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Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
The comeback

Today is Tommy's first day back. Her paramedics let her get dressed in peace but once she got to her office she was bombarded with Nancy and T.K coming into her office making themselves comfortable. They told her every detail about the fun calls they went on and what she missed out on. She gave them her undivided attention well that was until the bell rang.

They called for both the engine and the ladder and then the ambulance. All of the paramedics jumped up and jogged to the ambulance bay. During the ride there Tommy was preparing herself for her first call in two months.

She was nervous about it but she wasn't new to this. Tommy knew what she had to do. She knew that once she stepped out of the ambulance she wasn't just Tommy Vega anymore. She was Paramedic Captain Tommy Vega and she was the best damn paramedic in all of Austin. So, a little nervousness will never stop her from being the bad ass she is.

7 hours later

It was now dinner time and the 126 were all down stairs talking while Chef Paul cooked well except Owen. He said he had paperwork to file but he'd be down stairs when the food was ready. Everyone was talking amongst each other but they were all mostly talking to Tommy,asking how her leave went.

She was in the middle of talking to Nancy when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She didn't stop talking when she reached for her phone, in-fact she didn't look at her phone until she was done talking.

When she got to the text it's was about ten minutes before she read it or even seen who it was. But she already had a feeling that it was Owen summoning her to his office so she excused herself from the table and walked up the stairs.

"You texted?" She asked walking in his office to where he stood. "I did. I just wanted to see how your first day back went?" He asked turning to face her. "It was good, you know. I missed it. But, what's up with you, I haven't seen you all day." She asked. "You know. I had a lot to catch up on and I told Amira i'd help her find a permanent house. I've just been busy." He said. "Well I missed my friend and I missed my family." She said looking out the window where the trucks rested. "I missed you." It sounded like a play on what she had just said but when she picked out all of the pieces there was something more than he was putting on.

"Owen." She says looking back at him. "I'm serious. After you got out of the hospital I seen you all but three times. Yeah I just seen you two weeks ago but I like when it's just us so we can talk without all of the noise." He rambled. "Are you okay Owen?" She asked.

He took a second before he took two fast steps and grabbed her face kissing her deeply. This went on for a second until she pushed him off. "Tommy i'm so sorry. I don't know what just washed over me."

She nodded her head looking at the floor, she seemed confused. That was until she lifted her head back up and kissed him back. His hands stayed in her back pushing her into him.
They weren't clawing at each other's clothes or kissing sloppily. It was soft like; a "reunion" kiss.

Then the bell rung and it broke them out of their trance. She was dazed and confused on what she just did. Her paramedics noticed something shift in her mood since they last saw her. She was fumbling over her words in the field and stayed quiet on the way back to the station.

She and Owen didn't talk for the rest of their shift. Short glances? Yes. Talking? Absolutely not.

After Shift
Vega Residence

When she got home it was about 6:00pm and Derek should've been home. She yelled up the stairs for him and didn't get a reply. She dropped her bags at the end of the stairs and ran up them. When she got to their door she seen him coming out of it. "Baby what's going on?" He said as he took his cuff links off. His only answer was when she jumped in his arms kissing him. He wasn't complaining but he just wondered what compelled her to act this way.

When they reached the bed he sat down but he wasn't like that for long. He broke the kiss and sat up. He placed his hands on her waist when he said this, "Tommy how was your day?" She was still kissing his neck until he grabbed her face and stopped her. "Tommy how was your day?" He asked again. "It was good. Great even." She says making her way to his belt buckle. When he felt his belt loosen around his waist he brought her eyes back up to his. "What's wrong my love?" He asked

"I just really missed you. I went from seeing you every day for a month to not seeing you at all for 24 hours. I missed you Derek." She says with tears filling up in her eyes. "T, what happened? Why are you crying?" He says looking her in the eyes. "This shift was hell you know. But, I don't want anything else. My life with the 126, my girls, and you in it is all that I need. Derek I really do love you so, so much." She said letting the tears fall.

"I love you too my love but i'm not going to have sex with you while you're crying like this. So let's just go take an innocent shower and put some comfortable clothes on and I'll hold you. I'll hold you until you fall asleep or if want to cry in my arms. I'll hold you until you want to talk or if you want to just sit in silence all night. I'll hold you because I love you Tommy. Is that ok with you?" He asked and she nodded in return.

After their shower they laid in bed. They didn't move from that spot just like he said they would do. After all this time all she could think about was the kiss well full blown make out session she had with Owen. She couldn't tell him what she did she couldn't see his heart break in front of her. She knows what that feels like.

A hour after shift
Strand residence

When he got home Amira was waiting for him. He acknowledged her by kissing her then walked down the hall to take a shower. She wondered why he was acting this way but she brushed it off. As of right now he was sitting on the couch in the dark drinking a glass of tequila. Amira waked out of his room to see this then asked, "Owen what's up with you?" "Just a tough day at work but I'll be fine. Come here." He led her over to him and she sat across his lap. He had put his glass down and now the hand that once held the glass played with the waistband of her shorts.

"I missed you Amira." He confessed "I missed you too. Are you okay?" She asked. "Let me love you. Let me make love to you."

For the rest of the night Tommy and Owen tried to forget about what happened between them but they couldn't. They couldn't forget the way their lips felt against each other's. The way he held her in between his hands and all they wondered was is it going to happen again or was this just one of their mistakes.


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