Day One

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Thursday, June 1st, 2025
12:45 p.m.

It was almost 1 p.m. and Barbra and Alica were being cordial for Derek's sake they even made breakfast together. But that was around 10 o'clock and Derek still hasn't gotten up. So, Barbra decided to go wake him up seeing that the food has already gotten cold hours ago.

His door had the slightest crack in it so she walked in with her eyes covered just in case. "Derek, baby are you decent?" She called out. When she didn't get a reply she reluctantly brought her hand back down to her side.

She didn't fully walk around the corner just yet but instead peeked around it. When she saw that he wasn't the only one in his bed.

Seeing how they were holding on to each other like one of them was going to slip away made Barbra's heart happy. But it also made her reluctant on waking the sleeping couple up, but she did what she had to do.

"Derek, Tommy baby. You guys have to get up; it's noon." She said as she tapped both of them. The couple groaned before opening their eyes. "What time is it?" Tommy asked, stretching. "It's almost 1 p.m.," Barbra replied. "Go ahead and get ready for your day." The older woman said as she walked out of the room.


Tommy and Derek had just gotten out of the shower and is now brushing their teeth.

"Hold on. So you knew you weren't going to work today and you still left me?" He asked. "I mean if you were in my shoes you would've done the same thing." She said she finished up. "I would've but that was cold." He laughed.

Once they finished, the couple walked out of the room and into the kitchen. They looked at each other when they saw Barbra and Alicia cleaning and talking to each other.

Tommy leaned in a said, "What did I miss last night?" Derek replied, "I was here and I feel like I missed something." They walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Tommy I thought you had left last night." Alicia said turning away from Barbra. "I did but I came back a few hours ago". She responded.

"We made breakfast but that was a few hours ago so I don't know if you'll still want it." Barbra said. "We?" Derek questioned. "Yes, we." Barbra said back. "I was thinking lunch. We can all go out if you'd like." He said to all three women.

They all agreed and got ready to go out. While all this was happening something else was going on at the station.

Thursday, June 1st, 2025
1:30 p.m.

"Captain Vega has been taking a lot of time off of work lately." Marjan says taking a seat at the kitchen island. "I mean wouldn't you too if your fiancé just got out of a coma? Plus said fiancé is rich, so..." Mateo dragged out.

"Let's not have my captain be the topic of conversation, please". Nancy said pouring her a cup of coffee. "Come on Nancy. You're saying if your fiance was rich you wouldn't do the same thing Tommy's doing?" Paul said. "Hey man I'm right here." Mateo says in return and Paul shot him an apologetic look.

"I mean who wouldn't? Derek has a lot of things going for him. He's attractive, he has money that he knows how to spend. And we can all see that he's totally in love with her." Nancy replied. "Are you thirsting over our cap's fiance Nancy?" TK joked. "Ew no. I'm just saying that I agree about what Paul was saying I just didn't think our captains' relationship should've been our topic of discussion." She spoke.

"Come on Nance. We talk about everyone's relationships. That's how we survive these 24-hour shifts. It's how we stay sane." Marjan told.

Just as she said that Owen walked into the kitchen. "What helps you stay sane? He asked grabbing a green juice out of the fridge. "Talking about each other's relationships while on shift." Marjan replied. "Oh, God. Who's relationship were you guys talking about now?" He sighed.

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