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Derek's POV

It's our wedding day. The day that I was lucky to make it to. I've been waiting to officially call this woman my wife. Even though she betrayed my trust I know when to forgive. She is the woman I want to spend my life with. She's the woman I love.


I was already emotional thinking about what she was going to look like in her dress. But when the music started playing and I seen her I let the emotions overwhelm me. The tears of complete joy started to run down my face.

She reached the alter and before I lifted her veil she wiped the tears from my face. When I reached for her I blinked and she was gone. I looked around and everyone was gone.

What was happening?

Present Day
Saturday, April 12th,2025

"Yes, we are." Barbra spoke. "If I may ask what is your relation to the patient?" The doctor asked. "I'm his aunt, this is his fiancé and her close friend." She informed. "Sorry to ask you all these questions but it's protocol." The doctor said. "I just have to ask if I have consent to inform them as well because you are his next of kin." He continued. "Anything you tell me you can tell them too"

"Okay. Well surgery was a success as far as his heart goes. - But? - Mr. Smith is in a coma. As of right now we don't know when he'll wake up. It could be in a few days, weeks, or months. If anything changes you'll be the first to know and he's being prepped to go to recovery. You should be able to see him in a few hours." The doctor nodded his head and walked away.

The women were shocked but Barbra being the woman she is broke them out of it. "Come on girls. It's going to be a while before we get to see him let's go get some breakfast." They followed suit and followed the woman out of the building. Grace decided that she was going to be the one to drive. Tommy had let Barbra sit in the front as she sat in the back thinking.

Thinking back to when she was in her coma and the way Derek told her he had felt while she was "gone". Then she thought about her and Owen and what they had did and the guilt started to eat at her once again. Did she cause this? Did this all happen because of the stress that she put on his heart? Did her coming back into his life so abruptly cause everything to change so quickly?


It took them 10 minutes to get to this place called "Snooze. an A.M Eatery" one of Tommy and Grace's go-to breakfast spots.

When they walked in they were immediately seated seeing that it was 7 o'clock in the morning.  When they got their waitress she handed them their menus that Tommy was looking at it but she wasn't reading it. She was still in shock.

"Tommy baby? Are you okay?" Barbra asked. "No. I'm fine just still a little shocked and I just can't help but think that this is how he felt when I was in the hospital just a few months back." She replied. "The hospital? Why were you in the hospital?"

Tommy didn't answer so Grace decided she would, "She got stabbed in the field and ended up being in that same hospital in a medically induced coma because of all of the blood she had lost." She finished.

Before Barbra said anything their waitress walked over to their table. They ordered and it wasn't talked about after that.


2 hours later
When they arrived back at the hospital the doctor had told them that they could now see Derek but only one person could go at a time. Barbra insisted on Tommy going first but she couldn't handle going first. So, she and Grace went on a walk outside of the hospital while Barbra visited Derek.

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