Heaven Hath No Rage - Book Two

By nicwritesbooks

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After a confrontation with the Center, the pirate island of Corinspe is left reeling. Captain Theo ushers in... More

A New Direction
You're Poison, I'm Slipping Under
A Not So Lonely Game
Alleyway Endings
Problem Solver
The Grotto
Tender My Resignation
Back at Sea
Coordinated Attack
Siren's Alley
The Alchemist
A Deal With The Devil
Em and Phen (One and Two)
Eng, Part, and Erdo (Three, Four, and Five)
Pii (Six)
Eln (Seven)
Put, Eza, Pharos (Eight, Nine, Ten)
Home Sick
Carriages and Conversations
A Good Friend
Allies and Lies
Reward then Realization
Successful Attempt
Failed Attempt
Shots Fired
Forced Hand
En Route
Unearthed Secrets
A Path Forward Emerges
The Path Forward Taken
Don't Shoot
Children Scorned
Difficult Conversations
Delayed Departure
Political Punches
Sister's Request
Gwenevieve's Night Out
A New Home
Back Again
Taking the Risk

Secret gained, secret spilled

1.3K 63 44
By nicwritesbooks

It was a bright morning, made even brighter by the fact that she was finally going to be let out on the town. Several guards were walking ahead of her, escorting her out of the estate. A few feet behind her was Arnelo. The doors to the main entrance of the estate opened and she hurried down the stairs. At the bottom was Vivexa, waiting for her.

"Why didn't your sister come with you?" Viv asked.

"Why did you?"

"Because I'm here to watch you."

"Arnelo is here. Go back to watching me from afar," Ava said as she walked to the carriage and opened the door.

"What's with the attitude, princess? Thought we were supposed to be working together," Viv followed her inside the carriage.

"I said I would think about it. You need to do stuff for me first. Gain my trust," Ava reminded as she settled into the seat for the short ride into town.

"Then give me something to do," Viv said.

"Fine. I will think about what I want," Ava said, crossing her hands in her lap and looking out of the carriage window.

They rode in silence, the shift from the paved road leading out of the estate onto the main road into Aubermasse was obvious by the way the carriage bumped along. She searched her brain for anything pressing but nothing involved Viv. She needed to get to know the staff at the estate. She needed to listen to what they had to say, perhaps even make reforms in her time there to make some people's lives a bit easier. But Viv couldn't do that for her. Neither could she attend court for her, which she hadn't tried to get out of anyway. She needed to be at court because she needed to be able to gather as much intelligence as she could about the happenings of nobles for when she did run away. She could be of use to the crew with her information.

Ava was still thinking, running through the different options when they arrived at the center of town. Viv got out first and held the door open for Ava.

"What are you planning on doing in town?" Viv asked as Ava stepped out.

"First, I would like some breakfast. Then, I would like to go visit the bookstore. Then, I would like to visit a bakery. Then, I would like to go to the loungehouse."

"You're serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I was assuming you'd use your freedom for more nefarious purposes. This is so mundane," Viv laughed.

"Well, I tend to stray away from nefariousness so it's not surprising that it isn't the route I chose," Ava looked over and laughed, "if you are bored, you can leave."

"Ah, so you do have nefarious plans. You're trying to bore me so then you can get up to no good once I'm gone."

"Or, after having been through quite a lot in the past few cycles I am giving myself a sun to relax and enjoy myself," Ava shrugged.

"I might withdraw my offer. You may not be the political animal I had begun to picture you as."

"Then withdraw it," Ava challenged but Viv just rolled her eyes with a small smile.

Ava walked ever so slightly ahead of her, wanting to have some semblance of being alone. She did exactly what she set out to do that morning. First, she went for a rich breakfast. By the time she was done, she wanted to curl up and fall asleep and never move an inch again in her life. But she kept about her sun. She went to the bookstore and spent an hour browsing the shelves. There was nothing of interest. No history, no political books, nothing but children's books, propaganda, and romance about koldis.

"Do you know any underground places to go to where I can get books that are worth a damn?" Ava asked as they left the bookstore.

Viv chuckled, "Your father keeps shit under tight control in Aubermasse."

"Would you be able to at least find me a good book?"

"Is that your request?"

"It is a request," Ava replied, "not necessarily one that will build trust between us."

"We'll see about the book."

"Ah," Ava nodded, "I forgot. Unless it benefits you, you won't do anything."

"I have been selfless before, you know. It is something I am capable of. Just not something I like to do."

"That makes it so much worse," Ava laughed and then looked back to make sure Arnelo was keeping up.

"Where to now?"

"The bakery," Ava turned back again, "are you going to be getting anything, Arnelo?"

"If that is what you want, Lady Ava," he smiled as he trailed a bit behind them.

"I want you to get whatever you want," Ava confirmed.

"Why aren't you offering the same to me?" Viv teased and nudged her.

"Because I don't care for you much. You can get your own bakery items with the money you leached from my father when turning me in," Ava shrugged.

"You know how to hold a grudge."

"About as well as you know how to backstab," Ava shot back and nodded a thank you in Arnelo's direction as he jogged ahead and opened the door to the bakery for them.

She slipped into the building, passing Viv and getting in line. Once she had ordered half of the items available, she sat at a table in the corner and dug into her pastries; making sure to share with Arnelo and swat at Viv's hand when she tried to get some.

"So," Ava said with her mouth full, "where you from, Arnelo?"

"South Elox, a small farm town outside of Ingott," he said after he had swallowed his bite of bread.

"How'd you end up North Elox and the navy?" Ava followed up.

"Lord Vaith recruited me into the Naval academy."

"Were your parents last namers?" Ava asked, it was usually only sons of Great houses that were allowed into the Naval academy, or any military school for that matter.

"No," Arnelo smiled with a shake of his head, "they were farmers. Honest people making an honest living but nothing near what they would have needed to have a last name."

"Then how did you come to end up in the prestigious, high-society naval academy with farmer parents," Viv asked. Ava nudged her under the table and Viv chuckled, "sorry for being crass."

Arnelo just shrugged a shoulder, "I was very lucky. My family sent me to the lesser house in our area to work. That family liked me so much, that they sent me to the greater house of our region. Lord Vaith visited one time and he took a liking to my work ethic and offered me a spot in the academy."

"Why were you sent to the lesser house to work?" Ava asked.

"It was a nicer way to say his family sold him off because they were indebted to the lesser house," Viv quipped.

"I offered," Arnelo defended and shook his head, "farm life was hard and I could see they were trying their best to make ends meet. I have many siblings so they didn't need my help on the farm. I made the suggestion, they just agreed."

"How old were you?" Viv tilted her head.


"That was less of your choice than you believe it to be then," she replied.

"My life was good with both the lesser and greater houses I worked for. They always treated me right. I wasn't sold off like I was cattle," Arnelo frowned and Ava could see that he was getting upset, "my parents were good people."

Ava reached out and put her hand over Arnelo's, "I believe you."

He caught her gaze and gave a small smile, "Thank you, Lady Ava."

"When did you join the academy?" Ava asked with a small squeeze of his hand and a smile.

"Lord Vaith invited me into the academy when I was eleven. I got my first post at fourteen," he pulled his hand away to pick up some bread, "by sixteen, I was under your brother's command working on lightbringers. I've been very blessed by your family, Lady Ava."

Ava could tell that Viv was gearing up to say something snarky and Ava subtly shifted her leg closer to Viv's and stepped on her foot to get her to shut up.

"Thank you for telling me about yourself, Arnelo," Ava smiled and then tilted her head towards the door, "Now, let's go to the loungehouse."

"I am not allowed in there Lady Ava but I will wait for you outside."

"Take the rest of the aftermorning off, Arnie," Viv chuckled, "I've got my eye on her."

Arnelo looked between her and Viv. Ava nodded a bit.

"Go ahead," Ava smiled as she took the last bite of her pastry, "No point in waiting around in the sun all aftermorning. If you are worried about me running away, I've got more luck convincing you to help me than her."

Arnelo still hesitated to affirm that he was alright with the plan. Viv shook her head and smacked her tongue against her teeth.

"Arnie, you don't trust me? I won't let anything happen to the princess over here."

"Very well," Arnelo gave a tight nod, "I will be outside of the loungehouse by sunset to escort you home."

"Sounds good," Ava stood up, "if we are getting picked up at sunset then we better head out now. Come now."

"See you later, big guy," Viv slapped him on the shoulder as she also stood up and followed Ava out, "I wouldn't have pegged you for someone who enjoyed loungehouses."

"I don't," Ava replied.

"Then why are we going?" Viv said.

"It's never a bad idea to give something a second chance," Ava lied as she walked in the direction of it, the several groups of well-dressed ladies heading that same way were an indication they were on the right path.

Ava continued to move at a quick pace. She didn't enjoy loungehouses but she needed to be strategic with her time out. In her past life as a pirate, not very long before, she had visited the various loungehouses along the Eloxian coast to gather information on the pirate threat and the government's propaganda. She knew the best way to get information about the world outside of court and nobles without raising too much attention was there. If there was the opportunity to forge connections without the watchful eye of Viv, her mother, or any of her spies, it was there.

As Ava approached the doors, they were opened for her. She was met with an attendant who took her payment and led her into the changing area. Ava was handed a silk robe and given instructions she had heard before. She wasn't interested in any of the other activities during that visit, she had come only for the bathing pools.

Ava found an isolated corner to change and store her stuff in before she made it out into the center of the loungehouse, where the hallways branched out in all directions. Viv had also found the time to change and she joined Ava in the room.

She turned to face the blonde and held her hand out, "You stay away from me when I'm here."

"I need to keep an eye on you, remember? It's my job," Viv said and she looked bored with the back and forth.

"Fine. I am going to the pools. You can wait at the entrance but you aren't allowed in with me."

"I can live with that," Viv shrugged and pushed Ava along.

It wasn't far to the pools. Before long she was sinking into the burning water, letting it rise to her neck. She had chosen a spot that wasn't filled with many people. In her experience with Pearl, it was hard to hop in on an existing conversation. It was better to allow people to come and spark the conversation first. At the thought of Pearl, her gut did a small flip. She missed her. She missed all her friends. Ava wished that Pearl had fared well after the fight. She hoped the same for the whole crew. She couldn't remember who had been there when Theo was rescued.

Remembering Pearl and the other officers made her long for a friend. For a connection that was trustworthy and easy. She wanted someone that knew her. Mallory helped tamper down the sadness of loneliness but it wasn't always enough. She needed an old acquaintance. She needed someone like Eliandris- her old chambermaid and first real friend. She didn't need someone like Eli, she needed Eli. Maybe that is what she would ask Viv for. To help her find out what had happened to Eli and if she was still around. She could be her chambermaid again.

She was pulled from her thoughts when two women entered her area of the pools. They didn't look alike, one with blonde hair and fair skin and the other with brown hair and darker skin. Ava assumed they were friends, she also assumed they were well off. The purpose of loungehouses was to socialize and they wasted no time in doing so.

"I don't remember seeing you around but I know you from somewhere," the first woman to enter spoke.

"Maybe I just have one of those faces," Ava replied.

"Are you new around here? Have you arrived for the Vaith court?" the other one asked.

"Oh my, she's a part of court?" the first woman came and sat next to Ava.

A new woman entered the pool and stopped midway, "Oh fuck."

"What? Come in, come in," one of the people sitting next to Ava motioned the newcomer in.

She entered the pool and shock was evident on her face, "You are Avery Vaith."

"I am, yes," Ava laughed as she pushed her hands through the water, letting it rush between her fingers.

"We were told that you were horribly mangled and scarred and that's why no one had seen you," one of them said.

"No one has seen me because my mother was afraid I would be too fragile after what happened to me with the pirates so she wanted to make sure I was in the right mental state before allowing me out to socialize," Ava smiled at all of them, "I am in fact not horribly mangled and scarred."

"Aren't you supposed to be some sort of recluse?" the first woman asked.

Loungehouses. A place where tact and polite conversation went out the window.

Ava forced a smile, "That was before. I was an angsty adolescent that didn't know how good I had things until I didn't have them. So, now I'm back and trying to make a change."

"By being more social?" one of them asked

"Yes. And by trying to stop being so stuck in the walls of the estate," Ava shrugged, "are you all in court?"

One of them scoffed, "We should be so lucky."

"My cousin is at court. Damned bitch was fortunate enough to be born into the head of the family and the rest of us can do nothing but sit outside the estate walls and wish we were dining with Lady and Lord Vaith," another said.

"Quite a boring existence," the last one to enter sighed.

"Court isn't that interesting, I promise," Ava chuckled, "it's a bunch of people, in stuffy clothes trying to act properly so no gossip is spread about them."

"Easy for you to say, you're a noble," the same woman added on.

"Which gives me all the more authority to know it's bullshit," Ava replied, "this is the fun part. Loungehouses, not worrying about wearing a dress all sun, being able to roam on your own free will, making friends with people who are less likely to sell you out for a better position."

"I suppose my cousin does hate it. She doesn't say it but she breaks out in hives from the stress of preparing for court season."

"See? Have you ever gotten hives from stressing about being able to be in Aubermasse with none of the pressures of court?" Ava continued the conversation.

"No, but I have gotten an infection from fucking one of the stable boys that work at the estate."

"Don't mind her. She just likes to brag that she's a whore who likes to be unfaithful to her husband," one of them snickered.

"I might be a whore but at least I'm not a spinster," the other shot back then paled, looking over at Ava, "I'm sorry. I meant no disrespect toward your situation."

Ava laughed, "Don't be sorry. I'll proudly wear the title of a spinster."

"Word is, they're looking for suitors for you," one raised an eyebrow, "Is that true?"

"Mhm," Ava nodded without saying much else.

"It won't be hard. You are quite beautiful," one complimented, "Do you have your eye on anyone?"

"Not as of yet," Ava shrugged, "what else have you heard? My mum keeps me far away from the news."

"What have we heard about what exactly?"

"Anything of interest. You heard I had suitors coming my way. What else has been circulated about me?"

"You were captured by pirates and then rescued by your brothers," one of them said.

"Oh! That you were tortured and forced to give up The Center secrets but you refused."

"And that your rescue attempt left the pirate island decimated."

"And you know what Joss told me?" one of the girl's eyes widened and she told her friend sitting next to her, "he said that an acquaintance in Niveal wrote to him and said that some of the pirates just arrived there. They all left the pirate island and now are scattering to the wind."

"Now they'll really never let us go to Niveal if that's where the pirates relocate," one of them scoffed, "haven't they ruined enough things for us? First, we don't have ale for three cycles in South Elox because they interrupted shipping and now I won't get to go to the only place I've ever wanted to visit."

"Well, Joss' friend didn't say they were staying there. Just that he saw a bunch there," the one who heard it from Joss explained, "he said that the lady pirates were there. Oh, and that one you like. You have a print of his bounty poster."

"Captain Blue?" the one having multiple affairs laughed and then held her hands to her chest, "oh he's so dreamy."

"He's a pirate," another reminded.

"So? That's part of his appeal."

"You know Captain Blue?" Ava tilted her head.

"No. I saw the bounty poster and I just knew if there was one pirate that could have my heart if he wanted, it was him" she swooned and lowered herself into the water until just her head was popping out.

"And you said the lady pirates were there too?" Ava tilted her head.

"You are so inquisitive. I thought you would be quieter... More-"

"Of a recluse?" Ava laughed a bit and it got her several nods, "what other pirates are there?"

"The lady pirates...Captain Blue," the girl got lost in thought, "hm, I think that's all of them."

"Why are you so interested?"

"They are the ones that captured me," Ava admitted.

"I've heard that they're much worse than the men because they have something to prove."

Ava had to bite her tongue at the layered statements being made. The term lady pirate always pissed her off. They were just pirates, and a lot of them happened to be women. But, it was beyond her control. She could either snap at them about being more critical in their use of language or she could continue to get their information.

"They are a nasty lot," Ava played along. She would feel bad about throwing them under the bus but Theo liked to exaggerate their evilness. If anything, she was helping.

"Is it too insensitive to ask for details?"

"A question confirming if it's okay is more respect than I've been given on the matter by anyone else so," Ava shrugged, "go ahead."

The questions were not too invasive, not compared to what she had already been asked by her family. The women mostly got lies as answers, Ava was making up things they did to her or the conquests the pirates achieved while she was locked away in the brig with other hungry, decrepit prisoners. Finally, she got to a point where she felt she had given enough to be able to get something in return. She left her question vague and broad.

"What else is new? I've been locked away for cycles."

They told her about a growing rebellion in South Efriti, talking about how it was not surprising because that region was always in trouble. Then the conversation quickly changed into gossiping about all of the lords and ladies in town for court. She zoned out. She probably should have listened so she could use it to her advantage when she would eventually attend but it was near impossible to ever be able to pay attention when the lives of nobles were discussed. Eventually, the women exited and said their goodbyes with the promise of meeting up in three suns; insisting that Ava had to come join them. She agreed and they left her alone in the water.

Ava was going to relax for a moment but she saw Viv round the entrance of the pools without a robe on, heading straight towards her.

"I told you not to come in here!" Ava yelled and reached up to cover herself with an arm across her chest.

"What? Are you nervous about me seeing you without clothes on?" Viv laughed and got into the water, "you're not the first naked person I've seen you know."

"I would like my privacy. Doing this against my will would get you kicked off the ship if we were on the Scorned Woman," Ava argued.

"Good thing we aren't there," Viv sank down until her head was submerged and then came back up, "If it really makes you uncomfortable, I can go. I just figured you were being difficult."

"I was. I don't care. But you didn't know for sure. So you came and assaulted my eyes with your tits without knowing how I would truly react," Ava huffed.

"Indignant looks cute on you," Viv chuckled, "you scrunch your nose a certain way. It makes you more likable."

"You think I'm cute," Ava teased.

"Don't flatter yourself." Viv laughed and sat back against the edge of the pool, "Eloxians aren't my type."

"Just vulnerable Aelizan's you can lie to and take advantage of."

"Again with your defense of Theo," Viv shook her head, "she left you for dead. Why do you care?"

Ava just shrugged and looked down at the water. After a bit of time, she looked up.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Is this a part of our trust-building exercises?" Viv titled her head up from where she had rested it.

"It's not."

"Fine. Can't promise I'll answer."

"My brother knew about Theo's parents... Did you tell my father about who Theo was?"

Viv nodded a bit.

"Why'd you do that?"

"He knew already. There was an inkling there... I just confirmed it. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else down the line."

"But why? Didn't you love her? Shouldn't there but some form of loyalty there? If not for what you had then because you are both part of the underworld."

Viv cleared her throat, "End of that conversation. You, on the other hand, have some explaining to do."

"Why's that?"

"You did come here for nefarious dealings. You just milked those women for information," Viv said.

"I wouldn't say it was nefarious. They didn't offer up anything under duress, we were just gossiping," Ava shrugged with a bit of a smile.

"Which is exactly why you came here," Viv realized it and rolled her eyes, a small smile creeping onto her face.

"I wouldn't willingly come to a loungehouse," Ava chuckled, "of course, there was something in it for me."

"You know how to be subtle when you want to be, I'll give you that."

"Don't go spreading that around," Ava said and leaned her head against the edge of the pool, "I want people to continue to think I am loud, opinionated, and obnoxious."

"Trust me, no one will be forgetting that any time soon," Viv laughed.

"Before you get me distracted with disdain for you, I know what I want you to do for me."

"Spit it out," Viv said.

"Two things. My old chambermaid, her name is Eliandris. Can you find out where she is and what happened to her after I left?"

"That'll be simple," Viv nodded, "what else?"

"Get information on Theo. I'm sure you already knew she is in Niveal or at least that she was headed that way. I want to find out why she left Corinspe, why she's in Niveal, and when she's leaving."


"If you work for me, you won't get paid to ask questions. You'll get paid to answer them. So, stop asking and fulfill my requests," Ava demanded.

"Of course, your highness."

Ava was satisfied and she rested against the edge of the pool. She was so excited about the sun on the town, she hadn't slept much. It was catching up to her and she felt herself on the brink of sleep.

"Your brother doesn't like you very much," Viv said.

"What makes you say that?" Ava said without opening her eyes.

"Last night after returning, I heard him talking in the study to your sister, Penelope," Viv shrugged, "just saying, you should watch out for him."

"You're going to need better information than that if you want me to work with you," Ava closed her eyes, "that's not news to me."

"You're hard to please, princess."

"I'm really not," Ava laughed.

"Is that an innuendo? Here I was, thinking you're a prude," Viv said, "Theo knew how to get the job done then?"

Ava frowned and sat up, opening her eyes, "What is your obsession with me and her? If I didn't know the story of you two better, I would think you were jealous."

"Just interesting to me," Viv shrugged and also sat up, "if you're ever lonely and looking for someone to satisfy you, I'm right here. Consider it a perk of working with me."

Ava rolled her eyes, "As if."

"Don't act as if it's unthinkable. I am quite good at what I do. You know that thing Theo does with her tongue," Viv smirked as she watched Ava's brows furrow, "you totally know what I'm talking about."

"What about it?" Ava snapped.

"I taught her that."

"Fuck off. I'm never going to have sex with you," Ava stood up, "this is about as close as you'll ever get."

Ava stepped out and pulled on the robe that was waiting for her.

"I like a challenge, princess," Viv turned her body as she watched Ava walk out of the room.

"Aren't you coming?" Ava asked as she stood at the entrance to the pool rooms.

"Nah, Arnie's going to escort you back. I'll stay here and get my money's worth."

"I paid for admission."

"Even the more reason to take advantage of what I was given for free," Viv shooed her off with her hand, "go on now. See you later, princess."


"You're not cooperating with me," Viv grunted.

"I'm doing what you asked!" Ava yelled.

"Suck in harder!" Viv shot back.

"Just let the chambermaid come in and do it," Ava panted as she took a deep breath in to recover from the many attempts to tie her corset in a way that wouldn't get her lectured by her mother for not fitting into her dress. She had been taking. advantage of the freedom around town to eat what she wanted and everything her mother had tailored for her had been barely fitting.

"No, I have news I need to give you in private," Viv replied and patted her on the back, "there, I got it."

Ava turned around, "Is it about Eliandris?"

"About Theo," Viv replied.

"You got information about Theo before you could find out about Eli? I thought you said that would be easy. It's been more than half a cycle since you've agreed to look into it."

"Well, I was mistaken. Surprisingly, it happens from time to time," Viv shrugged, "do you want the information or not?"

"Obviously," Ava motioned for her to spill.

"Her crew is huge now. She's got over 8 ships in her fleet. She's joined forces with Blue and recruited people from Corinspe that left their captains or their captains died in battle. She's also put the word out to all recruits that want to join them to come to Niveal," Viv explained.

Ava frowned, "She left Corinspe for good? Or she's just on a break until the next meeting?"

"Not sure. If she has left for good, no one aside from pirates would know."

"Hm," Ava nodded and walked over to her bed where her dress was laid out, "Thank you."

"Anything else you want me to find out?"

"Just keep an ear open. Let me know if you hear anything else. I want to know if they left for good. And I especially want to know their route once they leave Niveal."

"Planning to run away?" Viv raised an eyebrow and stepped forward, taking the dress from the bed and helping Ava into it, "finding the right time to meet up with them again?"

"I was kicked off the ship, remember?" Ava played it off but she wasn't sure it was too convincing, "Just want to know. I can't be sheltered from information anymore. Knowing things will get me closer to my father which will get me closer to reforms. That came directly from you a few suns ago."

"I am quite intelligent sometimes," Viv chuckled and turned Ava around and helped lace up her dress, "except I said that directly in reference to court and why you needed to stop putting it off and finally attend."

"Well, I'm going to dinner with the court, aren't I?" Ava snapped back, "you should be giving me recognition for that."

"I'll give you recognition when you go to actual court instead of taking the easy way out and just going to dinner," Viv stepped back so Ava could walk to the mirror, "you need to make in-roads with these people if you want any sort of reform to be passed."

"I am making in-roads where it counts," Ava reminded her, "I have been making friends with the kitchen and cleaning staff and with the girls at the loungehouse. They invited me to their hotel in three suns."

"Sure. Good job on that but where it actually counts is with the nobles that you will need to convince to accept your proposals," Viv argued, "and dinner is not a place to pave those roads. Court is. You're just scared of being introduced to the suitors your mother has lined up for you."

It wasn't entirely true. That was part of her hesitation. Even though she had made no fuss about attending court when she caught her mother having the affair, she had since renegotiated her terms of blackmail. She would go to court eventually because Viv was right, but she wasn't ready. Partly because of the lack of enthusiasm she had for meeting potential suitors but also because she was busy making in-roads where it counted for her. She couldn't be bothered with the court just yet.

She was going to run away and it was important to go to court to display to her mother and to Viv that she had every intention of staying and behaving. But that was far from the case. The ladies at the loungehouse kept her up to date on information, not everything was relevant but she wouldn't be leaving home completely in the dark. And having the staff on her side would help her with trip preparation, sneaking around in the meantime, and when it was time to leave. It also didn't hurt to have friends outside of the estate that regularly attended loungehouses to spread positive news about reform.

"Thank you for your input. I'm ready and you've given me the information," Ava shrugged, "you can go now."

"Very well, your highness," Viv mocked her with a bow, "I will be at dinner to keep an eye out on you."

"At my mother's request?"

"Of course," Viv cracked a smile and looked Ava up and down, "cute."

"Stop coming onto me," Ava laughed and pushed Viv's shoulder.

Their relationship had still been based on back and forth insults but Ava had learned to lean into it. She was stuck with Viv; she would be exhausted every sun if she actively hated the person that was by her side. Viv had not been too bad either. She was amoral, raunchy, out of line, and selfish but sometimes she was good company.

Especially on suns where she didn't get to see Mallory, the only other person in the estate she could talk to openly.

It was like her thoughts had summoned her sister.

"You have to sit next to me tonight," Mallory said as she walked in, "I can finally avoid having two suitors on either side."

"Will mum let us?" Ava asked.

"Does she have a choice?" Mallory laughed.

"You've become a rebel so quickly," Viv pointed out.

"Leave, you blonde witch," Mallory stuck her tongue out.

Ava laughed and then covered her mouth with her hand as she watched Viv's shocked face look between Mallory and Ava.

"You're just going to let her speak to me that way?" Viv asked but the way she laughed after gave away that she wasn't actually upset.

"I can't control her opinions. And why would I want to correct what is clearly an accurate observation."

"Well, I have overstayed my welcome," Viv began to walk out, "witches have feelings too."

Ava held out her hand for Mallory once Viv had left the room, "Shall we go feast?"

"Let's go!" Mallory started pulling her along by the hand, "I have to show you the man that mum is dying to set me up with. You have to give me your impression of him. I have to pick the right person just in case running away doesn't work out in our favor."

"It will. We have no choice," Ava assured her.

"Well," Mallory shrugged, "at least, I have to pick the right person to spend time with in that span before we leave."

"Can't argue with that," Ava agreed.

"Have you made any progress? Do we know when we are leaving?" Mallory asked.

"I haven't got the slightest clue," Ava admitted with a shake of her head, "I think I'm being overly cautious... I've done nothing but talk to people and make nice with the estate workers."

"Maybe it is best to keep cautious. I keep having this one dream that we are talking to someone about helping us run and then we end up in jail," Mallory shrugged, "which wouldn't exactly be what happens to us but it's still not comforting."

"We would be confined to our rooms which is almost the same," Ava argued.

"It would be far from the same. Our rooms would be less dingy. Less cold. Possibly more food. A lot more comfort," Mallory listed.

"I was referring to the lack of freedom."

"None of that matters," Mallory said as they made it down the halls, "we won't get caught."

"Not if I can help it," Ava assured her.


Next to her, on her right, was Mallory. Thankfully, she had been sitting at the end of the table so there was no one to her left. Unlike Mallory, many of Ava's suitors had yet to arrive. They were all traveling there. So, Ava was lucky enough to only have to handle one obnoxious noble at a time. His name was Tak, from Dove Island, and all he knew how to do was talk about himself. He had recently acquired his father's title and he made sure it was known.

She thought at some point in the conversation that if she were to stay by her father's side and attempt to climb the ranks, Tak would be a good ally. He had transformed his father's domain into a productive technological center. One of the tinkerer shops under his command was involved in the making of the hand cannon. And he mentioned that fact alone at least seven times throughout dinner.

Mallory's suitors were no better. The one to her right was like Tak, who only knew how to keep the conversation on himself. The one in front of her was quiet and there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm or light behind his eyes. Ava wasn't sure if her mother was awful at picking people who were bearable or if every noble and last namer from greater and noble houses were the same. Eventually, they were dismissed from dinner.

The suitors left the table and Ava leaned over to Mallory.

"The one across from you was the one you wanted my opinion on?"

Mallory nodded and Ava had to keep from laughing, "That is the dullest and boring man in all of Baethos."

Mallory laughed and slapped Ava on the arm, "Stop."

"It's true," Ava shrugged and stood up.

"Better boring than mean or an ego-maniac."

"You're right, my dear sister," she began to walk out of the dining room, "if this is the best one you've met, then I would go ahead and just tell mum that he's the one."

"I'll give it until we know when we are going to leave," Mallory strategized, "that way, we'll be long gone before the wedding rolls around."

"Good thinking," Ava said and put her hand over her stomach that was pushing up against the corset, "let's go walk this dinner off in the gardens."

"Or we can pass by the study. All the younger court members go there after dinner. I bet we can get some juicy secrets," Mallory wiggled her eyebrows, "everyone's always drunk."

"The gardens seem more fun," Ava pouted.

"We can't get drunk in the gardens. But there will be plenty of liquor in the study," Mallory tried convincing her and finally, Ava nodded with a huff.

Mallory squealed in delight and began leading the way.

They arrived at the study and Ava had never seen it that busy. Granted, she rarely attended court when she lived at home but the fact that this gathering occurred all the time and she had no idea was sort of sad. The ceilings in the room were raised to make space for shelves of books and artifacts and most of the younger court members were lounging around with a drink in their hands.

There was a whistle and Ava turned in that direction. Her brother was sitting on a couch with others next to him and gathered all around. She saw him wave his hand, beckoning her over and she obliged.

"Good evening," Ava flashed a smile and a nod in everyone's general direction.

"As you can see, all it took was some torture and to be in a pirate's brig for a length to get to her to come out of her shell," Killian said as he took a sip of his drink, "recluse no more."

"It is true. I have changed a lot. Yet, Killian is still the giant prick he always was," Ava shot back with a smile plastered on her face.

Everyone around her laughed and she caught the slitch twitch to Killian's lip. She could tell he was gearing up to say something even meaner and they could go at the jabs all night. But she turned over to Mallory and squeezed her arm and then gave another nod in everyone's direction.

"I just came to drop Mallory off. I am going to get going, I had a long sun," Ava dismissed herself in order to avoid an unnecessary confrontation.

But she wasn't so lucky. As she walked out of the study, her brother came to walk next to her. Ava looked over and pursed her lips, furrowing her brow in a silent question as to why he was following her.

"What's your game here, Avery?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you mean."

"You come back and you are still a nightmare to deal with. Then you go to The Center and come back and all of a sudden you are being let out, you're behaving, you're acting as if you belong here."

"You used to pick on me for being a recluse and being a shame to this family and now that I'm actually making an effort, you are picking on me for that too," Ava shook her head, "can you just admit to yourself that you have an irrational hatred towards me for whatever reason and try to work through that without bringing me into it?"

"What is your angle? You working for the pirates and trying to infiltrate my family?" Killian stepped in front of her and stopped her from walking.

"It is my family too. I am not infiltrating anything," Ava crossed her arms over her chest, "I have let go of my anger and resentment toward this place and have realized I need to learn to do my piece to contribute to the empire our father and everyone before him has built."

Killian narrowed his eyes and took a step closer to her. He was taller than her and he had to lean forward to look down at her, "I'm not buying it, Avery. Mum is not any fonder of you than she was before so it has to be that you are working with dad to get these freedoms you were suddenly granted. I will find out, recluse, and I will dismantle what you're working on. I will expose you for the pirate apologist you are."

"I thought conspiracies were more of Pen's thing," Ava chuckled a bit and reached over to pat his arm, "goodnight, Kill."

She began to walk away but he called out after her.

"Mother will be hearing about what you said to me in the study. We'll see if those privileges stay around for much longer," he threatened.

"Be my guest," Ava turned around with a smile, "You said it yourself. She's not fond of me. The command to let me roam free came from our father. What is she going to do? Write to him and tell him that Killian was complaining that his baby sister hurt his feelings? Wouldn't you agree that's not heir-like behavior?"

"Cunning bitch," Killian said, "you're up to something."

"Mhm," Ava nodded then faked a yawn, "We just went over this. You're going to uncover what I'm doing. Expose me for the rat that I am. Make my life a living hell. And so on. Try your best. I'll be looking forward to seeing you be embarrassed for being so wrong about it all."

She turned around and walked away before he could say anything else. She would ask Viv to keep tabs on him. If he started to stick his nose where it didn't belong, any progress she might be able to make with her father would be at risk. Even worse, if he started to snoop he had a higher chance of figuring out her plans of running away once she began to finalize them. She spared one glance back but he was gone and Ava let out a deep breath of relief after being released from unwanted interactions with her brother.


"Arnie is outside," Viv was bending down over the pool in the loungehouse to whisper into Ava's ear, "your father just got into town. He's requesting a family dinner and wants to see you before that."

Ava frowned as she looked up at Viv, "Any other details?"

"None," Viv shook her head, "but it's best if we get there as soon as we can. You need to bathe and get ready."

Ava stood up and said goodbye to the group of ladies she was with. Some of them were the same as her first time but since then she had met many new people. Ava wouldn't say they were friends but it was nice to share some mindless time with a group of people. It reminded her of being back on the ship, with overlapping chatter, chaotic laughter, and the latest information about people who were not even relevant to anyone in the room.

Viv passed her a robe and Ava pulled it on before walking to her cubicle of stuff. She got dressed as quickly as possible and tried to hurry home. Once there, she entered through the staff entrance and ran past everyone trying to get to the bathing room. As she did, she slammed face-first into one of the cooks, Hold, and stopped for a second.

She was taking in a deep breath and put a smile on her face, "Hold. I haven't forgotten what you asked me for. They didn't have the herbs you wanted so I put in an order. They have to bring it up from The Twins."

"No worries, Lady Avery," he smiled back and helped her right herself, "have a good evening."

"You too, Hold," Ava waved at him then picked up her skirt and began to run again.

Her mother had sent her chambermaid to the room by the time Ava had arrived and she was helped into the bathing room and then aided in changing into a nice dress fit for dinner with a councilman. It had been more than a cycle since she had returned home and asked Viv to find Eli for her but there had been no accurate leads. And in half a cycle since she had gotten an update about Theo, nothing had changed. Theo had been in Niveal for about a cycle and didn't show signs of leaving. Either Viv was lying or Theo had taken a liking to using Niveal as a base of operations.

Her mind was busy, floating off into space as she got ready. She made up various scenarios in her head. What did her father want? Maybe he was angry she was going out into town. Or, he had found a suitor while at The Center and wanted to introduce them. Why was Theo not leaving Niveal? Did she get into a fight with the pirates? Had her fleet grown so much she required a base of operations in a logistically advantageous place? Where had Eli gone? Had she been fired? Had she run away too?

"Lady Ava," Arnelo called for her from the entryway to her room, "your father will see you now."

Ava nodded and walked up to him, taking a shaky breath in, "How do I look?"

"Proper," Arnelo chuckled, "and also nervous."

"Do you know what it's about?'' Ava asked as she walked out of the room.

"I was only told by your mother that he wanted to speak with you before dinner," Arnelo said.

"You think he's mad at me for something?"

"I couldn't make that prediction," Arnelo said, never helpful but always kind.

She could feel her heart beating in her chest even at the slow pace she had adopted. When she arrived at her father's office, she waited for a moment before giving the guard permission to knock on the door.

"Come in!" he called out and the door was opened for Ava by the guard. Ava walked in and her father took off his glasses but didn't stand up, "Avery. Take a seat."

Ava complied and took a seat, smoothing out her dress once she did.

"How was your journey? Hopefully, it went well," Ava started.

He nodded, "It was agreeable. Not too many obstacles."

"What did you want to speak to me about?"

He cracked a smile and shook his head, "You have been quite busy since you've been back. I heard you were allowed out on the town."

Ava nodded.

"And that you've made nice with the ladies in the loungehouses," he steepled his fingers, "even the ones that do not attend court."

"I have. Was I not supposed to?" Ava tilted her head, trying to act as innocent as she could muster.

"There is no problem with that," he shook his head, "it is just surprising to see, given your history."

"I've realized I cannot be cooped up in my room forever. Especially not if I want to make a change in Baethos," Ava admitted, "I am still adamant about what I said. Reforms will help you and if you choose to listen to that, then the ladies at the loungehouses are the perfect way to spread the word that change needs to happen. Whisper campaigns work. I've seen it in action. That way, the ladies spread the idea of change and you are simply responding to that need."

He chuckled a bit and nodded, "You have impressed me, Avery. You are savvier than anyone gives you credit for."

"Finally, someone sees it," Ava tried to joke.

He shifted in his seat and stared her down, "You managed to convince your mother to let you out of the estate. You convinced my guards to allow you into The Vault. The story you sold to cover your tracks when you got back here was well done... I would have not guessed to expect this from you."

"If you are impressed with what I've done, then let me help you with what you need," Ava offered, unsure of where she got the guts to ask, "Grant and Ulysses are both dead and they were your seconds. I know it's unconventional because I am a woman but I can stick to the shadows if that is what you wish. Let me help you take point on council and estate issues."

"No," he put simply, "that will not be happening but I appreciate the offer."

"Then why did you call me here?"

"I want to know how you convinced your mother to allow you to roam around Aubermasse," he said and then leaned forward a bit, "I would be careful about lying."

Ava swallowed and looked down at her hands. She had promised her mother she would say nothing. Telling her father would gain trust between them but it would risk her freedom. If her mother had nothing hanging over her head, she would snap away from her freedom in an instant as revenge for coming clean. Like he was following her train of thought he spoke up.

"No matter what you say, your privileges won't be revoked. Just tell me what you did," her father probed again.

Ava's head jerked up and she almost blurted it out right there but she had heard about and witnessed her father's punishment. She didn't care for her mother much but at least enough to not allow her to be killed because Ava couldn't keep a promise.

"Avery, I am an old man. I have been around for a long time. I have had two wives and know very well the struggles of being a husband who has to leave for long periods of time," he admitted, "I know your mother invites people into our bed."

Ava's eyes widened a bit and she shook her head, "I didn't want to keep it from you but I had made her a promise. And, I didn't want to see her hurt."

"That is noble of you," he nodded, "but I do not intend on hurting your mother. You caught her?"

"I did."

"Did you get a look as to who it was?"

"I did."

"Who is it?"

Ava didn't hesitate that time, "Lord Neil Backer."

"Thank you," he nodded, "I will see you at dinner."

"That's all?"

"Yes. You may go."

"Are you going to kill him?"

"No," he chuckled, "worse. The classifiers will not take this information lightly."

She didn't know how to react to that. She wasn't aware that infidelity was a factor they measured. If it wasn't, then her father had influence over the classifier process in some way- an alleged secret and fair process. But that fact shouldn't have surprised her. Ava dismissed herself from the room and allowed herself to be led to the family dining hall. All the while hoping that her mother didn't find out she had ratted her out.


"Hold! I have it! I have the herbs," Ava split up from Arnelo when the kitchen was in sight.

She held up a bundle of dried herbs that she had picked up from a specialty medicine shop, the order having had been placed half a cycle before. She caught up to him as he threw out some scraps and turned to face her.

"Lady Vaith. I told you that I was alright! I don't need this," he insisted but Ava shook her head with a wide smile.

"Please, accept this as a gift from me. I command it," Ava handed them to him, "I would stay but I have more things to give out before court tonight."

"Who do you need to find?"

"Is Miss Lullith around?"

He pointed in the direction of the building, "Inside."

She nodded her thanks and then motioned Arnelo to follow. He caught up quickly and together they distributed the items they were both carrying. It had taken her the entire cycle and a half she had been back home from The Center to form a good relationship with the staff but they were finally trusting her. They were finally understanding that she meant it when she said she wanted to help and she wasn't just setting a trap to catch them being unprofessional.

"Lady Ava. I think we can finish giving the rest of the things out in the morning. Court is going to resume very soon and we should get you to dinner," Arnelo advised.

Ava rushed to her room to get ready. She had skipped out on the loungehouse that morning so there was no need to wash off; she had bathed that morning. Her mother's chambermaid helped her get dressed once she arrived at her room. Ava's dress was the most expensive one she had worn yet. Most of her suitors were still on their way to Aubermasse, at least the important ones, so she wasn't sure why the need for such fancy attire.

With all of the important people beginning to trickle in, however, she had begun attending court five suns prior; much to Viv's relief. Most times, she wouldn't stay around all sun. Like that sun, she had spent a majority of it in town and only arrived in time for the evening session of court and dinner. She hadn't seen much of her father or her mother, which was an unexpected pleasantry. The downside was that she also hadn't seen Mallory, who was busy being paraded around for possible suitors now that her husband had officially been declared dead. Ava was excited to catch up with her at dinner. And they had promised each other a nice long walk in the garden after dinner and at the very least that they would sit next to each other while they ate.

Her door opened and Ava turned around to see Viv walking in.

"Out," Viv snapped her fingers in the direction of her chambermaid who was getting Ava ready and the poor woman scrambled out, "I have news."

"About Theo?" Ava's heartbeat picked up and her stomach sank.

"About Eliandris."

Ava frowned and clapped her hands so Viv would come out with it.

"She's in prison. Right here in Aubermasse."

Ava shook her head, "How long has she been in there?"

"Since you left," Viv said.

"No. No. That means she's been in there for over a length," Ava shook her head and began frantically trying to undo her dress.

"What are you doing? You have court."

Ava shook her head, "I'll tell Arnelo to tell everyone I got sick. Go get a carriage ready."

"I don't think you should be going right now."

"Go! Go get the fucking carriage ready right now, Vivexa!"

She nodded and began to back away.

"Julie! Julie come back!" Ava yelled for her chambermaid to avoid ripping the dress right off.

With dexterous fingers, Julie helped her undress from the fancy garments and into something more comfortable. As soon as she had her shoes slipped on she stumbled out of the door and to the kitchen entrance. Viv had gotten a carriage to pull around fairly quickly and it was easy for Ava to rush inside and get the carriage moving.

"What is your plan?" Viv asked once she was inside.

"Get her out of there! She is in there because of me!" Ava yelled, her foot bouncing up and down, "I cannot believe you've taken all of this time to find out she was right here!"

"There is no record of her there, I checked the ledger first," Viv defended herself.

"Then how do you know?"

"I spoke to the soldiers that took her there."

Ava shook her head and she felt tears spring to her eyes from the guilt.

"If there is no record of her, she is most likely dead," Viv tried to warn her, "I would have told you that but you didn't give me enough time."

"If she died there would still be a record of her. It would just say she was dead," Ava shook her head, refusing to accept that as Eli's fate.

Her leg bounced the entire time they were riding and she flew out of the carriage once it arrived at the prison. Ava rushed inside and forced Viv to keep up her pace too. It was cold, dark, and grimy; she was transported back to the few cycles that she had been stuck in the prison on Corinspe. There, she was at least treated somewhat humanely. She could not imagine what a length in Eloxian prison had done to Eli.

They were escorted to the wing of women's cells by guards and then left on their own.

"Eli!" Ava called out as she began to look into each cell, a light jog pushing her through, "Eliandris! It's me, It's Avery! Are you here?"

Her calls got more desperate as she passed each cell, she was choking back her sobs but the tears were still flowing down her cheeks. Viv joined in but Ava couldn't pay attention to anything but the task at hand. She reached the end of the hall of cells and there was no sign of her. If she was there, she was choosing to stay hidden.

"Viv,'' Ava turned to her with red-rimmed eyes and her chest heaving up and down as she took staggered breaths in an attempt to keep the crying to a minimum, "please go ask the guards if they know anything. I will keep looking."

Viv nodded and retired from the search as Ava went cell by cell looking inside and trying to see if Eli was there and choosing not to answer out of fear. She was halfway through her more thorough round of checking the cells when her name was called. But it wasn't the name her father gave her, it was the name given to her by others.

"Red," a weak voice called out from three cells down.

Ava's head snapped over but in the low light, she couldn't see that far.

"Hello?" Ava called back as she walked towards the cell, "Eli?"

"Ava," her name was called again but she didn't recognize it as Eli's, which made sense since Eli never knew her as Red or Ava.

She jogged the rest of the way to the cell and when Ava stood in front of the cell, she couldn't believe her eyes. She was able to put a face to the voice.

Her heart dropped.

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