Youtube Love (Markiplier x ja...

By MikusoChan

7.3K 312 99

Jacks is a Irish Youtuber with a secret so quiet he doesn't know it himself. Mark is a happy, bubbly Youtuber... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 edited
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Plz for me?
Chapter 16
Can someone explain the awesome?
We hit 2k!!!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
An (so sorry for another!)
Thank you sooo much!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Exteneded chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Oh my god.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Im back
Im back

Chapter 12

193 9 2
By MikusoChan


That's when it hit me. The grey entity that looked like it wanted to rip out my liver and turn it into chow mein, was my brother. It all makes sense.

But... I have to defeat him. That's the only way he can be saved, along with dark. Not kill him, but just, let's just do this.

Marks POV:

shoot, he remembers what happened. I can't do anything now. We just have to fight.


Wilfred's hands filled with pink mist, his moustache seemed to glow enough to illuminate a shadow across his face. He suddenly flew forward at speed. Mark and jack were unaware of the pink dart shooting towards them, but it was too late. Wilfred hit into jack, sending him towards the tiled roof. He crashed. His arms were sliced open and bleeding heavily, making him weak, and he was coughing and spluttering blood from the impact, he coughed and splutterd blood and... A bone? Before he passed out.

Mark was filled with anger and hate. His face shine bright red. A small glow editing from him, getting slowly brighter, and brighter. He shot multiple mist balls at the grey entity's, scolding their skin painfully every time they were hit. Until they were unconscious.

jack awoke. He lay on the tiled roof, suddenly finding the grey skinned entity's, lying lifeless on the floor. He flew over to them, missing the gazes of Wilfred and Mark. He slung them over his shoulders, carrying them into the house.

He lay them both on the table, strapping them down to it. He now just needed to figure out how to get to the heart.

He grabbed a big butchers knife, plunging it into darks chest first. Blood seeped from the new cut on his chest. Jack next got a small EXACTO knife and cut into the muscle layer, exposing the heart. He was bleeding heavily now. Jack managed to get a smouldering match to stop the bleeding. His hands were soaked in blood up to his arms. His confidence had soon slipped into worry as he exposed the heart, head of sweat trickling down his face. He sliced into the heart, revealing the heartstrings. He found the small pink transmitter attached to the heartstrings. He tried to pluck it from the heartstrings, but it wasn't budgeing. He only had one choice. To completely replace the heart.

He summoned fire into his free hand, chanting he words "Vocabo cor ignem , ipse sit immortalis in aeternum manu flammae." A heart of flame appeared in his hand, pure and brightly glowing, small flames danced off it. He now had to attempt this. It was now or never.

He ripped out the heart. Darks body stopped responding, his pulse dropped drastically. He has second to do this. He put the heart into its position. He sewed it up with what he could find. It was only a matter of seconds until he wouldn't respond. The last stitch was placed. Jack released his grip and stood back, hoping this had worked. He checked his pulse. He was alive.

He sutured the wounds, cleaning as he went, and he was back to normal. Dark awoke suddenly.

"Jack?" He said hazily.

"Yeah?" Jack replied

"What did you just do?" He questioned.

"Well, I just saved your life from Wilfred." Jack said triumphantly. He undid his restraints.

"Thank you so much for saving me!" He twirled Jack around in the air as he jumped for joy.

"But, there is one thing I need to warn you about." Jack warned. Dark looked terrified.

"You now own a heart of the flame. You still posses your darkiplier powers, but you have a new heart. You now have the power to heal. And have the power of the flame. But you will never die. You will only die when the world ends." Jack said confidently, staring into the pits of darks eyes.

"Oh." Dark said.

"Now! I need to get Darksepticeye done." Jack washed his hands.

SNAP! DARKSEP broke out of his restraints. He flew over to Jack, pinning him to the wall.

"You are no brother to me." He whispered into jacks ear. He Flew off to join Wilfred.


Mark flew in mid-air, felling triumphant from destroying the grey skinned entity's. Now it was Wilfred's turn to die.

Mark flew towards Wilfred at speed. He punches his jaw, ripping the skin from the punch, leaving it to bleed heavily, but Wilfred was not affected by this. Wilfred flew down. He suddenly darted upright, smashing into mark at speed. He repetitively punched mark in the kidneys as they sped towards the clouds.

Mark was helpless. He could only let himself get beaten.

Wilfred stopped and let mark take a break, letting his limp body fall to the ground.

Mark had a spark. He fell, and opened his wings, soaring gently, avoiding all of Wilfred's attacks. His bones healed miraculously quickly as well as his Bruises. He felt like he could take on Godzilla. He faced Wilfred, creating a large mist ball in his hands. He was about to shoot, he felt powerful, alive, triumphant.

Until he was hit by Darksep.

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