Everlasting; The Promised Nev...

By MyDearEunoia

40K 2.1K 1.8K

You were born on an orphanage called "Grace Field" and have been raised there since then. As the time goes, y... More

1 | The Outside World
2 | The Trauma
3 | The Enemy
4 | The Tag
5 | The Traitor
6 | The Crush
7 | The Trust
8 | The Deal
9 | The Trick
10 | The Chasm
11 | The Lullaby
12 | The Present and The Note
13 | The Pen
14 | The Explosion
15 | The Pain
16 | The Celebration
17 | The Rabbit
18 | The Ignation
19 | The Priority
20 | The After Effect
21 | The Call
22 | The Criminal
23 | The Paradise
24 | The Girl
25 | The Passage
26 | The Surprise
27 | The Nostalgia
28 | The Leisure
29 | The Foul
30 | The Night
31 | The Meeting
32 | The Reason
33 | The Tea Time
34 | The Quarrel
35 | The Quarrel Pt. 2 + Theme Song
36 | The Other Side
37 | The Real Intention
38 | The Morning
39 | The First
40 | The Advantage
41 | The Calm Before A Storm
42 | The Start of Chaos
43 | The Key
44 | The Measures
45 | The Turning Point
46 | The Farewell
47 | The Promise, Undone
48 | The Assignment
49 | The Last Straw
51 | The Final Arch

50 | The Last Straw Pt.2

452 22 18
By MyDearEunoia

A friendly notice. This part is unedited :)


Recently, other than the news of a demon terrorist who massacred the aristocrat and The Queen, there's also a another news rising between the demon society. To make it more interesting, this time it's a news regarding the esteemed Peter Ratri. The Ratri's family influence has been kept a secret from the public but seeing how often the said family is being respected, the only human who can walk around the demon world as if they were in a park, and seeing their position as the higher ups at the human farm, it's clear that the Ratri family have hold a huge power to some degree. Moreover, after the unfortunate event happened upon The Queen, Peter Ratri benefits the most and get a ridiculous amount of rising in power.

Until, a news regarding the heir is spreading among the public.

One day in Demon's Daily Prophet Peter Ratri's face alongside a long list of aristocrats (who have died) alongside The Queen is being the highlight of the day. The title said, "THE ARISTROCATS LIED TO US."

It was said that through the hundred years, the deceased aristocrats had done dozens of unimaginable crimes. From bribery, mass manipulation, corruption, and more. Then about The Queen Legravalima who was worse than them all. She rose to the throne after she got rid of her brother, who was the rightful heir to the throne, and also eliminated her own father the late king. Not only that, it was said that her exquisite appearance was attained because she stole the highest quality meats that were supposed to be offerings for The Demon God.

The last to end them all, the only said being that is currently still alive and breathing. Peter Ratri.

The news was said that he was The Queen's partner in crime. He was the one who responsible for switching the offerings and gave those to The Queen. Not only that, it was said that he received bribery from the aristocrats to gave them most of the farm's output that results in a huge starvation a years prior among Demon's society. That was the worse starvation in history and the impact still can be felt up to this day.

All the news are not without concrete evidences. From track records and all hidden archives from that you got from The Palace are all shown there. Along with the truth about the said Evil Blooded Girl. Who is actually can bring the demon into salvation, unlike how the previous aristocrats framed her to be an evil being. All because they wanted to monopolize the farm market and has complete control over all demons.

The news is declared true by the highly respected scholar of The Palace's library, Sir Alvie Burton.

The news stirs rage among demon's society that leads into a rebellion. The demons who were kept in the dark won't be silent anymore. They don't accept the Ratri's dirty hand to rule over their world any longer.

And it results to this moment.

Even Ratri's prominent human soldiers won't stand a chance against the demons, moreover against the palace's soldiers. Their eyes were burning with fire, seeking for revenge, justice for their kind.

One demon is leading them all. His red cape swayed lightly behind his back as the crowds make a way for his entrance. As he is being seen in front of the demons, the few demons behind him spoke, "We are ready on your command, my prince."

The demon smirked, his sharp white teeth are glistening under the moonlight. On his cue, the demons begin their rebellion.

"Get them."

Peter and his army's are shivering in fear. The moon high in the sky is a witness of how the pool of The Plaza's fountain becomes a pool of red blood.


During the huge explosion back then, you don't have the opportunity to notice your surroundings as you're too preoccupied to keep all the children safe. But now, in the midst of chaos, your heart strangely felt at ease. The fools here--the workers of Grace Field--here are too busy to save their own lives. The news of Peter Ratri and the guard's being attacked in The Capital is spreading fast. Moreover, they said that there is going to be a rebellion by the demons really soon and Lambda and the plantations are their first priority target.

People here doesn't really care anymore if there was a suspicious person or a few, running around the facility and entering the places they aren't supposed to be. After opening a few gates, passing tons of rooms and halls, you finally grouped up with the rest of escapees in an underground passage of Grace Field.

According to grandma Isabella, the secret path should be connected to the gate that connects the demon and human world. The only gate left that can is still functioning well.

The surveillance here is minimum as the rebellion has reached the front entrance of Grace Field. Ground beneath you is shaking, fortunately not too violent so you don't have to be scared of being buried down here.

As soon as you open your mask and discard the protective plates of your clothes, which is a part of your disguise as a soldier, you scanned the room as you asked, "Are everyone here? Is anyone hurt?"

Your words stopped into a halt as a certain raven haired boy approaches you and hugs you tightly, covering your sight with him and him only.


You then reciprocate his hug, burying your face into his chest the best you can with the a little struggle with both of your disguise attire. As soon as his warmth radiated into you, all the tense over your shoulders are disappearing. Just a bit of it is able to melt your worries.

"Hey." His gloved hands are reaching your face and you instantly melt into him.

"Hey you," you replied. Feeling how silly the both of you sounded yet still blushing and grinning like a fool nonetheless.

"I'm ... I thought I wouldn't be able to meet you again-" Words are stumbled at the peak of his tongue. Ray wants to ask are you fine, how was your meeting with the [], and wants to scold you for doing such dangerous infiltration alone.

Well, not entirely alone, but you get the point. You understand, looking at how his mouth opened and closed all too fast.

"You ... [] ... you know how worried I am?"

"Calm down Ray. I'm fine, we are fine. I was the one who supposed to ask you guys, how were you back there? They didn't do anything fatal to any of you, right? You were captured!"

"They didn't. As far as I've known."

He rests his forehead against you. "I miss you. I was worried sick, stupid."

You chuckled as you closed your eyes. "The feeling is mutual, dummy."


Suddenly, there is a hand laid on both of your shoulders, pushing you and Ray apart softly. Isabella takes a place between you two with a knowing smile.

"Momma?!" You both jumped.

"I don't wish to interrupt you two, dear. But there are children here," said Isabella softly.

Then, all of sudden you are becoming too aware of the stares everyone are giving you two. You lower your head, trying to avoid them seeing your flushed face of shame. Just a moment ago, you failed to notice their whisperings and stares.

And to make it worse, Barbara shouted across the room. "You are done love birds? We don't have time here!"

You and Ray steals a glance at each other, then burst into laugh.

What a relief, your long and tough journey will end here. It will finally be over.

The mothers under Isabella's command is joining your team. After Isabella gained their trust, they expressed how they have had enough of the Peter Ratri's schemes and overall of the plantation system. They too, want to be free from the chains that bound them to this world.

All of you run, as fast as you can across the tunnel until you and the other groups reach the gate. The room is circle, with a gold patterns and symbols you've often found at demon's temples and The Palace. At the ceiling is a large carvings of two different sides. One has a sun in it, and the other has a moon in it.

A day and night.

Then a lake was placed upside-down in the middle, with a demon girl floating above the water.

It looks like a demon you've seen before--


You turned to your back when someone is tapping your shoulders. It is her, the girl at the carvings.


It is the first time you two ever communicate solely with one another. The first time you met her was with Emma. She was introducing you to her, while explaining her special blood too in the process. She has been a help and be with your group ever since. Emma is right about her and her companion Sonju all along, Mujika are great demon. A very kind at that. They helped taking care of the children, showing all of you shortcuts to places, and never showed even the slightest malice intention to you.

You felt bad about killing them back then, you regret it.

You've talked a lot of things with her and Emma. Mostly about what will happen after all the events unfolds. You, just like the promise your mother has made, will undoubtedly inherit the Ratri's title and being the new gate keeper replacing your--unfortunately biological--uncle.

But rather than you, Mujika will hold a lot heavier responsibility. The possibilities are plenty yet she most likely will be crowned as the new Queen. Seeing how Sonju, the actual prince to the throne, doesn't have any will to rule the kingdom.

You two shared a similar situation. One is bounded by promises and one is bounded by her capability. Both are things you two don't have control of. However, the two of you also have decided to do all you can to fulfill your duty. Those are for the bright future you've dreamed for so long.

You smiled, knowing how she might felt at the time. "I guess this is a temporary goodbye?"

She nods. "I'll see you soon after things have settled down, gate keeper."

"I can't wait for it, my queen."

Norman shout is echoing slightly in the room. "I'll open the door!"

He pull the toggle at the floor, changing it from the symbol of moon with an eye to a full sun. The massive golden gate then slowly opened, revealing a blinding light bit by bit to shine the room.

It as if only the bright futures awaits you behind the gate.

A tears stroll down your face without you noticing. You were about to wipe it when it drips at your chin but then the ground under your feet is shaking violently. The force is much more bigger than ever.

You follow the waves, which you find comes out from one of the tunnel. The one directly behind you.

Gillian and Sonya's warnings then comes to the earphone in your ear. "THE DEMONS ARE COMING! I REPEAT, THE DEMONS ARE COMING. CODE 4. CODE 4."

Your eyes are locking with Emma's then. Gillian and Sonya, alongside with Oliver and Vincent are the ones to keep an eye up there. According to the plan, if it is Code 4 then it means there aren't many demons noticing their whereabout.

But, the elite guards of the plantation are the one who are coming.

They have 15 minutes to go before they reach the gate.

Everyone are panicking and as soon the gate is opened enough for a people to pass in, one of the mother enters first and lead the young children behind them. Then the gate opens for two, three, and so on the gate is opening slowly. It's expected that the gate will fit for fifteen people at full swing.

"You should go Mujika, we can't have you hurt at all," you said to her.

Mujika seems like she wanted to stay and help, but knowing well her position, she nods. "I understand. I wish you all a safe trip, goodluck everyone!"

The older children are on their guard all at once. All swords, knife, and guns are risen as they go along the tunnel carefully. You try to grasp anything you can make in the dark, being one of the few who lead at the front line. At one intersection, your group split to the left and right, planning to trap those demons in the middle.

You gulped heavily. This will be the last time you draw your swords, the damaged metal in your wrist has been companying you ever since Vincent and Zazie made it. The iron made from a hard metal from a fallen demon soldier at Lamda.

Killing a demon with a weapon used by them. No matter how many times you think about it, it is thrilling in some weird ways.

And you will end this fight today. You have to.

A few tip toes later, you and your groups detected the few demons from the report before. Your breath unsteady, adrenaline rushes in your vein and your hand is turning white from holding your swords.

In a cue, you strike all at once.


The shaking of the ceiling above you is getting intense as the rebellion is getting wilder. Time passed but within the narrow hallway—which isn't an ideal place for a battle ground at the first place—is making things harder for your party.

Even with most of your capable fighters are gathering, the demons who are chasing after you aren't ordinary soldiers. They are the elite demons whose job is mainly tracking down and hunting the escapees over the years. Soon, you and your party find it to be a waste of time to deal with them all.

"We can't win over them!" said Barbara.

She is right, the situation is far from your favor. But still, you can't just run away back to the gate and let the demons go further than the current spot with how many of the children who probably haven't crossed the gate yet.

Your party have been trying to drag some time for some while, yet it's getting difficult as your energy drained while the demons are getting more aggressive.

Emma clenched her teeth. "Then that left us with one option."

She glances at Norman beside her, like she is silently transferring her thoughts to him, Norman nods. "I'll go to the west."

"Then I'll be at east. Meet us at the gate."

"Got it!"

Both Emma and Norman lift their hands and run into two opposite ways. Seeing the signal, the group then lure the demons guards into two different end of the tunnel.

The tunnel, just like what Isabella has told, is like a maze. It connects from one to another with so many confusing turns and intersections. It then ends with six different ends to a spot where the gate is placed. It also has twelve different entrances that spread across inside and outside Grace Field.

Because fighting the demons heads on isn't working, then this is the only way to distract the demons. Besides, this tunnel isn't open for any random demons anyway so hopefully neither of the demons know way.

Using the opportunity, some members that are hidden (or mostly are) from the demons are charging from the shadows. Some bullets fly from unexpected angles, making the demons groans and curse in hatred. Their eyes are scanning the dark passage, in a confused state whether to search for the brats that have been shooting him, or to chase the child he was running after earlier.

While his head is turned to one place and another, he gets a glimpse shadow of a girl standing in a the dark hallway. Surprised, he take another look at the shadow but now the girl has disappeared in a blink.

He looks to the left and to the right, not sure how can the girl just fades in the thin air.

"Here, bitch."

Suddenly, a human appeared right in front of his face from above and stab her double blade at his core.

The demons scream of agony is echoing in the hallway, followed by some few distant screams from the other side of the tunnel.

You land carefully on the ground, having yourself jumped from the ceiling with Zazie's help. You quickly stand on your feet then continue running.

After some time, finally there's a call from Hayato at the gate.

"Code green."

That means the last child is already inside the gate.

At this, Emma and Norman quickly change their direction to the gate and recall all members of the group to gather. Two demons have been killed along the way and now your best interest is to reach the gate as soon as possible.

"Close the gate, Hayato!"

"Roger, boss!" Hayato pull the twist back to its night symbol, and the door is closing as slowly as it opens.

Things are looking good now, for a while it seems that finally your last fight is going to over.

Until, the sound of those demons' footsteps are getting ridiculously faster than before. You turn your head back as you run, your eyebrows twitched in disgust as you see those demons are actually eating their comrade's corpses so that they get more agile than before.

Sonya looks like she is going to vomit from the view, too.

This is bad. As the time goes, they will only be faster and stronger after they absorbs all of the power. The gate may not be properly closed by the time they arrived.

No, there has to be a way. You can't let them across the human world and creates havocs there. You managed to find a solution in dire situation like this before, you have to find it again this time.

However, all that you can think of, is another classic explosion.

But it's too dangerous to put any bomb here since the space is so narrow. You can get squished at the process before you even reach the gate. Also, where do you can get those explosion anyway.

You then look at Zazie and get an idea.

"Zazie! I need your help, can you lend me your power? But you have to trust me!" said you.

"Haawa!" Zazie quickly nods without hesitation.

This is a huge gamble, but worth to try.

"Everyone, I have an idea!" You screamed.

Waiting for a second for your words to make sure you get their attention, you continue. "But you have to trust me. Leave me behind with Zazie!"

Most of them automatically turn their head at you in disbelief.

Ray instantly declares an objection. "Don't try anything stupid! There won't be anyone left behind." He is followed by some people agreed with him.

"I am not!" You screamed back. "I'll follow you guys soon, okay? Beside, if I were really going to stay behind, I wouldn't drag Zazie with me!"

With the little time left, you can't elaborate everything that have been inside your head. So you need all their unconditional trust.

You won't die, you also won't let anyone sacrifice themself.

And so, they are nodding their head almost in unison.


Hello there 😌

I'm finally managed to finish this chapter, phew.

Anyway, I hope you've had a good read and soon, the next chapter is probably will be the final chapter.

It's really a long and hard ride but thank you for your supports all these time. The next chapter is probably going to be the longest chapter, I think it will be at least 4-5000 words or more.

Then I'll see you all at the next chapter, see you~

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