The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
Season 6 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 7 Trailer
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
Season 8 Trailer
8x01 Sneak Peeks
Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
8x12 Epilogue
Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
Top 10 Characters
Top 10 Episodes

7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE

218 0 0
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 7

Episode 20

No Time Left

Previously On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"It's a new world order" says Daniel Maine, as Anthony beats Daniel's face in. "I am not a murderer" says Anthony, as he cuts Cole up. "I'm Anthony Freed" says a little boy, as Rebecca says "End this, and then find Sam and Julia. He needs his father, because his mother's gone" and Rebecca shoots herself in the head. "We are survivors" Anthony says. "We are the walking dead." "It's a power plant" and the group takes the power plant. "I'm Spike the animal" says Spike, as he shoots Gwen, and says "You've never faced someone like me." "They'll be dead by sunset" says Spike, as their car crashes. "You can't stop me" says Molly, as she is shot and runs off, as William follows her. Anthony and Spike fight, but a walker grabs Anthony. "Anthony, you're bleeding" Hannah says, as Anthony feels his shoulder, as his voice says "You are my family, and I will protect you at any cost."



          It was noon, and the power plant shined brightly as the sun shined on it. Adam and Nick walked around the gates, with guns in hand. Vivian was on the catwalk, with a rifle in her hands as she looked around. "Will the others be back soon?" Nick asked Adam, who looked down at him. "I hope so" said Adam, with a smile on his face.

         Nick nodded, as the two walked further off, before Nick looked up at Adam, and said "Do you think anyone is dead?" Adam looked frightened, before saying "Of course not." Nick stopped walking, before saying "Dad, stop treating me like a baby. I can accept all of the death that happens. It is most likely that someone is dead, but I know that not all of them are dead."

         Adam sighed, before facing Nick and saying "Nick, you're right. I shouldn't treat you like a baby, but I just want you to stay like this forever. I want you to be able to kill walkers, but I don't want you to be hardened, because then I wouldn't be able to live if you were so distant." Nick looked at Adam, before saying "I won't." They then began to walk off, as Adam said "Yes, someone might be dead." Nick looked saddened.

             The power plant was in the distance, and Sam smiled at its glory. His rifle was in his hand, but he had yet fired it. "Have you used that kind of gun before?" Vince asked. Sam looked at him, and sad "I think so. I haven't used it often though. I'm more of a pistol kind of guy." Vince smiled, and said "I'm a bow and arrow kind of guy."

                 Sam smiled, and said "Before this thing started, I wanted to take up archery as a skill. Never got to, though." "Well" said Vince. 'Francis and I know how to use the old bow an arrow, so one of us could teach you. It should probably be him, because he's much more skilled than I am." Sam chuckled, before saying "I'll ask him." Vince smiled.

                  Vivian had the rifle in hand, when she suddenly saw something in the distance. She aimed the gun, as Adam asked "What is it?" "I don't know" said Vivian, looking intently at it. "It could be Sam, or Vince, or Carly" said Nick. "Don't fire yet." "I won't." Vivian looked, when the thing revealed long hair, and Vivian said "Its Carly." Adam sighed, before saying "Phew."

                   Sam spotted Carly walking in the direction of him and Vince. Sam waved, when suddenly, a gun went, off a Vince collapsed to the ground, with a bullet wound in his chest. Sam turned, but was punched in the face in the Spike. Carly started to run over, when Spike shot, and Carly fell to the ground.

                  Spike smiled, as he picked up a rocket the launcher from off the ground, aimed, and shot the front of the power plant, and there was a large explosion. "Come on boy" Spike said, picking Sam, and throwing him on his shoulder, walking off.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

                    Molly limped through the trees, as she heard guns going off. She spotted walkers nearby, and they were following her through the woods. She kicked one away, but ignored it and imped off. She got in to the road an ran down the street, when she saw a large white house nearby. Walkers were coming from every direction, so she ran towards the house, kicked the door down, and ran in.

                      She walked in, slammed the door, and put a table in front of it. Suddenly, a walker grabbed her, but she kicked it away. Another emerged, and she threw it into that walker. She then limped up the stairs, where she saw more walkers. However, she got into the first room she saw, and slammed the door. She then grabbed a bandage, and placed it on her wound, and she winced. "Oh, god" she said. "Oh god." The walkers banged on the door, as she cowered inside.


                    There was beautiful music from a piano. A little boy played a musical piece, as his teacher looked very happy. The boy stopped, as the woman smiled. 'That was beautiful Anthony" said the teacher. "Thanks Mrs. Erickson" said Anthony, standing up. "Well, that's a great way to end a lesson" she said. "Next, we'll move onto some new musical terms, like this one." She pointed out a musical term, and Anthony asked "What's that?" "It's a coda" said Mrs. Erickson. He smiled at him, and said "It means end."


                      Anthony looked shell shocked, as he looked at his bloody fingers. "Please tell me you were shot there" said Hannah, looking very fearful. "That's it, right?" Suddenly, a walker went to grab Hannah, but Anthony stabbed it in the head. The two looked behind them, and saw the Hounds members dead, wounded and being eaten by walkers, or running off, but still being shot at by the group. "We won" said Anthony.

                       Jason aimed his pistol and shot a man in the head, as Francis shot the last man. Hector wrapped up Ted's arm with guaze, as he said "That'll have to do for now." "Thank you" said Ted, as Terry shot an oncoming walker. "Guys, come on" said Anthony, slicing a walker in the head with his machete. The rest of the group ran over, as Anthony asked "Where's William?" "Molly was hit, she ran off" said Greg. "William went after her." "Well, we'll find them later" said Anthony. "Spike escaped. He must be headed for the power plant. We have to go, now." "Anthony, wait" said Hannah, but Terry stabbed a walker and said "They're coming over." Jason shot a walker in the face, as Greg shot two, before they ran off.

                          They walked for a little while, before Hannah said "Anthony, stop." Anthony turned, with tears in his eyes. "What's going on, guys?" asked Jason. "Anthony" said Terry. "What is it?" Anthony looked at them all, before pulling his shirt off, revealing the back of his shoulder. It was bleeding, and there was a large bite mark on it.

                             "No" said Francis, as Hannah looked angered, and Jason's mouth opened wide. "I'll patch it up" said Hector. "No" said Anthony. "We should just put me down, now." "Without saying goodbye to your son?" asked Hector. "No, I'll patch it, and after you say goodbye, we'll" but he stopped. Hannah looked at Anthony, with tears in her eyes. 'Let this happen." He nodded, as Hector put a bandage on the mark. "The fever should set in soon" said Anthony. "Then, we'll have to put me down."

                                  The group stared at Anthony with sadness, as he said "Hey, you don't get to be sad. You don't get to be scared. Sure, you people will lose your leader, but you should be strong enough that you won't even need a leader. You should be smart enough to realize that you can survive this world without me, without your father, without your wife. You should be strong enough to know that, and if you don't, then go back there and let the walkers have a meal." They all looked at him, as he said "You don't get to be sad. Only Sam does, 'cause now, he won't have anything left." They all stared at him with sadness, as he said "Let's go and kill Spike." He then turned and walked off, and they let him lead.

                                    William walked through the trees, following the small droplets of blood that were on the ground. Suddenly, a walker lunged at him and pushed him against a tree, but he pushed it away and stabbed it in the head. He then looked up, as he spotted a large neighborhood nearby, and the blood trail had gone towards it.

                                      Molly's eyes opened, s she looked dazed. "Hey sunshine" said a voice. Molly looked up, and saw Francis sitting in front of her. She looked frightened, as she sat up. She drew her knife, but he said "You tried this before sweetheart. Didn't work. That's how you got that cut on your arm." Molly grabbed her arm, and said "Why are you here?" Francis smiled, and said "I'm here for more."

                                       The group walked down the road, when smoke reached their nostrils. They all looked confused, as Anthony walked faster. He then broke into a sprint, as he saw the power plant in ruins. "No" Anthony said, when a walker started to come forward. "Vince" Francis said, with tears in his eyes. Walker Vince headed towards Francis, who sadly drew a knife and stabbed Vince in the head. The group looked saddened, as Anthony ran towards Gwen's grave.

                                           "SAM" Anthony shouted, looking around. 'SAM." However, Sam was nowhere around. Anthony then saw Carly on the ground, and she moaned. Anthony dropped down to her, as she looked up. "Anthony" she said, as Anthony saw hat a bullet had grazed her head. ""Are you okay?" Anthony asked, as Hector ran over and began wrapping her head. "He took" Carly began. "What?" Anthony asked. "Spike, he took Sam" Carly said in a daze, as walkers started to come out of the woods. Anthony lifted Carly up, as he and Hector ran off.

                                             "VIV" Terry shouted, running towards the plant. Adam and Nick lay on the ground underneath rubble, but Vivian was nowhere around. "VIV" Terry screamed, as Ted helped Adam and Nick to their feet. "It came out of nowhere" said Adam. "The explosion just happened." "VIV" Terry bellowed, and the door opened, revealing Vivian. She ran over, and Terry kissed her, as Anthony and Hector emerged.

                                                "Spike took Sam" Anthony said, and the group looked frightened. "We have to go find them." "Anthony" said Greg. 'What about 'your condition'?" "What?" Adam asked. Anthony looked at him, and said "I got bit." Adam looked frightened, as Nick ran over and hugged Anthony, as Anthony looked saddened. "No" said Adam, as tears fell from Vivian's eyes. "No, you need to be alive."

                                          "That doesn't matter now" said Anthony. "What matters is getting Sam back. We have to go and find Spike, before it's too late." "Anthony" said Adam, but Anthony shouted "NO. He is my son, and I will not let that maniac kill him. Now, who is coming?" They all raised their hands, and Anthony said "Good. Get all of your things. That's my last order. This place has fallen. We can't stay here anymore." The group nodded, running inside.

                                              Sam fell onto a blood stained carpet, as blood fell down his face. Spike looked menacingly down at him, as he said "I hope you like it here." Spike went to walk off, but Sam asked "What is this place?" Spike turned, and sad "My parents' place. Mom and Dad are actually upstairs right now. Do you want to meet them?" "No" said Sam darkly, and Spike chuckled. "You're a prick, you know that. I'll be happy when I kill you." "And when will that happen?" asked Sam, looking up at him. Spike smiled, and said "When you're Dad gets here, I'll beat you with my chew toy, and then you'll be dead. I'm excited for then." Sam looked angered.

                                                "You're the prick here" said Sam. "Killing people for no reason. What do you gain from this, Spike? What's your real name, anyway?" "I don't tell people" said Spike. "You're only allowed to know the new me. Not the old me. Now shut up, and sit quietly." "No" said Sam, with a smirk. Spike smacked him, before grabbing his ear. "Are you back-sassing me you little shit? 'Cause, if you are, I won't even wait for your Daddy to show up before I beat you." Sam smiled, and said "You're a terrible liar."

                                                Spike frowned, before he pushed Sam to the ground. He then crouched down, and said "I'm going to leave the room. If you try to escape, I'll burn you with my lighter. If you try again, I'll beat you. If you try to kill me, then I'll get a walker, and you'll get bit. Then, you'll die anyway. Am I lying now, little shit?" Sam looked at him darkly, as Spike said "No, I'm not", before he walked out.

                                                  Anthony walked down the road, as he felt the pain his shoulder getting worse. He was pale, and sweating, and he felt very warm. All of a sudden, he coughed, and shut his eyes. He stopped walking, when a voice said "I told you. The new world order will come and get you." Anthony looked up, and saw Daniel Maine standing in front of him, with a smile on his face. "You should have followed me Anthony" said Daniel. "But, as I said, there's no going back."

                                             Anthony looked enraged, as a voice said "I just wanted the Melville's Anthony." Joseph Morris stood next to Anthony, with anger on his face. "That's all I wanted. But, you had to be the hero, and that got David, Bob, Tyler, and Ian killed. That's your fault, Anthony. You made Adam lose his wife, AJ lose his father, and you're sanctuary could have stayed the way it was with you as the leader, if you had just given me the Melville's. You'd be there right now, and you'd be living this apocalypse out."

                                           "But, instead" said another voice. Cole appeared on the other side of Anthony, and said "Instead, you're here, and Gwen is dead, and you're dying. This is all your fault, Anthony. You can't stop it now. You're going to die, and so will your group."

                                             "Anthony" said Hannah, approaching. Anthony turned, as Hannah said "You're fever has set in." Anthony looked at the group, as he coughed again. "That doesn't matter" said Anthony. "What matters is getting to Sam." "Anthony" said Jason. "What if you don't make it? What if you're too weak? Do we deal with you, or do we go for Sam?" Anthony looked at them, and said "Always choose Sam. I know that is tough, but if your life is in peril, and so is Sam's, please, save him." They all looked at him, as Nick shouted "WALKERS."

                                                 A herd was coming out of the trees, and the group began to fire at them, but Anthony shouted "DON'T WASTE AMMO." Anthony ran forward and stabbed the first walker in the head, before stabbing the next. Suddenly, as he went to pull his knife out, he felt very weakened. He went faint, as he collapsed to the ground, as a walker came towards.

                                                    "ANTHONY" Terry shouted, running forward and stabbing the walker, as Vivian stabbed one coming to Terry. Anthony stood up, as more walkers came. "ANTHONY, GO" Terry shouted, kicking a walker away. "WE'LL CATCH UP." Anthony nodded, as he began to run off.

                                                       Hannah pulled her sword out of a walker's head, as she sliced two more heads off. She then spotted Anthony running off, and she looked concerned, before stabbing a walker. "EVERYONE, GO BACK" Grew shouted, taking his knife out of a walkers head. They all turned and ran off, as more and more walkers came pouring out of the woods, following the group.

                                                     The walkers banged on the door, as Molly looked frightened. "Don't be afraid Molly" said Francis, smiling. "They'll be in soon, and you'll get your wish." Molly looked at Francis, before she winced. "It hurts" she said, looking at her wound, which was still bleeding badly.

                                                   "Well, that's what death feels like" said Francis. "That's the thing you've been trying to achieve over the past few weeks. That is true pain, Molly, and you're going to feel that, either from the walkers, or just bleeding out in here."

                                                 Molly stared at him, before saying "I don't want to die, Francis. I'm better now. What happened to me, what you did, I'm fine now. I'm not brainwashed, and I realize now, but I don't want to die anymore. I'm fine." Francis smiled, and said "If you were fine, then why are you hallucinating me?" Molly looked at him with fear on her face, as he said "That's what I thought."

                                                   William moaned as he smashed a walker's head against a gate. He then grabbed the next walker and stabbed it in the head. However, the next one grabbed him and went to bite him, but his leather jacket protected him. He then stabbed the walker in the head, before send his bloody knife into the next one. He then side, as he saw the small drops of blood form a handprint on the door to a house. William sighed, before he pulled the door opened.

                                                    Anthony ran down the road and into a small town, where he saw bodies mangled and destroyed all over the place. There was a walker brains mangled with what looked like the chew toy, and Anthony felt sickened. "Do you think that's what Spike did to your boy?" Daniel asked, appearing next to Anthony.

                                                     Anthony looked at Daniel, and said "Don't you dare even say that." "Oh, you're right" said Daniel. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to prepare you for what could be inside of where Spike has him. I'm so sorry about that." "But, really" said Joseph, walking over. "Do you think Spike beat your boys brains in?" Anthony looked at Joseph and said "I don't want you people here." "Obviously you do" said Cole, walking over and standing in front of Anthony. "We're your hallucination. You clearly want us here, and I think its because you feel guilty about all of your decisions for the past few years. Lets start from the beginning."

                                                 "You killed Roberts friend Andre" said Daniel. "You stole your stuff back from Aiden" said Cole. "Which got Wyatt and Julia killed." "You wouldn't listen to Thomas" said Joseph. "Which got Frank and John killed." "You forgot about Arrington" said Cole. "Which got Peter killed and the museum destroyed." "You didn't tell Sam about your child" said Joseph. "And he was upset." "You pissed me off" said Daniel. "Which made your group fear you when you killed me." "You crossed me" said Joseph. "Which got most of your group killed and Melville destroyed." "You killed me" said Cole. "Which got Joseph to kill David."

                                                    "And now" said Daniel. "You crossed Spike, got Gwen, Todd, and Jenny killed, got your home destroyed, and now you're slowly dying, while you talk to some ghosts, instead of saving your son. Jeez Anthony, you're an idiot." Anthony shook his head, and the three were gone. Anthony took a deep breath, before charging off.

                                                       Molly cowered in the room, as the walkers continued to bang on the door. "Molly" said Francis. "Why are you so afraid? I don't understand. When will you realize I was trying to help you." "HELP ME" she shouted. "You didn't help me, Francis. You didn't help. You're evil, do you hear me? What you did, it can't be undone. I can't forgive you for that. NO ONE SHOULD EVER FORGIVE ANYONE THAT DOES THAT."

                                                      "MOLLY" a voice shouted. Molly looked around, as Francis said "That banging wasn't walkers." Molly pulled the door opened, and faced William, who looked very confused. Five walkers were dead on the ground.

                                                          Molly began to chuckle, before she broke into a fit of laughter. She sat back on the bed, and laughed her head off until she was red in the face. William looked confused, as she lied on the bed, and began to sob. Tears poured down her face, as she cried and cried, as William sat next to her, bewildered.

                                                          Anthony walked down the street, as he saw a blood message painted on a mail box. It said: Come on In, Anthony. Maybe You're Boy Won't Have Had His Chew Toy Yet. Anthony looked furious, before he spotted a walker at a window in the house, looking down at him. Anthony took a deep breath, before a voice said "Go, Anthony. Go save him." Anthony looked around, but no one was there. He too a deep breath, before he walked through the gate, and to the door. He took another deep breath, before he entered the house.

                                                          It was quiet and dark inside, and there was a dim light from the sun shining on the curtains in the front room. Anthony drew his knife, and held it in his hand, before he walked forward. He walked towards a white door, took a deep breath, and pushed it opened. However, there was no one inside, and Anthony looked relieved, but frightened.

                                                           Anthony moved into the living room, when he heard movement upstairs. He looked up a flight of stairs, but all he saw was a tan wall and a family portrait. Anthony took a deep breath, before he started moving up the steps, with his knife at the ready.

                                                           Anthony walked up and to the family portrait. In it was a little blonde haired boy with his blonde haired mother, and his dark haired father. They were smiling and happy, as Anthony noticed a dog in the picture. Anthony looked at the small dog, and he saw the collar, which said Spike. Anthony sighed, when he heard a floorboard creek.

                                                            Anthony turned, and saw a white room with a gold door handle. He walked towards it, and put his hand on the handle. As it opened, a large door lunged forward and tackled Anthony. It growled, as Anthony struggled with it. Anthony grabbed his knife and immediately thrust it into the dog's neck.

                                                             "NO." Spike ran from an adjoining room, and swung the chew toy, and Anthony ducked, and the chew toy connected with the family portrait. Anthony took this opportunity to spear Spike to the ground. Anthony went to choke him, but Spike grabbed his shirt, and the two flipped, and went tumbling down the flight of stairs.

                                                              Spike stood up, grabbed Anthony, and shoved his head right into a window, and Anthony's face immediately began to bleed. Spike then threw Anthony to the ground, and began kicking and stomping on him. Spike smiled, before grabbing Anthony's knife, and running off. Anthony lied on the ground, with the blood all over him, and the blood staining the carpet, as he just stared up at the ceiling, unable to move.

                                                              Spike ran up the steps and opened a door. Sam sat there, as he asked "Where's my Dad?" Spike smiled, as he shut the door. He grabbed Sam, who kicked him in the groin. Sam then kicked Spike in the face, but Spike stood up and grabbed Sam by the neck. However, Sam bit his arm, pulling skin off. Spike screamed, as Sam kicked his foot out. Sam then kicked him to the ground, as he got on top of him, and he started to choke him. However, Spike punched Sam, and he fell to the ground. A gun had fallen from Spike's pocket.

                                                            Molly stood on top of the apartment complex, with a smile on her face. "Hey" said a voice. She turned, and saw Francis standing there. "What are you doing up here?" "You're beautiful" said Francis, stroking her hair. "Thank you, Francis. But, that kiss was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. This can't happen." "Yes it can, Molly, if you'll let it." "No. Jenny and I are friends, the rest of the group won't like this. We can't do this, Francis." "Hey, you listen to me. You are mine Molly. You kissed me, and we're gonna have this." "We can't." "You're not in control of the matter." "No, stop. STOP." Francis grabbed Molly, and threw her to the ground, as she looked frightened.


                                                              Molly sat up in the bed, as William looked startled. She took deep breaths, as he said "What did Francis do to you?" Molly looked at him with fear, as he said "I know you two weren't a couple. Hector lied for you. What really happened?" Molly looked at him, as tears fell from her face. "He raped me." William looked shocked and angered, as she said "Well, at least at first he did. I didn't want to, but he made me. I was scared of him, but he brainwashed me into thinking it was right. When he chose Jenny, it all came back to me. I've never told anyone besides Hector."

                                                                 William looked at her, and said "That's why you feel vulnerable all the time. Why you think you need to be with someone? Why you're upset when Francis is mentioned?" Molly nodded, as tears fell from her eyes. She leaned against William, as he said "You don't have to do that anymore, Molly. You're strong. You are a survivor, Molly, and you can make it. I believe you can, and I believe that you can overcome what Francis did." She nodded, as he said "It might take time, but I know, you'll be okay. You want to know why?" Molly looked up at him, as he smiled. "Because you're with friends." Molly smiled, before she said "Thank you William."

                                                                   William smiled back at her, as she said "I know that you had a crush on me when we joined your group." William blushed, as she kissed his cheek. "I think you're very handsome." William looked down at her with a smile, before the two kissed, and this time, it was genuine. The two then walked out of the house, Molly leaning on William for aid, as they went to find their friends.

                                                                   The rest of the group continued to go, when Hannah said "Guys, no." They all looked back at her, as she said "Anthony's been bitten. He needs our help, so we can't let the walkers win. We either run away and find another way, and we may be out of time, or we can fight through, and get to Anthony." "You're right" said Jason. "All of us are survivors, and we can fight walkers." Terry and Vivian stepped forward, and Terry said "You're right." Greg nodded, and stepped forward, followed by the rest of the group.

                                                                   They faced the walkers, before they ran forward. Vivian shot a walker's eye out, as Hannah cut two heads off. Francis and Greg shot assault rifle, as Carly stabbed a walker. Adam kicked two walkers away, as Nick jumped on them and stabbed both of them. Adam shot his shotgun, as Hannah stabbed two walkers in the chest, before slicing up through their bodies.

                                                                    Greg hit a walker with an assault rifle, Ted stabbed two walkers, and Hector shot two. They were all fighting the herd that was coming their way, and they were not going to give up. Hannah stabbed the next walker, and then the next, as Terry and Jason shot walkers everywhere, and Vivian took out some that were far away.

                                                                       William and Molly walked through the woods, as they heard gunshots. "Come on" William said, picking molly up, and running with her in his arms. "That could be the others" he added, running as fast as he could.

                                                               Carly shot another walker down, as Nick stabbed one through the chin. Hannah stabbed the next, as Adam pulled Hector away from one, which he stabbed in the temple. Another walker grabbed Hector, but it was shot down. Hector turned, and saw William and Molly standing there with their guns in hand. The entire group continued to shoot and stab the walkers, and soon, Vivian shot the last two with one bullet.

                                                               The group hugged William and Molly, as William asked "Where's Anthony? Why aren't we at the power plant?" Hannah looked at William, with sadness in her eyes. "I want you to prepare yourself" she said. "For what?" William asked, looking confused. Hannah took a deep breath.

                                                              Anthony stared up at the ceiling above him. "Poor, poor, Anthony" said Daniel, coming down the steps. "What a sad, pathetic man." "Are you in pain?" Cole asked, climbing in from the window. "Do you need a band aid?" "You're pathetic, Anthony" said Joseph. "Ted tossed me through a window, but I still got up fighting. What a disgrace of a man you are." "He's twice the man you guys are combined."

                                                                Gwen stood at the door, with anger on her face. "Gwen" Anthony said, exasperated. "I can't do this." "You're right" said Joseph. "You can't." "Yes you can" said Gwen. "You can do anything." "You're a strong man, Anthony Freed" said Rebecca, appearing at Gwen's side. "You pulled through when I died." "And when I died" said Julia, coming from down the hall. "And when I died" said Gwen. "You can pull through this." "No, I can't" said Anthony. "You don't understand. I'm already weak." "Yes you are" said Cole. "You always will be" said Daniel. "You're going to die in a few moments" said Joseph, smiling.      

                                                                 "NO." A new voice had appeared, and someone emerged from the hallway. "The Anthony Freed I knew never gave up when things got hard. He fought, and fought, and he saved my life countless of times. David stood before Anthony, and said "You're not weak. You were one of the strongest people I knew. You made tough calls, an even though I was a jackass a lot of the time, I always agreed with you Anthony. I always wanted you to succeed for your family. Anthony, if you want the last person of your family to live, get off of your ass and go up there, and save your son, if you're a real man." Anthony stared at David, before he stood up, and nodded.

                                                                  "No" said Daniel. "You can't go. You're too weak." "No" Anthony said, punching Daniel, and Daniel's body fell, his face mangled. "You'll die more painfully" said Cole, but Anthony drew a machete and sliced, and Cole's body was in pieces. "Sam will die because of you" said Joseph, but Anthony snapped his fingers, and Joseph was set on fire. The three villains disappeared, as Anthony faced the others. "Thank you" said Anthony. "Stop talking" said David. "And go save Sam" said Gwen. "We'll be waiting for you on the other side." Anthony nodded, before running off.

                                                                   Spike got on top of Sam and began to punch him. Sam was bruised, when suddenly, Anthony charged in. Spike jumped up, but Anthony speared Spike through a door, revealing two walkers. Anthony grabbed the woman walker and tossed her out the window. He then grabbed a glass shard and stabbed the man walker in the head. However, this gave Spike the opportunity to spear Anthony through white framed glass door and onto a white balcony.

                                                                     Anthony looked up and over the balcony and into the large houses backyard, and he saw dozens of walkers reaching up at them, growling. Anthony turned, and Spike punched him in the face. Sam saw them on the balcony, before Sam noticed the gun on the ground. He took a deep breath, before going towards it.

                                                                    The rest of the group wandered into the town, when they spotted a walker go flying out of a top floor window in a large, white house. The group then saw he message on the mailbox, and immediately charged in.

                                                                     Spike grabbed a shard of glass off of the ground ran to Anthony. He sent it into Anthony's bite wound, and Spike smiled. "I forgot you got bit" he said. "I hope you have a very painful death." Anthony pushed Spike away, and said "Yours will be worse. He grabbed Spike and pushed him towards the edge of the balcony. However, Spike punched him away, but Sam fired the gun and hit Spike in the arm. Spike fell against the edge of the balcony, and it snapped.

                                                                      Spike fell back on the ground, as Anthony looked at the balcony, before kicking it, and it snapped opened, and it fell into some of the walkers below. Spike immediately grabbed Anthony and went to push him, but Anthony elbowed him, and pressed on his bullet wound. Anthony then punched Spike again, and then again, and blood poured from Spike's mouth.

                                                                       Sam ran over, as Anthony held him at the opened part of the balcony. "Do it" said Spike. "It won't matter. You're going to die anyway." "What?" Sam asked. "Son" Spike said. 'You're father has been bitten. He's going to die." "Shut up" Anthony said. "YOU'LL DIE." "SHUT UP."

                                                                       Anthony head-butted Spike, and he looked dazed. "Word of advice" Anthony said. "Don't mess with my family, fucker." Anthony then pushed against Spike and let go, and Spike went flying down from the balcony, and he landed in the walkers. They immediately grabbed him and began to eat him, as Spike screamed. Blood came pouring from is eyes, nose, mouth, and all parts that ere being bitten, as Spike disappeared in the walkers. Sam looked relieved, but frightened, as Anthony collapsed.

                                                                         "DAD." Sam dropped to the ground with Anthony, who was pale, sweating, and bleeding. "Sam" Anthony said. "Show it to me" said Sam, with tears in his eyes. Anthony sighed, before pulling his shirt out, revealing the bite on his shoulder. Tears fell from Sam's eyes, as the rest of the group appeared.

                                                                       Anthony looked up at them, as William said "Oh my God." Anthony nodded, as tears fell from Hannah's eyes. Adam looked saddened, as Nick hugged Adam. Sam looked at Anthony, who said "Sam, you can beat this world. You can do it. You're strong. You are the strongest person I have ever met. I believe that you can do this Sam. You need to beat it, because you're father won't be there to help you along the way." Sam nodded, as Anthony said "Help out with the group, don't slack off like you used to do at home." Sam chuckled, as Anthony smiled. "Do what they say, and don't protest." Sam nodded, as he took Anthony's hand.

                                                                      Anthony looked at the rest of the group, and said "If you all work as one unified group, you will survive this world. You won't break. You are survivors, and you are the greatest people I have ever met. You can fight, and you can live. Do this, for me." William looked at Anthony, and said "Of course." Anthony smiled, and said "No bites?" "No bites" said William. "No bites?" Anthony looked saddened, as he said "Bites."

                                                                      Tears fell from William's face, as Hannah lifted her gun, but Sam said "I'll do it." "You should" Anthony said. He then smiled, and said "I wanted to teach you the piano. That was my secret skill." Sam smiled, as Anthony said "This is my coda." "What does that mean?" Sam asked, curiosity on his face. Anthony looked saddened as he said "End."

                                                                     Sam looked saddened, before raising the gun. "One more thing" Anthony said. "I'll miss you, Sam." Sam looked saddened, as he aimed the gun. Anthony shut his eyes, before opening them. Gwen stood there with a smile on her face. "Welcome, my love" she said. Anthony smiled, as Sam put his finger on the trigger, there was a flash of light, a large bang, and the birds called.

WillBrennan7: Well, that was the Season 7 finale of The Walking Dead. I know, give me your hate mail. Check out Talking Stories for more, but first, let us tell our secrets, kill our villains, and shoot our friends as we say goodbye to all we lost the second half of the season.


In Memoriam:

Nick's Hand

Ambushing Hounds

Anthony's Upset Hounds Member

Sam's Journey Walkers

Cabin Walkers

Target Practice Walkers

Cabin Walkers Again

Anthony's Upset Walkers

The Dog



Gate Walkers

Some Hounds Members


More Hounds Members

Walkers At The Front

Woods Walkers

Suicidal Molly Walkers

Van Family




Hounds Members

Trap Walkers

I Got To Bite Anthony Walker


Final Hounds Members

Hounds Aren't Enough Walkers

Molly Where Are You Walkers

Coming Out Of The Woods To Split The Group Up Walkers

Spike's Dog

Knock Knock Walkers

I Guess Daniel, Cole, and Joseph Again?

Spike's Mom Walker

Spike's Dad Walker

"We Need It To Survive" RIP Todd.

"I'm going to leave the room. If you try to escape, I'll burn you with my lighter. If you try again, I'll beat you. If you try to kill me, then I'll get a walker, and you'll get bit. Then, you'll die anyway." Most Certainly Not RIP Spike.

"Sam, you can beat this world. You can do it. You're strong. You are the strongest person I have ever met. I believe that you can do this Sam. You need to beat it, because you're father won't be there to help you along the way." RIP Anthony.

So..............................................Whose The Main Character Now?............................Too Soon.

The Walking Dead Season 8 Coming Soon.

Now, what did you think of the episode and of the season? Let me know.

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