Coming Back

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Monday, February 24th, 2025

It was Monday morning and today was the day for Tommy's appointment. She hasn't had any severe side pain since she got the worse of it on Friday. Even though she loves being at home and spending time with her girls and her man but she's ready to get back to work.

She knows that Amira had been holding down the fort but she had told her that she hasn't really stepped all the way through the door even though she's been subbing in for Tommy for a month. Tommy is somewhat relieved about this but also feels bad.

She and Amora were both in the same place once. Being the new person in a fire house that comes with a family and not seeming to fit in. But, with Tommy she found a way to connect with the 1-2-6 and now they're like her family away from her family.

Anyway, if the doctor says that she isn't ready to go back to work because of said pains then she'll just do what she continued to do because she was not willing to fake it to go back to work and possibly put her teams safety at risk.

On the way to the appointment
1:23 pm

"So, how are you feeling?" Derek asked. "I don't know." "What do you mean?" He asked. Clarifying her answer she says, "I don't know if I'm cleared I'll be fully ready to go back."

"But, you've been saying how you wanted to go back to work and get out of the house." "I know but, I think it'll just be the worry about not making it home right after my shift. It is a trauma but it's not like I haven't been put through it being a paramedic. Hell, we've been kidnapped before so-"

Before she finished her rant Derek cut her off, "What!? You've been kidnapped before? All three of you?" "I could've sworn I told you this before but if I didn't well here it is. It was 2021 we had been called to a pregnancy emergency in a parking garage. Then it turned out to be a scam. I thought at first it was just for drugs but their friend was burned up pretty bad. But, long story short we all could've died that night until Carlos and Owen came through and saved us.

"Wow, you've really been put through hell at this job." "I have but you know what I wouldn't give it up for anything."

"So after running some tests it looks as if there isn't any underlying issues with the wound. That is unless you've had any of those side pains you told me about the last time you were here."

"The last one I had was on Friday and it was the worst of them. But, since then I haven't had one." She informed.

"Well then, i'm going to sign off on some things and you should be able to get back to work by next shift." The woman says as she closes her folder and stands up.

"Wow. Thank you so much."

"You are so very welcome."


"So are you ready to go back to work on Wednesday?" Derek asked as they got into the car. "Who said I was going back on Wednesday?" She said. "The doctor?" "You took the rest of week to spend time with with me so I'm going to take advantage of that. But, when we get home I'm going to take a shower and we're going to lay in bed together for the rest of the day."

"I can get behind that."


When they got home they had did what they had planned. Then when the girls got home from school they all watched movies together.

Amira and Owen

Owen has been staying at Amira's house since that night and they've had many more like them. Anyway, it was about 5 pm and he and Amira were cuddled up on the couch watching Star Wars.

Until Amira got a call from the the Department.

"Hello? Yes this is she. Okay. So next week this would be happening? Okay, thank you for calling. Bye." Was all Owen heard before she hung up.

He paused the movie when he asked her what happened. "Tommy just got cleared for duty. They said she was supposed to go back Wednesday but she wanted to come back next Tuesday." She informed. "I wonder why she didn't tell me. But, anyway I think it's time to find you a permanent home. I heard the 122 had an opening. I also heard they had a pickle ball court."

"That's a pretty far station." She says looking at him. "Well I don't think you'll like the 129 even though Tatum isn't captain anymore it's still a total boys club there."

"Oh absolutely not, I had to sub there for a week and I almost went crazy." "How so?" "There were no women just misogynistic men. It was one thing being a woman but being a black woman made it so much harder. It was either them undermining my authority or my calls daily. Or even them trying to deliberately make me feel like I'm dumb for the calls that I made in the field. So, I vouched to never come back to the 129."

"I wish I could say I know how you feel, but I can't. I can't even imagine it. But what I know is that I would make it my duty to find you a perfect firehouse. Well that is if you don't want to go to the 122."

"The fire captain is Captain Andrews right?" He nodded in response. "I met him before he's a good guy so maybe i'll give him a call."
Tommy and Derek

It was now 8:30 and the couple were still laying in bed. They haven't got up since they got back home except from getting their food that they had ordered and as of right now they were sitting in bed eating sushi, talking.

"We've never talked about how you just basically moved in her after we dated for six months and what you did with your place."

"I still have it; it's just vacant at the moment. I was thinking about renting it out but I don't know. Maybe we can keep it for our date nights." He chuckled.

She was going to continue the conversation until she seen how hard of a time he was having using the chopsticks. "It looks like you're struggling over there babe."

"I most definitely am." He chuckled to himself. "Here let me help." She says as she puts down her chopsticks and picks his up. It took her almost six minutes to teach him but after that he was a pro.

Once they were done eating they cuddled up in bed and were watching some movie about "space cowboys". That was until Derek looked down at her. When she felt him shift she looked up at him. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothings wrong. I just am so grateful that I can spend these moments with you right now. Because when you were in the hospital I really wasn't myself. I didn't sleep in this room, I wasn't eating like I was supposed to and that all happened in just those two weeks that you were in there and it made me realize who you are and what you meant to me and even though I'm not your first love you sure as hell are mine."

"Where's all this coming from?" She asked. "I just really love you Tommy." He confessed bringing his face to hers placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you more."

With that he embraced her even more and they continued to watch the movie. But, he can't help but think that he's not ready for her to go back because he doesn't want to possibly lose her again.

"Space Cowboys" IYKYK

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