The Fourth Horseman

By SheRexx

251 22 0

I was falling, cascading into the dark chasm of sin and desire. I was unhinged, wild and free, giving in to e... More

In the Beginning
Late Nights
Mr. Mysterious
Tally's Tavern
Follow You Home
Only a Moment
Talking With The Stars
A Few Too Many
Weeks Gone By
Wont Let Go
The Day of Rest
Leather and Lace
Lessons To Be Learned
Jameson Cain
Away In The Night
The Hunter
The Fourth Horseman
Stranger No More
A Vision of What Could Be
Seeing Double
Trouble In Paradise
Death Returns
Unwelcomed Visitors
Death & War
The Beast Within
Blood And Bone
Brimstone and Ashes
The Reckoning
Just a While Longer
A Vicious Cycle
Death Becomes Her
Hell Hath No Fury
A Woman Scorned
A Brothers Love

Jay's Girl

10 0 0
By SheRexx

I sat in Jay's car angled so I could stare at him the whole way to my house. I watched him intently. Watching him switch gears with the hand I had visualized roaming my body every night. He was nervous. This I could tell. I was still angry but to be honest I didn't give a flying fuck how bad he beat Tanner.

The carnage that was his face surround by the soft dirty blonde hair was beyond fucked. Collateral damage for touching me. Oh well shit happens. I didn't care about Tanner. I cared about Jay. Truth be told I'm just as toxic as Jay. We can swim together in our pool of bad choices and one night stands. I dove in.

"You want to drink my blood again Jay?" This jolted him out of whatever thought he was in the middle of and he looked at me. I couldn't help it. I was wet with desire and ready to ride him all night but I would get the answers I needed come hell or high water. "What's up with you Jay, how can you just fuck me like that and hit the road for weeks, then show up and act like we've been together for months and I'm betraying you in some way? Let me in on this secret, am I something more to you then a one night stand? Because obviously I'm the last one to know."

"Yes Nicole. You are beyond more than a one night stand. You have lived like a goddess in my every waking moment since I last left you. I have thought of you endlessly. I cannot escape you. I came to your house first and when I saw you were gone I went to the first place I thought you might be. When I walked in Tally's and saw you standing with that guy with his hands all over you I exploded. The only man who will touch you like that ever again will be me."

"Oh is that so? So you think you own me now. Fuck you one night and you dissappear without even a goodbye and I'm just supposed to wander the wastelands waiting to come crawl back to you whenever you decide to walk back into my life? Sorry Jay that's not how this works. That's not how I work. If you want to go baby don't let the door hit that ass on the way out. And you better believe I'm still gonna live life and fuck who ever the hell I want."

Oh that pissed him off. He came tearing down my driveway and slid to a stop, looked at me and said "you are all mine Nicole and I'm going to do whatever needs to be done to make you see that."
I just laughed and got out of his car, slammed his door and started walking up to my house. Of course he was on me in an instant with his head bent down to my neck taking a deep breath.

"Why do you keep smelling me like that?"
"Because it calms me down. You smell like pure paradise and it gets stronger when your angry or.... when your getting fucked."
Hot damn. Fuck me now. Yes I was blazing hot for his cock but still pissed.

We entered the house and I spun around to close the door. "What are you Jay?"
Without a hitch he looked at me and said "I am half human half vampire. My father was once the most powerful vampire here in America. He met my mother who was human and fell in love. Disobeying all the vampire rules of love and living. He had four children with her. I am the youngest, the fourth. I am 300 years old. I have roamed these lands doing the work for my father of controlling the vampire population and taking out the most despicable of our kind. My brothers and I act like a policing force for my father. I have killed hundreds and I will kill hundreds more before my work is done."

I held up my hand and said hold that thought. I wandered to the kitchen with Jay right on my heels. I needed a drink. I picked up the whiskey bottle and drank deeply. Fuck a cup. I handed the bottle to Jay and he did the same. "Continue" was all I said.

He looked at me with a questioning glare." You just taking all this in? You got nothing else to say? I've never told any human this because I knew they simply couldn't handle it, couldn't wrap their minds around a species greater than theirselves existing on the same plane. "

"Well you don't fucking know me Jay. You know nothing about me. I grew up in a trap house where drugs of all sorts passed through. I've seen dope fiends with bite marks all up their arms. I've even seen one completely drained for not having their debt paid. I know about the dark under belly of society. I know tiny amounts of vampire blood are circulated among the addicts like liquid gold. It's more valuable than all the other drugs combined. I've seen people so far gone off that shit. And I've seen what it does to those who never find their way back."

"So your a 300 year old vampire-human who needs to get stitches every now and then, kills on a whim, born from the most powerful vampire on the continental US, and you want me. A little ol human from the Appalachian backwoods.  Did that sum it up?"

"Well....yea, pretty much."

"So what happens now Jay, where do we go from here?"
"That's a question for you Nicole. Lead the way and I will follow. I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life, I have never felt this way for another, vampire or human, and I'm willing to do whatever I need to in order for you to understand this."

"Let me see your fangs"
He opened his mouth and two large, beautiful fangs shimmered in the light. He was every bit the God I had imagined. Dark disheveled hair, black noir eyes, strong and tall, breathing heavy, and pleading at my feet. He was mine to command. And I would take full pleasure in it.

"How bout we start in the bedroom."

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