sonic and Maya were back from their mission of the first Kettle. Sonic absorbed the crystal things that used to power up his Dualies. He got energized, and his original powers were adapted to the environment he is currently living in.

Sonic: Wow, this might have been the best power-up I've gotten in years!

Maya: You fused yourself with our source of power!

Cuttlefish: This is great! So, now that we made it through, did you find something to deal with this Ooze thing?

Sonic: Not really.

Maya: The only thing we got were these Power Eggs.

Cuttlefish: Hm, interesting. You know, I heard that the Salmonoids have a very strong reaction to those. If we combine the Power Eggs, with Jet's reactions to them, we might get something out of it.

Maya: Combine it...

Sonic: Well it's worth trying! We got over 700 Power Eggs! Let's use them.

Maya nodded. She charged up the Power Eggs, combined with her Smallfry friend, Jet, and threw them to the Fuzzball. Jet swallowed it up, and this dissolved the Fuzzy Ooze.

Cuttlefish: Well would you look at that! It worked!

Sonic: I didn't expect it to work so well!

Maya: Now we can move on!

Sonic: Yeah, but we lost 300 Power Eggs! Let's make sure that we only use them if it's necessary.

The three of them kept going. There was more Fuzzy Ooze in the way. Maya threw Jet, powered up with 200 Power Eggs, and opened the path for them.

Cuttlefish: Nice!

Sonic: There seems to be another path, but it leads to the same place. We don't need to use up more Power Eggs.

Maya: Hey, there's another Kettle here!

Maya pointed at the Kettle. Sonic shooted his Touchrame and this opened the Kettle, allowing them inside another Octarian Base.

Maya: Let's get going!

Cuttlefish: Wait! I forgot to mention. Maya, you have a communicator on your gear! Those things that tell you the energy on your armor also act as a way of communication between us!

Sonic: Cool! 

Maya: But you don't have one, Sonic!

Sonic: No problem! I have my own devices.

Sonic pulled out some sort of blue cube. He split it and gave one to Cuttlefish. This one went to Cuttlefish's cane and another one to Maya's weapon. This created some sort of mask around their eyes. Sonic had one too.

Maya: Wow, what are these?

Sonic: I call it the Phantom Mask. It allows us to communicate with each other, even if you're on the other side of the planet.

Cuttlefish: Wow, your powers are cool!

Maya: Well then. Now that we're all done, let's get going!

The two of them went through the Kettle. They reached a new Octarian Base. This one seemed to have something like ramps and a tower to climb.

Sonic: Wow, we're gonna do some jumping?

Maya: More like climbing. Mister Cuttlefish, do you read us?

Cuttlefish: Loud and clear! Those masks work perfectly!

Sonic: Excellent! We can see the Zapfish, but it's a bit out of reach, from here!

Maya: It will take a bit longer than expected!

Cuttlefish: Get it back, no matter what! Oh, and while you're at it, grab some Power Eggs too!

Sonic: Got it!

Sonic and Maya went straight to the Tower. They took one Jumpad and reached the base. They had to climb up still, though.

Maya: So, how do we climb this thing?

Sonic: Well, there seem to be some Power Eggs making a way for us to follow. Let's see where these ones take us!

Sonic went ahead, with Maya following behind. There were indeed some Power Eggs there. They grabbed them as they kept going.

Sonic: Hey, look, a giant Onion Ring!

Maya: Oh, don't let any escape, if you see those! They hold at least 10 Power Eggs each!

Sonic jumped through the Onion Ring and got 10 Power Eggs. They kept following the track, but there was pink ink in the way.

Maya: Oh great. Octarian Ink.

Sonic: I assume that if we touch enemy ink we get splatted, right?

Maya: Pretty much. But we can cover it with ours!

Sonic shooted the enemy ink, and kept going ahead. Later on, they were close to the top of the tower. But it seems that there weren't more platforms to use.

Sonic: Did we get to a dead end?

Maya: Not really. Ink up this wall, and we'll use the ramp to go up!

Sonic: Got it!

They made it to the top. However, an Octotrooper started shooting them, catching them by surprise.

Sonic: WHOA! (dodges the shot) It's not nice to attack squids out of nowhere, you know! RAY PULSE!!! (splats the Octotrooper)

Maya: Not bad! (shoots the Forcefield that's blocking the Zapfish) There we go!

Maya took the Zapfish, and they returned to the Crater, with 500 Power Eggs. Cuttlefish went to them.

Cuttlefish: Well done, Agents 3 and 7.

Sonic: Thanks! But the more I see those Octarians, the more I get the feeling that something's not right.

Maya: I do too. As if... this Fuzzy Ooze is the responsible for it!

Cuttlefish: This Ooze does feel to fishy, and not in a good way.

They went on ahead. However, there was more Fuzzy Ooze in the way. They were able to get rid of it, but it cost them at least 300 Power Eggs.

Sonic: Wow, that was expensive!

Maya: Yeah. Let's just get going. 

They went down but had to waste 200 more Power Eggs. The good news is, thanks to that another Kettle was revealed.

Sonic: Hey, check it out!

Cuttlefish: Who would have guessed that there was a Kettle under the Ooze?

Sonic and Maya opened it and went to the next area. This one seemed to have some sort of iron box on it.

Sonic: Oh, what the?

Maya: Sir, there seems to be some kind of iron box here!

Cuttlefish: Oh darn it! Ok, that's a Vault! There has to be a key near you to it!

Sonic and Maya busted some boxes until they found a Key. It opened the Vault revealing something. Maya shooted, and a Yellow rail thing appeared.

Maya. Oh, what the?

Sonic: Hey, it revealed a rail!

Cuttlefish: You found an Inkrail? Excellent! Jump to them in squid form, and take it to the other side!

Maya took it, and then Sonic shooted the rail with his Ink to reach the other side. To keep going, Sonic shooted a Splatswitch. This revealed another Vault.

Sonic: Oh great, another vault!

Maya: And it seems like it has a smaller vault inside it! The Octarians have tight security.

Sonic: I see another rail! Let's move!

They took the rail and reached a fourth vault. This one had an Octocopter guarding it. Maya shooted her Tri-Stinger, and took it out. Jet looked through the boxes, and took out one Key.

Sonic: Hey, nice one, little buddy!

Maya: I told you Jet likes to find treasures!

Jet gave the key to Maya, and she opened the vault. They took another rail but were back to the beginning. 

Sonic: Oh what a waste!

Maya: Look! (points somewhere) We can check out that area!

They went on. However, the point to activate the Inkrail was out of reach. Sonic shooted one Boltflare at it, but it didn't work.

Sonic: Drats!

Maya: We have to press its back, not the front. If only I could throw a splat bomb at it...

Sonic: Wait, throw something?

Sonic looked at Jet, who was willing to help. Maya knew it was a bit of a risk, but she had to try. She threw Jet to the Inkrail activation point, and the Smallfry becked it. Maya took the rail, but Sonic had to stay back.

Sonic: I can't do much from here, Maya!

Maya: No problem! I'll deal with it!

Maya looked at the area she was currently in. She activated another rail and climbed up to the top platform. She got a key and activated another Inkrail that was there. However, it was out of reach.

Maya: Oh well, I won't need it, anyways.

She went back the way she came from, but there was now another problem. If there were two vaults, where was the second key to it?

Sonic: Well, we have to keep looking! There's another structure above the vault!

Maya: Ok. I'll go on ahead!

Maya took the Inkrail from before, and it was actually slightly under the last one that was activated. Maya jumped to that one and used it to reach the top of the structure.

Maya: Wow, look at these boxes!

She shooted them and one of them had the Key. She went back down and went to open the two vaults. After each taking the Inkrail, they were able to reach the Zapfish. After taking it back, they returned to the Crater with an extra 600 Power Eggs.

Sonic: This one might have been the one with the most puzzles so far.

Maya: Well, I feel like it's not over! Let's check it out, there might be another Kettle.

Cuttlefish: Hold on! Let me try and get in contact with my other Agents. Now, it might be a bit old but I think... Yes, it's working! Agent 1, Agent 2, come in! Over!

??: Agent 2 here, over! Wait, gramps is that you? Where are you? Agent 1 come in! Gramps wandered off again! Over.

Agent 1: Well what are we waiting for, Agent 2? Let's go collect him!

Agent 2: ...Roger that. Stay fresh! (call ends)

Cuttlefish: ...Did they just hang up on me?

Sonic: Yep, they did. They sure are impatience. Not even I am that impatient!

??: Ksss-ksssh! Ksssssssssht! GYA... A HA... Cuttle... I foun... You!

Maya: Static.

Cuttlefish: Bargh! This thing is busted! Let's just get going! (goes on, followed by Maya)

Sonic: That was weird. Hm... «Cuttle... I foun... You»... Is someone after Cuttlefish?

Sonic joined the group and the three of them went on ahead. There was Fuzzy Ooze in the way, but thanks to 200 Power Eggs, they were able to reach the next Kettle. This base seemed to be infested with Octarians.

Sonic: Oh my god!

Maya: There are Octarians all over the place!

Cuttlefish: A quick tip! If you find any wall, take cover, and shoot from there!

They went through the base. As they were meeting with Octotroopers, they were splatting them. And on the way, collecting more Power Eggs. After cleaning the first section, they took a Launchpad to the next one.

Sonic: Weird... There's nothing here.

Maya: Stay sharp. They might be behind the walls.

They went through the area. Maya Was right, there were indeed Octarians behind the walls. They managed to splat them and took the Launchpad to the next area. However, they got surrounded instantly.

Sonic: Drats! We're surrounded!

Maya. Not really. Stay with me, Sonic!

Sonic closed in on Maya. She jumped, charged up some power, and smashed the ground, with her Splashdown, taking out the Octarians.

Sonic: Wow! That was though!

Maya: Thanks! This is called the Splashdown. With it, i can splat enemies that come close to me. You should have your own power up to! 

Sonic: I guess i nead to find out what that power up is. Anyway, let's get that Zapfish!

The two of them made it to Zapfish, took it back, and returned to the crater. Cuttlefish was waiting for them.

Cuttlefish: Well done, guys.

Sonic: Yeah, but... What in the world is going on them?

Maya: I don't understand either! The Octarians are nothing like what i read about!

Cuttlefish: Weird. They are super fuzzy. I've never seen anything like it!

Sonic: What are they? Can we defeat them?

Cuttlefish: I don't know... Yet. Well then, back to buisness. According to my scan, this was the last Kettle. But you think that the Fuzzy Ooze there might be hiding something?

Sonic: It must be. Wow, that's the biggest one we've seen yet!

Maya: This might cost to much. Urgh, I really nead to get my creadit card checked.

Maya charged up her Smallfry Power Egg Bomb, taking 1000 Power Eggs, and finally unlocking the crater to them.

Maya: This looks so much better!

Sonic: Nice!(music comes in) Huh? Hey, am I hearing music?

Cuttlefish: Incoming! Something's headed this way, FAST!

Something was indeed closing in. It seemed like some kind of ship. It shifted and landed in front of the agents. This seemed to be a giant battle mech.

Maya: Whoa, what the heck?

Sonic: Oh? 12 000 years and giant battle mechs come down on people still?

??: I finally found you, Cuttlefish. My Octarian troops have gone missing.

DJ Octavio: And I know you're the one behind it!

Cuttlefish: Thar he blows! It's DJ Octavio! Agent 3, Agent 7, this guy is the leader of the Octarian Army! And the one responsible for stealing the Zapfish!

Sonic: So he's the mastermind behind all this, huh? 

DJ Octavio: Quit sweepin' nonsense and listen up! I'm about to drop my latest hit... Right in your smug little FACES!!!

Sonic and Maya moved to the Crater. The Octobot King folowed them. DJ Octavio started hiting his beat.

Sonic: The leader of the Octarians right of the bag, huh? This one is new!

Maya: That machine looks strong though!

Cuttlefish: This might be the new Octobot King! He' tried this mech twice, and failled! Uh oh. Carefull, a Sandstorm's coming!

The two agents were suddenly stuck in the middle of a tornado, with the Octobot King L3.Gs. Octavio raised his beats.

Octavio: Taste my Spicy Wassabi beats!

The Octibot King released its fist. However, it was busted back at it, smashing against it. Another punch was comming but was shooted back.

Cuttlefish: Well done, Agents!

The Octobot King switched. It charged a drill punch, and this one was impossile to shoot back. Maya attemped to do it, but failled. Thanks to Sonic, the drill didn't crash on her.

Maya: Thanks!

Sonic: No problem!(sees the drill) It's stuck! KINDLESTRIKE!!!(strikes the drill hiting it back)

Maya: Cool! 

Sonic: It's useless to hit them, when fired! We'll just have to wait until they crash on the ground.

Maya: MOVE!!!

A second drill came in. It crashed, and Maya used her weapon to shooted it back at the Octobot King. This made Octavio fall of.

Cuttlefish: Octavio's down! Shoot him!


Sonic shooted Octavio with his Touchrame, blasting him back to the Octobot King, dealing extra damage to the Octobot King!

Maya: It's working!!!

DJ Octavion: Think my beat sucks? Then you're gonna love this!

Octavio activated something in the Octobot King. It seems that it has somesort of Ink Vacum, that sucked up all the ink left behind before.

Sonic: This thing has a vacum?

Otavio shooted one of the fists. But as Maya and Sonic tried to ink it, their inks were vacumed. Then, the Octobot King recalled the fist, and shooted teh ink back. This caused a spike bomb, but it missed.

DJ Octavio: How do you like that?

Sonic: We have to block that vacum somehow!

The Octobot King shooted again. They avoided the fist. Sonic, however, had enough. His quils were glowing with power. Sonic smashed a punch on the ground, and released a wave of crystalized ink. This crashed against the fist.

Maya: WHOA!!!(fist hits the mech) That was awsome!

Sonic: Wow... What power was that?

Maya: I never heard of that power! What could this be?

Cuttlefish: I think we should let Sonic name it!

Sonic: So i get to name it? Let's see. How about... Crystal Ink!

DJ Octavio: It doesn't mater what name it has! I will vacume it up!(activates the vacum)

Suddenly Jet came out of the bag, and jumped to the machine. This stopped the vacum, but the Smallfry was stuck on the Vacum.

Maya: Jet is stuck in teh vacum!

Cuttlefish: He is?

Sonic: Wait... FIST INCOMING!!!!

The Drill Punch nearly crushed them. Sonic shooted it with a Touchrame, making it crash against teh Octobot King. This made the Smallfry get free.

Maya: Jet were you trying to help?

Sonic: It must have! He's your friend, so of course he'll try and help you!

DJ Octavio: Keep your fishy junk out of my mech!(swiches sides)

Octavio activated the vacum, but Maya threw Jet in there again. This blocked the Vacum, as another fist was comming. They were able to hit it back. However, a Drill came in

Sonic: Be careful!(they move out) TOUCHRAME!!!(makes the drill crash, dropping Octavio) He fell of!!!

Maya: I got him!(closes to Octavio) SPLASHDOWN!!!(blows Octavio back to the King)

Sonic: Cool!(Jet comes back)

Cuttlefish: I gotta say i feel bad for teh little runt, but he's quite couragous!

DJ Octavio: GRRAAAAARGH! Now you made me MAD!!!

The Octobot King started slaping the ground. This took out all of the ink. Octavio released one hand. It missed, but something came lose.

Cuttlefish: INK WAVE AHOY!!!

Sonic: Huh?

Maya: Gah!

They were able to jump off, and shooted the hand back. Octavio reactivated the vacum. Jet jumped off, and was sucked in, but got stuck.

Octavio: GAH! Can't... vacuum!

The Octobot King released another Driil Punch. Once it crashed, Sonic shooted it back, releasing the Smallfry.

Maya: Welcome back, Jet. Just don't get to comfy, we might nead you again!

The Octobot King switched to another platform again. It released another hand slap on the ground, that launched a wave.

Sonic: Jump!(they jump out of the way) NOW!!!(they shoot the hand back)

Maya: What's next?

Octavio swiched the vaumm back on. However, Jet was launched. This stopped, right on time, as another fist was comming.

Sonic: I got it! CRYSTAL INK!!!

Smashing his fist on the ground, Sonic splated the punch back to the Octobot King. This made Octavio drop down.

Sonic: It's lights out for you!!!(jumps) TAKE THIS!!!(Spin Dashes Octavio back)

Octavio crashed on the Octobot Kking L3.Gs for the third time. This overloaded the machine, and Octavio could tell.

Octavio: Every time... So sad... .... Cross-fade to Blaaaaaaaaaaaaack....

The Octobot King blew up, and crashed on the middle of the Crater. Sonic, Maya and Cuttlefish went to it, as Octavio was droping off.

Octavio: Guh... No fair... Your gear's way to strong!

Maya: You put on a weak show, Octavio.

Cuttlefish: Your set list is gettin' old... or maybe it's just you!

Maya: OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Nice one, Mr. Cuttlefish!

Cutterfish: Thanks!

DJ Octavio: Grrrr....

Sonic: But... that was to easy. Way to easy. It's like he wasn't even using the Great Zapfish's power!

DJ Octavio: Mute it, fools! I didn't steal any Great Zapfish!

Sonic: Huh?

Octavio: We stopped doing what we were doing, and i went to be a normal DJ in Splatsvile! Then, out of nowere, Splatsville's Great Zapfish vanishes!

Cuttlefish: But... if it wasn't you who took it, then...(rummble) What the?(somehting comes from under them)

Maya: GAH!

Sonic: Fuzzy Ooze!

DJ Octavio: Wait this is...

Suddenly, the ground under them craches. Sonic was able to take hold of Octavio, but the others fell down.

Cuttlefish: WHOA!!! Agent 3, help me!!!(Fuzzy Ooze comes between them)

Maya: Mr. Cuttlefish!!!

Sonic wasn't able to hold on, and, both he and Octavio fell down to. The Fuzzy Ooze was starting to come between them!

Sonic: Oh no!

DJ Octavio: Sonic find Mr. GRIZZ!!!(they get seperated)

Sonic: Octavio, NO!!!


Next time...
A fight that took them down what looked like a botomless pit, into a new location. The two of them find themselves lost, but when they nead help, who comes to the rescue.

Next time, on Sonic SplatoonChapter 03 - Alterna!

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