For The Day

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Everyone else's perspective if the day

After he got off of this very ominous call with Tommy he did exactly what she asked of him. He walked into her bedroom to see Amira putting on her necklace.

"Babe I need you to do me a favor." She turned and looked at him. "That depends i'm pretty busy today." "Well I need you, well Captain Vega asked if you could sub for her just for the day." He said.

"I guess I'll change my schedule. But did she tell you why?" Amira said walking past him. "All she said was that she had some type of emergency and she was headed to the hospital." He replied nonchalantly.

"What do you mean hospital? Is she okay?"-"She told me she was okay then she hung up. So i don't know?" He replied. "Do you think it's her fiancé? What's his name?.... Derek?" "I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that we have two hours before we have to be at work so?" He said raising his eyebrows.


He and Amira rode in the car together even though EMS and Fire have different schedules. But after about an hour everyone was there.

Though T.K and Nancy were wondering where their captain was because every time she was going to be out she told them.


Owen heard a knock at his office door and when he looked up the two paramedics were already in the chairs in front of him.

"What can I help you guys with?" He said looking back down at his computer. "Where's Captain Vega and why is Captain Keys filling in for her?" T.K asked. "She called me at six o'clock this morning saying she had an emergency and she was headed to the hospital." He said once again nonchalantly.

"Hospital? Did she say what was wrong?" Nancy interjected. "Well no. I asked her what was going on and she didn't reply. She asked me to ask Amira and when I said okay she hung up on me." Owen said looking up at them for a split second.

The two paramedics then got up from the chairs and walked out of the room. "We're definitely going to her house after shift." Nancy whispered and T.K shook his head yes.

As much as Owen acted like he didn't care, he did. He tried getting in touch with Tommy throughout the day but her phone was going straight to voicemail. TK and Nancy were both trying to reach her but they had the same outcome.


It was now 1 o'clock in the morning and one of their phones finally started to ring. It was Nancy's. She grabbed it off of the nightstand and quickly got up when she seen who it was. She then woke TK up and went downstairs in the kitchen to take the call.

Nancy- Hello?
Tommy- Hey Nance I know it's late but I'm barely getting home now and I seen that you called.
Nancy- Yeah I did. TK's with me too
TK- Hey Cap
Tommy- Hey TK, what's going on?
Nancy- Captain Strand told us that you were at the hospital. Are you okay?
Tommy- I'm okay
TK- Then why did you go to the hospital?
Tommy- Derek had a heart attack this morning and is now in a coma and the doctors said they don't know when he'll wake up. But don't worry I'll be back at work on Monday.
Nancy- Do you think you should? I think the chief would understand some time off
Tommy- No I'm good I just need to get back to work
TK- Well we were going to come over a little after shift but if you're not up for it we understand
Tommy- Not that's fine

Before they answered Tommy heard the bells go off over the phone.

Nancy- Bye Cap we have to go
TK- Bye cap
Tommy- Bye kids

End Of Call


For the rest of their shift Nancy and TK were recruiting everyone to come with them to Tommy's home. They decided they would go at 1 p.m because 7 o'clock in the morning is too early to be at someone's house on a Sunday.


It was now 1 p.m and everyone arrived to the Vega residence. Well except for Owen and Judd; Owen had said he needed to handle something and no one questioned him. Then Judd said they had dinner planned for the same night so he'll see her then. Nancy took the liberty of knocking on the door and when Tommy opened it she was shocked.

"Wow you brought whole crew." She said letting them all in. "Well we missed you yesterday and we all wanted to come and check on you and we brought food." Nancy said when her and Mateo held up bags of food. "Well I'm glad that you all are here." As everyone gathered around the table the doorbell rung once again. Tommy got back up and opened it.

When she got back into the dining area she was walking back with this older woman. "Hey guys this is Mrs.Johnson, Derek's aunt. Mrs. Johnson this is T.K, Carlos, Nancy, Mateo, Marjan, and Paul." She said pointing out everyone. Everyone greeted her and Carlos says, "There's more than enough room if you'd like to join us." Barbra looked over at Tommy and she put her hand out to one of the open chairs.

Throughout their time eating Barbra was putting the faces to the people Tommy told her about yesterday. It felt good for both of the women to take their minds off of their world that was currently crumbling around them.


At the hospital
Derek's POV

I was still trying to get out of this state so I can get back to my world. I know how I felt when Tommy was in the hospital but Tommy is different. She doesn't like to show her emotions unless it's around her close family so I know how this is affecting her. I was trying to figure out a way to get back to her when I heard the door open. I walked into my living room and seen the man sitting on my couch. I wanted to scream but what difference would it make?

"Derek I never formally apologized for what I initiated but I'm sorry. You are the man that Tommy needs in her life and that's the reason you need to wake up. You and I both know Tommy and when she gets emotional she either shows it full force or she bottles it up and that's what she's doing right now. She won't let those emotions out even though the 126 is at her house right now as we speak she's going to act like everything is fine. Then when she gets alone she's going to empty all of it out on a pillow. So, Derek if you won't wake up for yourself wake up for her."

As much as I didn't like the guy he was right. I need to come back and sooner rather than later. The woman that I love is wandering the land not knowing if I'm going to live or die and I need to fix that.


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