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Friday, December 13th, 2024

When the couple arrived to the restaurant, Tommy couldn't help but notice there was only a few cars outside. But when Derek came to her side of the car to open her door those suspicious thoughts left her mind and all she could focus on was her fiancée.

Walking to the entrance of the building he held the door open for her and took his place right back on her side when she stepped through the door. When their hostess found their reservation she told them to follow her.

Walking hand in hand to the back of the restaurant she seen a big table that sat Grace, Carlos and the rest of the 126. When they fully walked into the dining area everyone shouted "Happy Birthday" in her direction.

Looking at Derek she whispered to him, "Was this your idea?" Looking down at her replied with a smile on his face, "No this was Nancy's idea I just helped with the plan."

Walking over to the table she heard Paul say "Look at the couple matching." That made the couple over look their outfits. It was purely an accident but it worked out well. Before she sat down she hugged Nancy then the rest of the 126 that sat around the table including Owen.


About 30 minutes into their dinner Nancy told Tommy that in about 45 minutes they were heading to a club. When Tommy groaned and laid her head on Derek's shoulder the table laughed. But, when she reached for her glass Nancy couldn't help but notice the ring that sat on her finger.

"Whoa cap, what is new piece of hardware on your finger?" Looking down at her finger she noticed all eyes were now on her and especially Owen's. "Well uh. Derek and I got engaged this morning." When cheers and applause erupted from the table she couldn't help but notice Owen didn't look like the Owen that she had just hugged. It looked to be as if his heart had been broken in two and she could see that without even looking him in the eyes.

While congratulations were still going around along with hugs, Tommy and Owen continued to look at each other until Nancy spoke up. "Well lets pay this bill and get to the club." Before anyone could pull their cards out Derek offered to pay for the table's meals. Nobody objected to the offer. Once Derek paid the bill their next stop was the club.


While they were riding to the club Derek and Tommy were having a conversation. "So I'll be the designated driver so you can have fun but still get home safe tonight." "I didn't plan on drinking like that. I was thinking a glass of wine and being around you was enough for tonight. And I don't know maybe when we get home there could be a little more fun on the table." She says placing her hand in his. "Oh really?" He says taking his eyes off the road for a second. "Really."

Once she said that her phone vibrated from the cup holder. Picking up her phone she seen that it was Owen who texted her. The text read:

Owen~ Congratulations Tommy.

That's it. That's all it said. Before she had a chance to reply back to his text he texted once more.

Owen~ Derek is a great guy and you guys are the perfect couple.

When she finally had a chance to reply they had already pulled up to the club. Once everyone pulled up they all got out of their cars and walked into the bar together. They we're lucky enough to get a section so everything worked in their favor.


After about an hour of  being at club everyone was feeling a bit tipsy except for the obvious people, T.K, Derek, Paul, and Mateo. Derek once again was fronting the tab. His promotion gave him a huge pay jump so he didn't mind doing things for his soon to be wife.

Is This Forever?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن