Sweet Destiny

By JDecosta4

12.7K 1.3K 589

"I am FREE you piece of shit. I've enjoyed watching you suffer and I hope you never find peace. As you take y... More

Freedom Come!
Brighter Days...
Broken Promises
Wake Up Call...
White Flag!
Wet Dreams...
Beach Vibes
Oh Death!
Danger Zone
The Godfather
Perfect Blend
Cool Down
I've Got You...
Broken Barriers
Wake Up Call
Close Call.
Rest in Paradise
The Hunt
The Hunt 2
Cruel Intentions
Ride the Wave
No Pain, No Gain
Bated Breath
Tick Tock..
Caught Up
High Low
New Day...
Letting Go...
Oh Shit!!!
Love & Pain


127 14 13
By JDecosta4

Orbyn is driving while I stare aimlessly outside the window. A million scenarios are running through my mind and he knows this!

"Anna, they're gonna be okay. We got this." He takes my right arm in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I glance at him fondly before smiling. "You always know what to say..." I pause. "But this time, I can't shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen."

He sighs and I know exactly why. The last time I got this same feeling, Adrian died.

Orbyn interlocks our fingers, "Nobody is dying tonight, atleast none of us will!"

He speaks with so much conviction and authority, my core clenches! A blush creeps up my face and I hold my head down so that my hair hides it.

Let's just say we both quench each other's thirst occasionally.

The tracking signal on the monitor blinks bright red, causing him to pull over . The two Jeeps behind us follow suit and we start searching the space.

There's a park overrun with shrubs surrounded by rusty, dilapidated fences. I look around the deserted street and I can't help the feeling of despair that overwhelms me.

"Anything? Anybody?" I ask, hoping for a positive outcome.

Ramoñ is first to speak, "I think I've got something Boss."

Everyone treks over to where he's pointing the flashlight. My breath hitches, there hangs Latoya's necklace on a branch.

Given its position, it was most likely tossed from a moving vehicle, which means they must've either turned here or gone left.

Orbyn stands beside me, "We need to split up cuz they could've gone either way at the T Junction."

He's right, I nod and signal everyone. "Alright listen up, Bravo you're with Ramoñ, Alpha you're with Orbyn and I."

They regroup accordingly, waiting for further instructions.

"Use Line 2 for all comms. Vernon will give us aerial support from hereon." As I conclude, they quickly head to their vehicles.

Orbyn and I watch as they drive off in opposite directions. He turns me to face him and in a nanosecond he fastens his lips to mine.

"Ride or Die." He whispers and pecks my face all over.

I hug him tightly, "Ride or Die. If anything happens to me..--"

Orbyn plants a finger on my lips, effectively silencing me. "Nothing is gonna happen to you, not if I can help it."

I smile, "Let's go bring my girls home." With that we head to the Jeep and turn left.

Five minutes in, Vernon chimes in. "Anna, I'm seeing alot of bodies in about 8 buildings on your side, and 4 on the other side."

He loads the data on our devices and I look at the areas keenly.

"There could be just drug deals happening this side but we're leaving no stone unturned."

Vernon chuckles, "Aye Aye Captain.", and signs off.

We pull up to the first building, don our night vision gear  as we spread out to assess the area. Turns out there were only homeless people living there, huddled together around a fire.

The next 6 checks were the same, either drug deals or just random people trying to keep a low profile.

Bravo team found nothing as well, so we were on the brink of losing hope.

Just then, Vernon chimes in, "Guns out guys. You're next stop is giving me alot of heat." There's a clicking sound and then the feed goes live on our screens.

He continues, "Atleast 15 hostiles detected, heavy artillery. I can't get a clear vision on the inside."

My heart lurches,  "This could be it guys. Vernon, any word from Martin?"

Karl replies instead. "He's gone off the grid but he's there somewhere."

I expel a long breath, "I did my research, he's fucking good!"

Karl chuckles, "Try to never get on his bad side. He's a fucking mad man, that's all I know."

We sign off and pull up about 30 meters from the abandoned warehouse. Using binoculars, Orbyn scouts the place out while we await the arrival of the others.

"Ten outside with M-16s and Berettas..." He points to the areas they're located. "I need a sniper on that roof and another there."

Samson and Daz file out immediately, those two are as deadly as they come. When I was assembling my team, Orbyn helped me to find the most skilled men in each area.

I grab Orbyn's arm as he's about to walk away. "Do you want us to move now or wait on the others?"

He's pensive for a while. "Let's wait, we can't afford any mishaps and we want to keep the element of surprise."

With that, we all huddle close to the vehicles as we wait. Samson and Daz report their sightings and confirmed that Latoya and Aria were infact inside.

My heart lurched and I had to put on a facade, even though Orbyn could see right through me.

Ten minutes later, Bravo Team arrives and we disperse quickly.

Orbyn stays close to me with Brandon and Mario  in tow. As we draw closer to the building, reports start coming in as they eliminate their targets.

The men inside are clueless altogther as we're using knives and silencers.

I'm feeling much more optimistic but there's a niggling feeling in the back of my head.

Orbyn and I edge closer to the backdoor and he picks the lock while I maintain cover. Before he could push the door open, an explosion on the opposite side of the building catches our attention.


"Dario, come in? What the fuck was that?" I hiss and await a response.

Static fills the line and my breath hitches. Daz responds instead with a sigh. "Trip wire Anna, Dario is wounded but Kevin and Ryan didn't make it."

I grab my hair pulling it as I want to scream in frustration.

Suddenly, a barrage of bullets hit the walls from inside out. We duck for cover, refraining from shooting so that we don't disclose our location.

Orbyn issues a command. "Daz, Samson, do your worst boys!"

A smirk escapes me, I know these fuckers inside won't stand a chance against them. In seconds there's a series of gunshots as they start a full on assault on the men inside.

Orbyn and I seize the opportunity to enter the backdoor with Mario and Brandon providing backup.

As I enter, my eyes immediately find Latoya who's huddled in a corner with Aria.

Aria is screaming because of everything that's happening while Latoya tries to comfort her.

When Latoya spots me, she sighs in relief and I toss a gun toward her.

She grabs it quickly, keeping it away from Aria's line of vision.

A shootout ensues and we're pinned down in the back because the fuckers have a 50 caliber! It's like they were prepared for war.

Silence overtakes the space and the voice I hear sends shivers up my spine.

"Anna, my darling. So nice to see you again." He drawls.

Orbyn and I exchange knowing glances. "I can't say the same about you though." I retort, while Orbyn issues a different command via the comms.

He laughs, "You're so predictable. I knew you'd come running as soon as I took this bitch."

I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to do anything impulsive.

"Let them go and we can finish this shit once and for all." I challenge him.

There's no response and Vernon chooses that time to speak. "Don't move Anna! They're repositioning the 50 towards you."

Sighing, I think of another way out. "Daz,Samson. Do you have a clear shot?"

Both respond no, apparently there's a wall blocking both of them from taking the shooter out.

What the fuck am I gonna do now?

Orbyn touches my arm and smile, and I'm beginning to wonder if he's lost his damn mind.

He points toward a cannister that says EXPLOSIVE/ HIGHLY FLAMMABLE on it. I take aim while he signals Latoya to stay down and cover their ears.

My finger squeezes the trigger and the bullet nips the container causing it to explode.

The impact is way more than I anticipated, we're dazed as smoke surrounds us and our ears ring incessantly.

For a few minutes, everything becomes blurred.

Hey Lovvveesss,,,

The moment we've all been waiting for is drawing nigh...

Any predictions?

I'm looking forward to your responses!

Please remember to vote, share and comment..😉😉

Should I drop another chapter tomorrow or Friday?🤔🤔💭💭🤔🤔

J DeCosta

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