Remember the Rules

By RanielleTJ4

7.9K 482 2

Skye and Kat's daughters are all grown up, or well some still have a little growing up to do. Nia is busines... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 28

159 10 0
By RanielleTJ4

Abby's POV

I was dressed in a simple trousers and a shirt. Willow literally texted me to wear this. I got a text from her saying she was here. I went down with my phone and backpack. Apparently, we were going to stay somewhere overnight. Caleb took my backpack from me when I walked towards the car. I took out the bottle from it before giving it to him. "Thank you." I said as he opened the car door for me. "Morning beautiful," Willow said once I sat in the car. She gave me a quick peck and I gave her the bottle. "What this?" she asked as we started driving. "Smoothie, I made it. it's the one you drank at my place. Knowing you I'm pretty sure you haven't had breakfast."

She smiled and took a sip from it and hummed. "God I swear to god I have never tasted a smoothie like this before. What do you even put in this." she said as she took another sip. "It's a secret," I said smirking. It was just a simple strawberry banana oat smoothie but the 'secret' was I put a spoon of peanut butter in it.

You know Willow was not that bad. Like I knew there was some liking between us but I think there is more than liking now. Shes nice, sweet and not just caring about me but also other people around her. she does sweet things without even realizing. Randomly buying me flowers was also something she did and she always tries to have at least one meal with me. Asks me about my day, gives me that charming cute smile making my day, says cheesy things without even realizing that they are super cheesy. Also she in simple words was a sex manic but she has kept her hands to herself. I know it shouldn't mean much but it's knowing how hard it is for her I feel like she is really putting in a lot for me making me feel like maybe she feels the same way I do about her. I might just be in love with her. I know it's too soon to say this but when you know, you know I guess.

We got off the car as we reached the orphanage. I stood behind Willow as we greeted the staff and then the children. Willow spook to the kids as I helped set up for the drawing time. There were a few event's planned for the kids one of them was drawing.

"It's done let's get the kids." I told the staff member she nodded and we both went out together. Willow came in with a kid in her arms. "And whos this new friend of your?" I asked looking at the 4 year old. "Sasha ain't she cute. She wants to marry me." Willow said chuckling.

"Hmm I guess I can ok to losing to such a cute girl." The girl hide her face hugging Willow tightly. Willow went in and sat down. "Ok so to start we just need a model." I said looking around and then asked Willow "Your highness would you please be our model." I said with a cheeky smile on my face. It was weird calling her your highness in front of other people. "hmm I guess." She said as she sat down on the chair in the front of the room.

As the kids started drawing I sketched her on a piece of paper too. She kept fighting making one of the kids said "Ma'am can you please not move."

"Oh sorry." She said embarrassed making me chuckle. She gave me a look that said I will get back at you for this.

We finished the drawing event and Willow who was just suppose to sign the best one out of them ended up signing all of them cause she didn't want the kids to feel bad.

There were a few running competitions after that. Finishing those we went and had lunch. It was a quick lunch. Willow and I were going out the building for the next event. It was a football game. Willow was arguing right now that I should play too.

"Come on I'm not at good as you. I can cheer you on from the sideline." I said as we were walking towards the field when Willow grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to her. A football flew towards use and hit her straight on the back of her head. I realized if she hadn't grabbed me the football would have hit my face. "OMG! You ok?" I asked worried as she closed her eyes and grabbed the back of her head. "Yeah yeah it's fine." She said shaking her head and then smile. A crowd had gathered up "Everything is fine don't worry." She said with a smile. "You sure ma'am?" the head of the orphanage asked as if she was one breathe away from a lawsuit. "Yes yes. I'm totally fine let's continue" willow said with a smile as she greeted the players. 2 of them who were responsible for the ball hitting her apologized. She smiled and shook it off. They divided the team and at the end moment, I decided to play the game.

"Oh good come join our team." She said and I shook my head and wore the yellow vest. " I'm playing against you." I said and high fived the kids. It was just a friendly fun match. As half the game got over Willows team was winning.

I'm the second half my team somehow made it a tie. At ending last seconds went I was above to hit the winning goal Willow grabbed me by my waist again laughing and carrying me away from the ball. Her team member tried to take the ball but the time was up before he could score. "Hey that was foul." I said laughing as Willow let me go. "Referee that was a foul." I said raising my hand. The Referee looked at Willow then me. "I didn't see anything." She said with a smile. I looked at Willow and she just shrugged with a cheeky smile on her face. Both the teams shook hands as we ended the came on a tie without a penalty shoot-out.

"I'm going to get back at you for this." I said as the events ended. I saw a few kids playing with water balloons and water guns. When she was distracted enough I took the balloon from one of the kids and threw it at her. I wanted to hit her leg but I by mistake ended up hitting the side of her face. Making me gasp. "Shit!" I covered my mouth "I swear to god wanted to hit your leg." I said as she walked towards me with a unreadable expression. She grabbed both of my hand and then gave me a mischievous smile. "Kids throw all the water you got on her." she said smiling to the kids at first they didn't move but then one of then used the water gun on me and well that was the downfall. "No No Noo" I said trying the get out of her grasp but as I got my one hand out she grabbed me by the waist. I was pissed at this moment but couldn't help but smile. The thing was Willow was also getting wet but she didn't care. She finally let me go and I grabbed a water gun spraying her down. This somehow ended with both of playing with the kids. I excused myself as I went and tried to find towels for us. When I came back Willow was spinning around a kid, still playing with them.

My confusion from this morning cleared up and that 'might be in love' statement changed to 'am in love'. Fucking hell I'm in love with a real life Princess. I smiled to myself. "Your highness. It's time to go." I said pointing at my wrist as we were suppose to leave half an hour ago. She waved bye to the kids as she walked towards me drench. "Lets change before leaving" I suggested. "Nah it's fine we going nearby."

"Oh ok" I said we said our final goodbyes as we sat in the car and left. I put the towel on her hair and helped here dry her hair as otherwise she might catch cold. "Wipe yourself first." she said putting a towel around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. "I don't think your lips are going to dry me off." I said chuckling as I then kissed her back.

"I don't mind we you get more wet." She said as I leaned back on my back and she got on top of me. the only reason I am making out with her in her car is cause the partitions are up and this is a tinted car. no one can see inside. She placed both her hands next to my face behind me on the seat as we made out. I put my hands in her pants back pocket and squeezed her ass. The make out turned very intense when she stopped me "Don't do that." she said and I looked at her confused. Not sure what exactly she was referring too. "What?" I asked confused. She had her eyes closed as she was calming herself down. She then moved my leg that was in between her legs. Making me realize what she was referring too. I was unconsciously making her grind on my leg when I squeezed her ass. "I'm sorry." I said as I moved my hands away from her. "No it's not that I mind it's just your not ready for it and I don't want to get too into it because then it gets harder to stop." She said as she moved away and we both sat up straight. "Also I don't need your first time to be in a car like some horny teenagers." She said chuckling making me smile.

Maybe I should tell her that I'm ready. But before I could tell her the car stopped in the middle of no where. I looked outside and all could see was trees and forest. "You sure you haven't got me here to kill me?" I asked jokingly as I got out of the car. Willow took her and my backpack from Caleb and whispered something to him. He nodded and then mumbled something into his sleeves. She swapped her heels for sports shoes and I did the same. "Come on." she said and I looked at her confused as I took my backpack from her and followed her. We walked into the forest "Ok willow? Where are we?" I asked her as I couldn't see anything but a thick forest. I looked down to realized it was not that visible but she was following a made path. "You will know when we get there." She said with a smile as she held my hand. We were going up-hill it might have been 10 minutes now. "Willow seriously where are we?" I asked her again. "Just hold on we there." She said as turned on a flashlight as it was getting dark. She pointed the flashlight at some stair. I tired to see where they led it the forest won't let me.

I followed her up the stairs and we reached a lodge. I quickly realized what this was. It was a glamping site. She got me out camping. Well kind off cause this wasn't really camping. "Well I wanted to go camping in the Camping Van and all but apparently I can't cause it's a security risk so this is the best I can do for camping." She said shrugging with a smile as she opened the door for me and turned on the lights. It was a light room with a bed on the left side. There was a glass behind the bed making it a very open bathroom. There was a small balcony with a Jacuzzi outside and on the right there was a kitchen and dinning table. "lets get cleaned up quickly. We don't want the food to get cold." She said pointing at the dining table which had plates that were covered.

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