Reaching Out

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2 days later
Tommy invited Grace over just to talk. She had told her that she really needed a friend and without any hesitation she came right over.

When the doorbell rung Tommy released a heavy sigh. At the moment it was just her and Grace because Izzy and Evie went to the movies with some friends. She opened the door and greeted her friend but Grace decided that she wanted Tommy to cut to the chase.

"So Tommy what's going on and where's the girls and your fiancé?" Tommy sighed at the name. "Well the girls are at a movie and the whole fiancé thing is a long story." Grace looked at her thinking the worst. "Oh Tommy don't tell me you guys broke it off. Ya'll seemed so happy."

"Well here's the thing we were but I messed up." Grace squinted at her. "Tommy. What did you do?" "Well do you remember my first day back at work. Well I had a long day so I was downstairs talking to Nancy and T.K when I got a text from Owen asking me to come to his office." Grace interrupted, "I just don't understand what this has to do with you and Derek." "I'm getting there. So when I wrapped up my conversation I went upstairs and Owen and I began to talk. It seemed that he just wanted to ask me how my day has been until me kissed me."

"Well it's not bad as long as you didn't kiss him back." Tommy grimaced. "That's the thing I did. It only lasted a moment before the bell rung knocking some sense into me. But this burden was holding onto me for a week before I decided to tell Derek. When I got off of work I told him and I haven't seen or heard from him since."

Grace was shocked and didn't know what to say. "Tommy I uh I'm shocked. Honestly." "I am too and I want to talk to him but I want to give him as much space as possible." She took a moment, "And you know what's crazy. Literally a week before he told me that I was the love of his life and how much that he loved me. And maybe all the things that had happened since Charles, happened so that we could find each other."
                            1 month later

It's crazy that two people that at one time were inseparable now haven't talked in a month.

Derek has really been having a hard time not seeing the woman he loves but he's had some help from another woman to get him through this. As he tried to sleep he still hasn't got use to not holding her in his arms, kissing her until they both went to sleep. He wanted, no needed to hold onto her but she kissed the man that she had said that she no longer had feelings for and he couldn't forget that.

He really loves her and he thinks that they could move past this before their wedding. He hoped.

Tommy was also a mess. She could barely sleep and when she did it was a maximum of 4 hours. She could only sleep when she rested her head on his chest hearing his heartbeat or when she had the opportunity to touch the bare skin of his chest and kiss him on the neck when she nuzzled her nose in it while lying on top of him.

Back to Derek. He had wished that she hadn't took the whole "i need space" thing to seriously. He had never wanted her to invade his space more than right now. Call him whipped all you want to but a love like this was a once in a life time thing but he wasn't going to be the first one to reach out.
It was about 11 a.m now and he had just finished settling back into his home after two days. As of right now he was seated at the bottom of his stairs with a glass of scotch in his hand. This was the first time he allowed himself to love someone fully. He was wondering why she did it, was this provoked or a moment of weakness? Either way, this couldn't be the way their story ended. They were going to live together, get married, and live the rest of their lives together, they had to.

He felt his phone start to vibrate from his pocket. He took it out and had seen it was his aunt that was FaceTiming him. He didn't feel like socializing but she was the only close family member he had left on his dad's side, so he answered it.

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