You and I

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The night before the wedding

Over the past month, Derek and Tommy took some steps back into the relationship they had before that night in May.

Derek started to stay at Tommy's place again, and they spent every moment of their days off together. It was the bare minimum, but it was everything to them.

Right now Tommy lay awake, missing her fiancé and wishing he could be here right now.

Derek too, couldn't sleep but it wasn't only because he missed his fiancé, but he was nervous.

He had never been in a relationship to this extent before. Yes, he's had serious relationships but never serious enough to pop the question.

But with Tommy, everything was different. She was different.

Tommy was a woman who got bashful over the smallest of compliments. A woman who showed her love for you through acts of affection. But most importantly a woman who loves family more than anything, and will put them first over everything.

11:35 p.m.

As she lies in her bed, the only source of light was a candle in the corner of the room, she thinks.

She still thinks about her fiancé. But not only her fiancé; her late husband.

How she's renting out the first place they bought together. How she hasn't visited his grave in almost two months. But importantly, she's getting married.

But she knows this is what Charles would've wanted for her. A man that could hold up to his stature.

A man that she was actively missing.

Would it be wrong for her to call him or should she text?

She let her mind get the best of her and called him and he picked up almost immediately.


"Hello?" He spoke, holding the phone to his ear. "Hi." She replied. He could hear the sheets moving on her end. "Hi. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about you." She replied. "Were you already awake? You answered the phone pretty quick."

In all honesty, when she called he was three seconds from calling her.

"Yes, I was. But are sure you're okay?" He asked once again. "I'm okay. I just couldn't sleep. I don't know if it's because I'm nervous or excited about tomorrow." She spoke.

"I still can't believe we got to this point. We're getting married." He thought aloud.

"I know. It feels all too surreal."

Friday, August 22nd, 2025
2:45 p.m

The day was beautiful. The sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Shining light onto the couple's guests and the flowers that were sprawled across the room.

Around the venue, people were seen taking pictures of themselves and the setting around them.

At the moment Derek and Tommy were with their best man and maid of honor, putting the final touches on their outfits.


"Your last hour before being a married woman. How do you feel?" Grace asked.

"I'm excited. I love him. I do and I'm ready to start the next chapter in our lives." Tommy replied. "Well I'm happy for you and you look stunning friend." She said glancing over Tommy's dress.

Tommy wore a sleek wedding dress with one sleeve. It pooled around her as she stood looking over herself in the mirror.

Turning to face Grace she replies, "Thank you, friend. Wait are you crying?" Grace dapped her eyes with a tissue she had been holding.

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