Til 6AM (Markiplier x Reader)

By AH_LilMadFree

121K 3.9K 5.6K

You're a 23 year old girl, who moved back into your hometown, in hopes of finding yourself again. You've felt... More

Ch. 1: The Move
Ch. 3: Is that Why?
Ch. 4: Sean's Vacation!
Ch. 5: Tomorrows Plan
Ch. 6: Fright Walk
Ch. 7: The Beach
Ch. 8: I Enjoy This.
Ch. 9: The Rumors
Ch. 10: The Holidays are Here...
Ch. 11: Cleaning the Disaster
Small/Quick -A/N
Ch. 12: Back to the Past
Ch. 13: Thanksgiving "Package"
Ch. 14: Daddy-Daughter Date
Ch. 15: Welcome Home, Markifart
Ch. 16: Jealous of Old Friends
Small A/N <3
Ch. 17: 6AM Is Too Early
Ch. 18: Finally, The Right One.
Ch. 19: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned.
Ch. 20: Another Exhausting Flight
Ch. 21: Bachelor & Bachelorette Party
A/N: Where have I been?
Ch. 22: The Hangover & "I Do's"
Ch. 23: "Brothers to the End"
A/N: My Hiatus/100k
Ch. 24: The Uncle Trio
You Still Around?/Small Teaser ;)

Ch. 2: Think Fast!

9K 270 562
By AH_LilMadFree

You woke pretty early, and by early you mean nine-a.m. You stretch and groan softly, looking at the TV. It still displayed 'GAME OVER' but the screen was dimmed, not only by the sun that was shining in, but when your Xbox sits for longer than twenty minutes without the controller being touched, it dims the light on the screen.

You didn't want to get up, but your stomach was growling and slightly hurting from the lack of food. You push the blankets off of yourself and turned your Xbox and the TV off on the way to your bedroom door before opening it. You shuffle your way down the small hall and into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.

Once you were done in there you walk out and wash your hands, noticing a few rags and towels on the sink that Mark has laid out for you. You take one of the rags and let it sit under the warm water for a few seconds until its soaked. You pick it back up an wiped your face with it, in an attempt to wash off any drool you may have had dried on your face. You thought you could try and wash the ugly off of your face too... but it didn't work.

You sigh and looked in the mirror as you forgot to take your contacts out last night, great. Your eyes are burning . They're red and irritated, you sigh once more before you walk in your room, grabbing your contacts case off the nightstand by your bed and went back in front of the mirror. You took your contacts out and you put them in your case. You wash your face once more, making sure to hold the rag against your eyes to relieve some of the itchy, burning sensation that's going on. You wring the water out of the rag out and placed it on the counter.

You walk back to your and opened your dresser to grab something comfortable to wear. You took a second to go to the slider door and opened it, feeling the L.A. air. Scorching already. You curse softly and walked back to your dresser and pulled out your crop top that you can tie in the front and your denim shorts. You pull out another drawer and got your panties and bra, that match of course. You thought about grabbing your leopard sneakers and wearing them, but yet again, you probably won't leave the apartment. You made your way to the bathroom again.

When you walk out, you walked back in your room and placed your clothes that you slept in on the bed, you'll deal with them later. You grab your bag that has your bathroom needs in it, Like your toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush... etc. and took it to the sink. Once you brushed your teeth you also brushed your hair, then grabbed a hair tie and put your hair up in a pony tail.

You nod in the mirror before taking your bag back into your room and setting it by the door. You bit your lip, deciding if you want to bring your glasses out or not. For some reason, even though Mark wears glasses, you don't want to be seen in yours. You can see without them, but your eye doctor proscribed them to be worn daily. That's why you got contacts so you wouldn't have to.

You decided to leave your glasses in your room, if you need them you'll come get them. You checked your phone real quick, seeing if anything was new. Nothing. You place your phone back on the nightstand and kept the slider door open to get fresh air in your room.

You check to see if you needed anything, but didn't, so you left the room. You yawned slightly as you quietly padded down the spiral staircase and into the living room. You quietly walked over to the kitchen to see what he has to offer to eat. You search through each cupboard, one by one, quietly shutting the doors when you move onto the next one.

You made a little happy noise as you saw Mark had a box of Frosted Flakes. You pull the box out of the cupboard and placed it on the counter. Then backtracked to the cupboard that had the bowls and grabbed one. You walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk, setting that on the counter before you opened the box of cereal and poured it into your bowl. You then put the box back in its rightful place and poured milk into your bowl before putting that away as well.

Time to find a spoon. You search the drawers before you found them and grabbed a spoon. You grab your bowl and instantly took a bite, humming softly as you haven't had Frosted Flakes in a year. You hopped up on the counter and ate your cereal in kitchen.

Once you were done you rinsed your bowl out and sighed softly. What should you do? You had no idea. You look around the room, Ehh, you could watch TV... Just as you were about to head to the couch, you heard a soft groan and soft footsteps against the carpet. You looked towards the noise and saw Mark rubbing his face. His glasses were off and his hair was disheveled.

"Morning," His voice was deep, thick and slightly raspy. He smiles at you and you smile back at him.

"Morning." You make your way to the couch and plopped down, leaning back and getting yourself comfortable as you watch Mark walk into the kitchen. He was in a white shirt with a black 'M' on the front that matched his black 'M' pajama pants. Why is he wearing those?

Mark gets himself some cereal and makes his way back into the living room and sits a little ways from you. "Did you get some food?" He asks before taking a bite. You nod before pointing to his hair. "Yea I know," He chuckles. "My floof is out of control right now." You smile at him and shook your head. "Slept okay?" He shifts on the couch, pressing his back against the armrest to face you, having himself sit cross legged.

You nod again. "Yeah, I was playing my Xbox when all of a sudden it was morning and the TV was displaying 'Game Over' so I apparently passed out from exhaustion." You turn to face him, almost sitting the same way. "You?"

"I didn't go to bed until late. I am surprised I even woke up this early." Mark continues to eat his cereal. "So tell me, why did you move to L.A.?" He asks.

You thought for a moment before answering him. "I wanted to start over." You say, "I needed something different and new in my life, have some fun, stuff like that."

Mark nods, taking a couple of seconds to finish off the rest of his food and drink the milk out of his bowl. He then leaned over and placed the bowl on the coffee table and wiped his mouth with his hand. "I almost did the same thing. I moved from home to here and started a whole new, well everything." He rests his hands in his lap as you both stare at each other. "So, something different, new and fun huh?" You nod. Mark gives you a slight smirk.

"Should I be worried... about this look you're giving me?" You ask, looking at him warily. Mark shakes his head and stands up, grabbing his bowl and heads for the kitchen. He rinses his bowl out before heading for the stairs without a word. Your brows furrow slightly, this man is weird.

You shook your head and stretched. You look for the remote for the TV and spotted it on the floor by the TV stand. You sigh and stood, walking over to the remote and grabbed it, then headed for the couch again. Just as you plopped back down, Mark was coming back downstairs, his glasses on and his hair fixed. He looked more alert and awake than before he went upstairs.

He was carrying a tripod with a camera on it and set it up to him by the windows. What the hell is this dude doing? You watch as Mark disappears back up the stairs for a minute or two before he was back with a Xbox One box. The top of the box was opened and stuff was in it.

"Want to help me with something?" Mark asks once he sets the camera up. You look at him, still sitting there. "Oh come on its harmless. Come here."

You sigh softly and stood up, dropping the remote on the couch and walked over to him. "Okay, so what is this harmless thing you need help with?" You ask as Mark takes ahold of your shoulders and moves you to stand in front of the armrest of the couch.

"Stand here, don't move."

You frown slightly before mark presses a button on the camera and picks up a plus box toy with long stringy hands.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Mark smiles at you before getting into position. "Hey Marrrk, Think Fast!" He says before throwing the plush at me. I flinch slightly as it hits me in the arm, having Mark chuckle seconds later. Before you know it, he has something else in his hands.

"Think fast!"

You flinch even harder as this wasn't like the the plush. It was... It was... a fucking bottle? What the hell? You watch the bottle tumble and roll across the floor.

"Hey Markimoo! Think Fast!"

As you look up, something soft hits your face, making you jump out of your skin. You can hear Mark try and contain his giggles before picking up something small.

"Think Fast!" He says quickly, throwing God who knows what at you. You easily knocked that away.

"Thiiiink Fast!"

He grabbed a shoe and threw it at you. You squeak slightly and flinch as it hits you. "A Shoe!? Seriously!" You huff, kicking the shoe away from you and back at him, but failed to hit him.

Mark giggles uncontrollably and holds onto his stomach. "I'm sorry! I didn't actually mean to hit you with the shoe." He says between giggles, only to giggle harder.

Even though the man is throwing shit at you and laughing at your reactions, you couldn't help but crack a smile and giggle yourself.

Mark collects himself, giggling softly before dumping the box of stuff onto the floor and closes the top.

"Think Fast!" He throws the box and you dodge it, letting it hit the arm of the couch with a smirk. He watches it bounce off and land on the floor.

He then grabs a trash can and smirks slightly before motioning for you stay where you're at. "Think Fast!" He says before tossing the trash can at the couch and it falls off.

He then grabs a fedora, "Hey Mark! Think Fast!" He tosses the fedora at me and I catch this one "Hm, you really need to work on your reaction time." He smiles slightly, waiting a few seconds before he walked over to the camera and turned it off.

"Okay, you can move."

I look at him before putting the fedora on. "Oh, so now you're done abusing your new roommate?" He chuckles and nods. "A fucking Shoe!? You throw a fucking shoe at me!?" You try not to smile as Mark starts cracking up, his giggles filling the room. You're trying to be mad!

"I said I was sorry!" He giggles. "Don't worry, you can get me back." He smiles and starts picking up all the things he threw and put it in a pile before moving the camera to face the kitchen.

You want to ask him why he's filming and throwing stuff around, but maybe that's his fun. Maybe he's trying to fulfill your 'fun' part too, you mentioned earlier. Also why was he saying his own name? You shrug the thought of as Mark clasps his hands together and rubs them before turning to you.

"Okay! Are you ready for revenge?" Mark grinned at you. "You'll have fun with the revenge, trust me. My friend Wade and I did this off camera and we had a blast... but we were a little drunk... so..." he trails off before walking over to you and guiding you to the spot were he wants you to be. "Okay, so as soon as I turn around, throw whatever you want at my face, but you have to do each one. Okay?"

You nod, "So, you want me to throw the trash can at your face too? That'll hurt." You frown slightly, picking up the shoe he threw at you with a smirk. Paybacks a bitch, even though he didn't hurt you.

"Yep! It may hurt but it'll be funny!" You stay quiet as Mark walks over in front of the camera and turns it on before walking further into his kitchen and turns his back to it. He waits a second before turning around- 'What?' He makes a face before you toss the shoe at him, having it hit his mouth and chin.

You curse silently, you wanted to nail his face with that shoe. He repeats what he did each time until you picked up the trash can, you look at him and he nods at you, reassuring you it was fine that you threw it at him. You nod and he turns around, repeating what he has done before. You toss the trash can as soon as he turns around and it sounded painful.

He lets out a slight breathy laugh, "Ow." He winces. You bite your lip, containing a giggle as Mark rubs his head before fixing his hair. He tosses you the trash can and you catch it. "Again." He says.

"Again? Isn't one enough?" You giggle more. "You'll get brain damaged."

"Eh, again."

You sigh and shook your head, waiting for your cue to throw it again. Once you do the sound of the plastic hitting his head, sounding like it hurt even worse than the first.

You grab the fedora and tossed it on his head once he turned around and made his little noise. It's on backwards but ehh, it counts. Mark then moves the hat and shifts his glasses to look like they were falling off from being hit. He then started talking all gibberish and gripped his chin before falling to the floor, earning a loud thud from his body.

You look at him as you suppress a giggle. You grab the shoe once more and flung it at him, harder than the first time and successfully nailed him in the stomach.

"Omf!" Mark huffed, "Ow!" He got up and fixed his glasses. You giggle as Mark picks the shoe up and chucks it at you, making you wince and try to knock it away before it slapped against your leg.

You narrow your eyes and picked the shoe back up and chucked it back, throwing harder toward him. He dodges it and it hits the counter and knocks a glass over.

"Oh now look at what you did." Mark points. "You shouldn't've been throwing shoes! And at me!" He holds back a smile as he continues to try and be serious.

Your eyes widen and you quickly apologize. "I'm sorry, but it wasn't exactly all my faults you moved away from-OW!" The shoe collides with the side of your head.

Mark chuckles. "The glass was plastic." He smirks and you give him a look, saying 'asshole', which only made him grin. You pick the shoe up, contemplating if you should throw it again before you decide against it and started cleaning up. "Leave it, ill clean it." You don't listen, you put everything in the Xbox box and sat it aside as Mark turns his recording off.

You wanted to ask why he recorded it, but pushed the question aside as you take your spot back on the couch. You hear Mark walk up the stairs and you hear a door shut. Hm. Well, time for some SpongeBob.

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