Thank You

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June 6th, 2023
Mateo and Nancy

Nancy and Mateo have been together for about 2 years and they've been really happy. Even though Mateo was having some troubles with their relationship in the beginning he couldn't dream of loving someone other than Nancy and thus began the engagement process.

He asked her to be his wife in a field of her favorite flowers and she obviously said yes.

They later got married on October 23rd, 2024

A few days ago
February 19th,2025
Amira and Owen

It's been almost a month since their first date and Owen has yet to make their relationship official. They've been spending time with each other.a lot in and out of the station. But, they haven't had any sleepovers yet. At the moment Amira is preparing to leave the 126 even though she hasn't formally been asked to. Everyone at the station raves about Tommy and she loves the way that they admire her and she would hate to be the one to interrupt

But , right now that's not the point. Owen really likes Amira and he thinks he may of found his one after Tommy.

Unlike he and Tommy they are taking it slow. Just trying to see how things unravel. But they have been talking for almost 2 months and he thinks that he is ready. He and Tommy had had some conversations about his physical and mental health. Even though their not together he just couldn't discuss those things with anyone else. He couldn't even have those kind of conversations with Amira but if he wants a relationship he's going to have to open up in that way.

But, even before they had gotten together she was the only person that he shared those things with. She was the only one to actually be "soft" with him and actually understand his feelings other than blaming him.

Getting ready for dinner
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
Derek and Tommy

Tommy hasn't been out since the night Derek proposed so she's glad to get out of the house. She was wearing this blush pink long sleeve dress and Derek was wearing a black button up and black dress pants. They were almost done getting ready so, they were just waiting for Judd and Grace to get there as the Nanny was already there.

Owen and Amira

Owen decided to get ready at Amira's house because it was closer to the restaurant. When he got there they both got a little distracted so now they only about 45 minutes to finish getting ready.

Other than them getting ready Owen seems to think that he just might be in love. But, if she doesn't feel the same way he doesn't want to force it.

At the dinner he has a small speech for some of his closest friends and family. Amira had been one of the best things that has happened to him in the past year and he is more than grateful and he just wanted to pay his respects to the people that got him back on this road.


Once Amira and Owen had made it into the restaurant everyone started to pile in.

35 minutes later

After everyone had got their food and started to eat Owen decided to get what be had to get off his chest.

"Excuse me. I know you guys are eating so please continue. But I just had a few things to say and that's why I invited you all here today."

Even though he said they can keep eating, everyone stopped what they were doing and gave him their full attention.

"I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. Thank you for all being in my corner so I could get back to the captain I needed to be. As some of you know I was in a bad space a few months ago. I didn't think I could do the job that I lived for anymore because I thought I was too big of a burden of all of you. But, one of my really close friends walked with me through that dark path and back into therapy so thank you. And I really love appreciate you all."

The last part of speech he glanced at Tommy and she nodded her head in acknowledgment.


During the dinner Amira, Grace, Nancy, and Tommy engaged and talked to each other. While Derek, Judd, Mateo, and Owen talked. Then T.K and Carlos talked amongst themselves but occasionally jumped into the group's conversation.
After dinner

Owen and Amira had went back to her place. They decided that tonight was the night. So, before they got to her house, they stopped at his. He picked up his clothes and his skin care products. On the way back to her house. They talked about some of the things that they wanted to do. Those things included having a small date by just talking to each other. Having deep conversations were one of her love languages and he kind of loved that about her.

Tonight was out of the ordinary, even though they have kissed, and did most of the things couples do spending the night in each others bed was not one of them. They had both confessed their feelings towards one another about a month ago but, they haven't told each other those three golden words. He does really love her, but he doesn't know if it's too soon, too say it. He wants to take things slow but confessing those type of feelings are something that he couldn't hold back any longer. So other than them spending the night together, he thought it was time for those words.


"Owen, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Amira asked. " I know that which is why I have to tell you something and I don't want you to freak out." "Is it something serious?"

"It's pretty serious, but not in the way that you're thinking." He reassured. " Ok then, what is it?"
"Amira, I love you. I just had to get that off my chest even if you don't feel the same way. But, these feelings for you aren't going to change with your answer. I'll still feel the same no matter what."

She was kind of stuck for a second until she smiled. " I was waiting for you to say something. But now that I know. I love you too."

After she said that he leaned over and kissed her. As he stood up they didn't break the kiss. When she stood up he picked her up and walked her into her room.

Things escalated pretty quickly but it seemed to both of them that none of that mattered in that moment. All they're worried about is each other and that's all that they could ask for.


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