Off The Ice

By Kirithetheory

67.1K 2.7K 4.2K

Oikawa, Suga and Akaashi were figure skaters. They all needed that freedom and the feeling of the ice. The fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 32

1.1K 44 95
By Kirithetheory


While Daichi is changing Suga has to just wait anxiously with his friends while he also tries to process the fact that Daichi, Daichi, is here. He's finally here.

"How you doing Suga?" He hears Akaashi say, all his friends chuckling a little which makes Suga glare. Well he tries to glare. He's honestly way too happy and excited to actually glare. It's been so long since he felt like this. He likes it.

"Shut up, you guys are literally the worst." He whines, collapsing on one of the bleachers next to Akaashi, letting his head fall on the boy's shoulder. Akaashi laughs and starts playing with his hair. "Oh, right, how did the game go?" Suga asks, trying to distract himself so he's not freaking for however long they are waiting.

"Oh yeah, I won!" Bokuto cheers and Suga lifts his head and smiles at Bokuto who is behind Akaashi. "It was close though. Daichi really has some insane defense but, we pulled through." Suga laughs a little. "Were you hoping I lost." Suga rolls his eyes.

"Of course not Bo. You're one of my best friends. I was obviously rooting for you and I always will." Bokuto grins at the praise while Oikawa and Akaashi send him a look.

"So, if you were routing for Bokuto because he's your friend." Oikawa starts.

"What does that make Daichi?" Akaashi finishes and Suga blushes madly as he realizes what he just said. Oikawa and Akaashi laugh while bringing him into a hug.

"Oh fuck off." Suga mutters.

"We're very excited for you. What do you even plan to do for the next two hours." They pull back and Suga hums and thinks, watching Akaashi and Bokuto share quiet words before switching places so Akaashi can massage his shoulders.

"Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe food since he just played a game and will probably be hungry."

"I would be surprised if he isn't." Bokuto comments, humming in contentment and leaning into Akaashi's touch.

"What are you guys going to do?" He asks, eyeing both Akaashi and Bokuto when he sees Bokuto smirk and Akaashi blush.

"Well, we'll definitely come back here to see Daichi off with you," Akaashi says, avoiding Bokuto's gaze. Suga eyes them more.

"And until then..." He asks and Bokuto grins.

"Well, Akaashi promised me a reward if I won." Oikawa groans.

"No, are you guys going to ditch me for sex." Suga laughs and Akaashi hits Bokuto lightly.

"I mean, what exactly did you promise him Keiji?" Suga says with a smirk making Akaashi blush even more.

"Nothing specific..."

"But something sexual?" Akaashi glares.

"Fuck off this whole thing is supposed to be about you quit turning it on me." Everyone laughs at that before their attention is turned to the sound of footsteps as Daichi returns, looking fresh and clearly just as excited as Suga.

"I heard you lost your game," Suga says sweetly when he reaches them, him still sitting. Daichi chuckles a little.

"Yeah, but it was totally worth it." Suga bites his lip and blushes before clearing his throat and standing up.

"Ready to go." He nods and they start walking towards the exit.

"Bye and good luck Kaashi," Suga calls, laughing when he hears Akaashi groan. Daichi smiles at him as they leave the building. "Are you hungry? Your game sounded tiring." Daichi chuckles a little.

"Yes, starving actually." Suga grins.

"Well good because I have a place in mind that has some of the best Shoyu Ramen I've ever had." They head out the door and back onto the streets.

"Wow, I'm actually surprised you remembered that."

"Why wouldn't I?" Daichi sighs, looking at Suga with such a raw and loving expression it takes everything in Suga to keep the blush away.

"I just, I guess no one has ever really remembered stuff like that." Suga's heart stings a little, remembering what Daichi has told him about his past relationships. How could someone treat Daichi like that?

Suga tries to ignore the fact that he keeps connecting Daichi with romantic relationships and just continues to lead them to the restaurant.

"I think I remember almost everything that you've told me these past few months." Daichi raises his eyebrows.

"Oh really?" Suga sends him a challenging smirk.

"I bet I remember more about you than you do about me. I mean do you even know my favorite food?"

"Oh I see how it is. You're on and yes I do Suga." Now Suga raises his eyebrows, heart skipping a beat at the sound of his name. In-person. This is all so surreal.

"I honestly don't believe you since I don't think I've even told you." Daichi laughs.

"Well you're right. You haven't told me but I'm pretty sure I know what it is."

"Oh yeah? Let's hear it then." Daichi hums.

"I'm pretty sure it's Mapo Tofu." Suga's eyes widen.

"Okay, how the hell did you know that?" He laughs again.

"Most of the pictures you've sent of you eating it's been Mapo Tofu." Suga clicks his tongue.

"Okay well, you aren't entirely correct."

"Oh? Then do enlighten me." Suga bites back a laugh.

"Technically, it's super spicy Mapo tofu."

"Oh wow, that's so different from what I said." Suga can't hold back that laugh. "Also I should have known you're one of those crazy people who likes spicy food." Suga gasps.

"What it's good!" Daichi rolls his eyes playfully, both smiling like crazy as they reach the restaurant. "I should have known you're someone who can't handle the spice."

"Hey, I never said I couldn't handle it."

"People who don't like spicy food don't like it because they can't handle it." Daichi eyes him. "Am I wrong?" He keeps eyeing him for a minute.

"Oh shut up." Suga giggles, their conversation dying out as they head inside to get a table.



He and Bokuto had just dropped an annoyed Oikawa back home before they headed to Bokuto's house. His parents weren't home and wouldn't be for a while but his mother had made an after-game meal, leaving a note of congratulations. Bokuto was very happy coming home to that, surprised that his mom knew. Akaashi decided to not mention the fact that the back of the card had a conciliation note as well. Instead, he just threw the note away and set out all the food to eat.

Akaashi was now lying on Bokuto's bed, staring up at the ceiling while listening to Bokuto sing as he showers. It makes him smile and get lost in the noise which distracts him from his most present thought. Not well enough though.

His friends weren't wrong. Yes, before the game Akaashi had promised Bokuto a prize if he won. It wasn't a very specific prize. It was basically a wish like a genie gives. Bokuto gets a wish and Akaashi will fulfill whatever it is.

So he's a little anxious about what he might ask for since although he didn't say anything specific, it was strongly hinted it would be sexual.

So he's a little anxious. Not because he thinks Bokuto would make him do something he doesn't want to do. Bokuto would never do something like that. He's just anxious about what it will be. Stuff like this still just makes him nervous.

"Keiji?" Akaashi snaps out of his head, looking up, and instead of seeing the ceiling, he is met with Bokuto towering over him, shirtless with damp hair and a towel hanging off his shoulders. "Are you okay? I've called your name like five times." Bokuto looks at him with a worried expression so Akaashi sends him a reassuring smile, bringing his hand up and cupping his face.

"I'm fine don't worry. Just spaced out." Bokuto eyes him but before he can question him more Akaashi pulls him down, connecting their lips sweetly. Bokuto instantly kisses back, sighing and leaning more of his body over Akaashi, knees on either side of Akaashi's waist. Akaashi hums contently arms moving more around Bokuto's neck, fingers playing with his freshly washed hair, his shampoo smelling like citrus.

They part after a moment, lying peacefully just looking at each other. Akaashi can still see some worry in his eyes which he finds sweet. "I promise I was just spacing out." Bokuto eyes him for a moment again which makes Akaashi laugh a little before he takes a deep breath and sighs. "You smell nice." He mumbles a little on accident but he doesn't react to his words. Just watched Bokuto forget about the worry and smile.

"What do I smell like?" He asks quietly, slowly leaning down and leaving feather light kisses on Akaashis neck.

"Your hair smells like citrus." Akaashi leans his head back, letting Bokuto pepper kisses with ease. "But in general I think you smell like the ocean." Akaashi sighs again, smiling when he feels Bokuto smile against his skin. "Like a light refreshing breeze that hits you when you just reach the beach, and you can see the ocean and feel the sun. And in that moment you just feel every muscle in your body relax and warm up in the sun." Bokuto pulls back, meeting Akaashis gaze with pure love, while Akaashi's cheeks are tinted pink.

"You're adorable, you know that?" Akaashi laughs.

"Shut up." He pulls him down again for a slightly more heated kiss. Only slightly. Bokuto pulls back and goes to his neck again, this time leaving firmer kisses that have Akaashi sighing occasionally.

"Wanna know what you smell like?" He murmurs in his ear, making Akaashi shiver.

"Yes." He whispers and Bokuto pulls back again to meet his gaze. He holds his body up with one arm by Akaashi's head, the other now trailing down his chest and then under his shirt.

"Well, if I'm being honest the scent I would describe you with is, well it's home. But I can give you an actual answer." Akaashi blushes madly, smile growing on his face as he looks up at Bokuto, him now wearing a slightly shy expression even though his hand is still caressing his stomach and hip.

"You—you think I smell like home?" Akaashi whispers, honestly feeling like he could cry over how much he loves this man. Bokuto nods shyly and blushes before continuing.

"I—I also, I also think you smell like rain. But like a sweet rain. You smell like rain with a hint of vanilla. Earthy yet sweet. It's very you and it's so intoxicating I could get lost in it because it's just" Akaashi is now violently blushing, lip pulled between his teeth as he forces himself to keep eye contact. Bokuto chuckles deeply, capturing Akaashis lips in a kiss before he can respond.

Akaashi exhales lightly, letting himself get caught up in Bokuto's touch as he leads them through a soft, loving, yet toe-curling kiss. It's warm and so, so good Akaashi doesn't even notice Bokuto moving them until they are both on their sides. He parts them, cupping Akaashi's face as they lay side by side on the bed, legs tangled together. He honestly wants to stay like this forever but he does still want to reward Bokuto. He played hard. He earned this.

"I believe I still owe you a reward." He says, breaking the domestic spell that was over them but Bokuto clearly doesn't mind at all. His eyes instantly light up at the mention of that which makes Akaashi laugh a little. "Have any ideas about what you want?" Bokuto smirks, still caressing Akaashi's face sweetly.

"I do." He says smoothly while Akaashi waits nervously and a little excited. "And remember if you don't want to, tell me because there are plenty of other rewards I can think of." Akaashi smiles and gives Bokuto a quick kiss.

"I know love." Bokuto hums contently, eyes slipping closed for a second before he continues.

"Well. For my reward...I wanna eat you out." He eyes slip open and he blushes a little as he says it. But not as much as Akaashi does when hearing it, even though he was expecting this. Bokuto chuckles and kisses Akaashi sweetly. "If you don't want to, we don't have to." He pulls back while Akaashi gives a childish pout.

"Your reward is supposed to be me doing something for you. I don't see how this is a reward for you." Bokuto thinks on that for a moment, the hand that was one cupping his face now on Akaashis waist, absentmindedly caressing the skin under his shirt.

"Well, it's a reward for me because I like making you feel good more than I like feeling good." Akaashi's eyes widen a little, not expecting that response and it confuses him a little. "So, yeah that's what I want if you want it. Don't push yourself with me okay?" Akaashi's face is beat red as he nods and thinks for a moment.

A part of him wishes Suga would have been able to help. He did look into it online but still, if he's honest with himself, he doesn't see how that would feel good for a guy. A girl yes but not a guy. They haven't done anything...down...there...yet so yeah he's nervous. But...

"Okay." He whispers and Bokuto's eyes widen.

"Okay..." Akaashi gulps and bites his lip.

"Okay...I want to. I-if you want to, that is." Bokuto eyes him which makes Akaashi roll his eyes. "I promise Kou. I want to. I'm nervous but not in a bad way, okay?" Bokuto relaxes and then kisses him softly.

"Okay. Imma rock your roll babe." Akaashi laughs and rolls his eyes again as Bokuto rolls them so he's on top again.

"You're such a dork." He jokes as Bokuto leans down and captures his lips in another sweet kiss.

"Yeah but I'm your dork." Akaashi bites his lip. "Now just sit back and let me take care of you the way you deserve."



So yay. Some cute Daisuga, some cute Bokuaka and then next chapter you get some more smut and cute Daisuga and maybe Iwaoi...but ya

Hope you enjoyed

And stay tuned 😁

I would also just like to say thank you all so much for the support on this book. I read all of your comments and they really make my day and I'm so glad you are enjoying this.

Thank you all for being so amazing and have a good day/night 😊😊


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