Ever since NY (Zarry AU)

By butdaddyIlovezee

10.1K 618 75

Zayn Malik's life changed when he was a 13-year-old kid. His world crumbled down when a tragic event happened... More

XXXI. Epilogue


389 27 3
By butdaddyIlovezee

They came back to the bakery and Harry's mom was attending to some customers.

"Come, let's go to the back," Harry said.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, no problem. Come," He said.

Harry motioned him to sit at one of the little tables at the bakery.

"I'm gotta get some cocoa and your cake," Harry winked at him.

They talked about their hobbies and the things they like.

"So, it's settled then. We should go to some museum," Harry said. "Like a date, y'know?" He continued and said nonchalantly.

"Oh, ye-yes. I'd love to. Gotta go, Harry, it's almost dinner time, and I have to get to the Jenkins's," Zayn said.

"Sure, erm... I can walk you home if you want," Harry offered.

"Okay," he said and they walked out of the bakery.

They walked through the neighborhood and it started to snow.

"I had fun today Harry, thank you," Zayn said smiling.

"Me too," Harry said. "Erm... do you think I can see you again maybe tomorrow or any other day during the week?" Harry asked.

"Ye-yes. I'd like that. You can come to the store and we can do something. Gotta go, now. See you," Zayn said going inside the building and disappearing.

He was sitting with The Jenkins having dinner and smiling from
ear to ear.

"I see you've had a very good day," Mr. Jenkins said.

"Yes, I had fun. I spent the day with Harry," Zayn said to them.

"I'm glad you're making new friends around the neighborhood, dear," Cecile said.

"Just don't neglect your responsibilities. Tomorrow you have to wake up early to go to school," Mr. Jenkins said and Zayn nodded.

He could be happier for the day he had and most of all, being with Harry.

A couple of days later Zayn was coming back from school and entered the store.

"Zayn, good you're here. I think these officers are looking for you," Mr. Jenkins said seriously.

"Me?" Zayn said surprised and having a bad feeling. He remembered that fatal day when two officers gave the bad news about his parents.

"We're officer Holmes and Samuelson. We're here to make you a couple of questions young man," the tall man said.

"Wha-what is it?" he asked looking at them and back at Mr. Jenkins, who was visibly upset.

"This is a very difficult situation. We found a boy with this drawing in his belongings without an ID. It had this address written on it. Mr. Jenkins here recognized you. We need to know who is this boy, we need to call his parents or some relatives," the officer said.

"Erm... It's Lou, his name is Lo-uis Tomlinson. He was living at the foster home with me, I gave him this drawing. Is... Is he alright?" Zayn said fearing the worst.

"When was the last time you saw him kid?" he asked.

"Erm... Last Saturday. I saw him at the public library and I ga-gave him this address to come to see me. Where is he? Is he in some tro- trouble?" Zayn asked.

"Mr. Jenkins, we need to get Zayn to the station." the officer said.

"Why, what did Zayn has to do there?" he asked.

"What happened with Lou, Louis, officer? Tell me, is he alright? Zayn asked with a broken voice.

"Son, we found his body in an alley, it seems that he was living there with other homeless people," the officer said.

"Wha-what? Ho-homeless? He told me he was staying with a... friend. No... Lou! This must be a mistake," Zayn said sobbing.

"Oh Lord," Mr. Jenkins said hugging Zayn. "What happened officer? Do you know?" he asked.

"It seems... he...had some emotional issues. It seems he killed himself. That's what the other people said, he was struggling," officer Samuels said.

"Poor boy," Mr. Jenkins said.

"What! No..." Zayn said sobbing.

"Son, I know this is difficult for you but I need someone to come to the police station. Mr. Jenkins do you think we can bring Zayn to identify his body? Do you think you can do that, son?" the officer asked.

"He can't be dead Mr. Jenkins. Not Lou. He's my best friend," he said between sobs.

"Zayn, I understand this is hard for you. But I think you have to go, I'll come with you," Mr. Jenkins said and Zayn nodded.

They closed the store and went with the officers to the police station. On the way there, Zayn thought of the day his parents died. The feeling was the same. He felt numb and like he was falling into a deep hole.

When they arrived he remembered when he went with the Paynes to a station similar to this one.

Now he was questioned first and he told them the same thing he said to the officers earlier, when they finished he was asked to enter a room. Mr. Jenkins was with him. He also remembered how it was to ID his son. It was a terrible memory.

When they get out Zayn was crying inconsolably.

"It wa-was Louis, he's... de-dead," he said between sobs.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I'm sorry." Mr. Jenkins said.

"Mr. Jenkins, we have Louis Tomilson's belongings. He had a backpack with him. I don't know if you want... to keep it, is not much. Just some clothes, and a couple of books" the officer said.

"Oh... Zayn, do you want to have it?" Mr. Jenkins said.

"Ye- yes. I don't want them to throw his things a-away," Zayn said wiping his eyes, grabbing the bag, and hugging it.

"Come on, Zayn. Let's go," Mr. Jenkins said.

When they arrived home, Zayn went directly to his room. Without saying anything to Cecile.

"Dear, are you okay? What happened John?" She asked.

"Yes. Sorry I didn't have time to call you. Come here, I have to tell you what happened," Mr. Jenkins said sitting in the living room and he began to tell her.

"Oh, my Lord! Poor Zaynie. He must be devastated, he told me about that friend. He was so happy that he saw him after a long time," Cecile said.

"Yes, he is so affected by it, naturally." Mr. Jenkins said. "I think it'll be better if we let him rest for the night," He continued.

It was after dinner when Cecile knocked on Zayn's door.

"Come in," Zayn said.

"Dear, how are you feeling? John told me everything," She said putting a tray with a sandwich and some milk on his study desk.

"He was my be-best friend," He said hugging the sweatshirt that he gave him.

"I know it's difficult, and you're hurting. But this shall pass, dear. I promise," She said wiping his tears.

"He ki-killed him-himself. Why?. I don't get it. He was homeless, maybe he- he was hun-hungry. Why he di-didn't tell me or come to see me, Cecile? I told him to co-come," He said between sobs.

"I don't know, dear. I don't know," She said hugging him.

"They said that he attempted it be-before. That he was in the hospital a couple of months ago, and that he was cu-cutting himself. I lived with him, I-I never saw a-anything. I don't understand. So-sometimes, he was sad and slept a lot, like for da-days. But after that he was so ha-happy, like the day he turned eigh-eighteen," Zayn told Cecile.

"Zayn, sometimes we don't understand people's feelings or what they're going through. Doesn't matter how close we think we are," Cecile said.

"Ye-yeah, but maybe I sho-should have been there. He wanted me to go with him and I said no, because I wanted a family. He was my family," Zayn said lowly.

"No, Zaynie. This wasn't your fault. Please, don't blame yourself," Cecile said.

"The-the officers said that too. They told me that he was sick, but I never saw him sick," Zayn said.

"Zaynie, this is a difficult situation. The officers explained to John that... he had a mental disorder," Cecile said to him.

"Mental... like he was... crazy? He wasn't crazy, no..." Zayn said.

"No, no Zayn. He wasn't crazy, he had a mental disorder. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder when he was at the hospital a couple of months ago," Cecile explained.

"Wha-what? He- he didn't say anything to me when I last saw him. I was his best friend." Zayn said.

"He probably didn't understand what was happening to him. Or he didn't know what to do with it. It's difficult Zayn. You have mood swings, a loss of interest in what you like and then you are extremely excited. That's what I know," Cecile said.

"Ye-yes. He...was like that. I thought it was the way he was," Zayn said.

"I know, dear, I know," Cecile said hugging him. "Eat something and rest, you'll feel better in the morning," she continued and Zayn nodded.

Zayn fell asleep without touching the food. The next day they let him skip school and his job for the day.

When he woke up it was almost noon and he was home alone. Ms. Jenkins was at work at her school and Mr. Jenkins was at the store. Cecile left him a note and some breakfast on the kitchen table.

He was feeling so bad, he couldn't comprehend what happened to Louis. He couldn't believe what happened, he got ready to go out and get some fresh air. He needed some answers.

He went to the library where he last saw Louis, he did what he did when he didn't know or understand something: read and research. He spent half of the day there until he was hungry and decided to come back home.

He walked several blocks in the cold weather feeling his cheeks hurting and of a sudden, he heard his name being called.

"Zayn!" Harry shouted running towards him.

"Ha- Harry," Zayn said lowly.

"How are you? Where are you going?" Harry said with that beautiful smile of his.

"Erm... I- I went out for a walk, I'm going back home," Zayn said.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked noticing his puffy eyes behind his glasses.

"Not... really. I- I just lost my best friend, he... he died," Zayn said.

"What? Bloody hell... mind if I walk with you?" Harry asked and Zayn shook his head. He liked being with Harry, he was feeling better when he was with him.

"Alright, give me one minute," Harry said and went into the bakery and back out in a few. "Let's go," Harry said smiling warmly at Zayn and grabbing a pink box.

"Y'know? Yesterday I popped up to Mr. Jenkin's store to see you, but it was closed," Harry said while walking toward Zayn's home.

"Ye- Yes. We had to go to the police station," Zayn explained.

"Oh, I get it. I'm sorry Zayn, you must be feeling so sad, love," Harry said in his deep and slow voice.

"Ye-yes. I am. I saw him on my birthday," he said whispering.

"I'd wish I could do something to fix those sad eyes of yours," Harry said smiling fondly at him.

"It's alright, Cecile said this shall pass," he said looking down.

"Here we are. Do you want some company? We can go to my place and eat some cake that you like," Harry said smiling. Zayn felt warm inside as soon as Harry smiled at him.

"Tha-thanks, Harry. And yeah, I can use some company," Zayn said smiling at him.

They entered Harry's apartment and it was a cozy one. All decorated in warm colors and a beautiful carpet. They took off their shoes and placed them on the entrance. Harry helped Zayn to take off his coat and scarf.

"Come. We can go to my room, it's more comfortable," Harry said walking towards it and Zayn followed.

His room was like Harry, he had posters on the walls. Most of them of old movies and music. He had a couple of vinyl on the floor and some books.

"Sorry it's a little messy," he said ashamed picking up some things.

"It's alright, your room it's nice. Like you," Zayn said sitting on the bed.

"Thanks, what do you want to do?" Harry asked.

"Anything really," Zayn said.

"Alright..." Harry said sitting next to him and he grabbed his hand.  "Zayn, whatever you need, I'm here," he said.

"I like being with you, y'know? I- I feel at peace," Zayn said smiling at him.

"Come here, let's lay down for a few. No talking, just relax," Harry said laying down and Zayn followed him.

Harry lay on the bed with his arms crossed behind his head. Zayn tried to do the same. Zayn relaxed a little bit more. And felt Harry come close, so close he could smell him, vanilla scent or something sweet. He got closer.

At that moment, Harry looked at him, his eyes were darker and he licked his ruby lips. Zayn looked him back and there, he realized that Harry was... beautiful. His gorgeous green eyes and a big dimpled smile made him giddy.

Zayn got closer and touched his face and suddenly he put his lips on Harry's, pretty quickly, he didn't know why he did it. He gasped after that but Harry smiled.

"It's... okay, love," Harry whispered.

"Harry... I..." Zayn said.

"It's alright. I like it, di-did you?" Harry asked quietly.

"Ye- yes. Your lips are beautiful," Zayn whispered, touching them slightly with his fingertips.

"No, you are. You're beautiful Zee," Harry said caressing his face getting closer again, and taking off his glasses.

"Wha-..." Zayn said. 

"I want to see your eyes, they're not that sad anymore. I like it," Harry said smiling at him.

"Can I... I kiss you again, Harry?" Zayn asked and Harry nodded.

Zayn put his lips in Harry's again and he kissed him back. Zayn liked the way his lips were getting acquainted with Harry's.

Then he instinctively licked them and they felt so good, so soft. He inserted his tongue into Harry's mouth surprising him. He was so nervous like his heart was about to get out of his chest, he didn't understand why.

"Oh," Harry said.

"Sorry... I..." Zayn said quietly.

"It's alright, you just surprised me. That's all," Harry said and kissed him softly. Zayn smiled and cuddled into Harry's arms. He was feeling so much better being like this with him.

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