
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

7.2K 225 61

A continuation of In Between, ShiverTooth meets the Bee Team and develops a little trouble with one of the me... More

<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 3>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
<Chapter 10>
<Chapter 11>
<Chapter 12>
<Chapter 13>
<Chapter 14>
<Chapter 15>
<Chapter 16>
<Chapter 17>
<Chapter 18>
<Chapter 19>
<Chapter 20>
<Chapter 21>
<Chapter 22>
<Chapter 23>
<Chapter 24>
<Chapter 25>
<Chapter 26>
<Chapter 27>
<Chapter 28>
<Chapter 29>
<Chapter 30>
<Chapter 31>
<Chapter 32>
<Chapter 33>
<Chapter 34>
<Chapter 35>
<Chapter 36>
<Chapter 38>
<Chapter 39>
<Chapter 40>
<Chapter 41>
<Chapter 42>
<Chapter 43>
<Chapter 44>
<Chapter 45>
<Chapter 46>
<Chapter 47>
<Chapter 48>
<Chapter 49>
<Chapter 50>
<Chapter 51>
<Chapter 52>
<Chapter 53>
<Chapter 54>
<Chapter 55>
<Chapter 56>
<Chapter 57>
<Chapter 58>
<Chapter 59>

<Chapter 37>

73 2 1
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

Time Skip of that night
ShiverTooth was walking in the scrapyard, it was darker than normal... he heard a weapon charge and he turned around. He saw Bumblebee with his gun up "Bee?" He asked.

Bumblebee answers "Stand down and put your hands up. I know you'll listen to me, ShiverTooth."

The seeker does so "W-what are you doing this for?"

Bumblebee walks over and cuffs him "You're under arrest ShiverTooth. I told you I was serious and that I didn't want you going off."

The seeker defends "But MotorMaster captured me! I didn't have a choice!!!"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what you did."

He brought him to the front where the bots were all scarred up, lying around, exhausted. Fixit was at the control console, bleeding energon from his head.

ShiverTooth looks to Bee who was now laying against a rock, now scarred up like the others "If you didn't leave, this could have been prevented."

ShiverTooth looked around "Where's Denny and Russel?"

Bumblebee lolls his head back in pain "Dead. Steeljaw got to them. If you were here you could have saved all of us."

ShiverTooth started walking off and then turned and started running. He ran smack into the wolf con himself.

The mech laughed "My my, what do we have here? Seems I missed one."

His jaws and claws were stained with energon and human blood. Steeljaw took a swipe and ShiverTooth belted up. He looked around to see it was night and we was in the scrapyard again, no burn marks anywhere like from earlier. He stood up and looked around. He saw the sun peak up in the distance and knew the others would be awake..... if there were any.

He walked towards the back of the diner where Russel and Denny normally slept. He got to their RV and couldn't hear anything. ShiverTooth saw Russel's jacket lying on the ground by the fence and he got scared. "No.... No please..... It had to have been a dream!!" He ran back out into the scrapyard and hid in the shelves. "No.... They're all gone. It's my fault! I should have been more careful and not have been captured! I could have prevented this!!!" He cried.

The sun came up and ShiverTooth heard footsteps coming near him. It was Bee. He knew it because he kept hearing the mech call his name "ShiverTooth!? ShiverTooth where are you!? Oh please don't tell me he ran off again."

The seeker stood up and got out of hiding. Bumblebee saw him and smiled lightly "There you are...." But he saw the seeker wasn't happy at all. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

The seeker lost it and broke down "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... It's all my fault!"

Bumblebee goes closer "Woah, what's your fault?"

ShiverTooth yells "Everything!! You all got hurt because of Steeljaw and Russel n' Denny got killed because I was captured by MotorMaster and I couldn't save you guys!!!"

Bee exclaims "Wait what!? Hang on. They're hurt!?"

Shivers nods "I-I don't know..... I-I saw Russel's jacket on the ground by their RV. I couldn't hear them at all either."

Bumblebee grabbed ShiverTooth's hand and they ran over to the diner. However, it was wrong. Bumblebee saw the two humans perfectly fine, Russel was in a black and blue medium sleeve shirt, sitting, on his phone and Denny was making breakfast for the two of them.

Bee calls over "Denny, Russel!"

The two look over "Oh, hey, Bee! What's up? How is ShiverTooth?" Russel asks.

Bumblebee replies "He's doing fine, and he said something about you that scared me." ShiverTooth and the boy made eye contact and

ShiverTooth was shocked. "Y-you're okay!? You're alive!?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Russel asks.

Denny asks "Yeah, what's wrong?"

ShiverTooth says "But, you.... Steeljaw!! he... he killed you guys and scarred up the team!!— I...."

"No he didn't." Bumblebee and Russel say in unison.

The Lieutenant says "Besides, Steeljaw's locked up on Cybertron. There's no way he could hurt us."

The seeker says "B-but your jacket! I-I saw it on the ground.... I-I——"

"oh! That!?" Russel exclaims "No! No no! My dad and Sideswipe played a prank on me yesterday while Fixit was fixing you because it was really hot out and they both shot at me with water guns.  Well, Sideswipe used a hose, but that's beside the point! My jacket was soaked so I left it out to dry overnight. Must have fell off the fence I guess."

ShiverTooth calmed down "I guess it was a nightmare."

Bumblebee nods "Thankfully. Now come on. Let's get your mind off of all that. I want to show you something. It's about Menasor and how we took him down. I showed the team and they thought it was awesome. You did pretty good trying to control him."

Shivers nods "Yeah, I guess. Show me."

They sat down together in the command center area and watched the playback together. ShiverTooth was astound. "Wow. You guys worked really well together. I'm sorry about the whole combining with Menasor thing."

"Don't be. They forced you to do it." Bee comforts him.

ShiverTooth then says "Also..... something happened when MotorMaster captured me...."

"Did he touch you?"

I look to him and say "N-no...  I mean yes, but that's not the point....they tied me to his alt with me in alt mode as well and they..... they used parts of a civilian's car to make it a weapon against me. They..... they killed the driver...... Right in front of me."

Bumblebee went to speak when they heard an explosion and Bumblebee got out his gun "ShiverTooth! Defend the base!!!" He nodded and look around, trying to find them but the sun was too bright and he couldn't. Shivers ran through the base, trying to shoot back but he couldn't find them at all.

ShiverTooth's perspective
I found Fixit running and I picked him up into my arms and continued running. "Oh! Hello, commander! I'm going to hope you had at least a few minutes of good sunshine when you awoke."

I say "Not now! We have to find better cover." 

I com "Autobots, if you can hear me, I have Fixit."

I hide behind a big, filled shelf and set the minicon down, then grab a large panel and weld a bended pipe to it, thus creating a shield. I then picked up Fixit once more and I head to the commander center.

"Who is shooting at us!!??" He asks.

I say "Someone with great aim, that's for sure." I find the bridge destroyed when I get there and then fall back, running back into the scrapyard.

I place Fixit on my back and he says " The groundbridge is destroyed! What do we do now!?"

I reply "I'm not sure, but I know what I'm going to do first!"

I run to the area that I slept normally and find Crystacean's pod. I roll it over to cover behind a shelf and open it.

"You're letting him out!!??" Fixit yells.

I say "You weren't there on the mission. He's good! Trust me."

Crustacean wakes up and asks "Good riddance! Is Cybertron under attack?"

I say to him "No, we're still on earth, pal. Let's move. He follows me and I run to a wall of the scrapyard that faced the forest and shot 2 missiles at it, blowing a hole in it. We then ran towards the caves and Crustacean and I got there safely.

"What do we do now!?" Crustacean asks me, scared.

I shrug "I don't know."

Fixit looks at his tracker "I'm picking up the autobots in this cave. Follow me."

We both run in and sure enough, there they were. "Autobots!" I call out.

They see me and Sideswipe stands up and runs over to me "I'm sorry for everything! Really!"

I say back "I forgive you if you promise not to call me out again but is everyone okay?" They all nod. Crustacean then rolls in and they all freak out. The shrimpticon gasps and starts his eye beams.

"Crustacean! Stop! Let's be friends. Everyone, get along. I couldn't leave him there to suffer or be turned against us." I stop him.

I sit down in a flatter area of the cavern and Crustacean curls up behind me. I rub his helm and he smiles, starting to make a purring sound. Denny was going over his collection and all that he lost in the scrapyard.

Bumblebee says "I'm sorry, Denny. When this is over, we'll rebuild the scrapyard."

Grimlock adds "Yeah! It'll be even better than before it was blown up and set on fire and blasted into pieces."

Strongarm hits him "He gets the picture."

Sideswipe says "Come on, Denny. The scrapyard's just another place, right? I've moved from home to home a million times. After awhile, it's no big deal."

I agree "Denny, if it makes you feel any better, I saw my house burn to the ground around me when I was 13. I also lost my mom that day."

He looks to me and nods "I'm sorry."

I shrug "Its fine. It happened 11 years ago..... you'll soon come to forget about it. Trust me. Happens to all of us."

I heard a few bats and I got scared. Bumblebee calls over "You alright, ShiverTooth? Maybe what happened at the scrapyard rattled your engines."

I reply "I'm alright. Just don't like loud sudden noises."

I lean back against Crustacean's body and start rubbing the back of his neck. Bumblebee says "Good, because we need everyone at top performance if we're going to track down our attackers and bring them in..... and I have no idea how to do that....."

  Fixit says "I do. I brought the Cybertronian tech detector we confiscated from the stunticons. It won't detect Decepticons but it can detect their weapons, though we're unlikely to get a signal in this cavern."

Strongarm says "We'll have to go outside to scan."

"And our enemies are out there looking for us." Bumblebee says "So whoever does the scanning better do it carefully and do it fast."

He looked over at me and my wings go down "Yeah sure, send the guy who gets captured when he's alone out all by himself on a mission. You really are trying to get rid of me, aren't you?" I laugh.

Bee was concerned but thought I was joking "Of course not. You're just best suited for the job."

"Nah! I can do it for him." Sideswipe says "Don't worry, ShiverTooth. I've got your back! Gimme that.... Let's see, uh.... How do you turn this thing on? Is there a plug? Antennas to pull out? Maybe if I shake it really hard."

Strongarm steals it "I'll do it! Before you break it!"

Bumblebee takes it from her "No. as team leader, I should be the one putting my spark on the line."

Grimlock grabs it next "Me! Me!—— seemed like my turn to grab it...."

They start arguing and I stand up "Come on, Crustacean. I don't trust you alone with them."

He starts going outside and I follow him, taking the detector out of the dinobot's servo. We go outside and get the signals. Crustacean also found a big chunk of pyrite. We go back and I hand the detector to Bee. I sit back down with Crustacean as he clawed at the chunk of ore, releasing it from its rocky cage.

"5 contacts?" Bee asks

"The coordinates correspond to the crown river dam." Fixit alerts.

Bumblebee adds "Well the system is fully automated, but if these are cons trying to destroy the dam, they'll endanger every human for miles around...." 

"It could be a trap, sir." Strongarm warns "our attacker is trying to draw us out."

"Well that maybe so, but we can't just sit here if we can prevent a disaster. Let's rev up and roll out!" Bumblebee says.

I sit up and say "Can Crustacean come?"

Bumblebee says "I'm still on edge with him but he's better off with us then here with them. You two stay here."

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