Izuku Midoriya: The Half-Shel...

By Kevhedgehog

173K 2.4K 1.1K

In this story, Izuku has a twin younger, Izumi Midoriya. Most of this is gonna be like the anime except in t... More

[1] Quirkless
[2] Meeting the Turtles
[3] The Training and the Ninpō
[4] The Return of Izuku Midoriya
[5] Hero in a Half Shell
[6] USJ Attack
(Need to Know)
[7] Special Date and Training
[8] Sports Festival & Talk
[8.5] Lemon Chapter🍋🍋
[9] Race and Calvary Battle
[10] Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Izumi
[11] Dinner with Parents
[12] New Technique
[13] Ninja vs. Assassin
[14] Shopping Mall Encounter
[15] Sibling Talk
[16] Izuku's Last Delivery
[17] Carapace at the Training Camp P1
[18] Carapace at the Training Camp P2
[19] Attack on the Training Camp
[20] Carapace to the Rescue P1
[21] Carapace to the Rescue P2
[22] Hideout Raid Team vs. the L.O.V
New Cover
[23] Half Shell Hero VS. Symbol of Evil
[26] A New Beginning

[25] Rise in a Hospital

3.6K 52 39
By Kevhedgehog

Slowly, Izuku began to open his eyes. He didn't know why, but he felt so relaxed and comfortable feeling cold air brush against his skin while his body was lying down on something extremely soft. 

"Wh-where, am I?" he whispered to himself while opening his eyes wide enough he was able to get a good look around the room he was in, seeing the white walls, IV tubes, and heart monitors. That's when he started to remember the massive fight between him and All For One. "Right, of course, I'm in the hospital"

"You know, it's funny how you still snore in your sleep," a voice said causing him to turn his head to his side. Sitting up in a hospital bed beside was a girl with green hair striking a similar resemblance to him wearing a hospital gown.

"Izumi?" Izuku said.

"Good morning, big brother," she said smiling at him. Izuku was at first glad she was safe until he remembered something.

"Wait, Izumi, your right arm," he said trying to sit up only to fall back down in pain.

"Don't push yourself Izuku. You've been out for 5 days," Izumi said before lifting up her casted arm. "Seeing, I'm healing"

"Thank god," Izuku said signing in relief before realizing what she just said. "WAIT 3 DAYS!!!???"

"Although..." she said causing Izuku to look at her with worry. "Izuku, you should probably look at your arm"

Izuku was confused by this because he was sure his whole right arm was disintegrated when he defeated AFO. What's more confusing was when he felt himself move his arm like it was there. Actually, it really felt like he still had it. Turning to his right side, he could see a lump under the sheets of his side. Using his left hand he yanked the sheets off to see something totally unexpected. Using his left hand to sit up, he slowly lifted up what seems to be a black mechanical robot arm with glowing green lights.

"Wh-What in the......" Izuku said as he kept moving it clenching and opening it.

"Careful, Donnie said that he's still making modifications," Izumi said trying to come him down.

"Oh, sure I'll...." he said before realizing what she just said. "Wait, Donnie?!"

Izumi smiled sadly while lowering her head.

"I met your um..... brothers on the night you were brought in. They said you fell unconscious on the ride to the hospital," she said turning away and giving a little chuckle. "They even gave me the cold shoulder when they heard I was your sister"

"Yeah, sorry about that," Izuku said smiling.

"Nah, I deserved it," Izumi said. "After all, who wouldn't get angry at the sight of someone who caused their brother so much pain"

The two stayed silent allowing the room to only be filled by the sound of the heart monitors beeping.

"Izuku, I just want to say that I......" she said before being cut off.

"You and Kachan caused me a lot of pain in the past," he said. "It was so much, that I had no choice and nearly committed suicide"

Izumi gasped upon hearing that as tears built up in her eyes. She was always against hurting her older brother, but she had no idea it would lead him to end his life.

"I just..." she said before being cut off again.

"Although, if you and Kachan didn't abuse me and drove me to that state, I wouldn't have met the turtle brothers," he said. "So I can't fully blame you"

The sound of sniffles began to fill the room. Izuku turned his head to see Izumi on the verge of breaking into a waterfall of tears.

"You should've taken it," she said in a sobbing voice. "You should've taken OFA!"

Izuku's eyes widened in shock at what she just said as he turned to face her.

"One for All is a power that's supposed to be given to a hero, not an abuser," he said using his free hand to wipe her tears. "I don't deserve to be a hero, not after all the things I have done to you" 

Izuku stayed silent as she kept telling him she was sorry. As she buried her face in her hand, Izuku took a sigh before speaking again.

"Do remember Kota?" Izuku asked quietly. Izumi raised her head to look at him. "You remember how much of a pain he was when we met him?"

"Yeah, what's your point?" she said not getting it.

"Despite how he felt about us and heroes, you stood up to protect him from a very dangerous villain," he said causing her to widen her eyes in surprise. "Plus, my Rasengan wouldn't have gotten strong enough to beat him if it wasn't for you. Saving a child's life made us both heroes"

Izumi sniffled as a small smile began to crawl on her face. All the sorrow she felt in the past slowly began to fade away. Wiping away the last of her tears, she turned to face Izuku.

"I love you, big brother," she said finally able to say it after so long. Looking at the smile on her face, Izuku couldn't help but smile too. "I really missed you"

"Me too Izumi. I love you too," he said as he moved his legs off the bed and held out his left arm and his robotic arm as much as possible. Izumi, having a feeling of what it meant, got out of her bed and walked toward him. She then leaned in and rested her chin on his shoulder while wrapping her left arm around his neck. Izuku reciprocated by wrapping his arm around her waist leaving his robotic arm on the bed. Once they separated, Izuku began to chuckle for some reason.

"What's so funny?" Izumi asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"When you think about it, we can call ourselves, the handy twins," he said wiggling his robotic fingers. Izumi couldn't help but burst into laughter at his joke. It's been years since the two got to laugh together and make jokes.

"Goes to show why we're related," she said wiping the tear from her laughter.

"I think my life really is in danger," Izuku said joking again causing Izumi to laugh even harder. Both of their laughter was then interrupted by the sound of a sneeze. The two stopped laughing and looked outside the window to see 4 green beings hanging upside, watching them like hawks.

"Oh uh......" Leo said wiping his nose with a finger. "Gesundheit?"

Izuku simply sighed before looking at them with a slightly annoyed face.

"Guys, get in here already," Izuku said with a deadpan face. Leo then unsheathed one of his swords and opened a portal through which the 4 fell through. Another blue portal opened in the hospital room the twins were in and came flying out of it was 4 human size turtles.

"Real smooth Leo," Ralph said groaning on the ground. "Real smooth"

"Heh, heh, sorry," he said scratching his head. As they stood up, Izuku simply shook his head while laughing.

"I think it's time we formally introduce ourselves," Izuku said aiming his hand towards Izumi. "Guys, meet Izumi Midoriya, my younger sister"

Surprising the turtles, Izumi bowed in respect.

"Izumi, these are brothers: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo," Izuku said showing his hands to the turtles. The turtles crossed their arms while showing a look of distrust toward the girl. Izumi noticing the looks took a deep breath before walking up towards them

"I understand that you don't take a liking to me. But first off, I would like to personally say, thank you for taking care and protecting my brother," Izumi said bowing her head. The brothers looked at each other and then back at the girl.

"After hearing that um... heartfelt apology earlier, I think we can let you off the hook," Mikey said. "Plus, I've always wanted a sister"

"If Izuku forgives you, then I guess I will too," Leo said smiling with his arms crossed.

"Same here," Ralph said with a thumbs up. The 3 turned their heads to Donnie who had his head facing the other way. Donnie opened one of his eyes to see them staring at him.

"For the record, I only came to do the last adjustments to Izuku's arm," he said taking out tools from his shell and walking up to Izuku. Before he could start, he looked at Izumi for a brief moment.

"Meh, I honestly don't care," he said flipping on his goggles and looking closely at Izuku's arm while making a few adjustments. Izumi smiled in relief and looked back at the turtles to ask a question.

"You're not actually humans right?" she said causing the turtles and even Izuku to tense up. "Are you really mutants?"

The 5 in the room looked left and right at each other before nodding. 

"That's very cool Izuku," Izumi said. "I mean 4 actual mutant ninja turtles? That's even more bizarre than a normal human getting a mutant quirk"

"Yup, full turtle. All shell and all," Leo said pointing his thumb towards himself. Suddenly, the six individuals in the room were interrupted by the door opening revealing a teenage girl with brunette hair.

"IZUKU!!!" Uraraka screamed as she ran straight to the boy's bed and hugged his waist tightly. 

"Whoa, careful. I'm still making some adjustments to the arm," Donnie said twiddling with some screwdrivers.

"Oh sorry," Uraraka said backing up. "How're you feeling Izu?"

"Well, besides sitting in a hospital with a robot arm being fixed up by a mutant turtle...." Izuku said sarcastically. "I'm doing great"

Everyone in the room began laughing at his joke until it was interrupted by the Izuku yelling in pain.

"Whoops, sorry about that Izuku," Donnie said tightening a screw on the mechanical arm. He then stood up and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. "Ok, try and move it now"

Everyone in the room stared as Izuku slowly tried to lift his hand up. To everyone's amazement, it moved, bent, and twitched like a regular arm. Izuku even made some punches to test its speed.

"It feels so real. It's like I never even lost my hand," Izuku said as he stared at the arm in amazement. "This is incredible Donnie"

"That's not the best part," Donnie said with a smirk on his face. "Try using our Tech-Jutsu"

Doing what he said, Izuku focused his Ninpo Energy and his eyes flashed purple. At the same time, the green lights on his mechanical arm turned purple. Upon surprise, The arm began to shape-shift itself and formed into some kind of blaster.

"What in the name of All Might?!" Izumi shouted in surprise. Even Izuku was surprised by the sudden transformation of his arm.

"Consider it a reward for doing an amazing job," he said before murmuring something else. "And I find it unfair how my powers only gave you a staff"

Hearing that, Izuku couldn't help but laugh as his arm reverted back to its original form. Suddenly, the sound of the door opening interrupted our conversation. Izuku was at first scared since his turtle bros were still in the room but he sighed in relief when it opened revealing a surprising pair of individuals. 

"Principal Nezu?" Uraraka asked surprised to see the principal of UA standing at the door.

"Dad?!" all the turtles said once they saw Splinter.

"Why does seeing two rat-like beings together isn't really all that surprising?" Izumi thought in her head. "And did they just say, dad?!"

"What going on? Why're you both here?" Izuku said as they both walked up to his bed.

"Of course, I wanted to see how my student is doing?" Splinter said.

"And I wanted to meet you Carapace," he said. "Or is it Deku now"

Izuku looked at Izumi and Uraraka who just smiled at him.

"It's just Deku sir," he responded. "But why do you want to see me?"

"Deku, the news of your heroic acts has been spread throughout the country," Nezu said. "Everyone is calling you a hero"

"Really?" he said surprised by the news.

"Yes, and that is why...." he said stopping himself. "The government wants to issue you Deku, the Teenage Mystic Ninja Turtle, and your brothers, the Teenage Mutant Ninia Turtles, full-time hero licenses"

The whole room went silent before Izuku spoke.

"WHAT?!" Izuku screamed.

"WHAT?!" Izumi screamed in shock.

"WHAT?!" Uraraka screamed in excitement.

"WHAT?!" the turtles screamed in shock and excitement.

"WHAT?!" Splinter screamed too causing everyone to look at him confused.

"I told you about this yesterday Yoshi," Nezu said.

"Oh, right you did," he said laughing a bit. "Sorry"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Izuku said flaring both his hands. "Me, a 15-year-old, a full-time hero? But I'm a vigilante!"

"What'd expect? They lock you up after revealing yourself to the public and saving countless lives?" Nezu asked.

"Well, yeah?" Izuku said causing both Izumi and Uraraka to slap their hands on their faces. "I mean what I've been doing for the past months has been illegal"

"None of that matters young man," he said taking up a remote and pointing it to the TV turning it on. "See for yourself"

"We're here with the Chief of Police, Kenji Tsuragamae, to talk about the recent word about making the green vigilante a full-time hero," the reporter said standing beside a man dog with a bunch of people standing behind him, holding up signs saying: 'TURTLE POWER', 'BOOYAKASHA,' 'DEKU'S OUR HERO,' 'MARRY ME, HERO'. That last one made Uraraka's eye twitch a bit. "So sir, what are your thoughts?"

"A few months ago, he was no more than a kid who was breaking the law. Sure his acts were noble, but he still didn't follow protocols," the chief said causing Izuku to lower his head in shame. "But then a few days ago, despite revealing his secret identity and losing his arm, he stood up and fought against the villain that even All Might, our greatest hero, had a hard time defeating"

"So is that why you chose to appoint him to a full-time hero?" the reporter asked.

"The public and other heroes have made their choice and so have I," the chief said. "I hope that he will at least, live up to his name"

After hearing that, Izuku stared in the background at everyone cheering for him. He could even see little kids putting on make-shift masks from bandanas and rags and posing as him with tree sticks and toy swords. Tears built up in his eyes, one by one, they began trailing down his cheek. He quickly rubbed them away with his non-robotic arm and smiled before turning to Nezu.

"I would be honored, sir," he said causing the turtles to cheer in excitement.

"Alright, dude!" Ralph said.

"My invention shall be shown to the world!" Donnie said evilly.

"COWABUNGA!!!" Mikey said.

"Oh yeah. Turtle Power baby!" Leo said.

"I'm proud of you Izuku!" Uraraka said crawling up his bed and his smooch on his lips leaving behind a lipstick mark. 

"Your dream's finally coming true big brother!" Izumi said. Hearing that, an idea flew into Izuku's head.

"Hey guys, can I talk with Principal Nezu," Izuku asked before turning to Izumi. "Alone"

Not knowing what he was thinking, everyone nodded their heads and exited the room leaving him alone with the small white mouse-looking person.

"Sir, as a full-time hero, I will have a lot of responsibilities," he started off with. "But, can I ask for one favor, if it's not too much to ask"

"Of course! What do you need?" he asked before hearing Izuku's request. After their little meeting, Nezu exited the room and left, while everyone entered the room again.

"What were you guys talking about?" Uraraka asked sitting beside her boyfriend while Izumi sat beside her brother. 

"Oh, not much," he said with a smirk. Though she want to pester him more on what it is, she decided not to. For the next hour, everyone hung out in Izuku's and Izumi's rooms until visiting times were over. The turtles and Splinter gave Izuku and big hug before teleporting back to New York. And after a bit of kissing, Uraraka left leaving the twins by themselves.

"Mom and Dad didn't come," Izuku said laying on his bed.

"They said they had something important to take care of," Izumi said laying in her bed. "But they really wanted to come. They've been worried about you"

Izuku turned in his bed and faced away from her.

"Actions speak louder than words. If they really care, I'll believe it when I see it," he said before going to sleep. All Izumi could do was sigh and lay down in her bed.

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