Ever since NY (Zarry AU)

By butdaddyIlovezee

10.1K 618 75

Zayn Malik's life changed when he was a 13-year-old kid. His world crumbled down when a tragic event happened... More

XXXI. Epilogue


392 25 0
By butdaddyIlovezee

"Zayn! Wait! Are you walking home by yourself?" Niall said panting.

"Yes, well I'm going to Mr. Jenkins's store," Zayn said.

"Oh, good. We can walk together if you're okay with it," Niall said arranging his backpack.

"Yes, sure," Zayn said smiling.

"I'm going to see a friend of mine and he lives in the same neighborhood," Niall said and Zayn nodded.

"So... how did you end up, y'know? Like in the system... if you don't mind me asking," Niall asked.

"Mmh... it's okay. Erm... my parents died in a car accident when I was younger," Zayn said looking down.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Niall said.

"It's okay," Zayn said.

"And... mmh, do you have any other friends?" Niall asked.

"Mmh... yes. I have a best friend. He left the system because he turned eighteen a couple of months ago," Zayn said.

"Oh, and where is he now?" Niall asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm seeing him soon. I hope," Zayn said.

"Oh good. Well, was so good to meet you Zayn. See you tomorrow at school? I got to go that way." Niall said.

"Ye- yes, see you tomorrow Niall. Thanks for the lunch," Zayn said.

"Hi, Mr. Jenkins," Zayn said entering the store.

"Hi, Zayn, you're on time. How was your first day at school?" He asked.

"Good. All good." Zayn said.

"Great, there's your apron. Y'know? Putting the scones next to the jams was a very good idea. A couple of customers bought them," He said.

"Did the customer of the other day come back?" Zayn asked.

"Who? Harry? No, he didn't." Mr. Jenkins said.

"Oh..." Zayn said.

"Come back here, please help me to put the deals of the week on the blackboard outside," Mr. Jenkins said and Zayn nodded.

Several weeks passed and he hadn't seen the beanie boy again.

It was almost summer and one of those days, the green-eyed boy appeared through the door.

"Hey! You haven't closed yet, have you?" Harry asked Zayn approaching the counter.

"Erm, no, no. Wha- What do you need?" Zayn asked nervously.

"Mmh a loaf of bread and some sparkling wateh," Harry said and Zayn immediately get the things that he asked for.

"Here you go. Is this okay?" Zayn asked.

"Of course, thanks. I like this personalized attention. I'll be coming more often," He said smiling.

"Hi Harry, we are almost closing. Do you have everything you need?" Mr. Jenkins asked coming from the back.

"Yes, thank you, sir. Zayn here helped me," Harry said smiling.

"Good to hear that," He said smiling.

"Well, here you go. Good night," Harry said paying for everything and leaving the store.

"Come on, let's close," Mr. Jenkins said.

"Ye- yes, sir," Zayn said smiling, thinking about Harry.

After dinner, Zayn went to his room, as always. Today was a good day for him, changed into his PJs and started a new drawing.

That week ended and when he was about to change into his PJs, he approached to close his drapes when he noticed that Harry was outside the building across the street talking with some guys and, entered it.

"So, he does live in that building... or maybe he's coming to visit," He thought surprised, he felt something inside again. Butterflies.

He got into bed thinking about him.

The summer ended and it was fall already. He hadn't seen Harry in a long time and he got used to his new routine: going to school, helping in the store, and coming back to do his homework or help with dinner. But from time to time he thought about the green-eyed boy and that now, he was nowhere to be seen, but in his head.

Thanksgiving passed and he was enjoying the Christmas break from school. Last month he was working twice as hard to catch up with school, doing some extra credits to have the grades needed to apply for a college scholarship.

One morning he went to the library to finish some paper, but he lost track of time and he was going late for his shift at the store.

Then when he was about a get there, he bumped into someone outside a coffee store, and both ended up on the snowed pavement.

"So- Sorry," Zayn said stuttering without looking up.

"Hey! You're in a hurry, aren't you? Zayn right?" Harry said standing up and holding out his hand to help him.

"Ye-yes. I'm sorry, I didn't see you," Zayn apologized looking for his glasses that were on the floor and Harry picked them up.

"Here, your glasses," Harry said.

"Tha-thanks," he said putting them on.

"You have beautiful eyes, y'know? You should show them more often," Harry said smiling at him.

"Thanks," Zayn said blushing.

"It's nice to see you again. Erm... are you still working with Mr. Jenkins?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I-I'm on my way there," Zayn said.

"Alright, I'll see you around then. Bye Zayn," Harry said smiling at him and showing his dimples.

"Bye... Harry," Zayn said waving at him and continuing his way to the store.

He finished his shift at the store and Mr. Jenkins noticed that Zayn was in a good mood.

"Did you have a good day Zayn?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, sir. Today was a good day," Zayn said smiling thinking about the encounter with the curly boy.

Before they close, a customer entered the store.

"Hey, kiddo! Long time, no see huh?" Mr. Jenkins said.

"Mr. Jenkins! Yes... I was in the UK, with my father. But now I'm staying with my mom," Harry said.

Zayn was at the back stacking some shelves when he heard his deep voice. He felt butterflies in his stomach again.

"Good to hear that. How can I help you?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... I- I... the same, jam and... English scones..." Harry said looking around.

"Alright, let me get those for you," Mr. Jenkins said.

"That's alright, they're in the back aisle yeah?" Harry said and Mr. Jenkins nodded.

Zayn was standing there by the shelves and Harry approached.

"Hi again, twice in one day. Lucky me," Harry said smiling.

"Hi Harry, erm... yes, it's good. I mean... good to see you, yes," Zayn said nervously and grabbed the jam for him while Harry was taking the scones.

"Same," Harry said smiling. "Thank you. Good night, Zayn," he said and went to check out. Before he left the store, he turned to see him and smirked at him. Zayn felt butterflies, again.

After that day, every time Harry went to the store he gave him that beautiful dimpled smile.

It was Christmas Eve and Zayn was getting ready for closing the store by himself. Mr. Jenkins was running some errands for Cecile.

Harry saw him through the window and entered the store to greet him.

"Hey Zayn, erm... how you doing?" Harry asked.

"Hi, I'm good. I'm about to close but I can help you with anything you need," Zayn said smiling.

"I- I was just walking by and... erm
wanted to wish you Happy Christmas," Harry said smiling.

"Oh... thanks. Erm... Merry Christmas to you too," Zayn said smiling.

"Erm...I- I was wondering... if you'd like to hang out sometime?" Harry asked nervously.

"Oh... ye-yes, that sounds fun," Zayn said grinning at Harry.

"Awesome, see you around then, happy Holidays Zayn," Harry said walking out and smiling at him.

Zayn couldn't believe Harry just asked him to spend time together. He wanted to be his friend, to be around him, that makes him so happy.

After New Year, he barely saw Harry. He was intrigued by him, he didn't know anything about his life, just that he lived in the building across the street, with his mom.

It was Saturday and his eighteen birthday came. He remembered the promise that he made to Louis more than one year ago. He got out of bed and got ready to go with Mr. Jenkins to the store and started his chores.

"Sir, can I go out for a couple of hours?" Zayn asked him.

"And where are you going, kid?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... I need to go to the public library to see an old friend of mine," Zayn said.

"Alright. Just for a couple of hours, I see you back here to close. Don't be late," Mr. Jenkins said.

"I won't, sir," Zayn said.

"Here, your money for your help this week and a little extra. Happy birthday Zayn," He said smiling at him.

"Oh thanks, sir," he said smiling.

He took his apron off and put on his coat and wool scarf, it was a cold day in New York.

He walked through the busy streets of the city and finally, he got to the beautiful library building.

He stood against a column near the principal entrance and watched all the people that were going in and out, locals and tourists taking pictures.

An hour passed and was snowing already. Zayn thought that Louis forgot about his birthday and the promise they had. In the end, it was a long shot, because he hadn't heard anything about his friend in more than a year. He was leaving when someone called his name.

"Zayn!" Louis yelled.

"Lou!" Zayn said grinning.

"I'm here, sorry I'm late. I was far away from here and I lost track of time," Louis said hugging him. Zayn noticed his eyes were bloodshot red with dark circles and also his lips were white and dry.

"Oh... I thought you'd forgotten," Zayn said.

"Of course not, Happy Birthday man. I'm sorry I don't have any gift for you," Louis said looking down.

"Don't worry Lou. How are you doing? Do you have a job in the city?," Zayn said motioning to get inside the library.

"I'm hanging in there man... Erm, no it hasn't been easy to get a good job but I'm trying. But tell me about you... you look like one of those rich boys with nice glasses and fancy clothes. Your new family seems to be wealthy," Louis said smiling.

"No, nothing like that. The Jenkins are very good people and hard workers. I'm going to school y'know? and I'm helping Mr. Jenkins's at his grocery store," Zayn said.

"Oh, that sounds nice. I'm happy for you Zee, you finally found a good foster family. I always knew you weren't one of us. Since you get to the house, y'know?" Louis said to him.

"Don't say that, I am. And where are you staying? We can keep in touch and see each other often. You can meet my foster family and a friend of mine from school, Niall," Zayn said smiling.

"I'm staying at... a friend's. And tell me... who's Niall? Your boyfriend?" Louis said nudging him and Zayn noticed he was shivering. He was wearing his hand-down leather jacket and sweater underneath. Not warm enough for this kind of weather.

"No, no. He's my friend," Zayn said. They continued talking and it was getting late for Zayn.

"Lou... I gotta get going Lou, I have to come back to the store," he continued.

"Sure man, go. I don't want to get you into trouble," Louis said.

"I have to see you again. You can go to the store and maybe Mr. Jenkins can give you some work to do in the mornings. While I'm at school," Zayn suggested.

"Of course, where is this store at?" Louis said smiling.

"Let me write the address down for you, " Zayn said looking for a piece of paper in his backpack.

"Here, you can use this. It's your drawing, hope you don't mind," Louis said.

"No... I'm happy you still have it," he said smiling.

"Yes, of course. I have it always with me, write down the address there. Promise I'll go to visit you soon," Louis said smiling back.

"Here," Zayn said. "Lou... Are you okay? Be honest with me, I'm... your friend," Zayn said.

"Ye- yes. I'm okay. I'm hanging in there." he said smiling faintly and grabbing himself.

"Here," Zayn said taking off the coat and his new grey sweatshirt to gave it to him. It was a present that he got on Christmas from Cecile, but he didn't mind.

"No, man. It's yours and it's your birthday and you shouldn't be giving your things away," Louis said.

"It's okay. Please, it's cold." Zayn said. "Here are some bucks, too. Get something hot to eat Lou," he continued.

"Man, I can't accept this too," Louis said.

"You can, and you will. You are like... an older brother to me. Let me help
you, for once," Zayn said.

"Thanks, Zee. You're like a brother
for me too," Louis said and they hugged tightly.

"Take care, Lou. And please go to see me at the store, yeah?. Gotta run," Zayn said and Louis nodded.

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