The Three Words

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Day 5

Their honeymoon was two days from being over but they weren't upset about it. They've had an amazing time.

Between their beach house in Nevis. Their stay in Saint James Paris was everything anyone would've wanted.

Throughout their time in the city of love, they took a stroll through Jardin des Plantes.

Day 2

"This is amazing." Tommy spoke. They walked hand in hand through the garden. Looking at every flower and plant in awe.

"You're amazing." He said looking over at her "You're so corny."  She smiled. "But I love you."

Their walk came to a halt as Derek turned to face her. "I love you too."  He said. After he finished he dove in and kissed her.

Then they continued their walk.


They also did the basic tourist things like going to Champs de Mars to see the Eiffel Tower.

Day 3

Derek planned two grand lunches for their Paris trip. The first one being a picnic at Champs de Mars.

It was more than likely for someone's first time in Paris to walk up the 674 steps to the second floor of the tower.

But honestly, who wanted to exercise on their honeymoon?

So instead Derek planned a very romantic picnic on the grass of the park and they had a beautiful lunch together.

After their lunch was completed, Tommy lay on her side; her head resting on her arm.

Derek was facing front looking at the piece of art in front of them. But Tommy was looking at him.

Feeling eyes on him, he turned to face her.

When their eyes met Derek put on a wide smile. While Tommy's didn't reach her eyes. She looked to be in deep thought. But acknowledged that he was looking at her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm better than I'll ever be. I was just thinking how you are one of the best things that has happened to me." She spoke.

"Te amaré simepre." She finished. "Mientras seas mío, soy tuyo." He replied.

While they've been together they didn't have many moments where they spoke to each other in Spanish.

But the few times that they did it brought them just a little bit closer every time.


The most basic thing you could do on your first trip to Paris is go to The Louvre. So you best believe that was the place they visited on their fourth day there.

Day 4

A little more than halfway through their trip they've decided to visit The Louvre.

This aspect of their trip wasn't planned whatsoever. They had been lying in bed the night before and Tommy came up with the idea.

Throughout their Paris trip, they've done a lot of walking. So a little more walking couldn't hurt.

But they'll save the walking up the Eiffel Tower part for a later day.

They spent three hours in the museum with tourists like themselves. But in all honesty, it was the best three hours they've spent since their wedding.

They got to see a lot of famous pieces of art that Tommy and Derek alike had been wanting to see since they were teenagers.

As they walked the city after their adventure, hand-in-hand. Derek once again stopped their walk and turned to her.

"Have I told you how much I loved you?"  He asked. "Every day upon every waking moment." She replied. "Well, I love you." He spoke.

"Well, I love you more." She replied. "I don't know how many times I've told you that is impossible, my love." He said with a smile on his face.

All she did was smile back and return her hand to his.


The final grand lunch he had planned was a lunch cruise on the Seine River.
Day 5

Derek had booked tickets to go on a lunch cruise three months before their wedding. There were a lot of people booking at the time and if he didn't gain his spot early they'd be eating at a café.

He secured a window seat for two on the boat. Throughout their ride, they've had a great experience. The newlyweds got to see some parts of France you'd only get to see on the water.

It was a beautiful city.

As she looked out the window Derek looked at the side of her face. She felt his eyes burning a hole in her so she turned.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She joked. "I would ask you to be my wife but that's said and done." He spoke.

To Tommy, Derek had a way with words that made her love him over and over again. It was amazing what he could do to her.

"You're really beautiful." He spoke and he was honestly in awe. "You're such a smooth talker." She smiled.

"That's what you love about me." His smile still hadn't faltered. "I love you for the man that you are." She insisted. "And I'll continue to say that I love you and I'd continue to for the rest of my days." He finished.

For the rest of their time there, the flirting became less and less subtle. The affection they had for each other was unmatched. It was something anyone would want to have.

September 8th, 2025

As the final day of their trip came and went. It was back to reality three days after it ended.

It was back to their jobs and their families though they weren't complaining; it was nice to be back.

The Station

"Cap, you never told us you were going to Nevis." TK spoke. "I didn't think you'd want to know." She shrugged. She knew he wanted to know, but it was better to keep it a secret.

"TK why are so obsessed with a man who is not your husband?" Paul asked. "You would understand if you watched it." Marjan defended.

"Anyway, Cap did you have a good honeymoon? What did you do?" Nancy asked.

"It was wonderful getting to see the Eiffel Tower was a dream." She spoke. "The Eiffel Tower? I thought you went to Nevis." Judd spoke.

The group of first responders sat at the table waiting for her response when a bell sounded.

They all groaned knowing the story likely wouldn't be told and all Tommy could do was smile.

She was a married woman again and it was amazing.


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