Is This Forever?

By Vega-Strand

3.9K 107 290

Who says love lasts forever? Tommy and Owen have been friends for some time now but what if they wanted to be... More

The Beginning
They Know
Drunk In Love
Marry Me
Checking In
Will You
Why Me
Moved On
Communication Is Key
My Love
Am I Ready
Christmas Emergency
I'm Okay
Something New
Someone New
No Need
Thank You
Coming Back
Reaching Out
Morning After
For The Day
Family Reunion
Late Night Conversations
Day One
Once A Cheater, Always A...
Love Me For Me
Memory Lane
You and I
Make This Last
The Three Words
Life Without You
Life Forever With You
Apart Of Me
Take My Time
Until Next Time
Difficult Conversations
Is This Forever


150 4 1
By Vega-Strand


Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
The Vega Residence
10:35 pm

Getting ready for bed she hears a knock on her front door. Thinking she's just hearing things she keeps tying her hair up for bed. Just when she's about to get into bed her phone vibrates from her nightstand.

Owen: Open the door

Looking at the screen about to reply but decides against it. Walking to the door, unlocking it, and swinging the door open. "Are you going to let me in?" "What are you doing here?" "I came to see you." "In the middle of the night, my girls are trying to sleep." "Please?" Stepping out of the way so he can walk in, closes the door, then puts her back against it. Continuing to walk into the house then turning around to see Tommy still by the door. "Why are you standing over there." "Owen, what are you doing here?" "I wanted to see my girlfriend." "We just saw each other like six hours ago." "So?" "Owen-" "Tommy please." "Fine, but my daughters are here so we're not going to do anything crazy."

Walking up to her pulling her close to him by her waist. "I would never do that with Izzy and Evie around. But what I can do is make out with you." Without hearing her answer he starts to kiss on her neck, turning around, and back peddling onto the couch.  Before getting to the couch Tommy turns them around so she would potentially be on top of him. After about 10 minutes of touching and kissing, they hear footsteps coming from the hallway.

Quickly getting up and making themselves look a little presentable, Izzy comes around the corner. "Mom? Oh, what's Captain Strand doing here?" "Oh, well uh, he's telling me about something that happened at work." "Oh, ok, well good night." After hearing the twins' door close behind Izzy the captains of the 126 jumped up. "Tommy we can't do this out here no more." "You think?"

Pulling him into her room he closes the door behind him. Spinning her around picking her up by her butt, pinning her against the door. Walking backward turning around and placing her on the bed. Continuing to kiss her. Trailing his hands under her shirt, up and down her sides. Pulling up her shirt leaving kisses on her stomach while bringing her shirt up and over her head. "Owen, what are you doing?" "I'm just trying to show your body some appreciation." "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah."

For about an hour after their session, nothing was left on their bodies except for their underwear while they were cuddled up together. "I think I should get going. I don't want the girls to see me in the morning." "You can stay Owen, it's fine, I'll tell them sometime this week." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Okay."

Pulling her closer to him and putting his chin on her shoulder. "Tommy?" "Yes?" "I don't know if it's too soon to say this but I have to." "Say what?" "Tommy, I love you." Turning around in his arms to look him in the eyes, looking for truth in them. "Owen I-" "Tommy if you don't feel the same way don't feel obligated to say it back." "Owen I do feel the same." "If you feel the same can I hear you say the words?" "Owen?" "Yeah?" "I love you too." "That's all I wanted to hear." Closing the small gap between them and going in for a kiss. With Owen's hands on Tommy's waist and her hand holding his face.

Flipping him over so that he is laying flat on his back Tommy places both of her legs on either side of him. "Tommy." "What?" "I thought you said-" "I know what I said." "Then why are we-" Kissing along his jaw line she replies, "Let's just stay like this just for a little longer." "Okay."

While she continues to kiss him, Owen was rubbing his hands up and down her waist. "Tommy maybe we should get some rest we have a shift tomorrow afternoon." he reminded.

"Maybe that's a good idea." she says as she's about to climb off of him until he grabs her face and placed a few more kisses on her lips. Pulling her off of him tightening his grip around her waist bringing her closer to him. Kissing her neck receiving a small hum in return and with that, they both drifted off to sleep.

Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
The Vega Residence
7:22 am

Waking up, his eyes adjust to the sun coming through the window. Feeling around the bed not feeling Tommy next to him he got up. Putting on his clothes he opens the bedroom door to see if the girls were still sleeping, which they were. Walking into the kitchen seeing Tommy making the twins breakfast. "Good morning." "Good morning, did you sleep ok?" "It started good but about an hour ago I became restless." "What would be the reason for that?" "You weren't under me anymore." "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Walking around the counter he slightly turns her placing a kiss on her lips. "Owen I was thinking." "About?" "We should tell them." "Right now?" "It'll be better to just get it over with." "I guess telling them would explain why I stayed over last night." "I guess so." Turning back around to finish cooking Owen walks behind her and holds her placing his chin on her shoulder. "They should be waking up in a minute. Do you mind getting plates from the cabinet?" "No, I don't. How many?" "Four please."

Grabbing the plates from the cabinet and setting them by the stove. 5 minutes later Izzy and Evie came out of their room. "Good morning mi niñas." "Good morning Mom and Captain Strand." "Good morning girls." Placing a decent amount of food on each plate Owen grabbed two and Tommy grabbed the others. "Okay, girls time to eat." Gathering at the table the girls started to eat while the two captains stared at each other. "Okay, girls, Captain Strand and I have something to tell you guys." "What is it?" "Well uh-" "Your mom and I are-" "Dating?

Looking at each other shocked that they had already known. "How did you guys know?" "Last night when I came into the living room and saw you guys I knew something was up." "And how exactly did you figure that out?" "Captain Strand was here in the middle of the night and you said he was telling you something about work." "Right." "Well you two were sitting in the dark and you guys weren't talking." "Well ok then." "So are you guys ok with your mom and I being together?" "Yeah, we're ok with it." "Good."

Finishing up their breakfast the girls got ready for school and got on the bus leaving only Tommy and Owen in the house. "You know we have about six hours until we have to be at work." "I know." "So, why won't we finish what we wanted to get started last night." "It depends." "Depends on what?" "It depends on how long you want to do it for." "I guess we're just going to have to find out then."

Closing the gap between them capturing each other's lips. Their tongues fight for dominance which Owen ultimately won. Backpedaling into the room and then kicking the door closed behind them. Slightly pushing her on the bed he takes a second to take her beauty in. "What?" "Nothing I was just thinking how beautiful you are." "I should be saying that to you Mr. 6-step skincare routine." "Really? Oh, ok."

Diving in to kiss her neck once again leaving a few hickey's that she would for sure remember this time all while tickling her for the comment she had left earlier making her giggle. Taking each other's shirts off and teasing each other's skin. Captain Strand kisses from her lips to her navel. Just when they're about to start what they've been longing for the doorbell rings.


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