
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

7.2K 225 61

A continuation of In Between, ShiverTooth meets the Bee Team and develops a little trouble with one of the me... More

<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 3>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
<Chapter 11>
<Chapter 12>
<Chapter 13>
<Chapter 14>
<Chapter 15>
<Chapter 16>
<Chapter 17>
<Chapter 18>
<Chapter 19>
<Chapter 20>
<Chapter 21>
<Chapter 22>
<Chapter 23>
<Chapter 24>
<Chapter 25>
<Chapter 26>
<Chapter 27>
<Chapter 28>
<Chapter 29>
<Chapter 30>
<Chapter 31>
<Chapter 32>
<Chapter 33>
<Chapter 34>
<Chapter 35>
<Chapter 36>
<Chapter 37>
<Chapter 38>
<Chapter 39>
<Chapter 40>
<Chapter 41>
<Chapter 42>
<Chapter 43>
<Chapter 44>
<Chapter 45>
<Chapter 46>
<Chapter 47>
<Chapter 48>
<Chapter 49>
<Chapter 50>
<Chapter 51>
<Chapter 52>
<Chapter 53>
<Chapter 54>
<Chapter 55>
<Chapter 56>
<Chapter 57>
<Chapter 58>
<Chapter 59>

<Chapter 10>

166 5 1
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

Everyone sits up and BumbleBee helps put the bomb onto my back. Then we get underway with our plan.

Everyone grabs their weapons and I look to Prime who looks to me "I'm okay. Let's continue." I nod and we all run into the ship. In the hallway, we see a guard troop and Bee orders us into the next hallway. We get to a much more crowded hallway and Prime says "By the primes."

Bumblebee adds "There's so many of them."

They then get into a commotion, and we use that to get passed them. We get into a much bigger room and see the other minicons across the way, working on something. "Why are we stopping?" Optimus questions. He then saw what we saw. Bumblebee says to our minicon guide "Toolbox, we need to keep moving." Toolbox was nervous but "Of course." He agrees and we start running again.

But before we got out, we heard one of the other minicons call out "TOOLBOX!!! YOU'VE RETURNED!!!"

That got the guards' attention. They com and alert "Autobot intruders in cargo bay 1-7!"

"Strongarm!" Bumblebee calls.

"On it, sir!" The cadet answers. She shoots the miner and vehicon.

Optimus orders "Collect the minicons!"

Bumblebee pulls him back "No! We have to keep moving!"

Prime argues "We cannot leave them here to—"

"Stop treating me like a—" Bumblebee counters angrily.

Ratchet breaks them up "Optimus! Bumblebee!!"

Then at that moment, before we knew it, we were surrounded by Decepticons. "Defend yourselves! We're not going down without a fight!" Bee commands. We all eject our weapons and get ready.

The cons began to move to the sides in one spot and we found why. 3 Decepticons stepped out. They were the leadership trio. "I wouldn't recommend fighting, Lieutenant." The middle one says "It would be so futile."

"Steeljaw." Bee growls.

The wolf went on "Welcome old friends at last to the first outpost of my new decepticon empire. You should be honored, Bumblebee. You're the first guests on MY Decepticon island."

"An island you stole." The other argues "Without style, panache, or class. We took you in. WE trusted you!"

Steeljaw remarks "Imagine that. A decepticon turning out to be less than trustworthy. Don't be so hurt. YOU put me in a position to possess two decepticon hunters. You practically BEGGED me to sieze power! I merely accepted your gift."

Glowstrike warms her wings "I have another gift for you...."

I get ready to attack them while they're distracted but Bumblebee pulls me back "ShiverTooth, no... give them a second."

Steeljaw pulls his hunter down to her wings and turns them off "I'd keep it if I were you."

Our Lieutenant then says "Get ready to fight."

Optimus argues "Let them take us prisoner so that—"

"I didn't ask for alternative plans!" Bumblebee growls.

Windblade counters "We don't have time for you to argue. So here's the new plan!" She jumps into the air and transforms, distracting them all while flying through the air.

"BRING HER DOWN!!!" Steeljaw orders as they begin shooting.

Ratchet spots an opening, and we use it "come on!" He calls out.

We follow and Bee and Drift both get shot. I run back for them, but I get hit on my back really hard. It makes me jump forward but I turn around and hit a decepticon down harder than he hit me. We then all run out together, but something had happened...

"Windy's been hit!" Sideswipe yells.

Ratchet grabs him "No! We can't help her right now."

We speed ahead and Sideswipe asks "We're going back for Windblade, right!?"

Bee comments "Don't worry, we'll—- oh scrap."

No perspective

Bumblebee looked to find his decepticon hunter and realized he lost it. "Optimus, questioning my orders back there really cost us. We're down a teammate and I've lost one of our most powerful weapons!"

Prime counters calmly "Our primary mission is planting the stasis bomb in the islands ventilation hub. That takes precedence over everything else."

"That's what we were doing, Optimus! If you hadn't argued with me, we'd be there and have already planted the bomb and—"

"Lieutenant?" Strongarm asks.

"Not now, Strongarm!" The Lieutenant argues.

"No, Bunblebee. Seriously!" The cadet adds.

Bumblebee turns to her angrily "I said we'd get Windblade back later! Now is not the time for—-"

"BUMBLEBEE!!!" Strongarm and Sideswipe grab his attention.

"What is it!?" Strongarm points and Bee turns, gasping.

ShiverTooth was on the ground, Drift by his side, staring up at him in worry.

Prime asks scared "What's wrong with him? What happened?"

The samurai holds his wing up and Optimus's spark almost dropped. A large gash rested across the green panel. ShiverTooth had been hurt bad. Optimus runs over and feels down the gash with his digits. ShiverTooth yells in pain and Drift hugs him close, covering his mouth to not alert nearby con's if there were any.

Prime confirms "They cut him deep."

"I'm fine." ShiverTooth whines, optics full of tears. "I think they tried to grab the stasis bomb but missed and hit my wing.... Or they just attacked me...."

Ratchet worries "He needs to go back to base.

ShiverTooth stands up "We need to finish the mission."

Bumblebee goes to take the bomb "I'm taking it though."

ShiverTooth knocks him away "No. I am carrying it. I will be... ow... f-fine. Windblade has probably now been moved to a secure location. We must continue with the plan."

Bumblebee sighs "Alright. But we can't keep traveling in a group this size. We're too easy to spot. Drift and Ratchet will try to locate and free Windblade. Strongarm, you, Sideswipe, and Grimlock see about freeing the captive minicons."

Grim says "Bee, do you really want to break up the team within the team Drift, ShiverTooth, and I have going?"

Drift argues "We have nothing going!"

The dinobot says "We're still working out some kinks. I'll stick with Sideswipe and Strongarm for now."

Bumblebee continues "Toolbox will take ShiverTooth and I to the ventilation hub. Because of his Prime decepticon hunter, Optimus will accompany us to protect the stasis bomb. After we're done. We'll rendezvous where we came ashore and get back to crown city. Let's Rev up and Roll out!!!"

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