Marry Me

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6 months later
Friday, November 18th, 2022
The Strand Residence
9:45 pm

Laying in bed together in a comfortable silence with Owen looking up at the ceiling and Tommy playing with the tips of his fingers. When she felt him shift to look at her she did the same. "What are you thinking so hard about?" She says as she kisses the palm of his hand. "You." He says looking down at her. "Oh yeah? What about me?" Tommy asks.

After waiting a few seconds for his answer she looks up once again to see that he was in his thoughts. Letting the thought go she goes back to playing with his finger until she was caught off guard. "I want to marry you." The Strand patriarch says. "What?" Vega says in shock. "Not now but one day I would want to call you my wife. Would you be okay with that?" "Of course I would marry you, one day."

"You would want to be my wife one day?" He says getting on top of her. "I would." Tommy says. Starting to kiss her all over her face screaming "She said she'll be my wife one day!" "Owen calm down." She says tying to stifle back her laughter.Once the Strand man calmed down they started to drift off to sleep. But, before fully going to sleep he says "Tommy-Vega-Strand has a ring to it." In which she replied "it sure does sir now please go to bed." nuzzling her nose into his neck.

The Strand Residence
126 Group Chat

Mateo- They were so loud
Paul- They were going at it again?
Mateo- Ew, no Cap was yelling
Nancy- Why was he yelling?
Mateo- I don't know he was talking about some "She said she'll be my wife one day" or something like that
T.K- They're already talking about marriage
Grace- Well they have been dating for six months
Marjan- Well I personally think a firehouse wedding would be amazing!!
T.K- We all have to meet up tomorrow to talk about this

They all say ok and their goodnight's

Saturday,November 19th, 2022
The Tarlos Loft

While the 126, Grace, and Carlos were playing Catan they were also having a conversation about last night's situation. "So how are we going to confront them about this?" Nancy says rolling the dice. "I mean do we have to, the Vega-Strand duo scares me." Mateo says. Getting his replies back in laughter he says "I'm for real though." " I have an idea how about we go over to Captain Vega's house and see if Captain Strand is there and confront them together." Marjan says.

"What if their knocking boots?" Mateo says. "First of all Mateo I think you're the only person that says "knocking boots," Secondly, Izzy and Evie are there so their probably just having dinner." Paul retorts. "Fine we'll go but we're only driving in two cars so, Grace and Paul we will be using your cars since they're the biggest." T.K says. "Aye Aye, Captain." Marjan jokes.

10 minutes later

Piling into the cars they were off to the Vega residence.

28 minutes later
The Vega Residence

Seeing Owen's truck outside they knew he was here. Regrouping by the door preparing themselves for what was about to happen. Having Nancy knock on the door they waited for the door to open. When it did, Tommy was behind the door and Owen was coming out of her room.

"Tommy who was it-" Stoping his sentence once he had seen 7 of the Nosy 8. "What are guys doing here?" Owen says putting his belt through the loops of his pants. "We have to ask y'all something but Captain Strand if you don't mind me asking what's going on with the belt thing here?" Grace says.

Ignoring her question, Tommy opens the door wider to let their unexpected guests in. Once they got settled Tommy and Owen were still standing. "So, how do we say this?" T.K asks. " I'll just ask. So, Tommy, Owen, Mateo here overheard that you guys want to get married." Carlos informs.

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