Drunk In Love

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Flash forward
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
9:30 pm

Sitting at the bar drinking a glass of blue label, in her thoughts. Out the corner of her eye she swears she sees Owen. Shaking the thought out of her head she continues to sip from her glass. Five minutes later she feels someone slide into the seat next to her. "Blue label, huh? That's a pretty expensive bottle." The man says. Even now that she knows that her eyes didn't deceive her she still ignored him. "Tommy please." He begged. Sighing she replies, "What, Owen?" Not turning to look at him. Shaking his head he puts his foot on the bar beneath her feet spinning her around. "Tommy please, just hear me out." He says almost pleading.

Grabbing her glass she says, "I'm listening." Even though he felt like she wasn't he started to talk anyway. "I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean to hurt you." "No, you just didn't mean to get caught, there's a difference." Standing up putting his hands on her thighs just like he used to do. While he was talking all she was doing was remembering how his hands used to heat up her body.

But, before she thought any longer she snaps back into reality. "Tommy please just let me try to gain your trust again." "Owen you know that I love you, and I won't stop loving you, I just don't think I can trust you enough to be in love with you again. And as much as I would like to believe differently I can't, I'm sorry." Before she got to turn back around Owen grabbed her face and brought it to his and planted a deep kiss onto her lips.

"If this really is over I don't want this to end on a bad note. Again I'm sorry." Then he left. Turning back in her seat she feels lighter, like she's drunk. But, she doesn't think it was her drink, it was him. She was drunk in love. Drunk on him.

*this sequence did not happen*
Thursday, May 19th, 2022
The Vega Residence

"Well you're here early." Tommy says leaning on the door. "Well, I like to think that the faster we cook the faster we can go to bed." He says with a grin. "Do you want me to help you with those?" She says looking at bags he held in his hands. "Absolutely not." He says looking back at her. "And why not?" She asks. "No woman that I really care about will ever be caught carrying bags while I'm around." Was what he said once he placed the bags on the counter. "Wow what a gentleman." She says when she grabs one of the bags and taking out out the groceries .

While taking the food out of the bags she feels Owen staring at her. "Owen, you're staring." The paramedic captain says not even bothering to look at him. Walking closer to her turning her to face him. "I just really missed you that's all."Owen says. Wrapping her arms around his neck she replies, "Well we just seen each other about 3 hours ago." "Yeah, 3 hours too long." After a few moments of staring into each other's eyes Owen closes the gap between them. Kissing for about a minute Tommy pulls away. "Don't you think we should start cooking." "Tommy just let me love on you for a minute please." He says as he places a soft kiss on her neck then back to her lips. Trailing his hands down her waist then up the loose fitting shirt.

Once they were kissing for about five minutes they pulled away, their faces still a mere inch apart. "Maybe we should start cooking now." Tommy says. "Yeah cause you know i'm getting tired." He says throwing a fake yawn in the middle of his sentence. "Yeah real tired."she replies with a hint of sarcasm on her voice walking away. "Where are you going?" He pronounced turning around. "I'm going to put some sweats on, I'll be back." She yells from her room. "Where else would you go?" Strand whispers to himself.

7 minutes later
"Were you and your closest fighting? 'Cause why did it take it take you 7 minutes to put some sweats on?" He asks. "Well I- wait what happened to your shirt?" She finishes. "It got hot so this is how I'm cooking." He replied. "Oh." Furrowing his eyebrows he ask, "What's wrong?" "I just feel like if you wanted to show me you've been working out you didn't have to lie about it." She says as she tries to hold back a laugh. Chuckling he then says, "We should get to cooking before we don't end up cooking at all." 

Without saying anything but smiling to herself she washes the vegetables and starts to cut into them and he starts to prepare the steaks.

6 minutes later

While Owen cooked the steaks Tommy had finished cutting up the vegetables. Once done she walked behind him wrapping her arms around his waist resting her head on his back. "Hey. What are you doing?" He asked looking up from the pan. "You had you're chance "love on me" so let me do it in return." She says. Letting her do whatever she is doing he continues to cook.

Kissing along his shoulder blade showing just the slightest amount of affection. "Tommy?" Strand says slightly looking over his shoulder. "Yes?" She replies looking up at him. "I love you." He says with the sincerest and softest voice his body could utter. Letting the words enter her ears then into her heart, holding those words dear. Thinking she wasn't going to say it back he put his head back down focusing on the food that was currently on the stove. Lifting his head up turning his head so that he was now facing her. Placing a deep kiss on his lips. "I love you. We both know that I love you. So, stop pouting like that." She says slightly laughing, kissing him on his lips once again. Laughing with her, he kisses her a few more times.

45 minutes later

Once they had finished dinner they both took a shower and fell asleep in each other's arms. After confessing their love to each other, for real this time, they didn't really have the energy to really do anything else. If you know what I mean.


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