My Gay Roommate (L.S)

De SammiBSykes

60.9K 2K 4.1K

Harry Styles is excited to go to University of Reading, being able to live away from home and be independent... Mais

Twenty One
Twenty Two
author's note
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five

Twenty Nine

916 28 122
De SammiBSykes

"C'mon, Curly," Louis whines through the door, knocking on it continously.

I stare at myself in the fogged up mirror, shaking my head, chewing my lip. "I'm not going."

I hear a huff. "I can easily unlock the door from out here, don't make me, Harry!"

I ignore him, breathing in the steam from the shower that I've previously had. I look down at my attire. That bleeding skirt, the baby blue crop top.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it. Like, alot, it's comfy as well. But it's just- it's just that people will bound to judge me, and I'm not wanting that. Not now, not ever.

I hear a click and the door creaks open. Louis stands in the doorway, hand on his hip. He wears a cute tight white button up shirt with little yellow daisies dotting here and there, accompanied with some black skinny jeans. "You are going to go down those stairs, across the car park, into that darn car, and we are taking you to that party."

I huff. "I look like a clown."

"You look fucking gorgeous, like a fucking princess, H," he snaps back, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him.

Something about him calling ms a princess brings butterflies in my stomach.

"You look pretty as ever," he mumbles into my ear, kissing my jaw.

I lean my head into his shoulder. "I don't want to be made fun of."

"You won't! People are going to love you. They already do. Come on, Zayn is waiting to take us, Niall and Liam will meet us there."

I nod slowly, taking one last look in the small mirror. "Fine," I decide, allowing him to lace his fingers with mine and drag me out the humid room, and into the cool air outside down the stairs.

Zayn is leaning against the car, blowing smoke from his lips, tapping the end of his cigarette. Marie is bouncing on the spot from the cold, wearing a red leather skirt and matching leather jacket over the top of her black boob tube.

"Took you bloody long enough! Freezing my tits here," she says, shaking her head. She clambers into the car once Zayn has unlocked it.

"Why didn't you just wait in the car?" Louis asks, sliding into the back with me. He squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Zayn didn't unlock it," Marie grumbles, changing the station over.

"Didn't think of doing so, to be honest," Zayn mutters, pulling out of the spot.

I watch the street lights blur through the window, the night sky clouded over which is probably why it's so chilly. I'm pretty sure they forecast showers, but I'm not too sure.

We make it to the lake house. Its beautiful. There's houses upon houses lined neatly in a row from each other, each one painted delicately in a layer of dark blue paint. The rooves are grey, and there's small windows peppering the perimeter of the walls. At the front of Marcus' house is an oak tree, a few branches beginning to bud with closed blossom. Beneath it are snowdrops, their petals looking as though they were actually dipped in snow— probably why they're named snowdrops.

The music is already loud, and there's probably about a hundred uni students here already. There's lights beaming up into the sky in blue and red, striping over each other every so often.

Liam and Niall wave at us from the porch, stepping down the step and clapping us all on the back.

"This is gonna be sick," Niall announces, leading us inside and toward what I'm guessing is the living room where the drinks table is.

The walls are burgundy, carpet white. The leather sofa is filled with people making out inappropriately.

"That'll be us two later," Louis whispers to me from behind, his hand still in mine.

I heat crimson at that, biting back a giggle.

Niall hands me a red cup with a suspicious liquid. I sniff it, taking a sip and my face screws up, a shiver causing down my spine as my throat burns.

"Jesus Christ, is that straight?" I wheeze.

Niall shrugs. "Only thing straight going into you, innit." He slaps me on the back, shit eating grin on his face.

Louis snorts from beside me. "You can say that again."

I flip him off, and he grabs my finger, giving the pad of it a light kiss. It tingles my skin.

A song by Jonasu comes on, and Marie begins dancing to it, dragging me into the circle. I flash a look to Louis who grins widely, raising his cup toward me before taking a sip.

I feel my skin crawl, I'm pretty sure eyes are on me and this comfortable, cute, pretty little skirt. Jesus, such split emotions over it.

"Dance!" Marie yells over the boom of music.

She grabs my hands, moving them side to side. She spins around, beginning to do a slut drop.

She leans close into my ear. "Louis is practically drooling, and I know how to make him fall to his knees. Just follow me lead."

I smile down at my chelsea boot feet. These are my black glittery pair, to match the skirt. I look back up to Marie, who's got her hands in her hair, lifting it up seductively, swaying her hips and turning her head side to side.

I do the same, feeling very much ridiculous, but if this is to rile up Louis, then so be it. She does a slut drop, and I do the same, both of us laughing loudly before taking a sip of our drinks, raising them into the air and jumping a little.

I look behind me to see Louis' reaction. He's staring at me, eyes round, mouth slacked open. He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing harshly. He meets my eyes, shaking his head slowly. He makes his way over, bringing me in by the waist, hands crawling to my arse and he squeezes.

"You're so fuckin' sexy," he bumbles, bringing my lips to his, tongue asking for entrance.

I moan a little into the kiss, his hands groping my arse, before sliding up into my hair and giving it a light tug.

"Louis," I gasp, hips rolling into his. "Dance with me."

He pulls away, grabbing my hand and spinning me under his arm with a smile. "Can't wait to take you in my mouth tonight."

I quirk a brow, pink dusting my cheeks. I lick my lips, suddenly dry.

Zayn waves at Louis, using his left hand to imitate a cigarette.

Louis nods, turning his head back to me. "'M gonna go with Zayn outside for a minute. You going to be okay in here with the others?"

I pout a little, but nod anyway. I can't always be joined to his bloody hip. He smiles, gives me a sideways hug, pecks my temple and trots off toward Zayn.

Niall comes onto the dance floor then, sidling up beside A and I. He begins shimmering, turning around on the spot as he does so, his cackle piercing through the music like a knife through flesh.

"Show us a twirl, H!" he decides, coaxing me on with a wave of his hand.

I roll my eyes, but I spin around anyway, which leads to me losing balance and tripping over my own foot, colliding into him instead, making us both go down to the floor with a thump.

He's pissing himself laughing, legs kicking my shins. I push off him, laughing into my shoulder. Marie helps us both up to standing, giving us fresh drinks as ours have ran out.

I feel a little drunk after our second full cup of straight vodka. It tastes fucking disgusting, but Niall insists it's the only drink we should have tonight, besides the Pimm's coming in a few with fresh mint and fruits in the punch bowl.

I stagger my way through the house, suddenly needing a pee. I stumble up the stairs, going into the first room to try and find the bathroom. It's a master room, though, with lilac walls and a huge pink lava lamp acting as a light. There's a couple on the bed, tongue deep in each other's mouths.

I leave the room, eyes looking anywhere but them. I find the narrow bathroom, locking the door behind me. I'm too unbalanced so I decide to sit on the toilet, running my fingers along the fabric of the skirt, feeling the pleats.

Once I've finished, I wash my hands and grab the railing in order to not fall down the stairs and break my bones. I see Niall and Marie at the end of the front room, and I spot Liam, Zayn and Louis outside through the open patio doors, something up to both Zayn and Louis' lips. They blow out smoke after, and I'm pretty sure Louis said he stopped smoking cigarettes— unless he's really upset over something. But he didn't seem upset earlier, in fact, he seemed his happy self.

I hope he isn't upset. Before I can walk over to ask him, I'm getting dragged by my arm backwards. I snap my head back to see the Irish boy grinning at me.

"Come on, you're wanted back on the dance floor," he summons, pushing me toward A.

I shake my head amusedly, beginning to spin around and around like my head already is. We continue dancing, and after a while I spin around and around once more. I hit into something almost completely rock hard, stumbling back slightly.

"Oi, watch it, darl! Oh." someone says, turning to give me a long hard look. They tilt their head slightly to the side, brows creasing. "Are you trans?"

My eyes widen, heart thumping and I shake my head, feeling heat creep into my cheeks. "I-I er- no- I'm not, I-"

"Are you pretending to be a girl?" he ponders, brushing his red hair back.

"N-no, I don't- I'm a guy-" I stumble, words slightly slurring together from the alcohol, heart jumping further as more eyes from around us land on me.

He grimaces a little. Or smiles, I'm not really sure which it is. A bit of both, really. "Then why the fuck you wearing a skirt, you weird freak."

"I'm sorry, I don't-" I try to clear my head, but it begins to fog up like a storm, and I'm pretty sure it's getting hotter in here.

The guy laughs. "Jesus, you're such a weirdo. Trying to get attention, are ya? Hence you're wearing weird little girly clothes? Is this the attention you were looking for?" He grabs onto my waist, grinning. "This what you're looking for? A guy to shag, ya gay boy?" A few people around us giggle.

I shake my head, tears springing to my eyes. "Please let go of me," I weakly ask, heart almost halfway out my churning stomach.

"You wanted this, fag, God."

"Please," I choke out, a sob threatening to escape.

He laughs menacingly, pushing me to the floor. I feel something wet hit my cheek, and through blurry vision I realise that he's just spat on me.

"Oi!" an all too familiar voice yells loudly, and I can just about see him step in front of me, pushing the guy back with strong arms. "What the fuck? You find it fun to take the piss out of people for expressing themselves, do ya? Find it intimidating for people to find comfort in their own skin, do ya?" He turns his blue eyes to me, concern washing over them. "Get the fuck away from my boyfriend."

Zayn steps beside Louis, cracking his fists. "Or you'll have to answer to the pair of us. You're a goddamn adult, surely you should've learnt to keep your business and shitty opinions to yourself, alright?"

A hand lays on my arm, and I flinch, pulling away, shaking my head, limbs trembling. "D-don't. Don't touch me," I wheeze out. The hand falls from me, but I can still feel their presence behind me.

"H, let's get you up, mate," Liam says.

I scooch away from him, not wanting to be touched right now. I don't want physical contact, it's reverting back to him, and his words that have been carried with me for so many bloody years.

The twat who grabbed me, as well as pushed me, is walking away, Zayn and Louis mouthing off after him. Zayn continues, following the guy to give him a final word, whilst Louis turns on his heel and drops down in front of me.

"He doesn't want to be touched, Lou," Liam says from beside me, Niall and Marie beside him now after being in the kitchen whilst I was still dancing— never realising they left before the scene.

Louis frowns, concern swirling in his pretty blue eyes. "Oh, babe."

My bottom lip begins to wobble. "You fucking promised me, Lou, that nothing would happen," I cry, tears streaming down my face. "I trusted you."

Louis bites his lip. "I'm really sorry, Hazza. I didn't know some nobends were still stuck in the old fashioned way." He reaches out slowly, and when his fingers lightly brush against my smooth leg, I feel my body relax.

"I want to go, Lou. I want to go home."

Louis nods, placing his arm around my shoulder, slowly helping me up. "Alright, love, alright, let's take you home."

I grip onto his shirt, crying into his shoulder. I feel so fucking humiliated. I got almost groped by a straight man of all people, just so he can make a joke and a foolery of me. I got laughed at, and I look like a twat with this bloody skirt, which is probably too short as it's just above the knees and my stomach is probably too fat like a baby bump. I've never felt so self conscious. I felt so comfortable with wearing it in the flat, but here, in the open, I couldn't have picked a worse outfit.

Zayn comes over, deciding he will drive us both back to the apartment, all the while, I cry like a baby, Louis bringing me into his chest and stroking my hair soothingly.


After I dress into some of Louis' comfy joggers and one of my white tees, Louis tucks me up in bed. He lays outside of the covers, swirling patterns into my arm with light nails.

"Why were you smoking earlier?" I ask, voice a little nasaly due to my nose being blocked after all my sobbing. My eyes are half lidded, and all I want to do is rather cry a little more, or sleep. "I thought you didn't smoke unless you were upset."

He smiles at me, bringing my knuckles up to his lips. "It wasn't ciggies, Haz, it was a joint. Me and Zayn sometimes do it."

I nod. "It's bad for you."

He laughs silently. "Sorry, mum."

I smile weakly. "Just stating."

He shakes his head. "I rarely do it, don't worry. It's like, once every six months type thing, like the dentist." He kisses my nose. "You look tired, you should go bed."

"Don't leave," I quietly say, gripping his wrist as he moves.

He shakes his head, smiling widely. "Don't worry, Curly, I'm staying, just getting comfy. Budge over a bit, n gimme some duvet."

I curl up on my side, feeling content when he snakes his arms around my waist, leg poised over mine, making me the little spoon, both of us covered with the duvet up to our chins. I fall asleep in the arms of my boyfriend, feeling a little worse for wear than normal.

When I wake up the following morning, I'm met with an empty bed. I feel the small gap beside me, frowning. I peel my eyes open, the sun peeping through the gap in the curtains, lighting up the part of the pillow my hand is now on, warming it up slightly.

Stretching my arms above my head, my back pops a little, and a yawn escapes my lips. I feel my stomach churn from the drink from last night, my anxiety spiking a little. I slowly get up from the bed, walking out the room and I get a waft of burning toast hitting my nose.

I see Louis at the kitchen— just in some boxer shorts—mumbling swears under his breath whilst he grabs the now charcoal looking toast from the toaster, tutting and tossing it in the bin.

He turns to grab the bread off the island, seeing me standing there. He smiles, crinkles forming by his eyes.

"Morning, love, sleep alright?" he ponders.

"I think I might throw up, and I don't want to throw up," I reply, scratching my arm.

He walks around the island, coming over to me, embracing me. His thumb rubs circles into my shoulder. "You'll be okay, baby. You're going to be okay."

I nod into his neck, sighing deeply. "You're not going to make me eat dusty burnt toast, are you?"

Louis scoffs, hitting my lightly upside the head. "You cheeky bugger! I'll let you slave away for toast. Was gonna surprise you with it when you got up, but now, I don't think I will."

"Oh, thank God," I tease, and he laughs, gasping overdramatically.

"I'm going to get you for that!"

I rush off into the bathroom, squealing when he chases me. I stand by the toilet, taking a wee and he creeps in behind me.

"Want to shower?" he asks, checking his face out in the mirror, brows knitting as he pokes at a tiny freckle on his cheek.

I go over to him, kissing the freckle. "You look beautiful, Lou. And yeah, I'll have one in a minute, going to brush my teeth first."

Louis rolls his eyes. "I meant with me, you swine."

I blush, biting my lip. "Okay."

He pats me on the cheek, turning the water on. "Haz," he says after a while.

"Hm?" I ponder, toothbrush in my mouth.

"You okay after last night? You know you can talk to me about anything, right? And I know that guy touched you in a very inappropriate way, so if you need to tell someone about it, you can."

I look down at my feet, sighing. "I just want to forget it, please. I feel embarrassed enough as it is."

He massages my shoulders, tugging my shirt off my body. "There's nothing for you to be embarrassed about, none of it was your fault. We can let Jenny know, maybe she will do something about it," he decides, referring to our head master, Jenny.

I shrug. " I don't know," I admit. "I just want to go back to normal."

"Don't make one twat ruin your ideas on what to express yourself like, Harry. The skirt was drop dead gorgeous on you, and I was so tempted to take you whilst you were still in it there and then. When you did that slut drop I almost orgasmed."

I snort at that, and he steers us over toward the shower, turning the water on. We undress, stepping inside. He let's me get wet first, squirts shampoo into the palm of his hands and scrubs it into my scalp, making my eyes flutter close and a moan to creep up my throat.

Once I've washed off the shampoo, he does the same with the conditioner, before squirting shower gel into his hands, rubbing it all over my body slowly, seductively. His eyes never leave mine, and his hand ghosts my penis, making my thighs tremble at the soft touch.

He smirks. Stroking it a little harder before running his hand up my back, scratching his nails into it. He brings his lips to mine, tongue sliding in easily. I close my eyes, the heat from the water beading down my body, the heat from his hands tingling my skin. His teeth graze over my jaw and collarbone, sucking down on my collarbone to give me a love bite, right on the sensitive part, making me groan. He pulls at my earlobe lightly, and my hands grip his arse, kneading the cheeks gently. He moans, thrusting his hips into me.

"Lou," I whisper, pulling him closer to me.

He pins me against the wall, thrusting his hips deeper, his dick brushing against mine, making both of us moan.

After our shower shenanigans, we get dressed into some joggers and pastel colour jumpers, going back out into the kitchen where Marie and Zayn are. Zayn is making dippy eggs and soldiers, Marie stirring sugar into her tea.

"You two finished making noise in the bathroom?" A asks, shaking her head. "Honestly, H, thought better of you."

Louis squeezes my shoulder, leaning his head into my right one. "He's stooped to my level, A, get used to it."

She fakes a gag, taking a sip of her tea.

"How are you, Harry, after last night?" Zayn asks, serving up the eggs.

I look down at the food, having no appetite. I don't want to eat it. After last night, I feel as though I'm not so good in my skin. Maybe I should lose some weight or something, change my looks, so people don't make fun of me. I guess my tummy is a little pudgy. God, I wish I took up lacrosse.

Louis stares at me, then to the food in front of me, spooning egg into his own mouth.

"'M fine," I say at last to Zayn, sipping at the juice in front of me instead.

Zayn's lips pull upwards, he takes a bite of his strip of toast. "Good."

"You gotta eat something, H," Louis whispers into my ear, resting a hand on my thigh.

I take a piece of bread, nibbling at the end just to keep him happy, and from him having my head.

I just wish I wasn't so self conscious. I wish I wasn't judged, I wish I was different, and I guess this is my start from that. Maybe, just maybe, I should slowly stop eating, and get the looks everyone seems to adore— thin.


Omg an update!!

I feel so weird today like I keep feeling icky and then feeling light headed woopsies. So maybe I should get off my phone haha been on it since 7am this morning (it's now almost 5)

Poor H getting laughed at :( he'd look fucking gorgeous in a skirt and crop top and I lowkey wish he'd wear them on tour!!!

Anygays hope you've enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it was a little all over the place and boring.

Maybe next chapter we will see Louis' drama from his trauma and past.

Vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update

Stay Safe xxooxxoxo

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