love in the stars - r. mikael...

By ohmyimagineworld

197K 5.4K 671

!¡CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING¡! Leia Gilbert the older sister of Elena. After Salvatore brothers got back into t... More

0 - introduction
0 - prologue
1 - elena's birthday
2 - founders party
3 - senior prank night
4 - bonfire
5 - drawings on the walls
6 - homecoming
7 - low spirits
9 - uncomfortable dinner
10 - mikaelson's ball
11 - day after the ball
12 - alaric's sickness
13 - dance preparation
14 - decade dance
15 - dark!alaric
16 - dark!alaric part 2
17 - unconscious
2.18 - transition
2.19 - troubles
2.20 - daggered
2.21 - Italy
2.22 - hunters curse
2.23 - miss mystic falls
2.24 - unwilling interrogation
2.25 - the bite
2.26 - jeremy's death
2.27 - hard goodbyes
1 - defeated grief
2 - New Orleans
3 - masquerade gala
4 - bayou doctor
5 - trinket
6 - rebekah's betrayal
7 - reigning pain
8 - unexpected news
9 - the ritual
10 - papa tunde
10 - hayley's party
11 - the sanitarium
12 - consequences of secrets
13 - too good at goodbyes
14 - hope
15 - the birth of......
2.16 - helping a friend
2.17 - the proposal

8 - birthday of Caroline

4.6K 130 7
By ohmyimagineworld

| S03 E11 |

It was that time of the year, Caroline's birthday, every year Caroline celebrated her birthday like it was some national holiday and to her it was. The girls earlier had been at the school to set up their usual Caroline's birthday special locker, but to their surprise, she wasn't there.

In addition Bonnie found out what Elena had done. The first sign was when the sisters hadn't talked to each other at all when they were at the lockers. Of course, Bonnie was angry and Leia was right there with her.

After they understood that Caroline wouldn't be at school, they decided to move it to her house as a surprise.

Caroline walked into her house and placed her stuff down. All of a sudden Leia, Elena, Matt, and Bonnie jumped out with balloons, party hats, and a sign. She didn't have the time to question anything as they started first.

"Happy birthday!" They all yelled in unison with big smiles on their face surprising Caroline, who jumped a little. She wasn't expecting it at all.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked as went closer to them. Leia could see how unhappy she was, but Leia didn't know why, she always have loved her birthdays from early on. Every year she made the best of her birthday.

"Well you blew off school and missed our work of birthday art, so—" Elena took off the crown she's wearing and placed it on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes, we are going to the Falls. S'mores, camp fire—" Bonnie trailed off suggestively.

"Cake! Like when we were little." Leia reminded her trying to motivate her a little more. Leia really wanted her to be happy and to not feel down.

"Except for the tequila!" Matt added.

"Thanks, guys. Really, um, I'm just not feeling my birthday this year." Caroline told them and Leia frowned.

"I'm sorry, what? You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year." Bonnie questioned. She was confused as the rest of them.

"Yeah, and now, it's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead. Look, I didn't even like 17. And the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year." Caroline explained her side of things making all of them feel sorry for her.

"You're not stuck, Caroline." Elena said.

"Yeah I am, but it's okay. You know, it's all good, I'll be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it." Caroline insisted that she was fine, but none of them believed her.

"Okay, well I think I have another idea"

After Elena spoke up that she knew somewhere else to celebrate Caroline's birthday, so they followed her and she led them to a crypt, that Elena had drove them to. This was her great idea for Caroline. Leia looked around the crypt suspiciously.

"There it is!" Elena exclaimed looking at them happily. Elena was proud of her idea even if it was little different than they were used to.

"This is creepy, even for us." Bonnie said what everyone was thinking. They had spent enough time at the cemeteries and never it was a happy occasion.

"No, Caroline was right.." Elena said convincingly. "Technically, she's dead. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life, so that you can move on with your new one."

Somehow it made sense, even if it was the last place she wanted to spend a happy day that it was supposed to be.

Caroline smiled liking Elena's idea. "Okay. Here lies Caroline Forbes—" Caroline started to say.

Elena was putting candles on top of a birthday cake. "Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, third grade hopscotch champion—" Elena continued and initiated everyone to do it too.

"Friend, daughter, overachiever—" Bonnie smiled teasingly as she looked at the birthday day girl.

"The bestest best friend anyone could ask for." Leia added making Caroline smile at her in return.

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offense." Matt continued with a smile.

"Ah, none taken." Caroline shook her head chuckling. She knew how she was sometimes around different people.

"She was 17, and she had a really good life. So rest in peace, so that she can move forward."
Elena walked up to Caroline, holding the cake in front of her.

"That's what you really need. What we all really need. Amen, or cheers or whatever. Bonnie?" Elena looked at Bonnie. Bonnie took it as a sign and lighted the candles with her powers.

"Nice! Okay, make a wish."

Elena held the cake out to Caroline, who closed her eyes and made a wish.

Leia took the moment to look at her friends. She couldn't ask for better ones. Caroline deserved everything good that life would give her as well as everyone in this room. Everyone in there had their struggles, but these moments made it all worth it.

All of them were eating the cake that Elena has prepared beforehand. Matt took the bottle of tequila from Bonnie, but Elena snatched it from his hand and drunk it herself.

"Ah-ah. I need it more than you do, trust me. Caroline, what are you doing?" Elena asked as she saw that Caroline was texting on her phone. Leia had a sense that she knew who Caroline was texting.

"What? Nothing." Caroline immediately stopped texting, and held her hands down in front of her, trying to hide the phone in them.

"Okay, you're a bad sober liar. You're an even worse drunk liar. You could never lie, so don't start now." Leia told her honestly.

"I might have texted Tyler." Caroline said hesitantly looking down. Leia was honestly felt bad that Caroline felt that she had to be ashamed of it or even hide it. They were her friends she supposed to tell them everything and not think if she would be judged.

Even if Tyler was sired to Klaus if Caroline was happy and he wouldn't hurt her that Leia was fine with it, especially if Caroline was happy.

"Caroline—" Elena trailed off and as her sister Leia could hear that she had her judgement in her voice.

"What? I'm delicate." Caroline defended herself.

"Give her a break! You can't control what everyone does all the time." Bonnie snapped, in result making a awkward silence.


"Ouch, Bon." Matt commented on the sidelines.

"Sorry, I know it's Caroline birthday, funeral or whatever but, I just feel it's really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town." Bonnie said still upset about earlier as Leia still was.

Elena looked defensively back at Bonnie. "I'm doing it to protect him, Bonnie. I want to give him a chance to have a quiet normal life." Elena defended herself.

"Even so, you had to consult someone, for example, me, before sending our brother away."
Leia spoke up as she was on Bonnie's side. She missed her brother, she needed him here even if it was selfish. Her family was precious to her and she didn't like it that he was in Denver and she was not.

"He should be able to choose how he wants to live it, you're taking his choices away." Elena didn't have time to say anything as Bonnie continued.

"Bonnie, you can't tell him." Elena said looking alarmed.

"Why? Are you gonna compel me not to?" Bonnie asked sarcastically, but anyone could see she wasn't in joking mood.

"You know, you guys are ruining a perfect funeral." Matt interrupted making Bonnie immediately feel bad.

"I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday." Bonnie smiled sadly, she hugged Caroline and Leia. After that without saying goodbye to Elena, she left.

Shortly after Bonnie left, Caroline went to Tyler when he had texted her, but then she didn't come back. It worried all of them. They went looking and found unconscious Caroline that was in result of Tyler biting her.

Leia immediately took her statement back where she mentioned that it didn't matter that he was sired to Klaus, obviously it mattered and because of that she was hurt.

Matt as he was stronger amongst them both was carrying Caroline in his arms and ran to the front door of Caroline's home with Leia following.

"Sheriff Forbes!" Matt shouted gaining the attention of her.

"What happened?" Caroline's mom asked as she opened the door and Matt walked in carrying Caroline.

"Tyler bit her." Leia told her concerned about her. Leia thought that Klaus was behind this. It screamed Klaus Mikealson.

"Oh my god, sweetheart." Liz's eyes filled with concerned immediately. "Be careful."

Matt carried Caroline to her bed in her room and placed her on it. Sheriff Forbes looked down at Caroline, "Oh, honey. Caroline, honey, can you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, Mom." Caroline mumbled with her eyes closed. Leia fell down on her knees next to the bed. She didn't know what to do. She didn't have any strength to help. Nor she was a witch nor a original hybrid either.

"She's been hallucinating or something, I don't know. No one's picking up their phone." Matt stressed pacing around the room. Neither of them knew what was happening to Elena.

"It's alright, sweetheart." Caroline's mom sat next to Caroline on the bed and brushed her hair off her face, lifted up her jacket collar and saw the bite mark.

"Oh my god." Leia gulped. It looked bad.

Leia went to the door as she heard the door knocking and Klaus was at the door, surprising them.

"Tyler came to see me. Poor boy, he seemed quiet distressed. He said Caroline had a terrible accident." Klaus said waiting at the door.

"You made him do this to her. He would have never done something like this." Leia stated glaring at the original. Even if he was sired, he loved the girl. Her eyes were filled with vicious glint, that Klaus recognised. Even if he felt that Leia was sweet and caring person, she was protective of her family and friends.

"I'm here to help, Leia. My blood will heal her. Please, ask the Sheriff to invite me inside." Klaus tried to convince.

"I know how this game works. You want something in return." The sheriff spoke up behind Leia. She was ready to do anything at this point. Only the thing she cared about was curing her daughter.

"Just your support." Klaus told her as Leia scoffed. She really hated him at that moment.

Sheriff considered his offer. "Come in."

Caroline was lying on her side in her bed, with her right arm under her head. Klaus entered the house and smiled slyly at Matt as he passed him annoying him in the process.

Before Klaus went into Caroline room, Leia grabbed his arm. "You hurt her again and I will find a way to kill you. She is my best friend and she has been through enough." Caroline was one of the most important people in her life and even if she was only human, she cared about her.

Klaus smirked down at Leia. "Rebekah would be jealous." He said, but didn't say anything aggravating her further.

Leia glared at him, let go of his arm and went out of the room joining Liz in the kitchen.

Leia went home after Klaus had healed Caroline. She had to see for herself that Caroline was safe. Leia had a feeling that someone cared more that they would admit after seeing Klaus's softness directed at Caroline, but she couldn't blame them. Caroline was the one person that was just a walking sunshine.

At home Leia had found out what Stefan had done. It was enough that Caroline almost died. Elena had to die almost too.

That she almost lost two and she couldn't do a damn thing about it and it pissed her off. A lot.

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