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Friday, May 13th, 2022

Walking in the station late might I add. She's greeted by Nancy. "Hey, cap." "Hey, Nance." "What's wrong," "Nothing" "No you came in late and you never come in late." "There was just traffic nothing to worry about." "Okay, I'll drop it."

Walking into the room where she is to put her belongings before every shift she grabs her uniform and heads to the bathroom. Exiting the bathroom and putting her clothes in her locker she sees Judd in the corner of her eye.

"Good morning Juddy." "Good morning T." "I came by your house this morning and you weren't there." "Yeah, I wasn't." "Grace said you had a date or something and you weren't home yet." "Yeah, I did." "How did it go?" "Just like any other date." "I'm proud of you T. For you know putting yourself back out there." "Well, I appreciate that Juddy." Before he could say what he really wanted to the bell went off.

Friday, May 13th, 2022
Car Accident

Walking over to a flipped-over car she gets down and sees if there is any sign of life. Checking to see if there's a pulse which the man who looks to be about 22 does not have. Getting up a stepping back she feels a body behind her. "Oh, I'm sorry." Turning around seeing Owen standing close behind her. "Sorry Captain Vega didn't mean to be so close behind you." Leaning down to whisper in her ear, "Unless you want me to." Seeing T.K and Nancy walking up to them. "Captain Strand we need to get him extracted out of this car and we need a medical examiner on the scene right away." "Nancy, T.K. how are the other patients?" "Just minor injuries. It looks like this guy got the worst of it."

Hearing tools whirring behind them they back up and wait for the medical examiner to arrive on the scene.

Friday, May 13th, 2022

Hearing her phone vibrate while filling out some paperwork at her desk she picks it up. Seeing it was a text from Owen she opened it. "Come to my office." The text read. Looking up and seeing him at his desk she gets up.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" "Yes, I did. Can you close the door for me?
Closing the door behind her, Owen starts to stand up. Closing the beige shades on his windows. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"You see, I've been thinking a lot about you. About that night that we don't remember and I want us to remember it." He started as he walked back to his desk, sitting on the edge of it.

"What are you trying to say?" She asked. "I'm saying is that we should remember it. Right now." He clarified. "Right now? At work?" she said in a shocked whisper.

"If you'd let me." He said offering her his hand, which she took. "I think we could make something work but what if we have to go out on a call?" She said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We'll go out on that call. But it doesn't have to stop us from doing what we want." He said pulling her closer. "I hate that you made me like you." She said leaning in just close enough to have him chasing after her lips. He took the bait and kissed her.

Standing up all while not breaking their kiss. He then brings his hand to the back of her head, guiding them to the black leather couch that sat in his office. Laying her down, and getting on top of her he goes to attack her neck. As his lips as doing what they're doing, one of his hands starts to trail down to her belt buckle. But that's when they were interrupted by the bells. "Owen, we have to go." She said as more of a moan.

"Okay, just give me a moment." He said as his lips still teased her skin.

"Owen." Waking up to his name being called by the paramedic captain of his firehouse and the bell blaring over the intercom. "We have to go, there's a pile-up on the highway." Getting up and rubbing his face walking out of  his office and going down the stairs hearing Tommy say, "What exactly were you dreaming about because by the looks of it, you need a cold shower." Letting her walk in front of him and then once again whispering in her ear. "I was dreaming of you." He smiled.

Splitting off once getting to the engine bay. Tommy gets in the back of the ambulance and Owen gets in the front of the fire engine. In the fire truck, the crew wasted no time.

"What the hell was that about Cap?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Marjan is right cap we all saw it." "Saw what?" "You whispering in Captain Vega's ear them smiling all seductively when she walked away." "Yeah, cap I heard from the grapevine that you and Captain Vega went on a date last night." "Would this "grapevine" just so happen to be Judd?" "We don't snitch but you need to." "It's not firehouse talk."

"Well since you aren't going to say it I guess I will." "What do you know Mateo?" "Well cap, when I got home last night I heard all kinds of noises coming from your room for 3 hours straight." "Cap you got it like that??" "First of all Mateo you're a snitch, second, don't worry about what I have going on in my home." "But when it's about the two captains of our firehouse are getting it on it's our business." Rolling his eyes he doesn't reply to Paul's remark.

Friday, May 13th, 2022
Pile up

"Okay, T.K, Nancy I need you to see if you can get to those people in the cars over there and I'll start over here." "Copy that." Walking over to a car flipped on its side, where the 126 fire crew was trying to get the woman out. "Captain Strand, what do we have?" "There's a woman late 30's, from what we see, she's bleeding out bad and fast so we have to hurry." "Copy that."

Getting the woman out in the next few minutes Tommy asked Nancy and T.K. to come and help her with the patient. "T.K. get me the trauma shears, Nancy, Lifepak. "Copy that cap." Doing everything they could do after about five minutes they got the bleeding to stop just enough so that they could transfer her. When she regained consciousness the fire team standing around them cheered.

"Good hands captain." Once he said that the whole fire team started laughing. "What are you guys laughing at?" "We'll tell you guys later at Carlos and T.K's place." "No you guys aren't." "Yeah ok cap." Walking back to the rig and putting her bag back, Captain Strand walks up behind her.

"They know."


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