Conflicting Hearts

By konyinn_

628 78 69

Meet Laila Woods She's not exactly your everyday carefree girl she's intelligent,fiery, beautiful and isn... More

Author's Note.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 8

16 3 1
By konyinn_

William's POV
The day is the usual,in homeroom I sleep so I don't get to talk to Laila. Lunchtime rolls around and she's just there at our table but with her head down,she seems to be asleep.

Approaching the table,she doesn't move but once I get closer her head comes up all of a sudden and she looks at me and beckons me over.

"Why are you sleeping now?" I ask her
"I'm tired, sometimes school takes my energy away totally and I need a little something to get me going" she replies
"You surprise me,decaf?" I suggest
"Keep doing that" she says
"What?" I ask
"Keep taking care of me" she answers
"I'll get you the coffee okay,just wait" I tell her
"I want you back in fifteen,Liam" she smiles
"I'll be back soon" I reply

There's a cafe just a five minute walk away from school so I get Laila's coffee from there and bring it back for her. When I get back to the cafeteria, she's still sleeping but now surrounded by our friends. I take the empty seat next to her and she raises her head and I give her a lazy smile in return.

I place the coffee in front of her and she starts sipping from it
"Thank you,Liam" she says
"You're different today,wanna talk about it?"
"Nope but if it makes you feel better I'll tell you about it later"
"Fine but you have to tell me"

The bell rings signifying the end of lunch,I walk Laila to our next class and even though we can't talk,I feel at peace just having her next to me. We part ways for the remainder of our classes

School is over and Laila walks toward me and wraps her arms around my neck and mine go to her waist.
"What's going on?" I ask
"My dad saw you dropping me off last night,he suspects us and has probably seen the picture of us going around. I'm not scared but I have no idea what he's going to do " she answers

"Why do you not get along with the man you mirror? You mirror his looks and some of his traits, he won't do anything" I tell her
"My dad isn't easy to sway" she says and smirks
"I know but I'm here for you"
"Thank you,Liam"
"We don't thank each other,Lexie"

"Call me, William"
"I will,Laila"
"Enjoy the weekend without me"
"Likewise,miss Woods"
"Bye" she waves with a smile

She struts away from me to her car and settles in. I see Laila loosening her tie and undoing the top button on her shirt along with the buttons on her sleeves,she puts on her sunglasses and starts the engine before driving off. A beautiful mystery she is but my beautiful mystery.

People are still staring at me probably wondering what's going on between me and Laila but it's not their damn business. I understand her now and I need to find that picture of us going around fast and maybe get rid of it before it winds up in the wrong hands.

The school's jocks are also staring,one of them walks up to me. His name is Kenneth.
"Yo King, I see you and Laila are getting cozy?" he says
"Yeah,why do you give a damn?" I reply
"I don't know maybe because you just got the school's baddest bitch,one of the sexiest ones too" he chuckles and I can feel my calmness dying away
"Drop it" I say

"You got the Laila Woods smiling that is some kind of magic trick or some shit right?"

"Kenneth, mind your business. You can't approach her so you try provoking me, don't be a coward" I tell him and pat him on the shoulder"

"Fuck you" he seethes
"You can't" I tell him
It's funny how tall and muscular athletes are scared of Laila. They don't even know her.

I head home and something smells fishy in the house,I take my bag to my room first and come back downstairs only to meet my dearest older sister Wrenna King sitting in the living room with a smirk on her face.

"Wren" I call
"William" she responds
"I know you missed me,come on just give me a hug" I tease
She laughs at my behavior and gives me a hug,she lets go and hits me on the arm. I wince but she glares at me.

"Someone sent me your pictures,Will."
"Which pictures?" I ask
"Your pictures with Laila and they said the little bitch has found another toy,beware!"
"Another toy? Whoever it is knows her ex"
"Her ex? Laila has an ex?"Wren questions
"Yes and I don't know him so if he tries something with me,I don't have a defense"
"The pictures included you talking in the cafeteria with her,you holding her waist,you talking to her in class" Wren says
"I will make Sasha pay"

I'm practically seething by now,that girl dared me. Despite all warnings and now she will pay in any way possible because I do not tolerate damage to my reputation or those of my loved ones.

"Wren I need help but first Laila has to tell me who her ex is"
"I'll help but how do you know she has an ex if she didn't tell you who he is?" she asks
"A lot has happened but we aren't together yet at least not officially. She told me about her ex and how he treated her but she refused to disclose his name for fear of what I would do to him had I found him"

"He was bad to her?" Wren asks
"Not bad per say just wanted to sleep with her"
"Woah that's harsh"
"I know"
"What's Laila doing for the weekend,
"Bonding activities with Lianna"
"We're paying her a visit tomorrow,a little party crashing would be appreciated"
"Get some rest,William"
"Oh I will but where's Whitney?"

"I always knew she was your favorite sister"
Wren chuckles
"She's asleep and the parents went to see friends,they won't be back in time for you to see them" she concludes
"Aren't they jetlagged?" I ask
"Their friends are actually their family now,you know that"
"Yeah I know,our parents are wonderful"
"Talk later,William"

I pull out my laptop and decide to watch some Netflix after about three hours I take my phone and place a call to a hacker I know.
He picks on the third ring
"William,to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I want you to track someone's phone for me infact hack it"
"Their name?"
"Sasha Price,she goes to The Lexington"
"Any further details?"
"I'll call you tomorrow if there's more. Find out if she has contacted my sister and sent her pictures also I'll send you a number trace it's location,find out who owns it and I want to know who sent the pictures"
"On it,when I have the info it'll be sent to you"
"Thanks" I hang up

I go downstairs and notice Ellen is sitting alone at the dining but she isn't eating just staring off into space.
"Ellen" I call out gently
"Yes,William. Do you need anything?"
"No why are you staring off into space?"
"Just thinking about my high school days"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes,William. Carry on"

I go to the kitchen and open the pantry doors,I pick out two bags of Doritos and I take some soda with me. I plop down on my bed and pop open one of the bags of Doritos and start eating before long I'm taking a shower and jumping into bed.

The next day...................
I wake up around 9am since it's a weekend durh. I spend around half an hour just staring up at the ceiling and I check a few of Laila's posts from last night, she's smiling in the one she took with Alyssa at school, she's laughing in the one with Lianna but she looks happy.

I get up to take a shower and get dressed but when I get downstairs,I remember that the house is full when I see my parents, sisters and Ellen at the dining table and kitchen.

"Good morning everyone" I greet
They all respond to my greeting except Whitney for what reason, don't know.
"Whitney,good morning" I greet her
"Good morning,Liam" she smirks
"Don't call me that" I tell her
"Why not?" she asks with an innocent look on her face
"Because I said not to, Whitney" I snap
She just giggles and I give her a look of disbelief

"It's too early in the morning for snapping" Mom comments
"Sorry mom,I just don't like it when other people call me that" I tell her
"Whitney you heard him so don't do it again,well then come give me a hug Will"
I proceed to give her a hug
"I missed you,Mom"
"Missed you too darling"

"Won't you give your old man a hug?" Dad asks
"Dear Dad, aren't you too manly for those?" I tease
"Nah I could never,get over here" he smiles
He crushes me in a hug and smiles at me

"Let's have some breakfast,shall we?"Ellen asks. Shouts of agreement are heard from everyone, conversations during breakfast hold ease and flow. Everyone has a good laugh due to Dad's jokes.

"Mom,I'm taking William out for the day" Wren speaks up
"Are you asking permission or you're telling me?"
"I'm telling you,Mom" Wren smirks
"Love you too sweetie" Mom says
"We leave after breakfast,William. I'll be back in ten"  she tells me
"Yeah I'll be waiting"
I'm done with breakfast so I go back to my room and spray on some extra cologne and taking my phone and wallet.

Downstairs,Wren comes down after exactly ten minutes. She heads out and I know she's driving so I let her lead the way.

The drive is silent with the soft hum coming from the car's Bluetooth system which is playing music. The security personnel stationed at the gate recognize us since our families know each other and stuff. Wren parks the car before walking out and up to the door,she rings the doorbell and well the door is answered and we are let in but we have to wait for Laila to come down.

"William,to what do I owe the pleasure?" she speaks while ascending the stairs with looking up
"Laila look up" I say
"Why should I listen to you-Wren!!!!!" she says as she looks up. She screams so much at times but all is well. Laila jumps on Wren and hugs her and Wren just laughs at her.

When she releases Wren from her hug,she stares at me from head to toe and bites her lower lip.
"You like what you see,Lexie?" I ask with a smirk
"Yes I do" she says with a little smile of her own
"I'm happy to hear that" I reply and put my arm around her waist to pull her flush against me. I release her with a smile but Laila just keeps smirking.

Wren clears her throat.
"Did you tell her?" Laila asks
"Yeah I had to, something forced me to. That's why we're here" I respond
"You and Wren look panicked,what's going on?" She asks me
"Laila, someone is stalking you and William. The person sent me various pictures of you from school and all the pictures were of just the two of you" Wren speaks up

"William,who is your first guess?" Laila asks
"Wait I don't think the person is alone,Laila. The pictures had a caption which said 'the little bitch has found another toy,beware!' I think your ex has a hand in this" I tell her

"That bastard I will wring his neck once I find him again" she speaks angrily
"Calm down,you have to give us his name" Wren speaks while gripping her shoulders
"His name is Asher Martin. He's messing with me and he'll pay,he almost,failed his classes last year." She mutters

"He was an average student but eventually he spiralled downwards so he's taking his senior year classes under strict supervision from home."she further says

"You know this,how?" I ask
"I asked his friend,before you ask no he doesn't know my friends" she replies
"You had no defense,Laila. That was risky" I scold
"I did it to keep my identity a secret. Anyone could be Laila Woods but I am The Laila Woods,people finding out would complicate things for me" she says

"Trust me,I think we understand you quite well" Wren says to her
"I'm going to pay someone a little visit" Laila speaks up after some minutes of silence

"Firstly,you have to calm down. Think it through,you can't meet him yet. Track his phone,his activities during the next few days and his internet usage or social media. We need everything possible to take the next step" I tell Laila
"I don't want to be rational,William" she seethes

I can tell she's getting angrier with each passing second. I do what I think is best,I drag her to sit on the couch with me and hold her hands, eventually her frown begins to dissipate and she sighs before sniffling. She closes her eyes and when she opens them,it's as if she never had that weak moment.

"Hey,look at me" I say to her
"I want to put my own plan in action" she retorts
"No,let's be rational" I reason

She places a call through the house landlines and she seems to be negotiating with someone named Sean. The call ends and a cough is heard behind us, Lucia walks towards us staring a second too long at our joined hands.

"Hey kids" Lucia speaks
"Hi Mrs Woods" Wren replies
"Oh honey,it's Lucia please I'm not that old"Lucia chuckles
"Good afternoon Lucia" I greet
"How are you,William?" She asks
"I'm fine and you?" I ask
"You know me I'm always fine, glowing and beautiful" she smiles as she talks and flips her hair over one shoulder.

We all chuckle at her antics except Laila whose smile fades Lucia walks away from us and into the kitchen.
"I already have someone on Sasha's case" I tell them
"Why did you do that?" Laila and Wren ask simultaneously
"She's our prime suspect" I respond simply
"It's true" Laila comments
"So what to do now?" Wren asks
"I have someone tailing Asher as we speak and hacking him is easy,too easy." Laila says with a smirk

Speaking of hackers,I should call mine.
He picks on the first ring
"William,hello to you too"he speaks
"Cut to the chase,Alec." I retort
"Well Sasha did send some pictures to your sister and she has been talking to some guy about you and Laila. Her texts say a lot" he says
"Do you have the guy's name?" I probe further
"His name is Asher Martin" Alec says
"Thank you,any further information would be appreciated" I thank him
"Yeah sure"
He hung up on me

"Who's Asher Martin?" I ask.

Asher is a guy I said no to" Laila says with a cackle
"He's working with Sasha" I say
"Well that's some hot stuff right there but to be honest I have other things to worry about, whatever they're planning. We counter alright" Laila says
"I think we've interrupted your bonding activities enough, we're leaving now" Wren speaks up and gives Laila a hug

"I'll see you out" Laila says and follows us
Wren is out the door when Laila pulls me back and shuts the door.

"Hey handsome,where are you going?"she asks with a smirk
"I thought you were having a bonding day with Lianna" I tell her while twirling her hair between my fingers
"I don't want to forfeit my bonding time with her but I do want something else" she says
"Like what?" I ask

"Like this" She responds before she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. Although the kiss is brief, I can feel her anger and frustration pouring into it when she lets go, I can see her smiling and she looks dazed, positively dazed.

She opens the door and drags me out,she stands at the top of the steps and waves like a child but I know she's just coming down from the high of the kiss. Wren just laughs at her behavior and waves back

As Wren drives off,I can't help but smile.
"My lips are sealed shut,Will" Wren tells me
"Thank you,Laila isn't totally okay with people knowing yet" I tell her
"Your smile gives you away,tone it down a notch" Wren smirks
"I'll try" I say

Home is just like we left it, except the table has been cleared. No one is in sight so I go to Whitney's room and knock but no answer. I finally find her in the library with her glasses on and her head buried in a book
"Hey" I say
"Hi" she responds
"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier" I tell her
"William,it's fine. I shouldn't have overstepped and I think you should take down those pictures please. They're on group chats,Instagram pages just do something okay."
"Don't call me Liam again and we're cool" I tell her
"Whatever, Mr William. Now please leave me alone" she says with slight annoyance in her tone, I assumed I was disturbing her reading so I quietly left.

Those pictures are everywhere now and I wonder if my parents have seen it, well I should find out. I find them in the lounge
"Mom" I call out
"William,you're back so soon"she says
"Yes,I want to talk to you" I tell her
"Is anything the matter,sweetie?"she asks
"Have you seen any pictures of me going around?" I ask her
"Well yes and no" she replies

"Which ones have you seen?" I probe further
"I saw one of you and Laila,your hands were on her waist. The position seemed quite cozy and you had this look in your eyes, William. What's going? I want you to dismiss it before it becomes a tabloid thing" she replies
"Dear mother,I know you'd be happy if I were to be with someone but no it's not the case. I will have the pictures taken down, if anything's going on I will tell you"

I would do this for now.
"I would like something real for you and I know how much you hate being pressurized so I won't pressure you" she tells me
"Thank you, mom" I say
"Next time, make sure she isn't wearing lip gloss." Mom says with a small smile. 
" You caught me but let me go please?" I plead
"Fine but I want the truth in due time" she agrees with a laugh and shoos me away.

Back in my room, I think about everything and I can't help but smile. The rest of the weekend passes by quickly and it's Monday again before I know it.

I get ready and head to school thinking of Laila ,well I want to give her a rose and it's in my hands but then on getting to school what I see ruins the day for me.

I saw a poster of a girl with black hair, I knew it was Laila from the way the girl looked from behind with her hair in a bun. I knew that head and neck from anywhere, she was kissing a guy with brown hair. 

The posters are everywhere and even juniors, sophomores have them in their hands. I can't begin to explain how I feel and based on the looks on their faces, Laila hasn't seen these things because all hell is about to break loose and I know it because Laila just walked through those doors.

Dun dun dun!!!!!!!
Dramatic much?
Yes I know but who would do such a thing?
Any ideas?
Well feel free to comment and please vote

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