Undertale Oneshots (On Hiatus)

By DoctorBlu5

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Just some Oneshots I made. Please go to "REQUESTS OPEN" and "REQUEST IDEAS" to request a story. All character... More

Cheater!Male!Reader x Female!Frisk
Shy!Fem!Reader x Fem!Chara
Pirate!Male!Reader x Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Mute!Magician!Male!Reader x Bullied!Fem!Frisk
Nerd!Male!Reader x Bullied!Fem!Chara
Suicidal!Male!Reader x Cheater!Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Vengeful!Male!Reader x Cheater!Fem!Frisk x Ex-Girlfriend!Fem!Chara
Villian!Male!Reader x Hero!Male!Frisk
Forgetful!Male!Reader x Forgotten!Fem!Frisk
Abused!Immortal!Male!Reader x Abusive!Fem!Chara
Vampire!Male!Reader x Bullied!Male!Frisk
Neglected!Male!Reader x Brother!Male!Frisk
Suicidal!Male!Reader x Girlfriend!Fem!Chara x Bestfriend!Fem!Frisk
Distant!Male!Reader x Fem!Chara
Abandoned!BFF!Male!Reader x Male!Frisk
Male!Reader x Babysitter!Fem!Chara
Villian!Fem!Reader x Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Magician!Male!Reader x Yandere!Fem!Chara
Male!Neko!Reader x Fem!Demon!Chara
Fem!Stripper!Reader x Shy!Protective!Frisk x Tsundere!Protective!Chara
Male!Worker!Reader x Male!Ex-BBF!Frisk x Fem!Flirty!Chara
Artist!Fem!Reader x Femboy!Male!Chara
Forgetful!Male!Reader x Orphan!Male!Frisk
Bestfriend!Male!Reader x Needy!Fem!Frisk
Stressed!Male!Reader x Yandere!Fem!Frisk x Jealous!Male!Chara
Introvert!Male!Reader x Flirty!Fem!Chara
Male!Reader x Femboy!Drunk!Chara
(AI Writes) Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk
Shy!Male!Reader x Dom!Fem!Frisk x Dom!Fem!Chara
The Crayon Song | Reaction Video
SociallyAnxious!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk
Fox!Hybrid!Male!Reader x Girlfriend!Cheating!Fem!Chara
BigBrother!Male!Reader x SmallerSister!Fem!Frisk!
HardToGet!Male!Reader x Male!Chara
Male!Reader x Fem!Tsundere!Frisk
Player!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk x Fem!Chara
Player!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk x Fem!Chara PART 2

Prankster!Fem!Reader x Bully!Male!Frisk!

654 2 0
By DoctorBlu5

"Are you sure?"

Y/n: Yeah! What's he gonna do? Beat me up? Ha!

I was walking through the school halls as I talked about pranking Frisk who was the school bully. You see because Frisk freed the Monsters, he thought he was above consequences. But he was not. Sans the Math teacher had told him again and again that it wasn't ok, yet he still did it and never got into trouble.

But today, I was going to set that right. You see, I was the prankster around the school and I always got in trouble, no matter the prank. One day, I pranked Asriel (the principal's other son) by drawing a rainbow on both of his floppy ears. He liked it, but Toriel didn't approve, so I was excluded for 3 days. When I came back, Frisk bullied only me that day.

So, to get him back, I decided to do my biggest prank yet. That was why I and my bestie were heading towards Frisk's locker.

We reached Frisk's locker and I opened it using the homemade locker key I made last night. I looked around to see if anyone noticed... but nope, they were too busy doing their own things. I then reached into my bag and took out a small red box with a note attached to it. I smiled and put the box into Frisk's locker, I closed the locker door and walked away.

Y/n: EZ.

"Let's hope you don't get caught."

Frisk POV:

Asriel: So, who are you bullying today?

Frisk: Well, I have a calendar for when and who I bully.

Asriel: I wish you didn't, why DO you have to bully?

Frisk: So people know they're not above me.

I passed many students as I talked with Asriel and they all stopped talking as we walked past, I just ignored them. I then reached my locker which was next to Asriel's and opened it, but before I could look at my calendar, I saw a small red box. I picked it up and Asriel looked over. I then took the note off the top of the red box.

Frisk: "Hey Frisky~ I got you this little gift for being a hunk and showing everyone you mean business. I wouldn't mind you showing me some of your "personal" business tonight~ meet me by the side of the school after it's finished, I'll be waiting~ Love from, your secret admirer x".

I looked around for the "secret admirer" with a blush on my face, but no one was even paying attention.

Asriel: There's no way someone would be crazy enough to like you that way.

Frisk: Maybe someone has a kink?

Asriel: I wouldn't put it past them if they liked you. Are you gonna go?

Frisk: Yep, I wanna see who it is, and if I don't like them then I'll beat them up for liking me.

Asriel: What's in the box?

I put the note into my pocket and opened the box, I saw a red velvet cupcake which was my favourite. And I was shocked at this, there's no one here that would know that except my family.

Asriel: It's not me, don't worry.

Frisk: I know...! But... who? No one knows this. Did you tell someone!?

Asriel: No! Why would I?

Frisk: Hmm, I bet it was mom! She always gives secrets like these out!

Asriel: Or maybe the person got lucky?

Frisk: Hm, that's very unlikely, I'm gonna have a chat with mom at lunch.

I ate the red velvet cupcake as I went through my locker, and after sorting everything out, I and Asriel headed to our first lesson which was Math.

Your POV:

I was sitting in Math class ready for it to start when Frisk and Asriel walked in. The classroom went silent and I slit my eyes at Frisk, and I managed to see some icing residue on his mouth. Heh, my plan had worked, now all I had to do was wait.

Frisk: Stop being racist.

Was he talking to me? I looked around and saw everyone looking at me, so I presumed he was. I looked back at Frisk and smiled.

Y/n: Oh, you're talking to me? But c'mon, that's your job and you know it.

Frisk: Even from here I can see you look like a clown with all that make-up.

Y/n: Well, I'm not the only one from the circus who is getting educated. I think the rest of the circus is doing a practical on sexual education in your mom's bed... with her.

I smugly smiled at Frisk as he grit his teeth, I could tell this was making him angry.

Y/n: Should I tell Asgore? He's the REAL clown, seeing how he made a joke of your entire family.

I smiled more and now Asriel was angry, good. Frisk walked over to me and stood opposite my desk.

Y/n: Oh! Am I this good-looking you had to get a closer look? I don't mind~

I saw Frisk blush a small bit through his anger. He went to hit me but I caught his hand and softly kissed the top of it making him blush even more.

Y/n: How kind of you to offer me your hand~ would you like to dance? Frissy~

Frisk blushed more and the room then erupted in whispers. "Does he like him?", "I ship it", "He looks so embarrassed!", "Is he finally getting his comeuppance?" I heard those types of whispers around as I continued to hold Frisk's hand. Frisk then snapped out of his trance and pulled his out of mine.

I heard Frisk whisper "Lucky bitch" under his breath, wait... does he like me? There's no way! But... maybe I should do what I said on the note, sure, he'd kill me, but it'll be worth it, he's... kinda cute.

"You're blushing." I heard my bestie whisper to me, I looked at her and went silent in embarrassment. They put two and two together and let out a quiet gasp before winking making me blush more.

Sans: Well, that was cool.

I looked over at Sans as he rocked against his chair, he then got off his chair and picked up his laser pointer. The lesson then started with a scrunched-up ball being thrown at me only 5 minutes later. I picked it up off the ground and opened it, it said: "talk about my family like that again and you'll be removed from yours". I only smiled and wrote a note back.

My note said: "Aww, so we can get married and start our own family?". I managed to throw it back at Frisk and I heard a flustered exhale come from behind me which made me smile. I didn't receive any more paper balls.

Sans: Frisk, what weighs more? 1kg of steel or 1 kg of feathers?

Frisk: They're both the same.

Frisk said with a rather raspy voice, I looked back at him and saw him sweating like crazy. I looked back at the board and smiled.

Sans: Ok, good. Y/n, if the square root of 16 is 36, then how many Earths can fit in the Sun?

Y/n: 1.3 million.

Sans:... How heavy is the Earth?

Y/n: 5.972 × 10^24 kg

Sans: 9+10?

Y/n: That's a trick question.

Sans: Ah, smart kid, good, just checking if you were paying attention.

Y/n: When don't I? And besides, I think Frisk isn't paying much attention.

Frisk: Shut up you-

Sans: Y/n's right, Frisk? Your voice? Are you alright? And you look so... sweaty.

Frisk: I-It's hot in here and I'm thirsty!

Sans: It's August, all the windows are open, and I saw you drink coffee this morning.

Frisk: W-Well maybe I'm feeling thirsty now! *cough*

Sans: Or maybe, you're ill. Why don't you go to the nurse's office?

Frisk: N-No! I'm fine! You bag of-!


Frisk: Heh, did you stand on a whoopie cushion?

Sans: Nope, I don't have whoopie cushions when I teach, only on break.

Frisk: Y/n! Why do you keep leaving your whoopie cushions everywhere!?

Y/n: Oh c'mon, if you knew me, then whoopie cushions are for noobs, you know how well crafted my pranks are.

I looked back at Frisk.


Y/n: I think you brought your own "whoopie cushion", hehe.

Sans: Frisk, one more fart and you're out.

Frisk: It's not-!

Asriel: EWWWW! Frisk!

Sans: Why don't you go to the bathroom?

Frisk: O-Ok.

Frisk got up from his chair and held onto his ass as he started to walk out of the classroom. But the farts got worse which made Frisk run out of the classroom whilst we held our noses.

Sans: Jeez, even I can smell it and I don't have a nose. Does anyone know what he ate?

Asriel: He ate a cupcake before we came here, it was in his locker.

Sans: Ah, good job, Y/n.

Y/n: W-What!?

Sans: C'mon, it has to be you, who else?

Y/n: How would I even get access to his locker?

Sans walked over to me and held his hand out.

Sans: Don't think I didn't notice.

I sighed and took the homemade key out of my miniskirt pocket, I gave it to Sans and he smiled before destroying it with a bone.

Sans: I would give you detention, but Frisk deserved it, just don't make keys again.

Y/n: I won't, it was only for Frisk.

Sans: Good, then teaching can continue.

We all went silent at the sound of a fart echoing all the way down the hall. The class was filled with laughs and "ewws" with me smiling in victory. Sans then distracted the class by getting back into teaching. But an hour later, the lesson was finally done, so everyone started to make their way out of the class.

But as they left, they all thanked me, be it a "thank you", a thumbs up, a smile, a hug, or even a kiss on the cheek, I got praised for pranking Frisk until Asriel walked up to me.

Asriel: I know Frisk kinda deserved it, but do you think you could say sorry to him?

Y/n: Why would I? I'm not sorry at all.

Asriel: I know, but...

Y/n: Listen, Asriel, the bullying has to stop, and if I have to humiliate him in front of everyone to do so then so be it. You can't hate a girl for stopping the bullying problem, you hate bullies right?

Asriel: Yes!

Y/n: Then you're on my side, right?

Asriel:... I guess.

Y/n: Good.

Asriel: You know you're gonna get told off, right?

Y/n: Yep.

I grabbed my bag and patted Asriel on the head, I then left the classroom and walked down the hallway with my bestie.

*Small timeskip*

It was now lunchtime and I had just finished eating lunch with my bestie when I heard my name being called to the principal's office.

Y/n: Welp, there's my call.

"Good luck, text me when you're out."

Y/n: Will do.

I grabbed my bag and got up from my table, I then left the canteen and made my way to the principal's office. Once I reached it, I knocked on the door and heard a "come in", so I entered the office. I saw Frisk sitting on a chair with his hair all sweaty and messy with Toriel standing behind her desk with a pissed look on her face.

Y/n: Sup.

I walked over to the desk and sat down on the other chair that was next to Frisk and facing the desk. Toriel then sat down on her big red swivel chair.

Toriel: So, Frisk said you drugged a cupcake he ate.

Y/n: How does he know it was me?

Frisk: Who else would it be!?

Y/n: Maybe one of the teachers? I dunno. And how would I have access to your locker?

Toriel: Why do you think it was one of the teachers?

Y/n: Maybe they got sick of his bullying like the rest of us are.

Toriel: Any other reason?

Y/n:... I'm leaving.

Toriel: Excuse me?

Y/n: If you ignore Frisk's bullying then you're a terrible mother and principal.

I got up from my chair, grabbed my bag, and leg the office. I took my phone out and texted my bestie that I was done, they were surprised but glad I was ok. I was about to meet up with my bestie when I heard crying. I put my ear up to the door of the principal's office.

"Don't listen to her, mom."

"H-How can't I!? S-She's right! F-Frisk... y-you have to stop, w-why are you even bullying people?"

"... It's so they know they're not above me."

"T-This is a school! Not a dictatorship! Y-You don't run the school! Stop acting like you do!" The crying then turned into shouting, "FRISK! ENOUGH BULLYING! YOU ARE GOING TO APOLOGISE TO EVERYONE YOU HAVE BULLIED! AND IF YOU DON'T LISTEN THEN YOU'LL BE EXCLUDED! YOU'RE NOT FREE FROM PUNISHMENT BECAUSE YOU'RE MY SON! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?".

"... Y-Yes, mom..."


"What about Y/n!"



"DON'T GIVE ME THAT ATTITUDE! YOU BROUGHT IT UPON YOURSELF! NOW LEAVE!" I quickly ran away from the door and down the hallway where my bestie was waiting for me. I caught my breath and talked to them about what happened. A smile appeared on their face when I told them I wasn't gonna get in trouble because there was no evidence.

We both quieted down when Frisk started walking down the hallway, and as he passed us, he quickly grabbed my neck and pinned me against the lockers as he choked me. My bestie tried to stop him but he strangled her as well. An evil grin grew on Frisk's face and I only smiled at him.

Frisk was confused before his SOUL turned blue and he got sent across the hall. I fell to the ground and gasped for air as my bestie did.

Sans: Frisk, that's detention and possible exclusion for you.

Sans said as he stood in the middle of us, he then took Frisk to detention using his blue Magic. I got up from the floor and helped my bestie get up, I checked their neck and saw a red hand mark...

Y/n: He was serious.

I then hugged my bestie as they hugged me back, I heard sniffles coming from them and continued to hug them as I rubbed their back. I heard the bell ring which indicated the next lesson, but I refused to stop hugging. Even when quite a lot of people walked past us I kept hugging my bestie as they hugged me.

Once the hallways were silent again, we finally pulled away from the hug. "Thank you, I really needed that." my bestie said with a small smile, I smiled back. They moved their face closer to mine and softly kissed me on the lips, I was surprised but kissed them back. We both kissed for a solid minute until pulling away.

"O-Oh my god, d-did that just happen?"

Y/n: Hehe, I guess. Was it nice?


Y/n: Do you wanna... go out tonight?

"... Yeah."

Y/n: Haha, alright.

"D-Do you like me like that?"

Y/n:... I do.

"I thought you liked Frisk?"

Y/n: Not now, not after he hurt you, my beautiful bestie.

My bestie blushed and I softly kissed them on the lips, they kissed back and we both closed our eyes.


We immediately stopped kissing and saw Undyne looking at us, we both blushed in embarrassment.

Undyne: Skipping lessons to make out?

Y/n: Actually... we got strangled, and...

Undyne: Oh, by who?

Y/n: Frisk.

Undyne: Oh. Where is he now?

Y/n: Sans took him away.

"Chsk! Can Y/n and BF/n report to the meeting room? Chsk!" we heard over the intercom.

(BF/n = Bestfriend name)

Undyne: Follow me, I'll take you two there.

Y/n: Thank you.

Undyne smiled and we started to follow her to the meeting room. I held my bestie's hand as we walked and I smiled at them which made them smile back. We reached the meeting room a couple of minutes later and Undyne took us inside. Once we were inside, we saw Frisk, Toriel, and Sans sitting together around a round table.

My bestie was a bit cautious, but I hugged them which made them calm down. We then sat down opposite the others with Undyne sitting next to me.

Toriel: Ok, this is getting out of hand. Y/n, BF/n, Frisk has something to say.

Frisk:... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I took my anger out on you, I'm just having a bad day. First, it was that cupcake which was drugged with who-know-what, and then... my consequences finally caught up to me.

Undyne: You were drugged?

Frisk: Yes.

Undyne: Who was it?

Toriel: We don't know, because there's no evidence it was Y/n and-

Y/n: It was me.


Y/n: I put laxatives in the cupcake. So Frisk really wasn't "drugged", but... heh, it was funny. And if I can say this, didn't Frisk deserve it? For all this trouble he's caused, shouldn't he be punished? And to be honest, I knew none of you expect Sans wouldn't have done anything because he's the "saviour" and "freed" you, but that shouldn't make him exempt. But guess what? I'm not accepting Frisk's apology, physical violence is too far, especially against my best friend. They have a HAND MARK on their neck!

Frisk's eyes then widened while the others looked at him with an angered look.

Frisk: No...

Y/n: Yes.

Toriel got up from her chair and walked over to us, she looked at my bestie's neck and sighed.

Toriel: BF/n, do you accept Frisk's apology?

"... Yeah."

Y/n: What!?

I then looked at my bestie.

Y/n: Why!?

"You caused it."

Y/n: W-What?

"If you didn't do that to Frisk then we wouldn't be here!"

Y/n: Why are you defending him!? He literally strangled you!

"But that wouldn't have happened if you didn't prank him!"

Y/n: He had to be taught that he isn't exempt!

"And with my neck on the line!?"


With tears running down mine and BF/n's face, I stormed out of the meeting room and slammed the door. I collapsed onto the floor and cried into my knees. Here I am serving Justice yet they blamed me! Why is it always me!?


"Hey..." I looked up to see BF/n looking at me. I looked away and huffed, but my face was then moved back to face BF/n before they kissed me. I wanted to push them away but ended up kissing my bestie back. My tears slowly stopped and after a while of kissing, we finally stopped kissing and I had stopped crying.

"I'm sorry, I was just... upset... and so are you."

Y/n: Yeah... I was only getting Justice, and yet... I'm being blamed... what's happening to Frisk?

"They have yet to come up with a decision." my bestie said before sitting down next to me, we then held hands.

Y/n: Heh, I bet he won't to go jail just cause he's "special". Hopefully, he gets excluded.


Sans then left the room and looked down at us.

Sans: You both alright?

Y/n: Mhm. What's gonna happen now?

Sans: Well, he's getting excluded for 1 month and grounded for 1 month. And you will have detention tomorrow to make up for the laxatives and forged key.

Y/n: Oh, alright. That's good.

Sans: Heh, so~ you two kissed?

My bestie then blushed in embarrassment.

Y/n: Mhm.

Sans: Well, I'm happy for both of you, I knew you two were close. How about you two go home now? I think you need it.

Y/n: Oh, alright.

I got up from the floor and helped my bestie get up, we then walked away and left the school as we held hands. We both then spent time together in town by going to a cafe and an arcade. But after it started to get late, I walked my bestie to their house as we held hands. Once we reached their house, we both made out on the front porch for a while until we said goodbye to each other.

1 month later:

It had been a month and Frisk had returned to school, but he was completely different. He apologised to everyone he bullied and managed to become friends with some of them. Another thing that happened was I and my bestie got into a full relationship, I was happy, they were happy, and everyone at the school was happy.

So this brings us to today. I and my bestie were cuddling under a tree outside during lunch and we sometimes kissed. But that was when Frisk walked up to us.

Frisk: Hey...

Y/n: Hi.

Frisk: I know we've had our battles, but I'm a better person now.

Y/n: I know, I'm... kinda proud of you.

Frisk: Could we be... friends?

Y/n:... Sure. Babe?


Frisk: Oh! I heard about that! I'm happy for you both! Could I sit with both of you?

Y/n: Sure.

Frisk smiled and sat down next to me, BF/n then crawled onto my lap and cuddled into me as I warped my arms around them.

Frisk: Y/n, I know you don't like me, but I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you both that way a month ago.

Y/n: Mhm. Well, that's in the past. How about we start off new?

Frisk: Ok! Hello, I'm Frisk.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you.

Frisk: Likewise!

I held a hand out and Frisk shook it with a smile on his face. I then wrapped my arm back around BF/n and smiled at Frisk.

Y/n: I hope we can be good friends.


Interesting ending. Well! I hope you liked it! The ending felt rushed because at the time of writing this I started going back to college (high school) so it's been very stressful for me. But hopefully writing these stories will provide me comfort!

See you in the next one!

Blu out.

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