Remember the Rules

Galing kay RanielleTJ4

7.4K 478 2

Skye and Kat's daughters are all grown up, or well some still have a little growing up to do. Nia is busines... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 16

156 11 0
Galing kay RanielleTJ4

Willow's POV

So my plan was on its last threads. It turns out I don't really know how to make someone fall in love with me. Why do you ask?

My expertise is how to get into someone's pants. Any of those tricks are totally invalid over here cause if I try those then I will be slapped across the face and I don't think she will give me another chance.

So I Google 'How to make someone fall in love with you?' Yeah, I'm that desperate. It's been a month as I have made no real progress. We haven't hung outside of work and she barely texts me. I even bring lunch to her every day. I'm being a better assistant to her than her current assistant. So googling was the last resort left before she completely friend zones me. I pushed my pride down and said to myself Sweptail is worth it.

"Ok let's see, 1. Maintain eye contact" I said reading out loud. "More eye contact then. 2. Focus on similarities between both of you. Yeah but she needs to talk to me to make that happen. 3. Hang out more. Again she needs to talk to me to make that happen. 4. Then disappear." The fuck? "It will make them miss you. Ohhh ok. Again I need to find ways to hung out with her more. 5. Ask for their help. I'm already doing this so I guess I got one thing down. 6. Be confident. Ok, 2 things down" I scrolled to the next page. "7. Feed them. 3 things down. Aye turns out I'm not bad at this after all. 8. Smile a lot. Ok got to keep smiling. 9. Finally, touch them more often. Well, can't really do this" I locked my phone and sighed as I ate my taco. Well, I got to get her to talk to me more about herself. Smile more and make eye contact.

I had a meeting with her and a few others to finalize the grant. After that she and I need to discuss the gala, we haven't come with a theme yet and we had no clue what to do.

I finished my lunch and fixed my dress walking down to the conference room from my private door. It was soo cool I had scared the crap out of a couple of people a few times at the start. Now everyone knew about it.

Everyone was already present so I sat down and the meeting began.

"Ok, so I guess this is final then," I said as I signalled them that the meeting was over. It took longer than I thought it would. It was 7 pm right now. When everyone cleared the room I looked at Abigail "I so need a drink" I said with a smile and making straight eye contact with her.

"Same," she said smiling and then picking up the papers in front of her. Ok, this is my chance. "You want to go grab a drink? We can discuss the theme. Maybe a change of scenery will help us out" I gave her my award-winning smile.

"Why are you smiling soo much? It's creepy" she said looking at me concerned "And yeah sure"

"Cool I will be back with my things," I said and walked back to my office. So no more smiling well at least no smiling too much. I went up and called up the fancies restaurant I knew booking a table for us.

I picked up my thing and went to her office. She was standing there ready with her things.

Abigail's POV

When we got out of the elevator Willow opened the door for me. She had kept her promise kept her hands to herself and even though I was trying to maintain distances from her she did these small things that just made me want to talk to her. Like every day she gets me lunch. I know for a matter of fact that her assistant gets the lunches but instead of sending her assistant to deliver the lunch, she comes in herself.

Maybe we can be friends. I was concerned after that kiss cause I have seen her with another girl and let me tell you. She gets what she wants even if girls 'No' at first I see them doing the walk of shame the next morning out of her apartment. I know this cause the walls on our floor are pretty thin. I could hear the screaming and moaning out her name all night. So when she said wanted to have sex with me I needed to be sure that she won't try anything with me. I don't know how she got them to sleep with her and I don't wanna find out.

We already reached the place. She opened the car door for me and I read the name of the restaurant. 'Le Crox' this was the fanciest place in town. Now I feel underdressed. It was causal Fridays. So I was wearing ripped black jeans and a white tee.

"Let's go," Willow said she was in a navy blue office dress so it was better for her. I nervously nodded my head and followed her. Straightening my tee nervously. I get why she got us her not as she can go to normal places. We entered the restaurant and all eyes were on us. First on her and then on my giving me disapproving looks. I didn't even realize when Willow had stopped and was now looking at me. She looked at me for a few seconds as I gave her a questioning look. The Manager was saying something but she was barely listening. Instead looking at me. Then out of nowhere, she said "Let's go" and walked out of the restaurant. The manager looked at me confused and I just shrugged as I followed her.

She opened the car door for me before getting in I asked "Where are we going?"

"First to my place I need a change." She was and got in the car "You like Baseball?" she asked we apparently drove to her place.

"Yeah, I grew up in New York so of course, I do," I said shaking my head as if it was a fact that all New Yorker love Baseball.

"Hmm" that's all she said after that it was silent. But she stared at me every 5 minutes. When we reached her place she opened my door and then the house door. "Fancy," I said looking around at a very elegant and classic-looking décor.

"It's not our, we still haven't found the right fit for us," she said and I just nodded looking around as I followed her. "Just here I will be back in 5" I didn't even realize when she left and came back. She had changed. She was wearing blue ripped jeans and a grey sweater that was buttoned and tucked in. it was very loose so you could see her white lace bralette to tie it all up she was wearing a Gucci belt.

"You going to tell me where we going?" I asked her confused as she walked into some other door. I followed her it was the garage.

"Well I was feeling like that place was too uptight for me" she shrugs with a smile. I smiled back at her. Did she just change the location cause I was feeling weird? Yes, she did.

"Caleb" she yelled out as he was standing near the car we came in. "We are taking the wrangler," she said and threw him the keys. He nodded as she held the car door open for me. I got in and she got in from the other side. She whispered something to him and he nodded as he started to drive.

"You know you didn't have to do this?" I said knowing why we changed location.

"Do what? I wanted to let loose not be watched like a hawk." She shrugged.

"Everywhere we go we are going to be watched like hawks. You are a princess. So I prefer us going to a safer place for you." I said chuckling.

"I got a solution for that. She pulled out her red wig in front of her purse and a cap. Like an expert, she tied her hair up and up the wig on. It was like she had done this a million time and could even do this in her sleep. Once the wig was on properly she put on the cap.

"See no one is going to stare at us now," she said as the car stopped. She got down first and held the door open for me. I looked around to see we were at the party central of Paris. "Come on." She said as I nodded and followed. I looked back to see Caleb was still following us but he was 10 steps behind us. She looked at the name of the restaurant and seemed confused. "What's wrong?" I asked as I stood next to her.

"They use to have a whiskey bar here. Best in town" she said and seemed a bit sad.

"Come on alcohol is alcohol," I said as I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the bar. It was an Arcade bar. With one side of the place solely dedicated to arcade games and their other side had a few tables and the main bar. We sat at the bar and I looked around. Caleb sat at the corner bar stool. The games seemed fun.

"Wanna play?" Willow asked as she knew where my attention was. "Let's have a drink maybe after that," I said and she nodded. I ordered myself a beer whereas Willow went for tequila on the rocks. I think she really likes tequila. Last time also she ordered the same.

"So how you doing?" she asked me as she took a sip from her glass.

"Good, I have settled down well now I guess. Took a little bit getting used to but now I feel like I have lived here forever" I said as I drank my beer.

"That's good" she smiled "How are things with Andy?" making me tense up a little "You don't have to talk about it if you don't," she said smiled and just nodded.

"You never told me how you know how to fly a plane," I asked her trying to change the topic and she just smiled "I was served in the Air Force for 3 years on and off," she said nodding as she sat with her elbow on the bar supporting her head as she gave her me her full attention.

"How is that possible?" I asked confused "Weren't you studying? And if I remember correctly you have like a 1 or so year of a gap year."

"Well as I was done with my bachelors when I was 17. I started working on my pilot license. Then at 18 when I got it, I joined the Air Force, flew the fighter jets for a year. Then as it was too dangerous for me to be in the front lines moms pulled me back and made me like the new face of it or something. It's like this person who goes and trains with other countries Air Force. I was in New York for a while studying as that was my cover. But I did study and get my degree while I trained with the Air Force on the weekends. I was like on the call when needed bases. So I didn't always work. After that moms were like your going to handle the foundation so you need a degree so I was like cool. While I was in Oxford getting my degree I also worked with the RAF SAR that is Royal Air Force Search and Rescue. That's how I severed 3 years in total while I got my degree." She explained, "You can bend the rules when you're a royal." She snorted as she then drank. By the looks, it looked like she didn't really like all these rule-breaking. But I don't know why? She breaks so many herself. But what if she does that because she wants to be held responsible.

"Come on let's go play," I said trying to lighten the mood as I pulled out some cash from my pocket asking for some coins to play with. I spilt the mountain of coins and gave half to her. She just looked at me amused but took it and put it in her pocket.

"I have a confession to make," she said after chugging her drink

"What?" I asked as I put two coins in a Pac-man machine. This place had a lot of old arcade games and I loved it. "Don't judge but I have never played arcade games..." she said nervily as she scratched the back of her neck and bit her lower lip. I looked at her wide-eyed.

"You kidding me?" I said shocked and she shook her head no. "Fuck Pac-Man we are teaching you how to play Donkey Kong," I said grabbing her hand taking her to the Donkey kong machine. Someone was playing the game "We need the machine next." I said looking at the guy playing he just ignored me. "This is not a girls game," he said not even looking at me.

"Wait! What?!" I said out loud now pissed. "You think this girl can't beat the crap out of you then your out for a rough awakening," I said above to push him but Willow grabbed me. "Chill let me handle this.

"Ok, will you let go of the machine if I give you 50 buck?" She asked standing in front of me to make sure I didn't try to shove him.

"Hey don't give this brat money"

"100," he said and Willow pulled out her wallet "done here you go," she said as she gave him a crisp new 100 buck bill.

"All yours ladies," He said smirking looking at me mocking me with his smile as he walked away. Making me do something I hadn't don't in ages. I bumped into him a little as he walked by me. I didn't say anything just put it in my pocket as he slipped the bill in his pocket.

"Ok come on teach me how to play this," Willow said standing in front of the machine pulling my attention. "Yup," I said as I put in coins in the machine. "Ok, so you have to make this guy reach the princess avoiding getting hit but the barrels" she nodded and then tried to do as I said but kept failing.

"This game is annoying," she said whining like a kid as she crossed her arms across her chest making chuckling.

"Ok come on I will help you out," I said as I took her hands and put them on the buttons and joystick. I put my hands over hers as I look over her shoulder. I had to stand on my tiptoes because she seemed taller than me cause of her shoes. "Ok," I said as I put the coins in and started the game again. This time moving the moving her hand as I helped her play the game. After a while when she got the hang of it I stopped moving her hands as she was doing it on her own. I turned my head and looked at her.

Truly looked at her. She was biting her lower lip and her eyes were a little squinted. I had realized that she did that when she was focused on something.

After a point like she could feel my stares she looked at me. She had a shy smile on her face. Her lips looked soo kissable right now. So soft and pink. Unconsciously I leaned in she leaned in too but then quickly pulled away, looking at the game.

Wait! What the fuck was I think? I removed my hands and stood next to her as she lost again.

"I don't think I was built for this game." She said smiling pretending like I didn't just try to kiss her and she didn't just totally pulled away. I nodded smiling "I guess it's not, How about those basketball game? Maybe your good at those?" I asked trying to forget the most dumbest and embarrassing shit I just did.

"Yeah let's go play" she smiled as she fast-walked towards that game like an excited little kid.

We played the basketball game and turns out she was actually really good at it. I lost to her 3 times. We had a couple of more drinks and had loosened up a little. We played around, trying out every game we could. Mainly because she had never actually played any of these. She was good at all the aiming and throwing games so we made it into a competition.

"And Ms Willow D'bR Wins again for the third time," she said in a weird UFC anchor voice as she raised her hand in the hair and then took a bow. I just crossed my arms and looked at her laughing. "Ok come on maybe you can redeem yourself in whatever that is," she said walking past me and walked into the curtain. I stood outside waiting for her to realize it's a photo booth. She poked her head out and looked at me sheepishly "It's a photo booth" she said sticking her tongue out at the end of the sentence. We both were pretty buzzed at this point. She may be more than me. "Let's click photos," she said pulling me in. Putting the coins in and then pressing on a button. She took off her cap and wig. Letting her hair flow. God how was her hair soo beautiful.

For the first shot, we posed normally smiling. For second and third willow made weird faces and I followed her, last one we were just laughing our asses off at our stupidity. When it was done Willow tied up her hair and then wore her wig and cap. We went out and willow took both the photo slip giving me one. When I slipped it in my pocket I felt the thing I had taken before and pulled it out. "Hey, here you go," I said and took out 2 50 bills and gave them to her.

"Come on your not paying me back," she said moving her hands away from me.

"Lol I'm not this is that dudes wallet I took when I bumped into him. His face annoyed the hell out of me" I said shrugging with a smile as I put the cash in her pocket. "Also he's paying for a shot of tequila to apologise for that stupid comment he made," I said as I took out a little more cash from the wallet. As we walked towards the bar. "2 shots of Tequila please" I said giving the bartender he nodded and poured it for us. I gave the wallet to the bartender saying I found it lying on the floor and he took it nodding and thanking me. I picked up the shot and gave one to her. She had an amused look on her face.

"You are something else Ms. Newman," she said with a smile that light up her eyes.

"I know. Cheer!" I said clinking our glasses and downing the shot. She did the same. "Let's go I want to watch a movie," she said grabbing on to one of my hands and then wrapping both her arms around it.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused as she put a couple of 100 bills on the counter playing for the drinks. I think she paid way more than the actual amount but before I could point that out she had already dragged me out of the bar.

"Movie now?" I asked confused I looked at the time and it was past midnight. Wow, we didn't even realize when the time passed.

"Yeah. You like a horror movie?" she asked as out of nowhere Caleb opened the door for her. Lord, I had forgotten he was even there with us. We got in the car as I nodded my head. "Yeah I like horror movies," I said as we drive to probably her place.

"I want to watch this movie but then I don't like horror movies creep the fuck out of me," she said as she closed her eyes. Taking off the wig and cap. Opening the window a little as the cold air hit her face she breathed out a sigh and smiled.

"So you want me there to what protect you?" I said mockingly laughing she shoved me playfully.

"If you don't wanna I can drop you off at your place."

"Nah Nah it's fine we can watch the movie," I said as I leaned my head against my headrest.

"You know I have an idea for the theme." She said looking at me smiling. She seemed a bit drunk maybe that's why she was acting so childish.

"What is it?" I asked looking at her. I'm just a little drunk too and maybe that's why I'm being soo open with her.

"Auction Arcade," she said as if I understood what an auction arcade was.

"Those are 2 separate words that don't go together. Unless we auctioning Arcade games" I said not sure what she was talking about.

"Not like that, we have arcade games and we will auction stuff. Like you know amazing weekend in the Bahamas at our private island or a date with me stuff like that."

"Ohhh that sounds fun," I said nodding as she got out when we reached the house. I recorded a voice note just to make sure none of us forgets the idea. She held the house door open for me and then dragged me to a screening room.

"Nice house," I said as I sat down on the couch and I swear to god this might have been the most comfortable couch ever. It had a leg rest, which I popped up.

"Where the fuck is the remote?" Willow said as she looked around then out of nowhere her breast was in my face. She was stretching across me to get to the remote, which was apparently behind me. I just closed my eyes and froze in my place. "Come on! I don't want to get up" she mumbled as I felt her breast now touching my face. She's drunk, it means nothing She's drunk. "Yes!" she said and then bounced down next to me. Finally!

"Have you seen this old movie?" she said as she put up 'The Counjuring'

"Yeah, it's a classic. You're telling me you haven't seen this yet?" I asked amused.

"well, I'm trying to now so chill" she crossed her arms like an annoyed child.

"Fine come on let's watch it," I said as I got comfortable on the couch.

The movie started and 10 minutes in Willow was stuck to me like bubble gum. Somehow from somewhere, she had a blanket over her that by default was on me too. Nothing scary has even happened yet and the blanket half covers her face.

Half an hour in Willow took my hand to cover her face. I don't know what was wrong with her hand but she had my hand and she fucking scratches like a cat. My hand was hurting but I was just looking at her the whole time. She was soo fucking amusing. I shook my head and tried to focus on the movie.

I didn't even realize when I dozed off in the middle of the movie.

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

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