Remember the Rules

By RanielleTJ4

7.4K 478 2

Skye and Kat's daughters are all grown up, or well some still have a little growing up to do. Nia is busines... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 3

188 10 0
By RanielleTJ4

Abigail's POV

I got out of the house and pressed the elevator button, getting in I saw someone exiting the bitch's apartment. It was a blonde girl carrying her heels in her hand and keys in her mouth. Who's this? The bitch lives with someone? That's when it hit me, that was the bitch. I quickly pressed close button and waved bye to her like she did to me yesterday.

I got out of the elevator and went to my car when I saw a  bike standing next to my car. It was an really old bike, yesterday there was a sports car there. I just shrugged it off and  drove to the hotel I was told to show up at. So that bitch is blond? Wasn't she a redhead? Why she wearing a suit? Stop thinking about her Abby, breathe it's your first day to work you're  meeting the Queens today. Just breathe.

I parked my car in front of the hotel and got out, I straightened the white dress i was wearing, picked up my purse and entered the hotel to find Fifi standing in the lobby.

"Hey" I said with a smile. She took a few seconds to recognize me but when she did she gave me a huge smile.

"How are you my child?" she said as she gave me a hug.

"I'm good ma'am" I said.

"Good Good" she said with a smile.

"They are here" I said as I saw the queens enter. She nodded. We both did a curtsy when they stood in front of us and then shook their hand.

"Your Majesty" I said and Queen Alexandra smiled at me.

"It's a pleasure finally meeting you, I have heard a lot about you" she said.

"The pleasure is all mine your highness" I said with a smile.

"Shall we?" Princess Katherine said I nodded and did a curtsy.

They both walked ahead of us and sat in a limo and we sat in the car behind theirs. I waved at Andy as I got in the car.

"Damn that was scary" Fifi said chuckling as she held my hand. I gave her smile, I used to work with her in the US after getting out of school. Working part time for  her while I continued first getting my Bachelors then my Masters in Public Administration with an additional Bachelor in Psychology. During this time I started doing trips to Africa, after one of those trips I found out she had been made the head of foundation and I was her replacement for the US office. This happened right after I got my Bachelors. Before leaving she told me that she was grooming me to be her successor. Now 3 years later her wish has come true, I'm her replacement as the Head of KJZ Charitable Foundation.

I know it's a weird name but it is named after previous King. King Kinsey whose full name was Kinsey Jackson Zeid Benjamin D'Bourbon hence the  KJZ.

Princess Wilhelmina is the Chairwoman of the Foundation under the supervision of the Queens of course. No one really knows what the princess really looks like and the only reason I know that she is the chairwoman is because she signs all the important documents. For the public eye Queen Alexandra is the Chairwoman of the foundation.

We reached the Foundation which was like two blocks away from the hotel. That means when going back home I will have to walk back to the hotel and get my car.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about Willow she is the nicest kid you will ever meet. She can be a little sassy sometimes but she is really nice, she's also really pretty. Maybe you can take her out on a date?" Fifi said as we got out of the car.

"Ma'am are you matchmaking me into a cliché? Dating my assistant?" I said chuckling. "And  I'm not looking for anyone right now" I said with a smile.

Everyone went inside as I followed them and stood in the back. I saw this one guy in the back looking down a lot and talking to someone. After a point it looked like he kicked someone. Andy, went and stood where the other guy was standing, he started to smile and signaled someone to get up. That's when I heard my name being called.

I walked towards where Fifi was standing with a smile on my face.

"Hello everyone, It's a pleasure to meet you all. It is an honor and privilege for me to be here today as your new leader. I've heard much about you and I am excited to become part of your team." That's when I saw her.

The person who that guy in the back and Andy were talking to, as if in slow motion I saw her get up, her blonde hair bouncing open as she got up, flowing so perfectly down her shoulders. No other then My Evil Bitch Neighbor, I looked in a different direction and continued "I don't know most of you, but from what I've heard, you've done some amazing work. As all of you heard, my name is Abigail Newman I'm from New York. I have been working with this foundation since I was 18 under the guidance of Mrs Fifi. I hope I can feel her shoes over here and take this foundation towards a higher level. Thank you" I said with a smile. Everyone clapped including that bitch, the Queen and fifi went towards an office and I followed them. It was the office in the corner where Bitch was standing with a smile that would make you think she was an angel but I could see right through it.

She did a perfect curtsy in front of the Queens I almost wanted her to mess that up somehow but it was perfect. The Queens left after talking to Fifi, I was looking at Willow as she looked at me with a smile.

"Abigail" Fifi called me into the office.

"Yes ma'am" I said.

'This is your new office and..." she pushed a button on the intercom and said: "Willow can you please come in to the office" when she put the phone down the door behind me opened. I turned to look "This is Willow your Assistant. She is the best assistant you could ever find, just don't forget to give her lunch breaks as she gets cranky when she's hungry" Fifi added chuckling. The Bitch aka Willow gave a perfect angelic smile even her cheeks turned a little pink. How can this bitch blush on cue?!

"It's a pleasure meeting you ma'am, I'm at your service anytime you need me. Day or Night" she said with a smile. Something's wrong, she's way too nice. Also why is this bitch blond?

"The pleasure is all mine, I have heard a lot about you." I said with a smile. Willow left and Fifi then showed me all the work that was uncompleted. Soon Fifi left, I looked out the window and saw my view. It was nothing fancy just a view towards the hustling bustling street down streets and the café next door.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said as I turned around.

"Hello ma'am I'm here to tell your schedule of the day" Willow said with a smile.

"Yes?" I said confused.

"As Fifi had instructed me to keep your first day light ma'am, there is just one meeting today that is at 4pm. It's with Mr. Benson about your trip to French Polynesia, it is about the houses that our foundation is building there." She said with a smile.

"OK" I nodded.

"Can I ask you something ma'am?" she said nervously. I nodded "Go ahead."

"Were you the Lady in the elevator this morning?" she asked with a confused expression on her face.

"Huh? Willow I'm your neighbor remember we met yesterday and on the bus" I said confused. Was this girl dumb? she looked at me confused but as if a bulb clicked in her head she smiled.

"Oh you're the new neighbor my sister was complaining about. I think you have us confused ma'am you must have met my sister Mina. The red head... We are Twins" She said.

"That...actually makes sense" I said while exhaling deeply. That makes so much sense that's why I felt like this girl was so different from the girl I met yesterday. "ohhh Willow I'm so sorry about the elevator thing this morning. Your sister did the same thing to me yesterday, I... I  thought you were her. Although the blond hair did put me off  for a second. So you're Willow and her name is Mina?" I said and she confirmed with a nod.

"I'm so sorry about what my sister did, she has got no manners." she said genuinely.

"No no, it's okay you don't have to apologize on her behalf it was your sister. Plus she is quite... uhm unique" I said. I wanted to call her a bitch, but  I didn't think that would be the right word to call her infront of her sister.

Willow smiled, "Can't I get you anything? Coffee, Tea or Pop?" she asked.

"A coffee would be nice, plain  Black please. Also Pop?  Are you British?" I asked. This girl was so nice and intriguing, so different from her bitchass sister.

"No Ma'am, Actually  I'm part American-Belgian and Russian actually. But I studied in UK for a few years. I worked as a waitress over there when I was in college so kinda got used to calling it a Cola Pop." She said with a smile I nodded, "That's interesting. What did you study?"

"I have a Bachelor's in business administration and a Master's in Social Work from Oxford...oh and a Master's in Music Technology from NYU. I did that just to shake it up a little" she said and I almost choked on my own spit.

"I'm sorry but can I ask you how old you are? Also why are you my assistant?" I asked astonished, as she seemed too young to have a masters, and Oxford? She should be running her own foundation and not be my assistant.

"Nah it's fine" she chuckled "I'm 24"

"Aren't you a bit young to have 2 master's? Like how? Plus one is UK and the other in NY? How did you do that?" I asked her confused.

"Yeah I guess you can say I'm just I don't know I like to keep busy" she shrugged. "I graduated high school when I was 14 and got my Bachelors when I was 17. I was in UK at that time then..." she said counting on her fingers "Then I took a gap year that would be when I was 18. Stayed in New York for a while helping in my aunts hotel as a waitress as I had worked in UK as a waitress too. That's when I applied to NYU on a whim and actually got in, that was quite a shocker" she chuckled "Got my Masters when I turned 21-ish then got bored again and my parents wanted me to get a Masters in Social Work as I needed to work... I mean I wanted to work in a foundation" She said fumbling over her words a little "So went back to UK applied to Cambridge, Oxford and couple of other colleges. Got into Oxford and got my Masters in Social work around the time I turned 23, then came here and started working with the foundation," she said with a smile while I looked at her stunned.

"Damn" I said I didn't really know what else to say there was a awkward silence which she broke by saying "I'm going to go get your coffee ma'am" I nodded and she left with a smile. Couple a minutes later she got me my coffee. I smiled and she then left.

I shook my head and then focused on my work. Work rolled by as seamlessly I expected it to. At 2pm Willow called me on the intercom and told me she was leaving for her lunch break and asked if I needed anything to eat. I told her to get me a Salad anything is fine just no jalapeños. She replied with a yes ma'am. Half an hour later she knocked on my door and dropped of the Salad. "It's the special from the taco truck nearby. Without jalapenos hope you like it" she said and left.

How did I ever think this was that bitch from yesterday!

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