Ever since NY (Zarry AU)

Bởi butdaddyIlovezee

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Zayn Malik's life changed when he was a 13-year-old kid. His world crumbled down when a tragic event happened... Xem Thêm

XXXI. Epilogue


398 21 0
Bởi butdaddyIlovezee

"I'm sorry I'm late Mr. Jenkins. I didn't see the hour," Zayn said apologizing.

"Young man, you have a responsibility. What you were doing, some work for school?" Mr. Jenkins asked seriously.

"Erm... I- I made a promise to my best friend to see him on my birthday at the public library. And I..." he was saying.

"Why you didn't say that earlier?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... it wasn't important. My best friend get out of the system a year ago and... we promised to see each other today. It won't happen again," Zayn said.

"It is important, you could've invited your friend over. Next time just let me know. This city is so big and... you know how things are around here. Hurry up, let's close up, we have to make a stop on our way home," Mr. Jenkins said smiling.

"Okay, " Zayn said.

They finished everything and they left the store.

"And how was your friend doing, Zayn?" Mr. Jenkins asked him while walking through the streets.

"Not good, I think. He didn't say it, but I could tell. I told him to go to the store, maybe he can help you while I'm at school," Zayn said.

"Mmh, I don't have anything for him. But we can figure it out. Come on, this is the place," Mr. Jenkins said opening the door of the business and a delicious smell hit them.

They were looking around when someone from behind the counter of the bakery greeted them.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He said.

"Hi Harry, are you helping your mother?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Yes, just temporarily," Harry said and smiled looking at Zayn too.

"Well, it's Zayn's birthday here and we want a cake for the occasion. Cecile is waiting at home," Mr. Jenkins said.

"Oh I see, and how old are you Zayn?", Harry asked.

"I'm turning eighteen today," Zayn answered and smiled. Seeing Harry always made him smile.

"So you're staying with Mr. and Mr. Jenkins? That's good"  Harry said smiling at him.

"Yes, he's been staying with us," Mr. Jenkins said and Zayn smiled.

"So, Zayn, what's your favorite flavor cake?" Harry asked him.

" I don't have one, I think. I like them all," He said looking at the beautiful cakes on the display case.

"Well, I can recommend this one. Red Velvet. It is my favorite," He said grinning at him and Zayn noticed how his gorgeous green eyes sparkled.

"Yes- yes, fine, that's okay." He said smiling at the curly boy.

"Alright then," Harry said putting the cake in a pink carton box and tying it with a white ribbon. "It's on the house, Happy Birthday, Zayn," he said.

"Seriously? Oh... thank you, Harry," Zayn said blushing and then looking at Mr. Jenkins.

"Just save me a piece, you know where to find me," Harry said smiling at him.

"Oh, Thanks, Harry. That's a nice gesture. Say hello to your mom for me," Mr. Jenkins said walking out of the bakery.

They went home and Zayn was so happy because of the gift that he received from the curly-haired boy.
They had dinner and then have cake for dessert.

"So, dear, did you like your cake?" Cecile asked.

"Ye-yes, it was delicious. It's Harry's favorite. He recommended it." He said smiling at the thought.

"Aw, it was so sweet of him to give you this cake as a present for your birthday. He's such a good boy," Cecile said and Zayn nodded.

"It's late, you should go to bed now, you need to sleep after the day you've had and... here Happy Birthday Zayn," Mr. Jenkins said giving him a green box with a yellow bow.

"For me?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, dear, from the both of us," Cecile said smiling.

"Oh, thanks," he said opening the box.

"A watch...?! it's so nice," he said surprised. It was a digital watch with yellow leather straps. "And it has interchangeable straps: green, red, blue, orange, and white!" Zayn exclaimed excitedly.

"Glad you like it," Mr. Jenkins said. "Good night, Zayn,"

"Good night. Erm, can you save a piece, Cecile?" Zayn said.

"Sure, dear." She smiled and then Zayn went to his room and he was feeling so happy. He saw his best friend and he received a gift from the Jenkins and Harry. He didn't know why he was feeling this way when he sees him or when he talks to him. But he knows that he wants to be his friend and hang out with him as he asked.

He wasn't feeling tired so, he grabbed his sketchbook and started a new drawing of his friend.

The next day he woke up late, he gasped when he saw the clock.

"Oh my God! It's so late," He said as he started getting ready as fast as he could and went to see Cecile.

"I'm sorry I overslept, did Mr. Jenkins leave already?" He asked.

"Yes, he did dear. Don't worry I told him that you need a day off from the store. You don't need to go today," She said.

"Oh... okay," Zayn said.

"Here's some breakfast. Do you want waffles?" Cecile said.

"Yes, thank you," Zayn said.

"And tell me, dear, how was your week?" She asked.

"Good, school is great and I'm helping Mr. Jenkins do inventory at the store," Zayn said grabbing a bite of his waffles.

"Oh, that sounds fun. John told me that you saw an old friend yesterday," She said.

"Ye- yes, Louis, he was my best friend at the foster house. He was always with me since I got there, always defended me from other kids," He said smiling.

"I see, he sounds like a very good friend then. You should invite him over. Where is he staying now? With another family?" She asked.

"No, he's out of the system now. He turned eighteen last year. He... didn't tell me exactly where he was staying but I told him where the store was and he promised to visit me soon," Zayn said.

"Oh I see, hope he does. Do you want something else?" She asked.

"No, it's alright," Zayn said.

"I was doing laundry and I couldn't find your new sweatshirt. Bring it to me, would you?" She said.

"Erm... I don't have it," Zayn said looking down.

"Oh, have you lost it? I thought you were wearing it yesterday," She asked confused.

"I was. Please, don't be angry. It was snowing yesterday and... Louis wasn't doing fine and he was cold. I gave it to him to keep him warm, I'm sorry. I can pay it back..." Zayn said to her.

"No, that's nonsense. He was your friend and it seemed he needed it. It was a good deed. I can buy you another one if you want." She offered.

"Oh, there's no need. I have the green one. Thank you, Cecile, you're so good with me," Zayn said hugging her, which caught her by surprise."Sorry, I..." Zayn said.

"Don't be, come here dear," she said hugging him back.

"Can I have the piece of cake that I asked you to save, please?" Zayn said.

"Yes dear, it's in the fridge," She said.

"Good, I want to bring this to Harry. Can I go? He asked me to save him a piece," Zayn asked her grinning.

"Sure, dear," she said smiling. Cecile found this funny, given that his mother owns the bakery. But it's nice that Zayn is making more friends and Harry it's a nice boy.

"Thanks, see you later," He said grabbing his navy peacock coat, wool scarf, and his beanie, kissing her on the cheek. That made her heart flutter. His late son used to do that too.

Zayn left and walked through the busy streets, as always, until he got to the bakery. He opened the door and saw the curly boy attending some people at the counter, so he waited until he finished.

"Hey, Zayn!" Harry asked and smiled widely.

"Hi, I -I brought you a piece of my birthday cake..." he said smiling at him.

"Oh, thank you." He smiled and found the gesture extremely sweet. "How was your celebration?" Harry asked.

"Good, the cake was delicious. Thank you again," Zayn said.

"No problem, I'm glad you liked it. So, you're staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins. Where did you live before? Are you their nephew or something?" Harry asked.

"Erm... no, they're my foster family. I'm in the system and I lived with a couple of families before," Zayn said.

"Oh, I didn't know. I thought..." Harry said surprised.

"It's alright. I'm having a new family now, temporarily. They've been so good to me. Especially Cecile." Zayn said.

"Yes, they are good people. They deserve some happiness after all they've been through. I'm glad you're staying with them," Harry said smiling.

"Yes, they're. Well, I'm leaving...now. I don't want to keep you from your job," Zayn said.

"You're not. Do you need to leave? Are you working today? We can... hang out or something, " Harry asked stepping out of the counter.

"Today it's my day off. Sure, we can do something," Zayn said smiling feeling nervous.

"Good! We can go for a walk then and we can keep talking. Would you like that?" Harry asked.

"But... aren't you working?" Zayn said confused.

"Yes, but my mom is in the back. She can take care of it," Harry said.

"But... is that okay?"

"Yes, it's alright. Give me a minute, be right back." Harry said smiling showing his dimples.

"Okay," Zayn said while
Harry went to the back to let his mother know that he was going out and grabbed his coat and scarf. And of course, his bright pink beanie.

"I'm ready, let's go," Harry said opening the door and motioning Zayn to get out.

"Whe- where are we going?" Zayn asked.

"We can have a stroll around the park?" Harry asked.

"Erm, okay..." Zayn said.

"Okay! We can goh there. It's beautiful this time of the year," Harry said.

"Oh, ye-yes. Sounds fine," he said feeling giddy, the thought of spending part of the day with Harry is giving him butterflies already.

They walked several blocks talking about the city, its landmarks, and must-see places.

"I like winteh and I love walking around this citeh," Harry said.

"Winter, yeah... you speak funny. But I like it," Zayn said shyly.

"I'm English and I have an accent, I  moved to the US a couple of years ago. I reckon that I still have it, somehow." Harry explained.

"Oh, you're from the UK yeah. That's... far away," Zayn said in awe.

"Yeah... I spent some months with my father over there this year, but I like it here. Y'know? I'm glad I'm back," He said looking him straight in the eyes and smiling.

"Erm... me too. I mean... I like making new friends and now you're... here and we can be friends. Like you said... hang out, like..." Zayn said stuttering.

"Yeah, I- I wanted to do it before but that's when I left... and well..." Harry explained.

"It's alright... And do you go to school? You don't seem like the kids from my high school," Zayn said.

"No, I've finished it already. I'm applying to go to university this year. I hope," Harry said.

"Oh, you must be so excited. I want to go too," Zayn said.

"I am. And what would you like to study?" Harry asked.

"Art or English Lit...dunno yet, something related," Zayn said.

"Oh, that's nice," Harry said looking at the young boy.

"What is that?" Zayn asked.

"An ice rink," Harry said.

"Oh... looks fun," Zayn said looking at everybody and smiling.

"Would you like to skate?" Harry asked.

"Erm, I can't. I never learned," Zayn said.

"Oh, I can help you. It'd be fun. Come," Harry said grabbing Zayn's hand. Zayn was taken aback by his action.

They lined up to rent the skates and headed to the rink.

"Wha-what if I fall?" Zayn asked.

"Oh, you will. But don't worry I'll be there to catch you," Harry said smirking, making Zayn blush.

"Th-Thanks," Zayn said.

"Give me your hand, come on," Harry said holding out his.

Zayn grabbed his hand and began sliding through the ice, he never had skated before and he was so nervous.

Harry was holding him tight all the time and he hadn't had fun like this learning something new in a long time.

"Come on, just slide, one foot and then the other. See? It's easy, just keep your balance. I'm here," Harry said smiling at him and grabbing his hand tightly.

After a while, they were skating and Zayn was struggling to slide and keep his balance at the same time. All of a sudden a kid pushed him and made him lose it and he fell. Harry fell on top of him, they were so close that Zayn could see his beautiful green eyes were so deep now and felt his warm breath on his lips.

"So- sorry. A kid... pushed me," Zayn said.

"Fucking faggots", someone shouted at them and Harry immediately got up.

"Come on, time is almost up," Harry said helping Zayn to get on his feet too.

They changed into his shoes and get out of the rink. Harry was so serious and quiet after the fall.

"A-re you mad at me?" Zayn asked.

"No, of course not. Why?" Harry said.

"Be- because I made you fall and you're so quiet now. Are you hurt?" Zayn said to him.

"No, ain't that. It's just that... people sometimes are hurtful," Harry said.

"You're mad... be-because of... what they shouted at us?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, it's something that makes me sick. It's so unfair... that they called people names. They don't know how that is making people feel," Harry said.

"I know, it's so hurtful," Zayn said looking down. "A guy at the foster home used to call me and my friend that. Louis was always defending me from him. But I never understood why he was calling us that. He is my best friend, like my older brother," Zayn explained.

"I see, people are mean. But, let's forget about it, yeah?" Harry said and Zayn nodded.

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