Will You

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Sunday, May 28th, 2023
The Vega-Strand Residence

While laying in bed tonight Tommy and Owen decided to ask each other some questions. Some of the questions being "Would you ever cheat on me?" Which Owen ultimately said "of course not" too. In return he asked her would she ever leave him which she also had said no too.
November 2nd, 2023
2 weeks after the breakup

While at work Owen looks out his windows to see Tommy working at her desk. Trying to decide against going to talk to her because they've been keeping things on a professional level since that dreadful night. Deciding to go with his heart he gets up and walks to her office. Knocking at her door he waited until he heard her tell him to come in. "Yes Owen?" She said unbothered. "How did you know it was me?" He says with a small smile on his face. "What do you need Owen?" She muttered.

Sitting in silence for a second he finally speaks up, "How can I make this right? How can I get us back to where we were? Well not to where we were but better." He voiced. Continuing to write on the paper she ignored him. "Tommy can you come back home?" He pleaded. "I'm still there." She says still not looking up at him. "I know you're still there and I am as well but when I go home after every shift it just feels like a place that I just so happen to lay my head at. But, when I came home to you after every shift it felt like that place had a purpose. Tommy you are my home and if you leave me, it'll feel like my home left too."

Finally looking him in his eyes she says, "You do know that you cheated on me right. Then when caught in the act you tried to play dumb about it. Then you had the nerve to do it in our bed. In our home, the one that we just so happen to live with my girls at. What if Grace and Judd hadn't volunteered to take them for the night would you have still done it while they were home?" Before he could say anything back the bell rung for a call the Paramedic team had to tend to. Getting up from her chair brushing past him and letting him sit with what she had just said.

While Owen waited for the paramedic crew to come back so that he and Tommy can finish talking, well if she wanted to continue the conversation. Which it sounded like she most definitely didn't. He was still thinking about what he was going to say to her when Judd walked in. "Hey Judd. What can I do for you?" "No disrespect but when you asked for Tommy's hand I asked you to treat her right. And what did you say?" He asked in a irritated voice. "I said I would." Owen says waiting on the next part. "So why when my wife and I came to drop the girls off at your home your supposed girlfriend looked as if she was crying and you were nowhere to be found. So when Grace talked to her she told her everything." He relayed starting to get louder.

"Judd I know and i'm trying to make it right." He spoke. "Let me tell you something Owen. If Charles was still here today Tommy wouldn't have gave you the time of day. But, when she decided to tear down the wall around her heart that she had been dreading to let down you toyed it with for fun. And I don't want to hear that you really do love her because if you really did you wouldn't had ripped her heart out of her chest." He says angrily.

"That's enough Judd." They both turn to see the woman that they cared about standing in the doorway. "T, you and I are family and i'm not just going to let anyone walk over you like that even if he is my captain." He says towards Tommy but looking at Owen. "And I appreciate that but he decided that wasting a year and a half of my life was worth it that's his problem because I'm over us." She declared. "No Tommy pleas-" "No you had your chance if she's ready to let go of you then she gets to you can't keep holding her back."Judd speaks before he could finish.

"Keep holding her back? When we were together, thriving at that, there was nothing more than love and opportunities. And if I hadn't made the mistake I made I would've found the perfect time to propose. Now I know that I did some things on a night that I don't remember very well and I will live with that regret dearly but Judd you and Grace knew I was serious about her or else I wouldn't have came to you asking for her hand and you wouldn't have said yes. And I know there's nothing to do with this information I'm giving you now but I wouldn't have did all those things if I wasn't serious about her." He says finally raising his voice. "But I guess that doesn't matter now does it?" Judd asked walking out right after Tommy.

Pulling the ring from out of his desk he sighed.


The next morning when the crew of the 126 were getting ready to go home, Owen still sat in his desk the words that he, Judd, and Tommy shared last night still running through his head. "Was she really over us?"He thought. He was so caught up in his head that he didn't even notice the woman he had been thinking of standing in front of him.

"Owen." "Oh!" He said shocked. "What have you been thinking about the past five minutes I've been standing here trying to get your attention?" She asked. "I was just thinking about what you had said when Judd was in here earlier. I just don't want to believe it's true." He said only looking up at the end of his sentence.

"Owen I had a chance at love again and you gave me an experience that I would never forget. All the new things we tried together, all the moments we've shared together that I will continue to hold dearly to my heart. I just feel that our time has come to an end. But, maybe one day we might've found our way back to each other. But I think we're better off friends for now. So as of right now this is me saying goodbye to us." Waking around to where he sat she leaned down and grabbed his face and pecked his lips.

Still holding his face she looks him in the eyes. "We made a damn good team." Letting his face go she walks out of his office.

Their shift is over but even though they're going to the same place they arrived in different cars. While they were home, the moment they had shared earlier that night hadn't been discussed. Most of the 126  aren't sure if would ever find their way back to each other but with what Tommy had said it seems as if they both had a little hope that they would one day get back together. It may not be now or ever but they'll figure it out together. Right?


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