Love and Basketball: Freshmen...

By nenewritesometimes

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Celebrity life wasn't always peaches and cream with chocolate syrup on top. It was a nightmare, especially if... More

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Freshmen 1

10.9K 482 150
By nenewritesometimes

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Hampton University
Fri. August 27th, 3:45 pm
"Move-in Day"

School Spirit by Kanye West blasted through his AirPods as the car pulled into the parking lot of Hampton University. Looking out the window, he stared at the several people that lingered around the campus. He saw new students, hauling their belongings into the building with their families. Staff members in school appeal while holding flyers, directing traffic, and helping those who needed it. He saw some of the smiles kids had on their faces as they got ready for new beginnings. A beginning that he wasn't ready for just yet. He let out a small sigh once reality hit him.

His name is Shai Carter, and during his entire life, he was invisible to his family, friends, and the public eye. You think that was impossible with the parents he had, but it was. Born to Los Angeles Clippers basketball player Sean and supermodel Allison, Shai's life was that of a regular celebrity child. He lived in a mansion with every possible room you could think of. He had a maid, a personal cook, a butler, and more. He received special treatment, sat courtside at his dad's games, and even went backstage at his mother's shows. He was living a life that many wished for.

Unfortunately, it wasn't how everyone thought it was. It was different for him since he was five years old. Folks thought his life was perfect, but it was a disaster. He truly experienced neglect, toxicity, narcissism, abuse, and selfishness. That was everything his parents were, especially his father. If you ask his dad anything about Shai, he wouldn't know. His mother was the same to a certain extent. The lack of identity Shai had at a young age was an issue but no one cared enough to help him out.

Instead of being the 6'4" brown skin eighteen-year-old who was educated and skilled in basketball. He was ALWAYS looked at as that basketball player son or that supermodel kid. Sometimes he wasn't noticed at all and was just some kid. The teenager was nothing more than a shadow to his parents, and the world treated him as such. The only one who really cared for him was his aunt, which explained why she was the one sending him off to college.

His aunt was the only person who truly cared for him. Sometimes he wished his aunt was his mother instead. Today, he had that same thought as they got out of the car and a staff member walked over. While his Aunt Susan spoke to the lady who came over, Shai scanned the campus he was going to be walking on for the next year. He will admit the campus was bigger than the pictures he saw. He saw the different buildings that surrounded him and assumed that was where classes, dorms, and the cafeteria was.

More importantly, the gymnasium. He was mainly looking forward to heading to the gym, so he could practice and play around. He made sure to pack all of his basketball stuff and some other extra things too. He made sure he packed all his shoes from his Jordans to his Nikes and back to his Jordans. He didn't want to leave anything behind. He was brought out of his thoughts once he felt someone touch him. He turned, seeing his aunt beside him with a smile on her face.

"This is Mrs. Allen, HU's new student volunteer, and RA. She's going to help us out with filling any papers you need to and other stuff." Susan told him. Shai looked at the brown skin lady that was standing there. She gave him a wave and he sent a head nod back.

"You can just call me Tasha. Shall we get started?" She questioned, Shai let out a sigh and then nodded his head. Susan opened the trunk while Tasha grabbed a rolling bin to help them haul their things.

Shai opened the door and took out his book bag. He put it on and proceeded to take the rest of his belongings out of the car. His aunt and Tasha were deep in conversation about the school and all its improvements since Susan attended here. That was the main reason why Susan was excited about Shai coming to HU. She was an alumni, class of 1982, and graduated with a degree in finance. Though she didn't go on to become famous like her younger sister, she did end up a financial advisor in Texas. She made thousands and even lived in a pretty decent neighborhood.

Susan was never into the famous life, so she stayed away from it. She didn't want to become those celebrities who forgot their family, become distant, and let money take over. Unfortunately, she experienced the same thing Shai was going through. Her family paid more attention to Allison than her. Susan didn't take it to the heart since she was expecting that from her parents. It seemed like they cared more about their famous daughter than the financial advisor. That is why Susan related to her nephew more than anything.

As they unloaded the vehicle, Susan snuck a few glances at Shai. She could read his face like a book, and it read pure sadness. Shai didn't bother to hide it since that was how he was feeling at the moment. He was about to be away from home for a year and his parents didn't bother to send him off. He loved his aunt to death but her presence didn't compare to his mother and father. He knew as soon as he settled in his room, he would have to suck it up. Might as well do it now. They finally finished unloading the car and started heading to the main entrance.

"So, Shai, what are you majoring in?" Tasha questioned, looking up at the tall boy.

"Sport's management," Shai answered with no amusement in his voice.

Tasha nodded her head, "That's a good major. You know if you're interested you could volunteer to be the football team manager. They're looking for recruits throughout this week." She informed him.

Shai nodded his head instead of answering back. He wasn't into football, but that wasn't Tasha's business. Entering the building, Shai looked around the place and that sad feeling came over him again. He was in college now. Shai continued following behind Tasha when he noticed a few heads turning his way. He wasn't sure if any of them knew who he was but their stares made him uncomfortable. He lowered his head, keeping his attention on the ground. Susan noticed and placed her hand on his back, rubbing it.

Tasha stopped in her tracks, turning to Shai and Susan. "Alright, you can stand in this line to get your school ID and a couple of other papers. After that, you can make your way to your dorm and settle down. Parents and students are gathering in the cafeteria for snacks and using that time to say their goodbyes. I hope to see you again." She gave him a smile before walking off.

Shai tucked in his lips, lifting his head and looking back at his aunt. Susan was smiling hugely while she scanned the building. Things had changed since she's been here and she liked it.

"You're going to have so much fun here." She spoke eagerly, looking at Shai. All he did was hum, getting in line behind a random girl. He assumed he was a little close since she looked back at him with a scrunched-up face.

"Sorry." he apologized, stepping back and bumping into another student. He looked back at that person and quickly apologized for bumping into them too. He stood in one spot, nervously tapping his fingertips against his thighs.

Susan chuckled lowly to herself as she watched her nephew. It was obvious that she was happier about college than Shai. She wanted him to get out there and make a name for himself without having his parents around. Even though his name was Shai, she didn't want him to be shy while down here.

After standing in line for what felt like an hour, Shai finally retrieved his school ID and papers about the school. He and his aunt were now making their way across campus to his dorm in James Hall and Suites. On their way, Susan read about the residential hall from the pamphlet they received.

"You and your roommate have a private bathroom. Are you good with that?" Susan questioned as they got off the elevator.

Shai shrugged, pulling the large bin behind him. He was growing slightly irritated at Susan at the moment, but he didn't show it. He knew his aunt was genuinely excited, however, he wasn't. He was still thinking about his parents and sadly those thoughts were overpowering his feelings altogether. He finally reached his dorm, room 4B, on the second floor. He used his key to unlock the door, entering to someone rapping. For the first time in a couple of minutes he had been here, he smirked once he saw his roommate.

"Axel," Shai spoke, causing the dark skin boy rapping to turn around. A huge smile grew on Axel's face, he threw his arms up instantly.

"My nigga, Shai!" He exclaimed. "It's bout time you showed up. I saw a couple of baddies 'round here while moving in and-" he stopped his sentence once Susan came into the room. She raised her brow, sizing the young man. Axel chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Uhh, I mean there are a couple of young, educated, black women around here." Axel cleared up, Susan humming to herself. Shai couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head.

"Mhm, well I'm going to go to the cafeteria. When you're finished, Shai, you and your friend meet me there." Susan gave them both a look before exiting.

Shai shook his head again, Axel laughing while sitting on his bed. "Ya, mom?" Axel questioned.

"Nah, my aunt," Shai answered, taking some of his boxes out of the bin.

"Cool. Like I was saying though, I saw some baddies out here all morning bruh. We gon' be out here and shit." Axel said, nodding his head.

"Is that all you worrying about?" Shai questioned, taking the rest of his things out of the bin. "Girls?"

"Hell yeah!" Axel exclaimed. "I mean not really but yeah pretty much. Don't tell me you're only gonna worry about books while you're here. Cause if that's the case then that's bull."

Shai shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't going to let the partying and the girls get in the way of his education. He knew college was more than that and came for actual education. Majoring in sports management helped him get closer to the career he wanted. If basketball didn't go his way—and he doubt it would with his father being in the NBA and him making sure Shai never exceeded him, he was going to be a coach. Either way, basketball was his life and he was going to make sure he did something about it.

The NBA or a coach.

"You can't leave me hanging while we're here bruh. We're going to hit up every party and event at this school." Axel broke the silence, hopping off his bed. He went to Shai's belongings, picked up the basketball, and started tossing it in the air.

"We bout to dominate this campus. Agreed?" Axel asked, putting his hand out in front of Shai.

Shai turned to him and then dapped him up. "Aight." he agreed, making Axel shout in excitement.

"We up nigga!"

Shai shook his head while his friend hollered like a maniac. Even though he agreed to have fun, he doubt that he would during his time here. It would be hard to do so as he worried about his parents. Did they care that he was out here? Did they even know? Many questions swirled around his head as he continued decorating his side of the room. He knew he was going to have to get over it, but until then he was going to continue wondering just where things went wrong.


Standing on her bed, she put up her remaining pictures to conclude her decorations. When she was finished, she climbed off and took a step back. She looked over her side with a smile on her face, happy to know that she was doing this. She had come a long way, taking tests, typing essays, and looking for scholarships to end up being just where she wanted. Desdemona Young was her name and she was one of the hundreds of new students attending the lustrous Hampton University this fall.

Attending college was always a dream of hers. Attending an HBCU was an even bigger dream that Desdemona had since she was a kid. The thought of going to a school with the majority of folks who looked, talked, and were beautiful just like her was something she always imagined. Now, she was living that dream and was happier than ever.

"Lookie here." Desdemona turned around quickly, seeing her father, Stephen, walking in. She watched as he scanned her side of the room, his brown eyes widened at how his daughter could switch a basic twin bed into something luxurious.

"Do you like it?" Dess questioned, her father nodded his head.

"It's beautiful. Makes me wonder why you didn't major in something art related. You would be perfect." Stephen complimented, making Dess cheeks grow hot.

She adored it when her father complimented her skills. She was a certified daddy's girl as one could see. Being raised by a nineteen-year-old in the 21st century was tough. It was even harder when there was no help or money involved either. Desdemona admired the way her father handled things all by himself which explained why she acted the way that she did today. She turned to face her father who was still looking around her room in awe.

Not only was she a daddy's girl, but she was her father's twin. The two of them looked exactly like each other from head to toe. They both had dark skin with a heart-shaped face, big ears, and glasses. Hazel eyes and naturally long hair that went down to their lower backs. Dess was on the chubby side, thick in the right places with a little extra just for the hell of it. She loved her sized, confidence through the roof like no other.

Still, whenever you looked at Dess all you could see was her father and vice versa. It was as if Stephen birthed her himself. Coming out of her daze when her alarm went off, Dess instantly knew what time it was. A small frown came on her face knowing it was time for her father to leave. She found her phone, stopped the alarm, then turned to her dad.

"Are you going to walk me out?" Stephen questioned, smiling at her. She smiled back, nodding her head.

Stephen wrapped his arm around her shoulder as the two of them headed out of the room. He wasn't the only parent that was making their way out either. They walked in silence down the hallway, reaching the entrance, and walking out. Dess looked around the campus as more than a couple of students were walking around. She couldn't wait to make friends, go to class, and do things she didn't know she could.

"So..." Stephen began, turning to his daughter. "You're going to be away from me." he continued and she nodded.

"Yup." She answered, instantly seeing the face change he made. "Aww, dad it's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine."

"Ehhh, I don't know." Stephen scratched the back of his head, skeptical. "You're going to be miles away from me. Are you sure you're alright with that?"

Dess chuckled since she knew deep down her father was the one who wouldn't be able to handle it. She knew from the day she accepted the scholarship to Hampton that her father wouldn't take it well. Moving to a different state for education wasn't something Stephen was up to, but Dess was. She didn't want to do anything else other than that.

"Dad, I'm going to be fine I promise. I know I'm far away from home but you have to trust me." She informed him.

Stephen nodded his head. "College is going to be one hell of an experience."

"And I'm ready for it."

Dess chuckled once she heard her dad hum. "You know while I'm away you could use the opportunity to go on that dating app I told you about." She mentioned, smiling at him. Stephen opened his mouth to speak but shut it quickly. He started laughing, making her laugh.

"I guess I should. I saw a few ladies on there the other night," he said.

"As you should, but I want you to have fun while I'm away. Promise me that?" She asked, putting her pinky finger out. That was how they always made their promises with the good old-fashioned pinky promise.

Stephen did the same, connecting his pinky with hers. "I promise lettuce," he called her by her nickname.

"Don't hate the green hair." Dess laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Stephen shook his head then pulled Dess into a tight hug.

Stephen kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too," Dess replied, getting slightly emotional. She didn't want to leave her dad but she was growing up. She was no longer his little girl and he was alright with that.

They let go of each other, and Stephen kissed her forehead once again. They said their last goodbyes before he started making his way to the car. Dess stood there watching him leave, her eyes getting watery. She was going to miss him a lot, but she needed to do this.

"DESDEMONA!" she heard someone shout her name. She quickly wiped her tears that had fallen, then turned around to the voice. Running towards her was her roommate and new best friend, Freya.

The two girls hugged each other once Freya approached. "Are you ready for the best Hampton experience ever?" Freya questioned, grabbing Dess hands.

Dess laughed, "Yes, ma'am."

Though this would be something new, she was indeed ready for the experience.



Discussion Board:
1. What's your impression on Shai?

2. What's your thoughts on Shai's parents not being there for him?

3. What's your impression on Desdemona?

4. If you need help with pronunciation of Desdemona, it's dez-de-mo-na.

Hope you all enjoy!

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