Christmas Emergency

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"I guess I can waste a few minutes to an hour."

Walking over to him, he picked her up and continued where they had left off. He unbuttoned her shirt then her jeans when he had placed her on the bed. Taking both of the pieces off of her, she was left with just her underwear and bra.

Taking her body in for just a second he went down and attacked her neck. One hand was just above her head and the second was running along the waistband of her underwear.

Looking at her permission she nodded. With that he took her underwear off and the rest was history.

45 minutes later

It was 6:55 so they decided to move things into the shower so that Tommy could get going in about 30 minutes.

Tommy was once again getting dressed in a different outfit than she had on before. "Derek i'm about to leave." She said to him from the room as he was the bathroom. "Okay let me walk you out."

Grabbing her duffel bag off of the floor he walked with her outside. "I'll ask you again to please be careful today. But, most importantly have a good day and I'll try to FaceTime you later." Derek says as he placed her bag in the backseat.

"I'll most definitely try and please do try to call because you know I can't go that long without seeing my girls and my fiancée of course. I love you."

"I love you more." Giving her a few more pecks he lets her leave.

At the Station

When she had walked into the kitchen after putting her uniform on she was met with good morning's from the fire crew and paramedics in which she said back.
On Call

The paramedics had got a call about a man who had been suffering from a gunshot wound to the leg. The scene of the accident was in a pretty bad neighborhood. It's known for being a home for many gang members, so it gave the EMT's many a reason to be skeptical about helping the man.

Grabbing their gear from the ambulance they made their way over to their victim.

"Sir, I'm Tommy and this is Nancy and T.K and we'll be helping you tonight. Would you like to tell me how this happened." Captain Vega says as she placed a c-collar around his neck.

"Look lady I don't need your help."

"Dude you are actively bleeding out. This bullet hit your femoral artery, so unless you want to die you have less than 30 seconds to make a decision." Nancy spoke.

"And at this point you don't really have one because I'm not leaving you to die in the middle of the street because you think you're too hard for treatment!" Tommy says raising her voice.

"Look lady I said I didn't need help!"

And in that moment everything stopped. Nancy called for T.K to help.

"Mayday! Mayday! I have a paramedic down. I repeat I have a paramedic down. I need police and an extra RA unit immediately!" Nancy yelled over the radio.

The Station

While the fire team was getting dinner ready Owen had his radio sitting on the counter just because everyone was worried about the other half of their team.

When they heard Nancy's voice come in through the radio they all had assumed like always that it was T.K.

The whole firehouse saddled up into the truck and rushed straight to the accident.
The Scene

When they pulled up to the scene paramedics and police were already there. Owen was the first one to jump out of the truck practically sprinting to the paramedic's side. But, when he broke through the crowd he seen that it wasn't who he had expected.

"T.K! T.K! Are you okay?" Was what he said before he had seen he was kneeling rather lying on the ground.

He stood there in shock before Judd blew past him. "T! Tommy!" "Firefighter Ryder I need you to step back so that we can work." One of the paramedics said. Owen still stood there until they loaded her onto a gurney and into the back of the ambulance. "I'm riding with her." Judd spoke before Owen could even utter words.

"We'll meet you at the hospital and i'll call Derek and tell him to meet us there." Owen finally said.

On The Phone:

Derek: Hello? Who is this?
Owen: Hey Derek this is Owen. Look I need you to come to St. Raymond's right now

Derek: I need to find a babysitter for the girls but what happened? Is it Tommy?

Owen: Yes, she was in an accident about 20 minutes ago and it doesn't look too good so we need you here immediately.

Derek: I knew I should've asked her to stay home today. I felt like something bad was going to happen that's why I kept telling her to be safe. Oh my God, i'll be there as quickly as possible.

~End Of Call~

About thirty minutes later Derek came running through the Emergency Room doors.

"What happened Owen? Is she okay?" Derek said on the verge of tears.

"Well, the paramedics got a call and even though we had asked them to hand it off to another company they insisted on taking it. So when they left, us, at the firehouse listened in on the radio for anything would've went wrong." Before he could finish Derek cut him off.

"Please spare me the details just tell me what happened to her."

"She was stabbed in the lower left abdomen and she's in surgery right now but we haven't heard anything yet."

2 and 1/2 hours later

Seeing the surgeon emerge from the O.R everyone that was waiting jumped up but not as quickly as Derek.

"What's the news, Doc?" Derek asked. "Well the surgery went well, we were able to fully stop the bleeding. "But? I'm sensing a but." Grace says.

"Well, our anesthesiologist had to place her in a medically induced coma because of how much blood she had lost."

"How long is she going to be in a coma?" Said Nancy. "Well that depends but it shouldn't be longer than two weeks. That's all I have for right now if any other questions come to mind the front desk is up to date on everything and they will answer everything."

"Thank you Dr. Taylor. But before you go when can we see her." Derek asked.

"Well it is late so visiting hours are over. But, we'll be moving her into the ICU in a few minutes. So, come back tomorrow or stay in the waiting room and you can see her first thing in the morning."

"Again thank you, for everything."

Nodding she walked away. Everybody left except for Derek, Nancy, and Owen. They were all pretty shook up. None of them could ever imagine being where they were in life without the woman who wasn't in the room with them at the moment.


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