The Beginning

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3 1/2 months ago
Tuesday, February 1st, 2022
Time Unavailable

This week has been absolute torture to the family that is the 126. With T.K. and Paul in the hospital. One suffering from Hypothermia and the other suffering from Severe Hypothermia the crew and their captains felt like they were going through a snowy hell. With one captain blaming herself for what happened to T.K. and the other blaming themselves for everything that has happened over the past few months. But maybe them all coming together to say goodbye to their firehouse was just the miracle they needed to all come back and be under the same roof once again.

3 1/2 months later
Time Unrecognizable

The 126 Firehouse has been up and running for about 2 months now and it's been great. Well besides Owen's neighbor from the Hill Country is an absolute lunatic. From leading thousands of people to believe there was a biological attack at the governor's office, putting a dead pig in Owen's bed, and setting her art studio on fire. Oh, and drugging Carlos and T.K. and literally stabbing Marjan in the back.
This is not all the trials and tribulations that the 126 has been through the past few months but it takes the cake.

Flash forward
Monday, October 23rd, 2023
10:23 pm

"Babe I'm here!" Closing the door behind her, slipping out of her shoes. Not seeing him in the kitchen she walks up the stairs to their bedroom. Slightly opening the door she's surprised to see what's on the other side. Feeling like her feet are stuck in molasses she sits there. Seeing her everything, the love of her life with, someone else.

"Wow," pulling the girl off of him he sees the woman that he came to "love" standing in the doorway. Her heart shattered before her. Turning on her heel walking back down the stairs, hearing footsteps running down behind her. "Wait!" "What?!" Turning on her heel to face him, tears streamed down her face. "Look, Tommy, I'm so sorry, it-" "What are you going to say huh? It was a moment of weakness? Huh? Or the one that everyone has at least once in their lifetime, it'll never happen again."

"When you put it that way it does sound bad." "What the hell are you talking about? The whole thing is bad." "What do you mean." "You cheating on me with your ex-girlfriend. Who might I add dumped you? Then you're going to cheat on me after everything? Wow." Seeing Catherine walking down the stairs she looks back at Owen and storms out of the house.

Present Day
Thursday, May 12th, 2022
7:45 pm

Tonight the two captains of the 126 have a date. Well, I wouldn't call it a date but who knows where the night might lead them. The only person that knows they're going on this date is Grace because she volunteered to watch the girls for tonight.

While Tommy is worried that if she goes on this date with Owen that she would ruin her and her late husband's legacy. Their girls, their home, and their relationship that lasted almost 15 years. If she didn't have Grace by her side she definitely wouldn't have made it out of the house let alone to the table sitting in front of Owen.
2 hours into their date
2-3 craft cocktails later
9:00 pm

"You know Tommy I stopped having sex on the first date." "What makes you think you're going to start again?" "You've been giving me those lovey-dovey Tommy eyes all night." "Lovey-dovey Tommy eyes?" "You do it a lot especially when you're talking about Izzy and Evie." "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Yes, you do." "Anyway, it's not going to happen." "We'll see." "Yeah, we'll see alright."
Friday, May 13th, 2022
12:18 am

Pushing the door open with their bodies and then kicking it closed behind them. Kicking her shoes off while walking up the stairs backward loosening up his tie and tossing it to the floor. Ripping off his shirt buttons flying everywhere too busy to notice because he's focused on his co-captain at the moment. Making their way into the bedroom he pushes her onto the bed. Pulling herself up so that she's laying on the pillows he gets on top of her.

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